Great Country Academician

Chapter 732 Co-Signature

Chapter 735: Co-Signature

"Remember to show me the model as soon as you finish it."

In the office, after hearing the instructor's request, Xu Xiao pursed her lips, hesitated before speaking.

"I'm afraid this is difficult. I can't make the decision."

Hearing this, Elvis was stunned for a moment, looked at the student in surprise, and said, "What do you mean?"

Compared to keeping this student and building a relationship with her brother, the paper in front of her may be more important.

He is well aware of the impact of solving 'vertigo' on the development of VR equipment and virtual reality technology.

It is no exaggeration to say that among the various problems of VR equipment and various virtual technologies, vertigo is the core, at least one of the core.

If this paper could be completed in Xu Xiao's hands, even if he did not contribute much in it, there is no doubt that the academic community will still hold his head for this credit.

After all, he is the mentor, and he also proposed the ideas and theories.

Taking a deep breath and mustering up the courage to face the instructor's gaze, Xu Xiao said: "The theoretical part and the mathematical model part of the paper are separate. The neural signal simulation and electrical signal conversion model based on quantum theory are based on ' Collaboratively outsourced to another company.”

"After the mathematical model is completed, they will provide me with experimental data through simulation experiments to complete the final paper."

"I'm sorry to approach it this way, but the mathematical mechanism and modeling part of the paper is just too difficult for me."

Professor Elvis looked at the student in front of him in surprise, frowned and asked: "Cooperation? Outsourcing? What do you mean? Don't you even ask me for my opinion on how to handle this paper?"

Frowning, Elvis looked at the students in front of him with cold eyes.

Something seems wrong with this situation?

This theoretical paper on neural signal simulation and electrical signal conversion based on quantum theory can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye. The most important thing is the mathematical mechanism and model established in a targeted manner.

If these two parts are taken away, the value will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

If it were any other student, he would probably have slapped the table and started cursing.

Do you still want to graduate after taking out the core part of the thesis without discussing it with the instructor?

But facing the student in front of him, he still patiently forced himself to calm down and asked again to confirm what the situation was.

After all, the person standing behind her, especially if the other person is more 'vindictive', it is better not to offend him unless necessary.

South Korea offended him twice, and both times it suffered huge losses and publicly apologized.

Xu Xiao took a deep breath, looked at his tutor and said, "Sorry, this is not my idea. It is a clear request made by my brother. If he helps complete the construction of mathematical mechanisms and models, he asked me to submit the thesis The theoretical and mathematical parts are separated”

Upon hearing this, Professor Elvis suddenly fell silent.

Obviously, Professor Xu also noticed the core of this paper.

He has the ability to do such a job and is theoretically qualified to take away the math part.

In other words, he is fully capable of taking away the signature of the paper if he asks.

Perhaps the corresponding author's request may be a bit unreasonable, but as a scholar who has made substantial and greatest contributions to R\u0026D and papers, there is no problem in occupying the name of a work.

But isn’t this his project in name only?

Okay, it's a research project of his students, but isn't it also a student of his?

According to the traditional unwritten rules in academia, whether a student's paper is the corresponding author or the first author, it is basically the supervisor's.

Of course, the signature of the paper has nothing to do with what he is silent about today. It is purely because he feels unhappy that something that 'should' belong to him has been taken away by outsiders.

In the office, Xu Xiao continued: "As for the paper, except for the copyright of the mathematics part, he has no requirements for the rest."

"If you are willing, you can take away the corresponding author and first author of the paper after guiding me to complete the paper and research."

Hearing this, Professor Elvis was stunned for a moment.

Xu Xiao's words reminded him.

In fact, for academia, students' research projects, or graduation thesis, are linked to the school.

Because according to the traditional method in academia, most students will sign a copyright agreement for their graduation thesis. The copyright belongs to the school.

In most cases, if you want to graduate, you must sign an authorization statement and transfer your rights other than the right of signature to the school.

Therefore, the copyright of a student's graduation thesis is generally in the hands of the school, not the student or the instructor.

In this case, no matter what the school does with your paper, as long as it doesn't damage your reputation and doesn't forget to sign your name, you can't stop it.

In this regard, not only are schools restricted, but even the research data used by your supervisor in the original unit after changing jobs will be restricted, let alone students.

There are indeed students who are qualified to negotiate copyright distribution with the school, but they are very rare, and can even be said to be only a handful.

But obviously, facing the University of Cambridge, as a professor at the Institute of Life Sciences, even the deputy director of the institute, he was not qualified to negotiate with the school about copyright distribution.

But he didn't, that person did.

If he had asked for it, there is a high probability that he would not have embarrassment about his sister's graduation thesis if he came to Cambridge University.

In other words, what made him feel unhappy and angry at first actually had nothing to do with him.

After all, copyright belongs to copyright and signature belongs to signature. If he is willing, he can still get the corresponding author and first work.

After thinking for a while, Professor Elvis raised his head and asked, "Are you sure you can finish this job?"

After a slight pause, he added: "I mean using the theory of this paper to solve the problem of vertigo caused by VR equipment and virtual reality technology, not completing graduation."

I heard that when she was a master's student, she advocated the research and development of biochip technology and virtual reality technology.

Although he didn't know the progress, he knew that this student seemed to have a company in the virtual reality field under his name.

Perhaps it was established with the support of her brother? Or maybe she's interested in it herself.

But in any case, he is a student who is indeed studying virtual reality technology and has made some achievements before. It seems that he went abroad to study after encountering problems later.

If you take her background into account, you can't say that this research in the cutting-edge field will really make some breakthroughs.

In the office, Xu Xiao was stunned for a moment, probably because he did not expect Professor Elvis to ask such a question.

After thinking for a while, she replied: "I'm sorry, I'm not sure. I think you know better than me how difficult it is to solve the vertigo caused by VR and virtual technology."

"I'm afraid I can't answer a question of this level right now."

Although there is a theoretical paper that may solve the problem of vertigo, it is only a possibility.

After all, a paper is just a paper after all, and it is undoubtedly very difficult to turn it into actual technology.

After feeling relieved, Professor Elvis said: "In this case, I will not make any request for research on the problem of vertigo."


After a pause, he looked at Xu Xiao and continued: "But I have a request."

Xu Xiao looked at his mentor, waiting for his follow-up request.

Elvis smiled and said: "About your graduation thesis, after it is completed, the corresponding author will be mine. Your brother and I will co-sign it."

"After all, the key part of this paper was completed by your brother, and he deserves the status of the previous author."


Hearing Professor Elvis's words, Xu Xiao was stunned and looked at the instructor behind the desk in surprise.

She was prepared for any excessive demands the professor would make, but she didn't expect this?

Not only did he not make any requests, but he actually shared his work?

What does this mean? It really made her confused.

Elvis didn't pay much attention to Xu Xiao's confusion. He smiled and said, "Ask him for his opinion. If he agrees, I will try my best to guide you to complete the thesis."

"I can even help you with the copyright ownership negotiations at the school."

Although I am very surprised by the professor's choice, the current situation is indeed a good result.

"Okay, Professor, I'll ask."

"Go ahead."

Elvis waved his hand, leaned back on the office chair, and said in a casual tone.

Although assigning co-authorship of a work to that person will undoubtedly reduce the outside world's perception of his contribution to the paper.

But equally, if that person accepts a work, it undoubtedly means a research collaboration between the two people.

While selling him a favor, you can also improve your academic status to a certain extent. After all, in academia, not everyone has the opportunity to engage in research work with Professor Xu, so why not do it.

Anyway, all he lost was his signature. The corresponding author is in his hands, which means that he is the one who bears the overall responsibility for this academic paper and this research.

In academia, at least in international academia, the value of a corresponding author is greater than that of a first author.

It may be better for his future career evaluation and development to get the co-signature of the corresponding author and the first author.

After working in academia for so many years, he has already figured out most of the unspoken rules.

Sometimes, sharing a work is even better than keeping it alone.

Moreover, what if he doesn't want to?

Strictly speaking, the copyright of the paper has nothing to do with him. It belongs to the school.

Rather than offending a great scholar who cannot be offended, it is better to go along with the flow and do a favor.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

After coming out of Chuanhai Materials Research Institute, Xu Chuan did not go to the network technology company.

The modeling-related work tasks themselves are very heavy, and if he goes there, he will undoubtedly put pressure on the senior sister.

With her personality, if he mentioned this, he would probably have to work overtime again.

Slow down, slow down. Anyway, lithium-sulfur batteries have only been around for a short time, and it will take a few years to complete market digestion.

If he really wanted to get the lithium-air battery out at this point, wouldn't he be beating himself up?

After getting into Zheng Hai's car, Xu Chuan had just returned to Xinghai Research Institute when his cell phone vibrated in his pocket.

The call was from Xu Xiao. After answering the call with a smile, the voice on the other end came with joy and cheers.

"Brother! It's incredible, Professor Elvis actually agreed to your request!"

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "This itself has nothing to do with him. It is normal to agree."

Xu Xiao was stunned for a moment and asked in surprise: "Huh? It doesn't matter? Why doesn't it matter?"

Xu Chuan smiled and briefly explained the rules of paper signature and academic copyright to her.

"So that's the case. No wonder Professor Elvis agreed." Xu Xiao suddenly understood and nodded.

"As long as it's solved, keep working hard."

After smiling, Xu Chuan didn't say much and just gave him a word of encouragement.

Although under normal circumstances, the copyright of a student's graduation thesis has nothing to do with the instructor, but would you like to ask someone else to say this? It's a good thing if your instructor doesn't scold you so much.

"By the way, brother, there's one more thing."

After chatting for a while, Xu Xiao remembered her instructor's request and quickly said: "Well, Professor Elvis told me that he wants to co-sign a work with you."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan asked with some surprise: "Want to co-sign a work with me?"

"Yeah, I don't know what got the professor into trouble, but he actually shared something like this." Xu Xiao said strangely.

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "This is not a convulsion. On the contrary, your professor really sees clearly and is quite smart, although he is a little clever in the middle."


Xu Xiao was stunned again, not quite understanding.

Xu Chuan smiled and shook his head and said, "It's okay. This matter has nothing to do with you. Just tell your instructor that I agree. It's not a big deal anyway."

He originally planned to use the authorship of the paper to make a deal with Professor Elvis.

After all, Xu Xiao is her student, and she still has to go through his hands before she can graduate.

Unexpectedly, Professor Elvis came up with another plan, co-signing one of the papers.

Although on the surface, sharing a work reduces his own status and importance in the paper, and shares the credit for the paper and research.

But this sharing is also relative to a certain extent.

Xu Xiao's mentor was quite smart. He knew that even if he took it all, he might not have the ability to expand the influence of this paper. It was better to share the work and put his name on it.

In this way, the importance of this paper will definitely be greater than if he took away the corresponding author and first author alone.

After all, sometimes a name can change the importance of a paper.

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