Great Country Academician

Chapter 540 The first hurdle of miniaturized and controllable nuclear fusion

The International Conference on High Energy Physics came to a successful conclusion. Xu Chuan returned to Jinling after seeing off some acquaintances and friends.

In the next few days, he basically traveled between Nanda, his villa at the foot of Purple Mountain, and Xinghai Research Institute.

What is gratifying is that both the 'improved' high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting material he previously handed over to Western Superconducting Group Co., Ltd. for production, and the assembly and debugging of Huaxing's stellarator, have made gratifying progress. .

The former has successfully achieved industrial production, and the first batch of outer superconducting coils used to transform the Huaxing fusion device are under accelerated production.

As for the latter, thanks to the overtime efforts of researchers and engineers from the Xinghai Research Institute and the Nuclear Industry Group, as well as the working team at the Planck Plasma Institute, the assembly work is nearing completion.

I have to say, money can really make a difference.

With the blessing of money, those Germans who used to commute to get off work normally also got involved.

It was originally expected to take about two months to complete the assembly and debugging work, but now it seems that it can be shortened to almost half a month. It is expected that in about ten days, the Huaxing fusion device will be able to start the first experiment.

All I can say is that it’s not that others don’t want to work overtime, but that you don’t give them enough.

After learning about these work conditions, Xu Chuan also adjusted his work arrangements.

Considering that he might go to Xinghai Research Institute to conduct research work more frequently in the future, he asked NTU to increase his courses there so that he could complete more teaching work in more time.

For NTU students, this is both a happy and painful thing.

Fortunately, I can have more time to listen to Xu Chuan's courses and learn more knowledge. The painful thing is that in this case, almost no one can keep up with the course without breaking out.

In fact, even if they are very enthusiastic, not many people in the entire mathematics department of NTU can keep up with the course progress.

Even in recent years, because of his presence, NTU's mathematics department has been expanding, and the quality of the students it recruits is much better than before. Even many IMO geniuses have chosen NTU, but the gap between the two sides is still too big after all.

So the whole process feels like a spoon-fed education. I don’t care whether it’s useful or not, but I’ll put it all into your head.

Of course, Xu Chuan’s teaching quality and ability cannot be compared to cramming education.

The first week of June has just passed, and good news came from Xinghai Research Institute.

With the cooperation between the research institute and the nuclear industry group working overtime,

The spiral stone 7-X purchased from the Planck Institute of Plasma Research should be said to be the Huaxing stellarator fusion device. The assembly is complete!

After receiving the news, Xu Chuan rushed to the institute as soon as possible.

At the core laboratory site, all construction equipment such as gantry and scaffolding have been dismantled and left, and the assembled Huaxing fusion device is lying quietly on the ground.

"How's the situation?"

In the vast core laboratory, Liang Qu, the head of the Energy Research Institute, wearing a safety helmet, was directing the final inspection work on site. Xu Chuan stepped forward and asked with a smile.

Regarding the assembly and commissioning of the Huaxing fusion device, in addition to focusing on some projects, it can be said that he was almost in a hands-off state throughout the process.

On the one hand, this is a good opportunity to cooperate with talents in the field of controllable nuclear fusion, and on the other hand, he does have some things of his own to be busy with.

Hearing the voice, Liang Qu quickly turned around and greeted respectfully: "Academician Xu."

Xu Chuan smiled, looked at the Huaxing Fusion Device in the center of the laboratory, and said, "The speed is much faster than previously estimated. How is the assembly and debugging result?"

Liang Qu quickly replied: "The assembly has been completed, and the final inspection work is currently underway. It is expected that it will take about two days to complete the overall debugging and inspection."

"What about other aspects?" Xu Chuan nodded and asked.

The start of the experiment of the controllable nuclear fusion device requires not only the completion of the main body of the fusion reactor, but also supporting work in various aspects such as numerical control models, supercomputing centers, and external power supplies.

"The numerical control model of plasma turbulence has been modified and debugged. According to the information provided by the Planck Institute of Plasma, the simulation has been completed on a supercomputer, and the results have performed well."

"The supercomputing center and other configurations are ready, and we are just waiting for the Huaxing Fusion Device to start experiments."

Xu Chuan nodded and said with a smile, "Thank you for your hard work."

With a smile on his face and looking at the assembled fusion device, Liang Qu smiled from the bottom of his heart and replied: "Everything is worth it."

In terms of hard work, for more than a month, it has been really hard for him and other researchers or engineers. They have been eating, drinking and eating in the laboratory for a month, and many people have even slept directly in the laboratory. Inside the laboratory.

But watching the country's first stellarator device take shape in my own hands, all the hard work and efforts were worth it.

After chatting for a while, looking at the still huge fusion reactor in the venue, Xu Chuan remembered something and asked: "By the way, how is the miniaturized independent production of stellarator going?"

The Huaxing fusion reactor in front of me was transformed from the Spiral Stone-7X. Although it is an entire order of magnitude smaller than the Daybreak fusion device, the diameter has been reduced to less than ten meters, and the height is only less than 3.5 meters.

When placed in a tokamak device, this volume can be said to be a compact fusion reactor.

If it can be accommodated on a ship with a length and width of hundreds of meters like an aircraft carrier, then the space shuttle cannot fit in it anyway.

If you want to put a fusion device into a space shuttle to provide energy for it, its size must be reduced by at least one order of magnitude.

Therefore, after reaching a deal with the Planck Institute of Plasma Research, domestic manufacturers capable of producing fusion reactors passed the Xinghai Research Institute's bidding at a very high speed and obtained the production data of the stellarator from them. According to the standard Use the data to produce miniaturized stellarators.

For more than two months, Xu Chuan has not paid much attention to this aspect, and he is not very clear about the progress in this area.

When Xu Chuan asked about this, Liang Qu shook his head and replied: "The manufacturing of stellarators is very difficult, especially the manufacturing of external field coils and magnet windings, which requires very high precision, even though there are abundant resources in Western Superconducting experience, I’m afraid it won’t be something that can be prepared in a short while.”

In fact, when Western Superconducting Group received this order, everyone was numb from top to bottom.

He still remembers the frown on the face of the vice president of the Western Superconducting Group who was responsible for connecting with the Xinghai Research Institute when he heard that the relevant parts needed to be produced within half a year.

If it weren't for having no choice, Western Superconducting Group really wouldn't want to do this business.

Not to mention it’s extremely difficult, and time is extremely tight.

Even if the Planck Institute of Plasma provides the most direct preparation data and related requirements for Helixite 7x, even if they have provided superconducting coils for Daybreak before and have rich experience in processing, they still have to do it in a short time. The matching magnet windings and external field constraint coils were produced within half a year, which was still extremely difficult.

Hearing the news, Xu Chuan was not too surprised.

Compared with tokamak devices, the production of spare parts for stellarators is particularly difficult.

Especially the twists and turns, the complex geometric shape of the magnet windings and the external field constraint coil, it is a headache to think about precision manufacturing.

When the Planck Institute for Plasma Research originally manufactured the Helix-7X, it took more than three years to design and manufacture the external field coils and magnet windings of the Helix-7X.

Although there are design and adjustment factors involved, it also reflects how difficult it is to prepare a stellarator in engineering.

However, since the stellarator has been chosen as the basis for miniaturized controllable nuclear fusion, engineering problems are destined to be the first hurdle.

I just hope that Western Superconductor can be more helpful.

If it takes too long, his research will also be delayed.

Although the urgency of miniaturized controllable nuclear fusion technology is far less than that of the original controllable nuclear fusion, to be honest, Xu Chuan does not want to delay this research for too long.

Especially after he had solved the problem of improved superconducting materials, it was difficult for him to accept that the research time would be lengthened due to other reasons.

While they were chatting, Liang Qu's assistant walked over quickly.

"Dean Liang, Vice President Wang from the Western Superconducting Group is here. Regarding the production of superconducting coils for stellarators, he has something to ask you. The production schedule of the field coils has changed, and the delivery time may need to be postponed. "

Upon hearing the news, Liang Qu frowned slightly and asked, "What's going on?"

The assistant quickly said: "According to Mr. Wang's opinion, it is related to the defective rate of finished products. It seems that the defective rate of the parts produced is too high, which has caused the production progress to be slowed down a lot."

Hearing this, Liang Qu frowned, glanced at the Huaxing fusion device that was undergoing inspection, and said, "Let him wait first. I will go over after directing the inspection work."

It is impossible for him to put down his work and run to do other things.

"Okay." The assistant nodded, turned around and was about to leave when he was stopped by Xu Chuan.

"Wait a minute." Calling the reporting assistant, Xu Chuan looked at Liang Qu and said, "Well, you continue to direct the work, and I will go over and take a look at the situation."

Liang Qu thought for a moment and nodded: "Then I'll trouble you, Academician Xu."

This should be his job, but now he can only trouble his immediate boss to do it.

Xu Chuan waved his hand and quickly followed the assistant to the office.

Xinghai Research Institute is originally under his leadership, and there is no need to worry about any troubles in the assigned work.

PS: Completing yesterday’s second chapter, please vote for me

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