Great Country Academician

Chapter 437 Just Trying to Research It

In Nanjing University, the largest lecture hall in the teaching building is crowded with people.

Although there is still more than half an hour before the real class, the place is already full of people early.

"Fuck, why are there so many people?"

Holding the book, Wang Hai, who dared to attend the class, looked at the crowded classroom and couldn't help swallowing.

He had come over more than half an hour early to grab a seat, but not to mention the seat, the aisle and corridor between the seats was almost full.

Beside him, a roommate holding a book complained, "Is there really so many people in the Mathematics Department of Nantah University?"

"I told you not to listen earlier, it's fine now. Don't bb, hurry up and find a seat, if you are later, there will be no room to sit in the aisle." Another roommate yelled, and walked towards the empty aisle, not bothered. Dirty, just sat down.

Seeing this, the other two roommates trotted over and huddled together.

He meowed, and in the time it took to say a word, several students holding books walked into the classroom. If it was too late, there was really no place to sit in the aisle.

Half an hour is not too long. When these students were discussing whether Xu Chuan would come to teach them in person, Xu Chuan walked into the auditorium with a textbook.

Seeing the expected figure walk up to the podium, the discussions in the classroom became louder and louder, and some people even shouted out accidentally.

"Academician Xu! You're really here!"

Hearing this sentence, Xu Chuan raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Why, don't you welcome me to teach you? Then I'll go?"

As soon as the words came out, the student who yelled out immediately blushed.

Instead, the other students followed suit.

"No no!"

"That's definitely welcome."

"Don't go!"

"love me!"

Hearing these students yelling more and more outrageous, Xu Chuan quickly said, "Hey, well, everyone, be quiet, and get ready for class."

Hearing this, the lecture hall fell silent instantly.

Xu Chuan cleared his throat and said, "The content of today's class is "Line Generation Analysis". It has been previewed long ago. I hope everyone has previewed it and can keep up with my rhythm in class."

"Linear algebra is a branch of algebra, mainly dealing with linear relationship problems. Although it formed an independent branch of mathematics in the 20th century, its history is very long. For example, the famous 'chicken and rabbit in the same cage' problem, in fact It is a simple problem of solving a system of linear equations."

"In the chapter of "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic Equations", an ancient Chinese mathematics work, a relatively complete description has been made. The method described in it is essentially equivalent to the modern method of performing elementary transformations on the rows of the augmented matrix of the equation system, eliminating method of the unknown"

"In the next class, I will break away from some textbooks and tell you how to understand and study this course from the axiomatic method of abstracting specific concepts, rigorous logical deduction, and ingenious induction and synthesis. "

"Of course, because it is separated from the textbook, I hope you can take out your notebooks and take notes when I speak."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid you will be confused when you go back."

Hearing this sentence, those senior students sitting in the classroom who had experienced this class before, even graduate students, swallowed nervously.


Proper pills!

When this teacher taught in the past, he often finished reading half of the book in one class. At that time, it was difficult for them to keep up with the rhythm after previewing.

Right now, she's directly out of the book, proper GG, who will save her!

Xu Chuan didn't care about the expressions on the faces of these students. It was not a problem for him to come to class without the textbook.

With his mathematical ability, he has already surpassed the person who wrote the textbook in hand.

The only thing to pay attention to is that this is a big class, don't go beyond the comprehension of these college students.

And in today's class, he wants to try something else to see if he can bring more help to these students.

Sitting at the end of the lecture theater, Chen Zhengping, director Zhou Hai of the number institute, and vice president Rong Zhizhuan sat together, listening to Xu Chuan's first class after returning in a low-key manner.

Listening to Xu Chuan's lecture, Zhou Hai suddenly felt a little emotional: "As expected of Academician Xu, he has such a deep understanding in the online generation. I never thought that panel clustering and H-matrix can be used to calculate matrix vector."

"Starting from this aspect, the efficiency of solving the corresponding algebraic equations can be greatly improved. In an ordinary university class, you can still hear how to optimize the method of solving linear algebraic equations."

Regarding Zhou Hai's feelings, Chen Zhengping was a little unclear. Therefore, he was not a scholar majoring in mathematics, and he didn't know much about it.

On the other hand, Rong Zhizhuan, who has already been promoted from the dean of the School of Mathematics to the vice president of Nantah University, nodded in agreement and said: "The main difficulty in solving large-scale linear equations lies in the workload. How to reduce the workload is a matter of computational mathematics. One of the biggest problems out there."

"This method, I don't know if he came up with it on the spur of the moment, or it has already been conceived. If it was thought of on the spur of the moment, it would be too scary."

After a pause, he continued: "However, for these students, this path may not be so suitable. Except for some senior students, it may be difficult for other undergraduates to understand this method. What he said is a bit profound. gone."

Zhou Hai shook his head with a smile, and said, "It would be true if you said this abruptly."

"But he gradually progressed from the shallow to the deep. If you listen carefully, even if you don't understand, it can bring them a seed."

"As for whether this seed will take root in the future, I don't know."


"If he can continue to teach in this way for a long time, I can be sure that the glory of NTU's mathematics department will be seen sooner or later."

Rong Zhizhuan smiled and said, "Isn't the Department of Mathematics of Nantah University not brilliant enough now? The winner of the Fields Medal! Two Millennium Problems! Other colleges don't have this honor!"

One class, ninety minutes.

This time, Xu Chuan didn't turn over the textbook much, or in other words, he only covered about one-fifth of the content of a textbook in this class.

However, his temporarily modified teaching method in class obviously inspired many students who attended the class.

Although most of these students may not be able to absorb all the knowledge on the spot in class, as Professor Zhou Hai said, this class planted a seed in their hearts about the field of "linear algebra".

The rest is for these students to absorb knowledge slowly, water and fertilize, so that the seeds will take root and germinate, and grow up slowly.

Sitting in the front row of the classroom, a third-year student who came to occupy a seat nearly two hours in advance, looked at the notebook that had already filled many pages, with a thoughtful expression on his face, wondering what he was thinking. something.

Beside him, another graduate student with Mediterranean hair felt a little emotional: "As expected of Academician Xu, the level of lectures is much better than the professors of our college. No, it should be said that there is no way to compare the two."

Hearing this exclamation, the third-year student sitting next to him came back to his senses. Although he didn't know the man next to him, he still proudly replied: "That's natural. Academician Xu is a Fields Medal winner!"

After a slight pause, he seemed to be answering, and also seemed to be talking to himself: "But I always feel that Academician Xu's teaching method today seems to have changed compared with before."

Hearing this, the graduate student beside him asked curiously, "How was Academician Xu's class like before?"

After thinking for a while, the junior student replied: "A class can cover half of the textbook, turn over dozens of pages or hundreds of pages, spanning several different knowledge points."

"Half a textbook for a class? Boy, is that an exaggeration? I have turned through almost 30 pages today, and I feel a lot." Hearing this, the graduate student was a little confused.

"Why, haven't you heard of it? Judging from your appearance, you should be a graduate student, right? You shouldn't." The junior student asked with a smile.

The graduate student with M-type hair loss shook his head and said, "I'm not from Nantah University, but I came here by subway from Hohai University after hearing the news."

Hearing this, the junior student nodded calmly, not surprised at all.

It's only two stops on the subway, and you can listen to a lecture from this big guy. Is it worth being a yuppie?

Looking at the clock hanging on the wall, Xu Chuan threw the chalk in his hand into the chalk box, glanced at the students in the lecture theater, and said, "That's the end of today's class."

"There are still about ten minutes before the end of get out of class. If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask questions now."

Hearing this, arms in the classroom immediately went up.

Xu Chuan clicked on one at random, and then began to answer doubts. After a while, he answered several questions.

Just at this moment, a girl stood up, her eyes sparkled with excitement, and she asked, "Professor Xu, do you have a girlfriend, and will you find one?"

Hearing this outrageous question, Xu Chuan coughed and said, "This kind of privacy issue is beyond the scope of the answer."

After rejecting the girl's question, he looked at the girl who was sitting down with a strange expression of regret. He didn't look for a girlfriend, did he still look for a boyfriend?

Cough, this kind of thing is scary when you think about it.

After throwing out the thoughts in his mind, Xu Chuan came back to his senses, glanced at the time, and continued: "There is still some time, is there any other students who have problems."

"Professor, I heard that when you were solving NS equations, you suddenly got inspiration in class. I would like to ask if this class has brought you any inspiration."

After talking a lot, he probably realized that he was a bit wordy. The chubby little boy who raised his hand quickly cut off his words and asked the last question.

"Well, most importantly, I want to ask, which millennium problem will you attack next?"

The corner of Xu Chuan's mouth twitched, but he hesitated to speak.

Why do one or two of them think that he will attack the Millennium Problem next?

After thinking about it, he said, "I don't have any ideas for the time being. As for the future, I might try to study the existence and quality gap of Yang-Mills?"

"It is the same as the NS equation, and it is also a difficult problem in the field of mathematical physics. I am very interested in this aspect."

Seeing the gradually excited eyes of the audience, Xu Chuan hastily added:

"Of course, I'm just interested in studying it."

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