Great Country Academician

Chapter 764 The true source of gravity

In the Great Hall, thunderous applause rose like a tide, and then receded like a tide.

As the applause faded, Xu Chuan took a deep breath and slowly said: "Although the mathematical work on the unified theory of strong electricity has been completed, it does not mean that we have completely mastered it."

"For us, this means that we can gain a deeper understanding of the secrets of the microscopic particle world from a mathematical perspective."

"But physics is not just a theoretical science, it is also an experimental science. Observation, experimentation and scientific thinking, exploring and understanding physical phenomena through experiments, and constructing and developing physical theories through logical reasoning are the key to physics. True meaning.”

“In the future, the soon-to-be-completed Ring Super Particle Collider CRHPC will put forward the coupling constants of weak interaction, electromagnetic field, strong interaction, symmetry breaking, etc. in the unified theory of strong electricity. Collision routine.”

"At that time, we will verify these systematic parameters through CRHPC to confirm the correctness of the unified theory of strong electricity."

"Of course, these are the jobs of the future, and more people will need to put in more effort."

"Okay, now comes the question and answer session."

"If you still have any questions in the proof report of the unified theory of strong electricity, you can raise them now, and I will do my best to answer them for you."

In the auditorium, when Xu Chuan announced that he had entered the question-and-answer session, the hands in the audience immediately raised.

Xu Chuan glanced at the crowd in the audience, and a thin arm caught his eye.

Nodding gently towards the now over 100-year-old man, he said: "Please."

Rejecting the support of his wife beside him, the old man stood up from the chair tremblingly. His upright posture was a little bent. With the support of his crutches, he spoke in a steady and trembling voice:

"Page 17, line 11 of the paper, for resonators that are coupled in real space and independent in reciprocal space. Similar to coupled resonators in scalar space, they satisfy the equations of independent resonators in momentum space. Please tell me this How did you come to this conclusion?”

After listening to the question, Xu Chuan nodded lightly. Instead of reading the unified theory of strong electricity on the podium, he went straight to the blackboard and picked up the marker.

Although the unified theory of strong electricity is complicated, for him, every detail has already been deeply engraved in his mind.

Clearing his throat, he picked up a marker and wrote on the blackboard while answering: "In the momentum space, consider the Lorentz transformation: p→p′=γ(p+βE). For the Dirac function, we have: δ(f( x)-f(x))=∑x·1/|f′(x)|·δ(x-x).0”

"Interpreting negative energy states as particles moving backwards in time, we call these states antiparticles. Reversing time also reverses all momentum, i.e. p→-p."

"So, our solution must satisfy the incoming positive particle e^i (Et-px) containing positive energy and the outgoing antiparticle e^+i (Et-p·x) with positive energy."

Answering Mr. Yang's questions in the most concise words, Xu Chuan listed rows of formulas on the blackboard.

It has to be said that although this old gentleman is now over a hundred years old, his observation and thinking are still quite clear. Regarding the details about the coupled resonator, most people will not notice that there is anything to add or that there is controversy in this place.

As the derivation gradually deepens, the core of the problem is peeled off bit by bit, revealing the core idea.

In the audience, as the derivation progressed, Mr. Yang's originally solemn eyebrows gradually relaxed. Looking at the rows of calculations on the blackboard, he nodded with satisfaction, with a smile on his lips.

".The above is the answer to the coupled resonator problem. Do you have any other questions?"

"there is none left."

Mr. Yang nodded with satisfaction and sat down again with his crutches.

When the first question ended, other scholars in the venue immediately raised their arms impatiently.

As the pinnacle of theoretical physics in the 21st century, the report on the unified theory of strong electricity lasted all day, and the question and answer session was divided into two sessions in the morning and afternoon.

The morning session, despite being relatively short, was even more difficult to deal with than the second half.

After all, the questions asked in the first half were all the big guys in the front row, and the questions they asked were often quite tricky.

As for the afternoon session, although many physicists and scholars stood up and raised their doubts. But for Xu Chuan, solving their problems is not even difficult.

In fact, many scholars have some deviations and problems in their understanding of the unified theory of strong electricity. All he has to do is to correct the other party's deviations and mistakes.

When the scorching sun sank into the horizon, when Xu Chuan stood on the stage and announced the end of the report meeting.

The applause resounded in the auditorium with tens of thousands of people, almost knocking off the roof of the auditorium, and also caused a sensation in the entire physics community.

Although the unified theory of strong electricity is still a long way from being completely confirmed by experiments, whether it is those coupling constants or other electromagnetic influence parameters, or the judgment of lepton magnetic moment anomalies, it requires a strong particle collider. Check if it is correct.

But there is no doubt that after this lecture, many scholars present, or the physics community, have accepted this novel and excellent theory.

All that's left is to wait for the passage of time to complete its verification.

The report meeting officially ended. After Xu Chuan bowed to the many scholars in front of him, he left the stage and walked towards the lounge behind the scenes.

Behind him, the applause went away like a tide.

Prepare to change out of your formal clothes and take a rest before attending the dinner party that starts at 7:30.

For an international conference, the party has become an indispensable part.

Nanda, or should we say Huaguo, has never been stingy in this regard.

After all, it is also an important part of the report meeting to show the motherland's strong economic strength, cultural level and scientific and technological development to scholars from other countries.

Naturally, the more scientific researchers a country has, the better, but how to attract scientific researchers from other countries still depends on the underlying economic foundation, scientific research equipment, and culture.

In the banquet hall built in the auditorium of the Xianlin campus, scholars in formal attire walked in the banquet hall carrying champagne, looking for and making new friends or bosses.

Xu Chuan, who had completed the unified theory of strong electricity, was undoubtedly the core of the crowd. Almost every scholar who came to attend the report conference was squeezing in this direction, wanting to say hello to him.

"Congratulations, Xu. I hope that the unification of strong electricity can pass experimental demonstration in the near future."

In the dinner hall, after getting rid of the entanglement of the crowd, Xu Chuan just picked up a piece of roast duck from the buffet table and put it into his mouth. Before he could chew it, another congratulatory sound came from his ears.

Hearing the sound, Xu Chuan raised his head, and what came over was Sheldon Glashow, one of the Nobel Prize winners, who perfected the unification of weak currents together with the famous Professor Weinberg.

He smiled and raised the champagne on the table, touched it with the ninety-year-old man, and replied: "Thank you, I hope it can become the cornerstone of physics."

Professor Sheldon smiled and clinked his wine glass, took a sip of champagne and then asked: "I don't know if it's convenient for you. I want to talk to you about those digressions you made before the report started this morning. "

Issues such as the origin of mass, the interaction between photons and gravity, and the relationship between energy condensation and mass all affect the heart of a theoretical physicist, and he is no exception.

Hearing this, Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Of course I'm happy, but I'm afraid it won't work tonight. How about tomorrow morning?"

This was not the first person to ask him about this tonight. Almost every scholar who came to say hello would ask him tentatively or directly about the meaning of those digressions in the morning.

Naturally, he was happy to see this situation.

After all, this is the plot he designed in advance.

Whether it is void field theory or the Chinese journal "Hope", they need a suitable time to spread in the physics community.

The report meeting on the unified theory of strong electricity is undoubtedly a very suitable opportunity.

He needs the help of these top scholars to 'perfect' the void field theory, which is just a 'seedling', and to help the newly established journal grow.

The next day, on the campus of NTU.

In a spacious conference room, another meeting is being held here.

Although the scale of today's meeting was much smaller than yesterday's auditorium, which could accommodate nearly 10,000 people, the quality had not declined.

Because almost all of the people attending this small-scale meeting were well-known figures in the physics community.

Edward Witten, Gerald TT Hoft, Sheldon Glashow, David Gross, Francois Engler

Almost all scholars who were interested in what Xu Chuan said before the report on the unified theory of strong electricity attended this small meeting.

"Void field theory? It's interesting."

In the conference room, everyone looked at the PPT projected on the screen, with expressions of interest in their eyes.

"Yes, void field theory."

In front of the screen, Xu Chuan smiled and nodded, saying: "This is just my temporary name. Maybe I will change its name in the future."

"But it doesn't matter what it's called, what matters is its content."

After a slight pause, he flipped through the pages of PPT, and then began to seriously and carefully explain the void field theory created by himself.

"As we all know, mass originated from the Higgs mechanism, but it can only explain the particles in our observable universe. Where did dark matter, dark energy, gravity, neutrinos and other unknown substances originate? It is still unclear where It’s a mystery.”

"Based on the unified theory of strong electricity, I introduced a new concept, namely 'void'."

"Void exists widely in our universe and even outside the universe. It will evolve and decay through breaking and symmetry. Part of it breaks into the Higgs field, and the other part breaks into another unknown field, and then evolves into Dark matter, dark energy, neutrinos and other substances.”

"Wait a moment, sorry, I'll interrupt."

In the office, Professor Gerald ter Hoft, who proved the renormalizability of gauge theory and independently discovered the asymptotic freedom of quantum chromodynamics, raised his hand and interrupted Xu Chuan's report.

In front of the screen, Xu Chuan looked over.

Professor Hoft looked at the PPT on the screen, frowned and asked: "What about gravity? In your void field theory, neither the Higgs field nor another unknown field seems to include the source of gravity. ?”

"I will give an explanation for gravity as a separate project later."

Xu Chuan said seriously: "But before that, I need to completely explain the void field theory I constructed so that you can understand my explanation of gravity."

Professor Hoft nodded and said quickly: "Please continue."

Xu Chuan nodded and continued: "Based on the quark confinement effect in the unified theory of strong electricity and the chiral symmetry breaking formula of forward and antiquarks, it can be inferred that when the quarks and gluons that form the strong force form protons and neutrons, Its gluons will break the void field when they interact."


After completing the explanation for nearly a quarter of an hour, Xu Chuan turned to the last page of the PPT and said, "The above is all my research on void field theory so far."

"As for gravity."

After a slight pause, Xu Chuan looked at Professor Gerald Hooft who had asked the question before, took a deep breath, and then said:

"In void field theory, my view is that 'gravity does not exist alone in the universe, it is the energy fluctuation that exists around each particle based on the void break!'"

"It obtains energy through the void rupture of the particle itself, uses gravitons as a medium to spread among conventional matter and dark matter, neutrinos, photons and other matter, and affects the particle itself!"

As soon as these words came out, the conference room suddenly became noisy. Everyone focused their eyes on Xu Chuan, with various emotions such as surprise, surprise, shock, and disbelief in their eyes.

Not only does this concept overturn Newton's universal gravitation and Einstein's theory of relativity, it also describes the concept of gravity from a completely different perspective.

Gravity arises from mass, which is the most widespread and accepted point in physics.

However, today, this scholar who has just completed the unified theory of strong electricity has overturned this concept.

Gravity does not originate from mass, nor does it originate from the curvature of space and time, but from the energy fluctuations generated when particles break through the void field, which affects other particles and matter through gravitons as a medium.

This concept is unheard of, and it can be said to have refreshed everyone's concept of gravity.

If this theory were told here today by someone other than a scholar who is already at the pinnacle of academic circles, I am afraid that everyone present would sneer at it.


The person who described this theory to them was one of the best scholars in contemporary physics.

PS: Please give me a monthly pass, double update tomorrow.

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