Great Country Academician

Chapter 512 I am the best at naming things!

Regarding Professor Tillman's choice to retire, Xu Chuan just sighed softly and didn't say much.

If he is willing to immigrate here, given his ability, I believe China will directly open a green card, which is the so-called permanent residence permit for foreigners.

After all, Professor Tillman's ability can be said to be among the top few in the stellarator.

He has studied stellarators all his life. Whether it is the Helix-7X or the WEGA stellarator, he has been involved. It can even be said that no one is more familiar with stellarators than him.

If you can really attract this kind of talent, you will definitely make money.

But just as he was unwilling to stay in the United States in his previous life, not everyone can accept immigration.

After letting go of the entanglement of the stellarator, or getting the answer, Professor Tillman became much more cheerful.

In the coffee shop, he and Xu Chuan chatted for a long time.

From controllable nuclear fusion to particle physics, to high-energy physics and astrophysics, and even some biology, chemistry and other fields are involved.

Although this old professor has devoted his whole life to stellarators and Helix-7X, he is after all a talented person working at the Planck Institute, and his knowledge can be quite broad.

Xu Chuan also had a great time chatting. To be honest, it was rare for him to meet such an awesome person who could understand him in all aspects and chat with him.

After seeing off Professor Tillman Lunt, Xu Chuan also returned to the villa at the foot of Purple Mountain.

The Helix-7X is already being dismantled, but it will take some time to ship it over.

Originally, this kind of large-scale scientific research equipment should have been transported by sea, and it would have taken at least half a month or even longer to arrive in China.

However, for the sake of timeliness, the above communicated with Ulan's aviation department and borrowed the world's largest aircraft AN-225 to transport the Spiral Stone-7X.

Therefore, its arrival time will be much earlier than he expected. In about ten days, the Spiral Stone-7X will be transported to the Xinghai Research Institute.

At the same time, Western Superconducting Materials Technology Co., Ltd. has also successfully found a method for mass production of improved superconducting materials, and is currently expediting production according to the data provided by the Planck Institute of Plasma Research.

Everything went very smoothly, and Xu Chuan also took advantage of this relatively leisure time to study the unified theory of strong electricity while reading a book.

This was also the work that he had not completed in his previous life. He only completed part of it and was sent back twenty years ago by a plane crash.

However, he does have enough time in this life to complete this theory, and he may even have the opportunity to touch the real grand unified theory.

That is, the ultimate grand unified theory of physics that unifies the four forces of gravity, strong interaction, weak interaction, and electromagnetic force.

Of course, this so-called ultimate theory was established by physicists of the last century based on their knowledge.

Now, with the discovery of sterile neutrinos, the probability that dark matter, dark energy, and other things beyond the standard model are recognized as real exists has exceeded 99.99%.

At least most physicists now agree that there are things in the universe that humans cannot currently observe.

Such as dark matter and dark energy.

Therefore, in the future, how to unify dark matter, dark energy and conventional matter will inevitably be a new issue beyond the grand unified theory of the four forces.

Of course, apart from dark matter and dark energy, whether there are other unknown substances and energies is also a question that the current physics community cannot know.

But for now, the observation of dark matter and dark energy is enough for mankind to continue struggling for a century or even longer.

Not to mention unifying dark matter, dark energy, and regular matter.

The days passed like this, and in mid-to-late April, Xu Chuan received news from the Xinghai Research Institute.

Spiral Stone-7X, arrived.

After receiving the message, Xu Chuan put down the paper in his hand and quickly rushed to Xinghai Research Institute.

At the entrance of the base at the foot of Qixia Mountain, several oversized heavy-duty trucks were queuing up and parked on the roadside, waiting to enter the site.

In the core park of the base, with the assistance of on-site construction personnel and lifting equipment from the Nuclear Industry Group, unloading work is being carried out carefully.

Wearing a safety helmet and standing on the roadside, looking at the Spiral Stone-7X being disassembled into various parts, Liang Qu, who was directing the unloading, suddenly noticed Xu Chuan's arrival.

"Academician Xu, you are here." Liang Qu nodded in greeting and continued to direct the workers.

Xu Chuan didn't care. He looked at the Helix-7X parts and equipment being lifted by the lifting equipment and transported into the core laboratory and asked: "How is the situation?"

Liang Qu: "The Planck Institute of Plasma Research has arranged for a group of technicians to come over and provide guidance. Currently, all the equipment is in place. According to estimates, it will take at least more than two months to complete the overall installation and debugging. .”

This time is much longer than the original assembly of the ASDEX fusion device.

The original ASDEX device took only one month to complete the assembly and debugging after working overtime on the project, while the Helix-7X required two months, almost double that time.

Of course, this is normal, after all, the structure of the stellarator is more complex than the tokamak device.

When the ohmic transformer is abandoned to start the plasma current in the chamber and the magnetic field generated by the external conductor current is completely relied on to constrain the ultra-high temperature plasma in the chamber, it is already destined to be more difficult to engineer than the tokamak device. Harder.

Fortunately, Xinghai Research Institute and the Nuclear Industry Group have experienced engineers, and domestic manufacturers also have rich processing experience in the field of magnetic confinement after experiencing the manufacturing of parts for the Dawn Fusion Reactor. At least they don’t have to worry about miniaturization. The stellarator device cannot be manufactured.

Xu Chuan nodded and didn't care about the time.

After all, this is the way to go.

Narrowing his eyes and looking at the parts that were lifted and sent to the core laboratory, he said: "There is no need to assemble the control coils and first wall materials in the outer field. Leave them empty first. These two are produced by ourselves." .”

Liang Qu nodded and said: "Well, no problem. I will track the production progress of these two parts when the time comes and try to cooperate to complete it together."

After a slight pause, he suddenly remembered something, and then said: "By the way, there is one more thing. After Spiral Stone-7X is delivered, according to regulations, we will change it to our own name."

"After all, we can't always call the project Spiral Stone-7X in the future. This is illegal."

"So, Academician Xu, let's take a look, what kind of name should it be given?"

Because this matter was directly intervened by the old man and was not the equipment purchased by Xinghai Research Institute through communication, Xinghai Research Institute had not yet had time to rename the Spiral Stone-7X.

According to the normal process, after the Spiral Stone-7X is officially transported to Xinghai Research Institute, it needs to change its name.

Of course, the main reason why this matter has been delayed until now is because the person in charge, Xu Chuan, has never been around.

He doesn't want to have a name, and he wouldn't dare to change his name without giving the people below him a hundred courages.

Hearing this question, Xu Chuan thought for a while and said: "Let's call it 'Hua Xing'. It is not only China's star-like device, but also China's star of hope towards the sea of ​​stars."

"Hua Xing, Hua Xing" Liang Qu muttered a few words and said with a smile: "What a good name. It seems that the rumors that you don't know how to choose a name are completely wrong. Academician Xu is also a person who knows how to choose a name. It has connotation. Significant."

Xu Chuan coughed slightly, smiled and said, "Of course, I'm the best at naming things."

PS: There will be another chapter later. Please save your monthly tickets for now. I suddenly remembered that there are double tickets this month! (ω)

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