Great Country Academician

Chapter 475: Hear the Tao in the morning and die in the evening, that’s all!

With Xu Chuan's departure, the entire lecture hall suddenly became lively.

Everyone was discussing, and the commotion spread from the center to the surroundings like a tide.

At an international mathematics symposium, a world-class physics problem appeared and seemed to be solved. This was the core point of discussion.

Of course, there is also a lot of discussion about Xu Chuan himself.

After all, today's discussion is in the field of mathematics. Compared with whether a physics problem can be solved, the mathematicians present may be more concerned about the degree of gossip.

For example, where does this big man’s mathematical ability rank in the history of mathematics?

Or maybe this boss can solve a few of the seven millennium problems.

Compared with studying a physics problem that you don't understand, these things resonate more with the mathematicians present.

Of course, not everyone is talking about this stuff.

In the front row of the lecture hall, Deligne curiously studied the blackboards on the lecture table, and asked Edward Witten standing next to him with interest: "Do you think he can do it?"

Although he is not very concerned about how the physics community sees whether the problem of strongly correlated electron systems has been solved, he is still quite interested in the simple mathematical formulas written on the blackboard.

Although he couldn't fully understand these formulas, he could feel something different from them.

Seems to be related to another millennium problem.

Of course, his feeling is not necessarily accurate. After all, he has hardly studied the Millennium Problem and it belongs to the category of mathematical physics.

Witten stared at the blackboard for a while, then took a deep breath and said, "Although I am a physicist, I am not good at condensed matter physics."

“Honestly, it would take me a while to fully understand even the things on the blackboard.”

"What about the feeling?"

Witten was silent for a moment, wondering what he was thinking. After a while, he shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Deligne: "???What kind of answer is this?"

Staring at the blackboard on the stage, Edward Witten thought for a moment and said: "Although physics and mathematics complement each other, they are two completely different fields."

"Especially in a field like condensed matter physics, which involves real materials and requires a large number of experiments to demonstrate, it is difficult for me to make a judgment."

After a pause, he continued: "What's more important is that he did not write out all the answers. Although explaining it in terms of dimensions is indeed a feasible way."

"If he had given all the answers and processes, maybe I could still make a judgment. But now, I'm afraid I can only wait for him to sort out his ideas and upload them to the arxiv website."

After saying that, he was silent for a moment, thought for a while, and added: "If you think he can do this, I believe it."

"Even if he can't solve this problem this time, I believe he can solve this trouble in the future."

"After all, he is still so young."

After hearing this, Professor Deligne also remembered something and fell silent.

Today's report meeting was probably the one that impressed him the most in these years.

In the corner of the lecture hall, several students who had come to see the world looked at each other, looking at each other.

"Professor, did you prove it?"

Looking at the instructor who had left the lecture hall, Rong Xinji couldn't help but swallowed and asked.

The other four people looked confused.

These math students know this problem.

After looking at each other for a long time, Yin Shi, the only girl among the students, said cautiously: "Don't worry, the professor said just now that he hasn't solved it yet. It seems he just has an idea."

Another doctoral student, Tong Yang, said: "By the way, what should we do now? Should we go back to the hotel to find the professor, or should we continue to stay here?"

Hearing this question, the other three freshmen also turned their attention to their senior brother and stared at Cai Peng.

Their instructor pretended to be a beta and ran away, but what should they do when it was their first time to participate in such a large seminar?

Being stared at by several junior students, Cai Peng also looked a little unnatural.

It all depends on what he does, and he’s not familiar with it. This is his first time attending such a meeting, (Д*)

After thinking about it, he decided to shoulder the responsibility of senior brother. He coughed and said, "Stay here. It would be good to get in touch with other big guys more."

"As for the professor, I don't think I'll be able to see anyone else in the last few days at least. It's better not to disturb his research."

Not to mention the lecture hall that was in chaos because of Xu Chuan's departure. He walked straight out of the building and now got into Zheng Hai's car, heading towards the Aman Summer Palace Hotel.

Pushing through the hotel room, he went straight to the study and sat at the desk.

That's right, the hotel room provided to him by Shuimu University also has a series of rooms such as a study, bedroom, and living room. It can be said that almost household items can be found in it.

Xu Chuan took out the laptop he carried with him from his backpack, opened the screen, and clicked on the document he had studied some time ago on the problem of strongly correlated electronic systems.

Immediately, he couldn't wait to pull out a stack of A4 paper as manuscript paper from his backpack, and quickly wrote a title on the first page:

[The influence of dimensional space on the properties of strongly correlated electronic systems! 】

Looking at the title presented on the manuscript paper, Xu Chuan's eyes flashed with excitement.

"The impact of dimensions on the properties of strongly correlated electronic systems, and the use of dimensions to establish a unified method for the entire strongly correlated electronic system. Why didn't I think of this before!"

While muttering to himself, he continued to complete the unfinished inspiration in the Shuimu Lecture Hall.

Inspiration often comes at an unexpected time.

Xu Chuan did not expect that a decision he made inadvertently at this International Mathematical Symposium would bring him such a big harvest.

The exchange with his former mentor not only allowed him to completely sort out his understanding of the strong electron correlation system, but also gained new inspiration from one sentence.

The research in physics in the previous life, the expansion in the field of condensed matter, and the mathematics and knowledge learned in this life were perfectly integrated at this moment, opening up a new path.

And during all the time in this process, all the dedication and hard work have been rewarded the most at this moment.

[The impact of dimensional space and correspondence in strongly correlated materials! 】

[. The oscillation and Weber blocking effect caused by the vortex motion of the magnetic flux can form van der Waals heterojunctions between different low-dimensional films, and their physical properties can be controlled through symmetry engineering methods such as twisting and stacking. 】

[Such as the research on the superconductivity of corner double-layer graphene, the strong diamagnetic mechanism of KL-66 material, etc. It is also possible to study novel physical properties of interfaces by stacking thin films with different physical properties, such as the study of superconducting/ferromagnetic heterointerfaces. 】


[The strongly correlated electronic mathematics system born based on dimensional space is theoretically suitable for the K/U0(1) system. That is, it should be systematically adapted to most strong correlation systems! 】

I don't know how many days have passed. When the last sentence and the last symbol fell on the manuscript paper, Xu Chuan's right hand holding the ballpoint pen was trembling slightly, and his eyes flickered with confusion.

If physics is a subject that studies natural laws and logic, mathematics itself is logic.

So at this moment, he is the God who has mastered this logic.

At least, in strongly correlated electron systems it is.

Standing at the most intuitive angle, overlooking the beauty of the whole world, he was extremely intoxicated.

At this moment, he has taken another big step forward from the rules in the universe, from the most authentic logic in the universe.

If one day he can lift all the veils in this universe and see the truth shrouded in fog, then everything in life will be worth it.

Even if you hear the Tao in the morning, you will die in the evening.

His answer is still, yes!

PS: To make up for yesterday’s second chapter, please vote for me.

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