Great Country Academician

Chapter 755 Taking the mentor to win the Nobel Prize

(An update dropped unexpectedly! Are you surprised? Ahem. I will add 1/2 for the boss because he lost a sheep.)

Xu Chuan is very clear about the ideas of Witten and Deligne.

They feel that their contribution to the theory of strong electric unification is not enough to make them co-authors.

But in his opinion, this theory of strong electric unification was originally completed by them together.

Whether it is to use the EW theory to derive the three most important parameters of the grand unification node, or to further prove that the three microscopic forces are unified under the mass of high-quality particles and realize the closed loop of the standard model.

Or to construct the Lagrangian value after unification, and introduce the mass coupling constant and determine the vacuum expectation value of the magnetic moment anomaly.

It can be said that these are all very important achievements in the theory of strong electric unification.

These achievements helped him save a lot of time and provided some inspiration and ideas.

In Xu Chuan's opinion, there is no problem at all to be co-authors, it's just the size of the contribution.

Moreover, he must consider whether this is a unique opportunity in the lives of the two mentors who have the greatest influence on his life in the academic world.

That's right, it's the last chance to win the Nobel Prize in the rest of your life.

As long as the strong-electric unified theory is proven to be true, the Nobel Prize in Physics is doomed.

For both Witten and Deligne, this is probably the last and most likely chance to get in touch with the Nobel Prize in their lives.

After all, the two professors are already in their seventies or eighties.

For Witten, although his string theory will not be able to escape the Nobel Prize if it is proven to be true.

But to prove string theory is not something that can be done in this century or even the next century.

For Deligne, it is even more difficult to win the Nobel Prize.

After all, he is a pure mathematician and it can be said that he rarely steps into other fields.

If you want to win the Nobel Prize by mathematical research, there is only a slight possibility unless you apply mathematics to other disciplines such as astrophysics like him.

Missing this opportunity to unify the strong-electric unified theory, whether it is Witten or Deligne, the hope of winning the Nobel Prize in this life can only be said to be infinitely slim.

Xu Chuan must consider this for the two old men who taught him physics and mathematics without reservation in their past and present lives, and for the mentor who gave him his research results on the unification of strong electricity at the most critical moment.

As for the "dirty" things between CERN and the United States, it is not that there is no way to solve them.

In the office, after thinking for a while, Xu Chuan stood up and walked towards the administrative office of the president of Nanjing University.

In the building, the president of Nanjing University, Tan Shaoyuan, was handling official business at hand. Seeing Xu Chuan coming, he quickly stood up with a smile on his face and warmly welcomed him:

"Hey, rare guest. What wind brought you here?"

Tan Shaoyuan smiled and stood up and walked to the closet, took out a can of tea that he was reluctant to drink, and prepared to make tea.

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "There are mainly two things that I want to trouble the school with."

Tan Shaoyuan smiled and said, "Academician Xu, just say it. As long as our Nanjing University can help, it will naturally be our duty."

Xu Chuan did not delay and said directly, "The first thing is about the unified theory of strong electricity. I need to hold a report meeting, so I want to ask if it is convenient for the school."

"Convenient! Absolutely convenient! What's inconvenient about this!"

Before Xu Chuan finished speaking, Tan Shaoyuan quickly replied with a bright smile on his face.

A report meeting on the unified theory of strong electricity, a report meeting of this level, no matter which school or country it is placed in, will rush to hold it.

Don't talk about whether it is convenient or not, even if there are no conditions, you must create the conditions. If there is no auditorium, you must build one specially.

If Xu Chuan hadn't been busy these days and didn't come to Nanjing University, he would have gone there himself.

After all, this kind of conference that shows its image to the international community not only enhances the academic influence and honor of colleges and universities, but also the political achievements of the school, the entire Jinling City, and even the entire province and the entire country.

This level of conference cannot be held without the world's top scholars producing top results.

Even various conferences organized by the government, even higher-level and larger-scale conferences, cannot surpass it in influence in the academic community.

To a certain extent, the report conference on the theory of strong-electric unification has surpassed the most important biennial International Conference on High Energy Physics in the physics community.

After all, although the International Conference on High Energy Physics is important, it can also be said to be a conference that determines the future development and research direction of theoretical physics.

But no matter what, in front of the biggest crown in the theoretical physics community, such as the theory of strong-electric unification, they are not qualified to watch.

For Nanjing University, even if Xu Chuan did not mention it, they would take the initiative to come to the door and rush to do it.

"Then I'll trouble the president."

Xu Chuan reached out to take the tea handed over by Tan Shaoyuan and said with a smile.

"No trouble, no trouble. What's the trouble? I hope this kind of 'trouble' will come more often."

Tan Shaoyuan said with a smile, his face full of happiness and joy: "Leave the academic conference to Nanjing University. I guarantee there will be no problem."

After a pause, he looked at Xu Chuan with a smile and continued to ask: "What about the second thing? Academician Xu."

Xu Chuan thought for a while and then said: "The second thing is that I want to start an academic journal and want to know if the school has any opinions or suggestions here."

For academia, academic journals are an extremely important part of the entire academic system.

Starting an academic journal is actually very simple, as long as you follow the legal requirements for establishing an academic journal.

Especially for a scholar like him, it is just a matter of words in China. No matter from which aspect, the country will support it 100%.

She would even take the initiative to help him with various preliminary preparations.

However, it is not that easy to become an academic journal and an authoritative journal.

First of all, establishing an academic journal, especially a top-level journal, requires extremely high professionalism, including professional knowledge in editing, publishing, and distribution.

Secondly, starting a journal requires a lot of connections, effort and time.

For example, when it comes to invitations to review, especially for papers in top journals, generally speaking, only truly top scholars have the ability to complete the review in a targeted manner.

And this requires connections, accumulation, etc. that are unimaginable to ordinary people.

Especially in China, given the current domestic academic environment, it is even more difficult to find a way to publish a journal.

In the 2018 "China Science and Technology Journal Development Blue Book (2017) Edition" compiled by the National Association for Science and Technology, it is clearly stated:

Most of the high-level papers in China’s dominant disciplines are published in foreign journals.

Data shows that from 2007 to 2016, the number of articles published by domestic institutions in Chinese science and technology journals included in SCI only accounted for 9% of the total number of SCI papers published;

To put it simply, out of 100 SCI journal papers, only 9 were published in domestic SCI journals, and the remaining 91 were published in foreign SCI journals.

This is not only because Western countries have monopolized the development of basic sciences for a long time, but also has to do with the domestic academic environment and some policies.

In fact, China was supposed to have top-level journals, or have the ability to run top-level journals.

At the end of the last century and the beginning of this century, when a considerable number of today's doctoral and master's degree supervisors were still postdoctoral fellows and young teachers, the overall quality of good Chinese journals, such as first-level journals, was relatively high.

Because universities had not yet begun to expand enrollment at that time, there were relatively few scientific research personnel, and graduates with a master's degree could still find teaching positions in universities. Publishing many articles was not a necessary requirement for promotion.

At that time, the country's top publications attached great importance to the evaluation of articles, with high standards and principles.

But later, colleges and universities expanded their enrollment, expanded their master's degree enrollment, and expanded their doctoral enrollment. Publishing articles in journals has become a necessary condition for student graduation, teacher promotion, and year-end awards.

Manuscript submission and publication have become a business, and core journals will never have to worry about running out of manuscript sources. The seller's market is eternal.

Under the concepts of human society and deep-rootedness, there is no doubt that journals implement "double standards" for authors and articles.

Manuscripts are invited directly from talented people. Priority will be given to professors and those supported by national funds. Manuscripts from the first master's degree will not be accepted, nor will the manuscripts from lecturers from second universities be accepted.

As a result, after the introduction of the SCI evaluation system, it was widely welcomed by universities and scholars in China, and it also brought strong shock and far-reaching influence to the Chinese scientific community.

This is not just because SCI is in English and looks high-end and international, but because foreign peer review and double-blind review are relatively fairer and more transparent, which is what a person who concentrates on academics needs.

To be honest, most of the domestic journals are rotten to the core.

For academia, top journals represent authority, influence, and necessary conditions for graduation, promotion, and awards.

Of course, in the field of basic subjects, Western countries control the mainstream development is also one of the reasons.

Almost most of the top papers are in English by default, which represents the cutting-edge theories and technologies in academia. If you are not comfortable with English, you will definitely fall behind.

Added together for various reasons, the development of domestic academic journals can be said to be a very "bad" thing.

Although the above efforts have been made, it is a pity for the domestic academic community that there is never a top journal.

PS: There will be another update tonight, it’s the end of the month, please vote for me!

In addition, Yawei has counted the fragmentary rewards given by some big guys in the past, and is preparing to add updates little by little. However, because the time span is relatively large, there may be some that cannot be counted. Sorry, I will add all the ones that are not counted by then. More.

(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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