Great Country Academician

Chapter 717 The interstellar era belonging to China!

Xinghai Research Institute.

In a quiet office in the southwest corner of the Aerospace Research Institute, Academician Chang Huaxiang, who serves as the technical director of aerospace engineering, is arranging and handling the aerospace work at hand.

At this moment, the office door was knocked twice, and a young figure opened the door and walked in.

"Hey, rare guest, why are you here?"

Academician Chang Huaxiang looked up when he heard the noise. He was stunned for a moment and then put a smile on his face.

After asking with a smile, he put down his pen and stood up and walked towards the cabinet, took out a box of tea leaves and prepared to make tea.

For the Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Xu Chuan is really a "rare guest". Apart from the fact that he appeared more often during the Xinghai manned space flight and moon landing, he is rarely seen at other times.

On the one hand, Xinghai Research Institute itself has four major research institutes, and the persons in charge of each can basically handle the work within the institute, unless those matters that involve the entire institute or are major will be reported.

On the other hand, Xu Chuan's own research center is not in the field of aerospace. Mathematics and physics are his main research directions.

Xu Chuan smiled, sat on the sofa and watched Academician Chang Huaxiang make tea, and said, "I have something to discuss with you, Academician Chang."

Hearing this, Chang Huaxiang looked back in surprise and asked curiously: "Oh, what's wrong?"

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "How is the research on our second-generation space shuttle going?"

Chang Huaxiang replied without hesitation: "The progress is very good. At present, the design drawing of the second-generation space shuttle has been completed as a whole, and some details are still being adjusted."

"In addition, parts and equipment capable of modular production are already being manufactured. A brand-new assembly factory has been established at the Xiashu Aerospace Base and is being adjusted."

In the office, Chang Huaxiang quickly reported on the development status of the second-generation space shuttle.

As the technical director of aerospace engineering, his tasks are very heavy.

Whether it is the current space planning, the development of the lunar base, or even the design and manufacturing of the second-generation space shuttle, they all fall on his head.

Even with the assistance of Weng Yunzong and Wen Yuanhang, the work task is still quite heavy.

But in this case, it is no longer responsible and praiseworthy to be able to remember the development of the second-generation space shuttle so clearly.

Xu Chuan nodded. In three or four months, the development progress of the second-generation space shuttle has been quite fast at this stage.

However, for the current situation, water from afar cannot quench the thirst for nearness.

After thinking for a while, Xu Chuan said: "That's it, Academician Chang, weren't we preparing to build a second space shuttle before? Later, due to the optimization work of the second-generation space shuttle, it was temporarily suspended. I plan to restart it now."

"Restart the manufacturing of a new generation of space shuttles?" Chang Huaxiang asked.


Xu Chuan nodded and said: "Academician Chang should also be familiar with the situation of 'space travel'. At present, our space transportation capacity is completely insufficient and can only meet the needs of scientific research or 'space travel'."

"But the current space travel business is a nascent industry. If we can gain a firm foothold in this area and expand our business volume, the Institute of Aerospace Research in the future will not only be responsible for its own profits and losses and scientific research funds, but may even be able to provide funding for the institute in the future. .”

At the current Aerospace Research Institute, all R\u0026D and engineering funds come from allocations from the Xinghai Research Institute.

The funding of Xinghai Research Institute mainly comes from three aspects: state appropriation + national project funds + self-operation.

The first two currently account for the majority, but the nature of Xinghai Research Institute is very special. It is not a state-owned enterprise, and the final funds must be self-operated after all.

The business of space travel is currently aimed at the top group of wealthy people. If we can monopolize them, it will undoubtedly bring huge income to the aerospace research institute.

Chang Huaxiang thought for a moment, frowned slightly and said, "It's possible, but doing so will inevitably affect the development, design and manufacturing of the second-generation space shuttle."

"From my estimation, the appearance of the second-generation machine may be delayed by about half a year."

After a pause, perhaps because he was worried that Xu Chuan thought this time was too long, he added: "After all, the only production line in China that can assemble and manufacture space shuttles is the Xia Shu Space Base."

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Half a year is not a long time. Waiting for half a year can bring us more than one billion meters of gold, so we can definitely wait."

"Second Generation Machine"

Sighing, he continued: "If it doesn't work, then let it go first."

There is no other way. They say that the mother is the one who has breasts, and it is the same in the scientific research world. The father is the one who has money.

Although I feel sad that the research and development of second-generation aircraft has been stretched, but. . . .

More than a billion meters of gold, it’s more fragrant

After discussing the matter of restarting the assembly of the first-generation machine, Xu Chuan continued: "By the way, Academician Chang, there is another thing about NASA."

"NASA?" Chang Huaxiang was stunned for a moment and asked curiously: "What's the matter?"

Xu Chuan briefly explained NASA's request for help, and then asked with a smile: "If I remember correctly, there seems to be a prohibition agreement called the "Wolf Clause" in the United States, right?"

Chang Huaxiang nodded and said: "Indeed, in 2011, the "Wolf Clause" was passed there, restricting NASA's contact with our aerospace field. Of course, it mainly restricted satellite technology, national defense, etc. cooperation.”

Xu Chuan said with a smile: "Then this is interesting. If the United States has clearly stipulated this aspect through laws, what exactly does NASA mean this time?"

Academician Chang Huaxiang thought for a moment and said with a slightly suspicious tone: "Are you here for our Xinghai? Want to study the small fusion reactor and aerospace engine on it?"

There are many things on the Xinghai that are worth worrying about for the Americans, but these are the only two things that are worthy of NASA breaking the Wolfe Clause.

Xu Chuan thought for a moment and said, "Is it possible that it could be more serious?"

Chang Huaxiang was stunned for a moment: "Is it more serious?"

Xu Chuan nodded and uttered two words: "Hijacking."

"Hijacking?" Academician Chang Huaxiang opened his mouth wide, looked at Xu Chuan blankly, and said in surprise: "This shouldn't be possible, right?"

Xu Chuan shook his head and said: "For the United States, there is no problem in lowering the limit of speculation. NASA risked breaking the Wolf Clause to cooperate with us, and I think what he wants may not be simply to go to the Star Ocean. Take a look at the number."

"If we were to seize control of the Xinghai during the spaceflight process and drive it back to the United States, how likely is it, Academician Chang?"

Hearing this, Chang Huaxiang immediately fell into deep thought.

Theoretically speaking, hijacking is indeed not impossible.

If no one has thought of this, during the cooperative spaceflight process, riots by NASA engineers or pre-arranged staff may indeed pose a threat to the astronauts and staff on the space shuttle.

But normally, this possibility is really unlikely, very, very small.

After all, they are not vegetarians. Before cooperating to perform tasks, they will 100% conduct comprehensive inspections of personnel, equipment, and equipment.

With such preparations, if they let the other party hijack the plane, it can only show that they are useless.

After thinking for a while, Chang Huaxiang looked up at Xu Chuan and said: "Theoretically, a hijacking is indeed possible, but the probability is not very high. Especially now that we have made assumptions in advance and are well prepared. In the end, the chance of it happening is almost non-existent, it’s basically impossible.”

After a slight pause, he continued: "If you are worried about this kind of thing happening, I think it would be better for us to refuse NASA's cooperation."

After thinking for a while, Academician Chang Huaxiang gave a sound suggestion.

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "No, no need, I think it is necessary to continue this cooperation."

"NASA broke the Wolf Clause this time, which is a good thing for us. So this cooperation is very important to me and to the country."

"As for the hijacking, if NASA comes with this idea, it is enough for us to be prepared. When negotiating terms, try to reduce the number of boarding personnel on the other side."

Even if NASA and the United States wanted to do something like hijacking a plane, it would be useless without enough manpower.

Controlling this kind of thing is enough.

But instead, it was important for them to break the Wolf Clause.

This is not to say that the Wolf Clause is important. In fact, the Wolf Clause is not important to them, and it cannot restrict China's technological development in the aerospace field.

For example, the Long March series, Chang'e lunar exploration, Zhurong fire exploration, and Xinghai manned lunar landing were all developed under the Wolf Clause.

What matters is not the Wolf Clause, but the international influence and power of the US government.

Developing technology is only one aspect of aerospace, but if they want to take the lead in the aerospace field, dismantling their opponents' influence and power around the world is one of the most important and critical things.

And there is no better way than to dismantle others from within.

The interstellar era must belong to China!

After handling the work in the aerospace field, Xu Chuan transferred his work from Xinghai Research Institute back to NTU and focused on reconstructing core theories for chemical calculation material models.

I have to say that the efficiency of these two students, Ding Rui and Gu Bing, is quite high.

Even though there was a large mathematics report that delayed a lot of time, the preliminary preparations assigned by Xu Chuan were still properly completed within a week.

With the help of the two of them, Xu Chuan's tasks such as the collection and organization of literature reviews became much easier.

In the office, the three of them were sitting together, sorting out the papers and some experimental data collected during this period.

"Professor, this article is about the model theory of the Gouy-Chapman-Stern electrochemical structure interface. Can you tell me about the electrode reaction model of coupled homogeneous chemical reactions?"

Sitting next to Xu Chuan, after picking out a paper from the preliminary information, he turned to Xu Chuan and asked.

Since graduation, it has been four or five years since he sat in the same office with Xu Chuan and worked like he does now.

The current scene made him unable to help but immerse himself in his original study time. It was very hard and tiring at the time, but very satisfying.

His talent is not as good as that of junior sister Amelia, and he is not as good as his mentor Xu Chuan. It takes him longer to understand the knowledge points that are often taught, and he can only spend longer than others sitting in the office. Learning also requires asking more questions to gain the same amount of knowledge.

However, his thirst for knowledge never stopped.

Xu Chuan turned his head and glanced, and explained casually: "The core of the electrode reaction coupled with the homogeneous chemical reaction lies in the generation and transfer of free radical ions."

"Whether it is an EE reaction or an EC reaction, including the extended ECEC, EC2, etc., they are all completed based on ion rearrangement."

“You only need to understand that adding electrons to the antibonding orbitals or gaining electrons to the bonding orbitals will reduce the bond energy, and chemical bonds are easily broken and rearranged, resulting in a chemical process. Based on this, you can establish the core mathematical formula. "

"In addition, the characteristic time of the electron transfer process can often be controlled by the scanning speed, and you can use this as a core variable for calculation."

Xu Chuan briefly explained the processing of the electrode reaction model of coupled homogeneous chemical reactions. Gu Bing quickly put down the paper in his hand, took out a small sticky note from his pocket, and recorded the relevant knowledge points. .

Ding Rui, sitting next to the two of them, flipping through the literature and looking at the information, suddenly asked: "Professor, if I remember correctly, the model you built for the Materials Research Institute is already quite complete, right?" ?Why are you thinking about sudden reconstruction?"

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Because it's not suitable anymore."

"Isn't it appropriate?" Ding Rui looked over in surprise, a little confused.

He studied functional analysis, so he was naturally exposed to things like mathematical models.

He knew the chemical material calculation model of Sichuan Hai Institute of Materials. After all, the ‘monoclinic gamma sulfur’ that made a big fuss some time ago has something to do with it.

The mathematical model that can calculate the stability of the 'monoclinic gamma phase sulfur' material is already at the ceiling level in his opinion, but Xu Chuan still said that it is not suitable.

Xu Chuan smiled and nodded, saying: "Yes. In fact, to a certain extent, the model I designed before is quite excellent, because it can simulate and calculate the reaction process through mathematics. This is a materials science model on the market. Most jobs that can’t be done.”

"However, as time goes by, the experimental data and computing power required for the underlying logic are getting larger and larger, and the current computer system can no longer support it, so it is no longer suitable."

After a pause, he looked at Ding Rui and said with a smile: "Sometimes, the difficulty is not the peak, but when you reach the peak, give up your current achievements and start over."

“But if you want to go further, then learning to give up at the right time and find a new path is the real choice.”

"Learn to give up at the right time and choose a new path"

With this sentence echoing repeatedly in his mind, Ding Rui nodded thoughtfully while looking at the paper in his hand.

Perhaps it may be difficult for him to understand now, but in the future this sentence will affect his life.

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