Great Country Academician

Monthly tickets can be exchanged for extra updates!

Guys, we are 280 votes short, please give me your monthly votes!

Yawei is working hard on coding, hoping to get 6,000 monthly tickets this month!

Refresh your personal monthly ticket record! Please ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

Starting from tomorrow next month, monthly tickets will be updated! No more asking for free! Eight-tailed labor!

1,000 monthly tickets will be used to draw a prize, and every additional 1,800 tickets will give you one more prize! (Add it the next day when it reaches an integer! Although non-chiefs like the eight-tailed ones always have a guarantee of 100 yuan╮(╯-╰)╭)

Another: Try to finish the 9 chapters that you owe the leader during this holiday!

Not to mention, the eight-tailed code words are here, and there will be more updates tonight!

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