Great Country Academician

Chapter 736 I am your loyal fan

Chapter 739: I am your loyal fan

In the exhibition hall, Xu Chuan also looked confused.

What's going on? Why did so many people suddenly gather here, and each one of them wanted to invest or something like that?

Is the future of hydrogen fuel cells really that good? Ten million to ten million?

If he remembered the information correctly, the total assets of the Tomorrow Hydrogen Energy Company seem to be only 30 to 50 million?

The diaphragm liquid hydrogen storage fuel cell is just a project of this company. The investment alone may be able to buy this company directly.

There is even a guarantee that they can help from product development, management, and sales all the way to the launch of the company. Don’t be too outrageous.

He wants to invest in this company, and his main purpose is not to be optimistic about hydrogen fuel cells.

But the proton isolation membrane in this diaphragm liquid hydrogen storage fuel cell may have some uses in other fields in terms of research and development ideas and applications.

That's why he wanted to ask the other party if he still needed investment.

Of course, if possible, it is not impossible to buy the company directly. Anyway, a company worth tens of millions is not a big deal to him.

Besides, although lithium-sulfur batteries have powerful performance, they cannot occupy 100% of the battery market.

If this hydrogen fuel cell can be developed, it will be a good thing to fill the gaps in some other fields.

But no matter what, this project doesn’t seem to have much value, right?

Are these people crazy? If you spend 10 to 20 million each, do you really not regard money as a number?

At the booth, faced with various 'angel funds' invested by a group of venture capital companies, as well as various olive branches that can make people dizzy, Ji Li was stunned.

However, as one of the leaders of a company, he still knows very well why all these olive branches are coming to him.

Is the diaphragm liquid hydrogen storage fuel cell really so good that everyone can compete for it?

Absolutely not!

If the diaphragm-type liquid hydrogen storage fuel cell is really that good, hydrogen energy will not be in such a state that it cannot even attract investment and is about to go bankrupt tomorrow.

He knew very well in his heart that he didn't even need to think with his brain, he could just think with his toes. It could be said that the people from the venture capital companies or certain groups in front of him were all here for Academician Xu.

Before this person expressed his optimism, it can be said that almost no venture capital company was optimistic about the diaphragm liquid hydrogen storage fuel cell.

They were not even interested at all. Most of the people who passed by their booth, after taking a glance at their projects, either left directly or laughed at them before leaving.

After all, today's lithium batteries are developing rapidly, and anyone with a discerning eye can see the future market.

Under the protection of security personnel, Ji Lixue made a quick decision.

He first politely declined the requests for investment financing and share purchase from other venture capital companies, and then quickly seized the opportunity and found the staff of the Asia-Pacific Science and Technology Innovation Investment Summit. Under the witness of the staff and lawyers, he signed an agreement. Letter of intent to cooperate.

The letter of intent to cooperate is very simple. It just states Xu Chuan’s intention to invest in diaphragm liquid hydrogen storage fuel cells. It does not specify the amount of investment, nor does it include any deposit or liquidated damages.

Speaking of which, this letter of intent to cooperate was not actually proposed by Ji Lixue but by Xu Chuan.

Ji Lixue himself didn't think about it at all, or in other words, even if he thought about it, he didn't dare to bring it up.

After all, who is this person in front of me? The famous Academician Xu. What he says is true to his word. Do you think you don't trust him when you ask him to sign something like this?

For a boss of his level, a verbal commitment is almost a final decision.

After signing the letter of intent to cooperate, Xu Chuan stood up and said, "Someone will come to further discuss the equity ratio, investment and other matters with you later, so I will leave first."

Ji Lixue nodded quickly and said: "Okay, okay, Academician Xu, if you have anything you need to know, you can call me at any time. I will be on call."

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "I believe that not only you can see the valuable future of the equity in your hands, but others can also see it."

"So it is estimated that many people, companies or venture capital will find you to invest or purchase equity in the future. If you feel that future development requires further introduction of partners, it is recommended to give priority to domestic companies."

"As for whether it will be listed in the future or something like that, you can handle it however you want."


After a slight pause, he continued: "But I still want to give you a piece of advice."

Hearing this, Ji Lili nodded quickly and said: "Academician Xu, please give me some advice."

Xu Chuan said with a smile: "All development is based on technological changes. On this basis, doing your own research and development work well and having truly good products is better than doing anything else."

Ji Lixue: "Don't worry, I will definitely keep this sentence in mind and fully support the research and development work."

Glancing at the crowd outside that was gradually dispersing under the protection of security personnel, Xu Chuan nodded and said with a smile, "That's it for now, I'll leave first."

Just when he was about to leave, the lady commentator in the booth who had never found a chance to talk finally found the opportunity to come over.

"Sichuan God. Hey, hello, Academician Xu, I am your loyal fan! I grew up listening to your myths, not scientific research stories. Can I add you as a prestigious friend?"

The lady commentator who came over looked at Xu Chuan eagerly, with a look of longing on her face.

Xu Chuan coughed and said with a smile: "Sorry, I was in such a hurry to go out today and forgot to bring my mobile phone."

He didn't even recognize me when he received me in person, but he still had the nerve to say that he was a big fan of mine?

No one will believe your words!

After making the investment in the diaphragm liquid hydrogen storage fuel cell, Xu Chuan walked out of the booth and browsed the products brought by various companies participating in the summit.

Next to him, Fan Pengyue, who had been silent until now, said curiously: "Junior brother, why are you investing in hydrogen fuel cells?"

Xu Chuan's investment in the hydrogen fuel cell of Tomorrow Hydrogen Energy Company was indeed something he did not expect.

After all, the Chuanhai Institute of Materials itself started out as a lithium battery manufacturer. The current lithium-sulfur battery technology has been completed and the market is expanding. If we invest in an additional hydrogen fuel cell, isn’t it our own people beating our own people?

Moreover, what hydrogen fuel cell can match the energy density of 2000Wh/Kg?

He had just read the information provided by that Tomorrow Company, which said it had a theoretical high energy storage energy density of 40kWh per kilogram, but the actual standard was only 0.87KWh per kilogram.

These few times, to be honest, he didn't know what made Xu Chuan's heart move.

Xu Chuan smiled and said casually: "It's just a casual vote."

After a slight pause, he continued to explain: "Although the performance of lithium-sulfur batteries is powerful, there are always some shortcomings. It is impossible to fully occupy the entire battery market. There is always room for other batteries to survive."

"The energy density of hydrogen fuel cells is almost the only one among batteries that can rival that of lithium batteries, and there is still great potential that can be tapped."

"In addition, the diaphragm liquid hydrogen storage fuel cell developed by that company still has some advanced technology."

"For example, the new proton isolation film used in it may have some uses in other fields in terms of research and development ideas and applications."

"The lithium-air battery developed next by our research institute may be able to learn from this idea. You can take a look at this when the time comes."

Fan Pengyue nodded, suddenly understanding.

It turned out that I was interested in other people’s proton isolation membrane technology.

The two walked and chatted.

Before I knew it, I came to the exhibition area for international friends.

It has to be said that there are quite a lot of foreign companies participating in this Asia-Pacific Science and Technology Innovation Investment Summit.

Not only companies in Asia, but also companies from as far away as North America and Europe have come to join in the fun.

In the venue, Xu Chuan saw a lot of interesting things.

For example, the research team from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in the German country has produced the ‘world’s smallest particle accelerator’, which is only 0.2 mm long and can be mounted on the tip of a pen.

This device is the first microaccelerator capable of producing a fast and well-focused electron beam, which can accelerate electrons to 100,000 kilometers per second.

It uses light waves to accelerate particles, forming a narrow electron beam through thousands of 2-micron-high silicon pillars arranged in two parallel lines. When they created a 0.5mm-long version, they found that they could accelerate electrons faster, increasing the energy they carried by 43%.

Currently, the most promising field of application for this new technology is the medical industry. It provides new therapeutic tools for doctors or small sterilization tools for biological laboratories, opening up new possibilities in the medical field.

For example, the ‘color paint’ invented by a technology company in the United States.

This colorful paint can help buildings stay warm in winter and cool in summer. When applied on top of homes and buildings, it can keep homes and other buildings cool in the summer and warm in the winter, significantly reducing energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.

There is also a chloride electrolyte material for all-solid batteries from South Korea, a zirconium ion chloride solid electrolyte.

After being used in lithium-ion batteries, it can extend the stability and life of solid batteries.

However, it only works on some lithium-ion batteries and has no effect on lithium-sulfur batteries.

It is obvious that today, with the improvement of lithium-sulfur battery technology, the market for lithium-ion batteries will be rapidly compressed, and the value of this material has been greatly reduced.

Otherwise, this Korean company would not come to the Asia-Pacific Science and Technology Innovation Investment Summit to try to find angel financing or sell materials.

Walking all the way, watching all the way.

At this time, a large area in North America, or multiple booths connected together, once again attracted Xu Chuan's attention.

"It's interesting. Did Musk and his company come over too?"

Looking at the company name marked on the booth hanging, Xu Chuan blinked with interest.

He really didn't expect that this person who had fought against each other in the aerospace field would come to this summit.

In this booth, which covers a large area, there are many products on display.

There are humanoid robots, miniaturized communication satellite models, the latest new energy vehicles, and the miniaturized model starship that he is most interested in.

The North American entrepreneur, who is famous for his new energy vehicles and Space-X aerospace company, seems to have shown a lot of things.

On the side, Fan Pengyue glanced at the booth nearest to them, shrugged and said: "Normally, although the Asia-Pacific Science and Technology Innovation Investment Summit is nominally for Asian countries, the APEC Economic Organization definitely hopes that its influence can be extended to the world. , Musk’s company was probably invited by the APEC economic organization.”

"Moreover, the market economy itself is open to the whole world. Asia's population accounts for three-fifths of the world's population. No company will miss the opportunity to enter Asian countries."

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Let's go and see what new tricks Musk has come up with."

Aside from being one of the competitors in the aerospace field, Musk's senses are not very good, but they are not bad either.

It's very simple, because when people make money, they are willing to use it to do practical things and invest in various emerging technology industries.

From aerospace, new cars, to VR helmets, robots, artificial intelligence, etc., these are all real scientific and technological achievements.

Not to mention the first-generation Roadster and the large model Grok that Musk is willing to open source.

Even the Starlink satellites, which he didn't like, were actually technological developments in terms of technology.

The huge Starlink satellites provide high-speed Internet services to users around the world through low-orbit communication satellites, which has little impact on ordinary people's lives. But for HNA, aviation and other industries, the impact is still very large.

The disgusting thing about Starlink is that it occupies a large amount of satellite orbits in low-orbit space, but it’s hard to say that Musk is completely responsible for this.

Regulations in the field of space satellites are negotiated by all countries. To be honest, the U.S. government has a bigger blame for this issue. Space hegemony has troubled many countries in the past decade or so.

In contrast, when looking at some people in China, sometimes calling them capitalists can be said to be an insult to the word capitalism.

While other entrepreneurs of similar status are engaged in high-tech satellites and artificial intelligence to develop technology, they are engaged in community group buying, trying to control the people's food basket, and doing the same things as in the feudal landlord era, trying to make workers feel indifferent and not work hard. .

The level of disgusting people is even greater than that of capitalists.

Of course, there are people with problems everywhere, and there are also a large number of companies and researchers in China who are developing and contributing to scientific research.

It's just that in many cases the smell of garbage is carried by the wind better than the fragrance of flowers.

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