Great Country Academician

Chapter 766 Advanced Theory

(Added 1/1 to Mr. Arrietty’s previous reward. Thank you, Mr. Arrietty.)

As the lecture on the unified theory of strong electricity came to an end, photos taken by many top physicists gathered in Jinling became popular on the Internet.

This is a photo that bears witness to the times.

Countless physicists who left Jinling the day after the lecture regretted it.

They regretted not only not being able to witness the birth of this photo, but also regretting not being able to attend the discussion on void field theory that accompanied the spread of the photo.

Although judging from the theories currently being circulated by top physicists, the void field theory created by Professor Xu is not yet complete.

But a unified theory that encompasses the standard model, dark matter, dark energy, the nature of gravity, and the origin of neutrinos is what all physicists yearn for.

And, more importantly, unlike Professor Edward Witten’s string theory, this void field theory does not seem to be so out of reach and undetectable.

At this small 'internal' exchange meeting, Professor Xu also publicly stated that after the construction of the CRHPC Ring Strong Particle Collider is completed, the exploration arrangements for void field breach will be launched, which made many physicists even more excited. Excited.

If the void field theory can be confirmed, there is no doubt that it will be a carnival of physics! The beginning of a truly new century!

At the same time, on the other side, the editor-in-chief of Nature, who was very interested in the photos of the times and the results of the unified theory of strong electricity circulated on the Internet, found Professor Sheldon Glashow who had returned to Harvard University in the United States.

In 1979, Professor Glashow, Abdul Salam and Steven Weinberg jointly won the Nobel Prize in Physics. They are known as the father of the "Standard Model of Particle Physics" and are one of the three people today. The only scholar still alive.

"Nature": "Hello, Professor Glashow, I am very happy to interview you this time. I heard that you went to Jinling, China to participate in a report meeting on the unified theory of strong electricity. What do you think of this theory? Is it true? As rumored, the mathematical unification of the three forces of strong and weak electricity has been completed?”

Sheldon Glashow: "Those are two questions, and I'm going to answer them in the order you asked them."

"First of all, I am personally very optimistic about the unified theory of strong electricity completed by Professor Xu Chuan. This is a magnificent theory. At the report meeting, Professor Xu perfectly explained all the questions I had about the unification of strong electricity. I am optimistic that it can successfully solve this problem.”

"Secondly, there is no certainty yet as to whether the three forces of strong electricity and weak electricity are truly unified mathematically. This is because it requires time and experiments to verify."

"Just as the weak electric theory proposed by Professor Weinberg and Salam and I needs to be tested by CERN's collider before it can be finally confirmed and accepted by the physics community, so does the unified theory of strong electricity."

"This is the most basic respect for scientific rigor, and it is also the spirit that any scholar should have."

"Nature": "In your opinion, how long will it take for us to verify this theory?"

Sheldon Glashow: "I think it won't be too far away. Both Europe's CERN and China's CRHPC are about to be completed. Maybe they already have relevant plans and collision arrangements."

"With two large strong particle colliders, it is not too difficult to verify whether the unified theory of strong electricity is correct based on sufficient predictions."

"Nature": "I heard that after the report on the unified theory of strong electricity was completed, many physicists participated in a small-scale exchange meeting. And at this small exchange meeting, I heard that Professor Xu He also created a brand new theory called 'Void Field Theory', could you please briefly introduce it to us?"

Glashow nodded and smiled: "Of course."

After pondering for a while, he continued: "The void field theory is"

"In short, void field theory is a theory that includes concepts such as the standard model, dark matter, dark energy, gravity, the origin of mass, etc."

Nature: "What do you think of it? Can it replace string theory or grand unified field theory as the new hot theory in physics?"

Glashow: "I can't judge this, because Professor Xu has not completed all the void field theory. And this is a quite new and advanced theory, although it explains a lot of things."


After a slight pause, he continued: "Judging from the part that has been completed so far, I think it has great hope to become a popular research theory in physics in the future."

"Compared to the current string theory, which we cannot make experimental judgments at all, and the grand unified field theory, which has many flaws, the void field theory may be a theory that current technology can detect and judge to a certain extent."

"If some clues are found in future symmetry-breaking detections of void fields, it will most likely be able to explain the origin of matter in our universe."

After the editor of the journal completed the interview, "Nature" posted the unified theory of strong electricity and Professor Sheldon Glashow's answer on the official website, and gave it a Hot tag.

This means that this will be the hottest topic and area of ​​current physics theory.

This move has also caused heated discussions in international physics forums and in various major fields.

【Void field theory! Another brand-new result after the unified theory of strong electricity! 】

[The physics dog who lost his hair really cried. I didn’t even understand the unified theory of strong electricity, but Professor Xu came up with a new theory. 】

[(Squints and smiles), if you upstairs can understand the unified theory of strong electricity, you will definitely be a great expert at the next High Energy Physics Conference! 】

【Am I the only one who pays attention to that photo? So many big guys! 】

【Look! Hoft, Glashow, Glashow, Engler, Witten, Xu Chuan, Rubia, Yang Zhenning, I counted, there are thirty-two people in total, twenty-seven of them are Nobel Prize winners in physics. Good guys, what a gathering of top experts. 】

[A photo of the era comparable to the physical photo taken at the Sowell Conference in the last century! 】

[I don’t need to say more about who didn’t win the Nobel Prize (▽)]

[Witten: Are you going to scold me again? 】

[Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! 】

[Professor Witten is really miserable. He is famous but has never received a Nobel Prize. 】

[Normally, if he wants to win the Nobel Prize, he must prove string theory, which is too difficult. 】

[My evaluation is: A young man mixed in among a group of old men, and he is still sitting in the C seat. It’s fun. 】

[Professor Xu is awesome! It’s really awesome! 】

[Unification of strong electricity, unified framework theory of strongly correlated electron systems, Yang-Mills existence and mass gap, discovery of sterile neutrinos, hiss, I don’t know, I was shocked when I calculated, the last person at his age was like this The one who is productive is still a lover! 】

[Upstairs, you have neglected to mention the extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem, an achievement that still has no name ()""\

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