Great Country Academician

Chapter 730 The dissipated space hegemony

Time passed by minute by minute.

Before I knew it, more than an hour had passed.

However, immersed in the exquisiteness of those lines, Xu Chuan did not realize how much time had passed.

He originally thought that this problem was not difficult, but as the analysis deepened, the road was more twists and turns than he imagined.

However, partial differential equations are one of his strongest areas. It is not difficult for him to solve the discontinuous solution problem of nonlinear partial differential equations with high precision!

In this way, he stayed in front of the blackboard for nearly three hours. The calculations on the blackboard were erased and written again. He wrote and erased countless times until his raised right hand became sore and painful. Xu Chuan finally stopped. took the pen out of his hand.

His eyes fell on the blackboard that was once again filled with calculations. There was a trace of aftertaste and thinking in his eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The marker in his hand fell down on the blackboard again, and the last line of mathematical formulas was roughly etched on it and etched in his mind.

【Wn+1 Wn(△t)= 2λWnλWn+1λ(Wn)^α1Wn+1】

That is, when the denominator function (△t) satisfies the formula, it can be obtained that when 0

The high-precision format of numerical solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations still contains high-precision information, which can be described by the shrinkage of nonlinear solution operators!

For the problem of "high-precision format for discontinuous solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations", it already has at least one high-precision format that can be extended to the meaning of "global error"!

Looking at the calculations covering the two-sided moving blackboard, Xu Chuan breathed a long sigh of relief and returned the marker in his hand to the pen basket with satisfaction.

Turning around, he looked at the students standing behind him, smiled lightly and said, "Do you understand?"

Upon hearing Xu Chuan's inquiry, several students looked dull and almost went stupid.

Do they understand?

I understand a sack!

This is a world-class mathematical problem, probably no less difficult than the Mersenne prime conjecture. It has been around for almost a hundred years since it was proposed in the 1930s.

In three hours, it’s not just taking away the paper in hand, it’s just the verification process on the blackboard, and the previous calculations will be wiped away as time goes by. No one can understand it, right?

What shocked them even more was that their professor actually solved a world-class problem in just three hours?

This is too crazy!

After coming back to his senses, Rong Xinji took a deep breath and asked with some shock and hesitation: "Professor, have you solved the high-precision problem of discontinuous solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations?"

Hearing this question, Xu Chuan smiled lightly and said, "I just found a way. There should be other solutions to this problem."

Turning to glance at the blackboard behind him, he continued: "The research on the rigorous mathematical theory of the true meaning of high precision of nonlinear equations is a very meaningful work."

"Its post-processing is of great value for mathematical numerical analysis and scientific calculations, as well as in application fields such as physical mechanics and fluid mechanics."

"Is there anyone who is interested in this issue? Maybe we can continue to research in this area?"

Hearing this, several students immediately fell silent.

Studying a world-class mathematical problem. Is this what ungraduated doctoral students, master's students, or even undergraduates like them should do?

Shouldn't their task at this stage be to study hard and fill themselves up?

Challenging world-class mathematical problems, emmm, this is a bit too exaggerated, right?

Looking at the silent students, Xu Chuan smiled and said, "No one wants to try it? You can choose it as your graduation direction."

There was still silence in the office.

Seeing this, Xu Chuan shook his head gently and sighed inwardly.

But he didn't care too much. After all, it was impossible to require every student to choose world-class mathematical conjecture as their graduation goal, and not everyone had such ability.

For the vast majority of mathematics students, being able to complete a high-quality first-level SCI paper upon graduation is already very good.

In fact, for most college students, even master's students, and even some doctoral students in the Department of Mathematics, it is almost impossible for the graduation thesis to reach this level.

Of course, he still has very high requirements for the students he teaches.

Although it is impossible to require every student to solve a mathematical problem in order to graduate, to be accepted by him, at least one top-ranked paper is needed to leave him.

Otherwise, he really couldn't afford to lose that person.

"Professor, can I try?"

At this moment, a voice came from among several students.

Xu Chuan looked over and saw that the person who spoke out was Rong Xinji.

Before Liu Jiaying arrived, he was the youngest of four students. He was only 23 years old this year, but he was already in his third year of graduate school and was about to graduate or study for a Ph.D.


Xu Chuan smiled and nodded, saying: "This problem is still difficult. With your current ability, you may need to work hard to solve it."

After a pause, he continued with a smile: "Of course, you can choose to make it your Ph.D. graduation goal, or you can choose to work with others to try it."

"Well, I will try my best! Professor."

Rong Xinji nodded vigorously, with determination in his eyes.

Although his academic knowledge and experience are still very immature, he didn't even understand one-tenth of the proof Xu Chuan just gave on the blackboard. But he is an IMO gold medalist and is not bad at mathematics. He has always regarded his mentor as his idol.

When I first chose to study at Nanjing University, I hoped to become a disciple of Xu Chuan and follow him. Now that he had gotten his wish, he didn't want to graduate in an 'ordinary' way. He had to produce some results to be worthy of his efforts.

After giving a brief explanation of the "winter vacation homework" of several students, Xu Chuan pointed out some books and papers for several students to read and study according to the answers in the homework.

For him, taking care of students has always been something he has always done.

Although sometimes he would ignore them for a relatively long time because he was busy with research, he did not mind giving these students a few more classes in person when he had time.

As for what these students will eventually grow into, whether they are dragons or worms, it all depends on their own efforts and talents.

After simply arranging several students, Xu Chuan came to Xinghai Research Institute.

After experiencing a Chinese New Year, the Aerospace Research Institute delivered good news!

Their cooperation with NASA has been finalized!

On February 29th, on this special day that only happens once every few years, a major event happened in the world.

At 12 noon at different times on this day between the two countries, Xinghai Research Institute and NASA held press conferences respectively, publicly announcing that the two sides had reached cooperation in aerospace projects.

That is, NASA will borrow the Xinghai Space Shuttle of the Xinghai Research Institute to carry a group of engineers to the L2 Lagrange point 1.5 million kilometers away from the earth to repair the damaged James Webb Space Telescope.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused a huge sensation internationally.

Because this is the first real public cooperation between NASA and China since the United States passed the "Wolf Clause" in 2011, it surprised countless people.

You know, even when Artemis planned to return to the moon last year and there was an accident on the manned lunar landing, NASA did not cooperate. Instead, it asked the Xinghai Research Institute for rescue through diplomacy in the form of international rescue. action.

It can be said that this positive cooperation has caught the attention of many people and reminded many people of the ASPT pilot project of the last century.

ASPT, the full name of Apollo Soyuz Test Program, was born in the 1970s and was a space cooperation during the Red and Blue Cold War of the last century.

Although it was only a small experimental project at the beginning, it was a decisive step in the nearly two decades of space competition between Hong Kong and the United States. It was the first spacecraft jointly executed by two countries in human history. Human space mission.

The success of the ASTP project has set an important precedent. The two superpowers' handshake in the sky finally turned hostility into friendship. The space race that lasted for nearly 20 years has come to an end, and has been replaced by a series of new chapters in international space cooperation.

Although the Apollo Alliance cooperation was more superficial, each side took a step back and briefly shook hands to make peace, but no substantial progress was made.

But in any case, the foundation laid by that cooperation opened up the possibility of future cooperation.

In the subsequent time, whether it was the American space shuttle that visited Tsarist Russia's Mir space station 11 times, or the construction and development of the International Space Station, it can be said that they all started with the Apollo Alliance cooperation project.

But now, it is almost the same background, the same confrontation, the same space race, and the same two superpowers. What kind of sparks will be set off after the Wolf Clause is broken?

How the future aerospace development will change and which country will take the dominant position are all things that countless people are looking forward to.

No matter what, the current space race seems to be coming to an end.

At least, at the moment when NASA is cooperating, the space hegemony that once pressured all countries has begun to dissipate.

The time for Xinghai to go to the L2 Lagerangian point to repair the Webb Space Telescope has been determined and will be carried out in April and fifteenth.

At that time, the Xinghai space shuttle will carry two engineers from NASA, two engineers from TRW, and eight personnel from the Xinghai Research Institute to outer space of 1.5 million kilometers.

For Xinghai, this is also a test.

After all, with such a long distance, it remains to be seen whether it can successfully complete its mission.

But if it successfully completes this task, the next manned mission can also be put on the agenda.

Of course, for Xu Chuan, although this mission was important, he didn't take it too seriously.

Xinghai is a space shuttle designed by him personally. Although the space of 1.5 million kilometers is far away, it is not its limit.

After all, theoretically speaking, if the number of people carrying the Xinghai is reduced to two people, and the rest of the space is used to carry fuel and supplies, its range is enough to carry out missions to Jupiter and even more distant outer space.

One and a half million kilometers, to put it bluntly, is just enough for the Xinghai to warm up.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Europe, Cambridgeshire, University of Cambridge.

In a certain British-style dormitory, a girl was wiping her wet hair with a towel and walking towards her bed.

When passing by her roommate, she stopped, glanced curiously at her best friend who was busy revising the paper in her hand, and asked.

"By the way, Xiaoxiao, how is your paper going?"

Xu Xiao, who was revising his paper at the desk, replied without raising his head: "It's almost done."


Hearing this, the girl who was about to climb up the small stairs to the bed was stunned for a moment, stopped, and looked over in surprise: "Done? Is this impossible? I remember that you didn't make any progress before you went home. Coming."

Xu Xiao glanced at the paper, took a deep breath, and said, "Yes, it's done."

"Did you find someone to help you?"

The girl asked curiously, and then said to herself: "But even if someone helps, it's only been a month, how could it be so fast? I remember that you contacted Professor Pierre Louis Lion before, Didn’t he say it would take at least half a year to do it?”

Hearing this, Xu Xiao was silent for a moment, and then said: "A month? In fact, he solved my problem in only three days."

"Three days? How is this possible?"

"Professor Leone was the winner of the Fields Medal in 1994. He has done in-depth research in functional analysis and quantum mechanics. Even he said it would take at least half a year to do it. Three days. Is this still human? "

"Can you tell me who you asked to help solve this problem?"

The girl seemed surprised, and a series of words and questions came out immediately.

In front of the desk, Xu Xiao was silent for a moment. Not only others, but also herself was completely shocked when she found out.

It’s not that Cambridge University doesn’t have great people. For example, the Professor Pierre-Louis Lion they just talked about is the Fields Medal winner she once went to find.

But it is obvious that there is also a gap among the Philippine Award winners.

In front of her brother, I am afraid that most of the Philippine Award winners are nothing.

Although she was shocked when she thought about this, she was also very angry when she thought about it!

That guy actually sent her the paper as a New Year's gift on New Year's Day! It was so bad that she was doing research work on the first day of the new year, and she didn’t even get the red envelope from the prestige penguin colony!

It's so abominable!

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