Great Country Academician

Chapter 739 Xu Chuan: I’ll just write the whole paper

Xu Chuan didn't know what happened in Sakura Country.

If he knew that the other party was planning to use his fame to open up the market for hydrogen energy and hydrogen fuel cells, he would definitely be confused.

Now that lithium-sulfur batteries have been developed, do hydrogen fuel cells have great advantages?

His goal of investing in Tomorrow's Hydrogen Energy Company is not the hydrogen fuel cell market. His goal is the proton ion membrane used in batteries.

This ion permeable membrane technology may be applied to lithium-air batteries.

Investing millions of dollars to bring some separator technologies and ideas to the research and development of lithium-air batteries is not a loss-making business.

As for hydrogen energy and hydrogen fuel cells, in Xu Chuan's view, they are just incidental gadgets.

After all, compared to lithium batteries, hydrogen fuel cells have a much lower conversion rate. And the preparation, transportation, use and other processes are more difficult than lithium batteries.

And even if these things are put aside, the use of hydrogen fuel cells has one more step than ordinary batteries.

The traditional way of using lithium batteries is to use power generation-charge-discharge directly, two steps in place.

The hydrogen fuel cell requires power generation, electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen, hydrogen charging, and use. There is an additional 'preparation' process in the whole process.

From a business perspective, this obviously results in higher operating costs.

In addition, hydrogen energy, especially compressed hydrogen energy, has a much lower safety factor than lithium batteries.

This thing is used in cars. If a serious car accident occurs, the consequences will be much more serious than lithium batteries.

Lithium batteries are on fire, and compressed hydrogen tanks are moving bombs.

The hydrogen station used to refuel hydrogen-fueled vehicles is a 'hydrogen bomb' buried deep underground.

If all the cars in a city use hydrogen energy as energy, the hydrogen refueling stations buried in various parts of the city, if the high-pressure gas tank hydrogen storage route used by Sakura Country is adopted, will not only be able to blow up the entire city, but it will probably be enough to blow up half of the city. The city exploded.

Of course, the gasoline used in fuel vehicles also has the same properties.

Even in terms of diffusion effect, gasoline is more dangerous than hydrogen.

So in terms of safety, this is a matter of opinion.

After all, there is no energy source, including lithium batteries, that is not dangerous. It just depends on the respective protection methods and degree of danger.

But overall, given that lithium battery technology is mature enough, Xu Chuan would only vigorously support and research hydrogen fuel cells unless he lost his mind.

The idea of ​​​​Little Days is indeed very good, but the script is not the route they envisioned.

The second day of the Asia-Pacific Technology Innovation Investment Summit.

After rumors broke that Xu Chuan was optimistic about tomorrow's hydrogen fuel cells, as soon as the stock market opened at 9:30 in the morning, sectors related to hydrogen energy and hydrogen fuel cells began to skyrocket.

If Tomorrow's Hydrogen Energy Technology Company hadn't gone public now, I'm afraid it would have hit the daily limit in less than half an hour.

But even so, companies related to the hydrogen energy sector are still far ahead in gains under the control of various capitals.

This wave of rhythm has even affected related companies in the lithium battery field to a certain extent.

For example, the stock prices of companies such as CATL, BYD, and Yiwei Lithium Energy have all declined.

If hydrogen fuel cells are still just an idea and have not become a battery that can be commercially used in a real sense, I am afraid that the stock price fluctuations in the energy field will only be greater.

This is a carnival of capital, and a lot of promoters who are taking advantage of the situation are constantly adding fuel to the flames in the name of Xu Chuan's optimism.

Companies and enterprises related to the hydrogen energy sector have reached peaks that have never been reached before in just a few days.

Some netizens joked that if Academician Xu focused more on several technologies in several fields, economic development would be able to fly directly into the sky with one foot on the other.

But for Xu Chuan himself, these operations do not mean much to him.

He hadn't even waited for the Science and Technology Innovation Summit to be over before he was already packing his luggage and preparing to return to Jinling.

After all, he was just here to take a look.

Although there were many products and technologies at the summit, there were very few that aroused his interest.

It’s pretty good to be able to harvest diaphragm liquid hydrogen storage fuel cells.

Moreover, he does not have much interest in intervening in the development of other companies and technologies.

After all, he is already very busy with his own research, so how can he have so much time and energy to take care of other things.

So on his third day in Shanghai, after seeing some products from various countries around the world, he was ready to return to Jinling.

After checking out of the hotel room and carrying his computer bag, Xu Chuan walked down the hotel lobby.

At the door, Zheng Hai had already driven his car and was waiting here.

Unlike when he came, he was alone when he went back.

As for Senior Brother Fan, he will need to stay here for a few more days because he represents the Sichuan Institute of Technology at the summit and speaks at the science and technology innovation conference as a representative of the summit.

The journey from Magic City to Aurous Hill was not long. After a few hours of travel, he returned to Xinghai Research Institute.

In the office, just after sitting down and not having time to take a rest, Wen Yuanhang, who is responsible for the daily work management of the institute, rushed over.

"Academician Xu."

Upon entering, Wen Yuanhang smiled and said hello, "You created another myth when I went to the Magic City this time."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan was stunned for a moment, then asked with a smile: "What's wrong?"

Wen Yuanhang smiled and said: "In the past two days, domestic and foreign companies related to the hydrogen energy sector have reached their daily limit. Your investment has driven tens of billions of economic development."

Xu Chuan paused and asked with a smile: "It's just the market's own choice. It's nothing. Isn't that why you came here?"

Wen Yuanhang smiled and said, "That's not true. The main reason is to ask, are you ready to enter the field of hydrogen energy?"

"Not yet, what's wrong?"

Hearing this, Wen Yuanhang breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "If not, it's nothing. If there is, I hope you can say hello to me in advance and let me know."


Hearing this, Xu Chuan glanced at Wen Yuanhang with some confusion, not quite understanding.

Wen Yuanhang smiled and explained: "This is mainly related to the layout of some energy fields. As you know, our country's energy choice is in the direction of lithium batteries."

"But other countries are a little different from us. For example, Sakura Country is deploying hydrogen fuel cells."

After a slight pause, he continued: "Compared to the development of hydrogen fuel cell technology in our country, Sakura Country is more complete in this field and has a broader layout."

"Currently, more than 80% of the world's patents in the field of hydrogen fuel cells are in the hands of Japanese companies."

"Based on this, if the hydrogen energy market is opened now, Sakura Kokuyo will occupy a large part or even more than half of the market."

"Because Sakura Country is too independent, they are trying to occupy the entire hydrogen fuel cell market. So in the field of hydrogen energy and hydrogen fuel cells, unless we can overcome the patent barriers established by the other party, we are not the only ones who are interested in the development of hydrogen energy. Many Western countries, including many, have adopted the approach of suppressing or suppressing this track.”

Having said this, Xu Chuan also understood the reason why Wen Yuanhang came to him in such a hurry.

At present, in the field of lithium batteries, it can be said that China has almost fully opened the market and has taken the lead.

Whether it is lithium-ion batteries or lithium-sulfur batteries, the layout is in line with national policies and guidelines.

But if he suddenly jumps out and goes to work on hydrogen fuel cells, this will not be good for the overall layout.

After all, his reputation and R\u0026D capabilities are there. If he really develops a hydrogen fuel cell, it will definitely be a major blow to the layout of the lithium battery field.

It may even lead to the rise of Sakura Country in this field, which the country does not want to see.

Smiling, Xu Chuan said with a smile: "So that's it, but it doesn't matter. I was not planning to enter the field of hydrogen fuel cells."

"As for investing in the hydrogen energy company of tomorrow, it is actually because some of the technologies they are studying in the diaphragm liquid hydrogen fuel cell may be applied to the research and development of lithium-air batteries."

Hearing this, Wen Yuanhang's eyes flashed with a sharp edge, and he asked quickly: "Lithium-air battery?"

Xu Chuan nodded and said, "Well, after completing the lithium-sulfur battery at the Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute, the next goal is the lithium-air battery."

"After all, times require development. Although lithium-sulfur batteries have just been launched, we also need to prepare for the next step of technological development. Lithium-air batteries are the goal of Sichuan and Hai Materials."

Wen Yuanhang thought for a while and asked: "If I remember correctly, lithium-air batteries are currently very difficult to implement in theory, right?"

Although he is not an expert in the field of lithium batteries, as a talent transferred from the Science and Technology Strategic Planning Department, he still has some basic understanding of the development and concepts of various scientific and technological fields.

Lithium batteries involve energy, or energy, which is the focus of people like them.

At present, judging from previous survey reports, the phased development results of lithium batteries are almost lithium-sulfur batteries.

Lithium-air batteries are too difficult, and it can be said that it is almost impossible to do it in a short time.

This is also the reason why there was such a huge response after the news of Xuchuan’s investment in the field of hydrogen fuel cells came out.

Not only them, scholars in the battery field in many countries have the same view. They believe that Xu Chuan also thinks that lithium batteries may come to an end and will change research tracks.

And he remembered that in the early years, after he developed an artificial SEI film and solved the problem of lithium dendrites, senior management asked his opinion, including the possibility of realizing lithium-air battery technology.

At that time, the answer given by this person was almost impossible.

But now, things seem to have changed?

Xu Chuan nodded and said: "The research and development of lithium-air batteries is indeed very difficult. If it were last year, I would not have had much hope for research on lithium-air batteries."

"However, at the end of last year, in the work on the computational model theory of chemical materials, the research on the quantization theory of the microscopic substantive reaction process of electrochemistry, the Charge Autonomous Discrete Variation X (SCC-DV-X) method and on-site spectroscopy Some research directions and ideas have been found in electrochemical methods, so Chuanhai Materials started to study this.”

Hearing this bunch of unfamiliar terms, Wen Yuanhang asked with a confused look on his face: "What does electrochemical charge autonomy mean?"

Xu Chuan smiled and explained: "Just think of it as some theoretical research papers in the field of chemistry. This job happens to be helpful for lithium-air batteries."

Wen Yuanhang suddenly nodded, but soon looked at Xu Chuan in confusion, and asked cautiously: "Um, Academician Xu, I don't think I have seen this kind of paper you published on Arxiv?"

Although I don’t understand what theory Xu Chuan is talking about, he or the country has always collected Xu Chuan’s account on Arxiv, as well as his published papers and remarks.

But obviously, he has never heard of this type of paper published on Arxiv?

If there is, the assistant who keeps an eye on it will definitely report it to him.

Xu Chuan smiled and said matter-of-factly: "Of course you can't see it, because I didn't go out publicly."

The quantum theoretical model of the microscopic substantive reaction process of electrochemistry is the basic core for the reconstruction of computational models of chemical materials. Coupled with research in the field of electrochemistry and mathematical analysis in the field of lithium batteries, if this thing is made public, wouldn't it mean that Are you causing trouble for yourself?

At least until there is no progress or development of lithium-air batteries, he will probably not make it public. After all, this is not a purely theoretical paper.

Of course, if you want to make it public, it's not impossible.

You can selectively delete some key theories and data in it before making it public again.

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of another thing, looked up at Wen Yuanhang, and asked: "By the way, you just said that because of my previous investment, the market related to hydrogen energy and hydrogen fuel cells has expanded a lot. Will this have a big impact on our layout in the new energy field?”

Wen Yuanhang thought for a moment and replied cautiously: "There will definitely be some short-term impact, but it won't be a big problem."

Xu Chuan nodded and said thoughtfully: "It seems that this wave is a cheap one."

Wen Yuanhang smiled and said: "Normally, hydrogen fuel cell manufacturers will definitely seize the opportunity to develop the market during this period."

"Not just Sakura Country, but all countries, including our own domestic manufacturers researching hydrogen fuel cells, will not miss this opportunity."

"However, in the current market, as long as the current technical problems of hydrogen fuel cells still exist, hydrogen fuel cells will not be able to make any waves in the face of mature lithium batteries."

Xu Chuan thought for a while and then said with a smile: "I've finished the entire paper in the past two days. If it's someone else who wants to take advantage of it, I won't say anything more."


"Not in my childhood!"

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