Great Country Academician

Chapter 630 Entering orbit! (Update 410 for alliance leader Xingyan)

Chapter 633: Entering orbit! (Update 410 for alliance leader Xingyan)

With the adjustment of the intelligent flight control system, the Xinghai's flight mode has been switched.

The Xinghai, which changed its flight attitude, was like a sharp arrow heading toward the deeper space.

After confirming that the flight mode switch was smooth and that the Xinghai was working normally, Xu Chuan felt relieved and looked at the monitoring screen.

The radars and shooting devices deployed everywhere on the Xinghai have clearly recorded the scenery dozens of kilometers high.

In the images returned from the shooting, no ground buildings can be seen, only stretches of white clouds and a patch of blue.

At this moment, at the feet of the Xinghai, the blue planet has shown an arc edge. Beyond the edge, there is the deep and boundless universe.

And directly in front of the Xinghai, a sun completely different from what is seen on the surface of the earth appears before everyone's eyes. It is white and bright, and the light it emits is scattered on the boundary of the earth like a prism, which is dazzling and charming.

This is the tipping point, the height close to the top of the stratosphere.

Further up, the density of the atmosphere drops to a much lower value.

At this time, the air could no longer provide enough working fluid, and Xinghai could no longer provide upward power through its wings.

Therefore, it needs to switch its flight attitude and flight mode, and continue to move toward outer space by carrying more efficient propulsion medium and increasing engine thrust to resist gravity.

Looking at the videos and images transmitted back by the Xinghai, Xu Chuan watched them intently.

Standing next to Xu Chuan, Academician Chang Huaxiang also murmured to himself: "It's so beautiful."

Although I was not standing in that high sky in person, the images transmitted back from the first-person perspective witnessed a magnificent miracle.

The stretches of white clouds and azure ocean, shining under the bright stars, are so beautiful.

Nothing is more shocking.

Looking at the increasingly obvious blue planet, Xu Chuan sighed softly: "Yes~, it's like a magical dream world. I must go up there and see it myself next time."

As a scholar, as a physicist standing at the top of the world, probably nothing attracts him more than the vastness of the universe.

One of the unfulfilled dreams in my previous life was to step into the Milky Way and see the breathtakingly beautiful sea of ​​stars.

In this life, the Xinghai has been successfully completed in his hands, and will also take him to see the blue earth, the distant sea of ​​stars and the future.

On the side, Academician Chang Huaxiang came to his senses and turned to look at Xu Chuan standing next to him, with a strange expression on his face.

Does he want to go up? is it possible?

Probably, it seems, it should be impossible, right?

At least the higher-ups are unlikely to let this person take risks, at least not until the technology is fully mature.

From the surface of the earth to outer space, even to the lowest low-Earth orbit, it is a long distance.

For the entire Earth, the closer to the core, the denser the constituent materials. The atmosphere is part of the earth and naturally follows this law.

Of course, if compared with the solid part of the earth, the density of the atmosphere is much smaller than the solid part of the earth.

In the history of scientific development, the current scientific community roughly divides the atmosphere into these five parts based on the distance from the surface to the earth: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, warm layer, and escape layer.

The troposphere is the part of the atmosphere closest to the Earth's surface. It exists between 8 kilometers and 15 kilometers above the ground, while the stratosphere is above the troposphere, within a range of approximately 15 kilometers to 50 kilometers above the Earth's surface.

The most abundant thing in the stratosphere is ozone gas, which forms a thick "barrier" that is closely related to life on the surface. Without this "barrier", the earth's temperature will rise sharply, ultraviolet radiation will increase, life will gradually die, and the earth will be uninhabitable.

From the stratosphere (50 kilometers) to the height of 85 kilometers is the mesosphere, where the climate is very cold and the air is extremely thin.

The Xinghai, which is constantly accelerating upward, has climbed through the middle layer in a short period of time. After walking another 15 kilometers and reaching more than 100 kilometers, it has reached the internationally defined low-Earth orbit.

There is no generally accepted strict definition of low-Earth orbit. Generally, nearly circular orbits with orbital altitudes below 2,000 kilometers can be called low-Earth orbits.

Of course, the algorithm for low-Earth orbits above 100 kilometers is relatively general and basically follows the default algorithm of each country for the altitude of its national airspace.

If calculated based on the altitude at which a spacecraft orbiting the earth without power will not fall down "immediately", the lowest altitude in low-Earth orbit is 160 kilometers.

The distance of four hundred kilometers does not sound very far. On the ground, the high-speed train can reach it in more than an hour.

But in space activities that defy gravity, it is a quite long distance.

Of course, over time, there will still be a thin atmosphere at this altitude, and it will also be affected by the earth's gravity, but unpowered spacecraft can maintain operation at this altitude for a long time.

Therefore, most of the time in the aerospace industry, the altitude of 160 kilometers is regarded as the lowest low-Earth orbit.

This time, the altitude of Xinghai's test flight was about 400 kilometers.

This altitude is the altitude where spacecraft such as conventional low-Earth orbit satellites and the International Space Station are most active. Here, Xinghai will stay for 24 hours to complete a series of its own inspections and tests, as well as conduct some aerospace experiments.

As time goes by, Xinghai continues to climb upward, one hundred kilometers, one hundred sixty kilometers, three hundred kilometers.

Every report made the faces of the people in the control center grow even more joyful.

As the altitude climbs, the output power of the fusion reactor and aerospace engine gradually decreases. In outer space hundreds of kilometers away, gravity and air resistance are already quite weak.

Finally, after a short but long waiting time, a crisp report once again aroused everyone's cheers.

[Successful entry into orbit! Xinghai has arrived at its target location! 】

During the long voyage, after a full five hours, the Xinghai finally reached its scheduled orbit.

In the space base, the loud national anthem was played at this moment. Whether it was the scientific researchers in charge of the space control center or the soldiers patrolling and guarding outside, at this moment, everyone felt a strong sense of pride and pride!

Today, they achieved unprecedented results!

Xinghai! It successfully carries everyone’s dreams, carries mankind’s vision of space, and sails into the vast deep space.

This is their honor and the brilliance of the motherland.

PS: I used the new illustration function for the first time, what do you think?

Also: Please give me a monthly pass during the double period, the eight tails are so cute for everyone ο(=ω<=)ρ⌒☆

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