Great Country Academician

Chapter 770 The Restart of LHLHC and the Unlucky Sakura Country

Chapter 770 The restart of LH-LHC and the unlucky Sakura Country

This interview took a lot longer than usual interviews.

It started at three o'clock in the afternoon and ended around five o'clock in the afternoon.

On the one hand, it takes a long time to make a comprehensive question about theoretical physics, such as the unification of strong electricity, the CRHPC ring strong particle collider, aerospace and moon landing, etc.

After all, this is an exclusive interview, and the purpose is also to let ordinary people at home and abroad know more about the significance of what these cutting-edge scholars are studying for the development of civilization, and to enhance the status of scholars and researchers.

On the other hand, I spent some time taking photos.

After all, it is an exclusive interview. In addition to being broadcast on the CTV channel, C Media has also prepared relevant news newspapers and supporting online information.

Then a handsome photo is inevitable.

Although Xu Chuan thought that he was handsome enough without makeup, he still agreed to it at the CTV reporter's request. He spent more than ten minutes simply putting on makeup, and then spent a long time on the sofa before taking the photo. A few photos.

Although it is said that C media’s lens is a ‘demon mirror’, Xu Chuan was quite satisfied after seeing the photos taken by the cameraman.

Not to mention that his appearance is rated at 10 or 8, which is enough to become a domineering president in the entertainment industry.

Dinner was invited by Xu Chuan, and we found a place to have a meal at a hotel outside the institute.

After all, C Media took the initiative to visit and interview him to promote his reputation and reputation as a scholar and researcher. For this reason, he had to show off no matter what.

The members of the media team who conducted the exclusive interview were invited to have a meal, and the interview officially ended.

Xu Chuan didn't take this matter too seriously. After the interview, he devoted all his attention to his work.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

A grand opening ceremony is being held at the European Atomic Energy Research Center.

The upgrade of the LHC was completed, and the LH-LHC High-Brightness Hadron Collider was officially launched, attracting the attention of the entire physics community.

Although the breakup with China in the past few years caused all Chinese physicists to withdraw from CERN, and the CRHPC ring strong particle collider was launched to compete openly with it, which affected a lot of CERN's reputation.

But a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, not to mention that CERN is not yet skinny. It is still the holy land of physics in the world, not to mention the support of many Western countries.

Although judging from some currently disclosed data, the energy level of the LH-LHC hadron collider is much lower than that of the CRHPC, which is currently under construction. But for today's physics community, the 35Tev+ energy level collision experiment, It's already a completely new field.

You know, before the LHC was upgraded, the collision energy level was only 12Tev and 35Tev+, which is a threefold increase.

Such high-energy particle collision experiments have made many theoretical physicists and particle physicists extremely excited.

After all, the higher the energy level, the easier it is to peer into the deepest secrets of matter.

If it were a few years ago, the physics community might not have had this urgency.

After all, the Higgs boson had been discovered at that time, and the last important piece of the standard model had been completed. However, things like the unification of strong electricity, dark matter, and dark energy were still far away. No one knew how long it would take in the future. Discover their traces.

In other words, for theoretical physics in the 21st century, what is in the Standard Model is almost the upper limit.

For those unknown things, if you don’t see hope, you will naturally have no urgency.

However, the emergence of Xu Chuan broke the standard model. The sterile neutrino, a particle that is theoretically a warm dark matter, has found half of the information in the LHC collision experiment.

And this time the LHC upgrade is completed, physicists can't wait to see it in full.

At the same time, far away in Jinling on the other side of Eurasia, Xu Chuan is also paying attention to the first collision experiment after the restart of the upgraded LHC.

What has to be said is that under the flapping of the butterfly wings of his rebirth, many things that he originally remembered have already deviated from the track.

The upgrade of the LHC in the previous generation was not in 21 years, but in 25 years, and the upgraded high-brightness LH-LHC hadron collider did not reach the energy level of 35 Tev.

After all, there was no competitor like CRHPC at that time, and Laomi did not get involved in the upgrade of the LHC, nor did it provide a batch of high-temperature superconducting materials and a large amount of funds for the upgrade of the LHC.

Although the upgraded LH-LHC has improved the data on sterile neutrinos, it can only go so far.

As for the mysterious dark matter, no one knows how many other different particles it contains.

Perhaps this time with unexpected help, the LH-LHC will make more discoveries.

To be honest, although CERN and CRHPC are in a competitive relationship, Xu Chuan is really looking forward to the first test collision of the upgraded high-brightness LH-LHC.

Because he is a scholar, a physicist.

He cannot refuse research that brings huge opportunities in multiple fields of physical research, such as the search for new particles and new interactions beyond the standard model, and may even lead to new discoveries.

Of course, he is more optimistic and confident about the CRHPC, the circular super particle collider being built in Star City.

Because in the field of collider, collision energy level and detector are the two real cores.

As for CRHPC, although it may be weaker than LH-LHC in terms of ordinary detectors, it completely crushes the latter in terms of collision energy level.

And higher-energy collision experiments mean that it has greater potential in discovering new science.

After waiting for a day, Xu Chuan was a little surprised that although the high-brightness LH-LHC collider did show off its muscles in the first round, something unexpected happened during the process.

Someone got through the "heavy" security and sneaked into the underground tunnel of the LH-LHC Hadron Collider to protest against the start-up of the Large Strong Particle Collider, causing the experiment that was originally going to be carried out as planned to have to be temporarily suspended.

Although through surveillance, the security personnel quickly caught the middle-aged man sneaking into the underground tunnel of the collider and made preparations again for the first round of testing.

At the same time, less than four hours after the first round of testing was completed, a 7.2-magnitude earthquake occurred near the Izu Islands in Sakura Country. The tsunami caused by the earthquake caused huge damage to Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Yokohama and other cities. Wave attack.

Although the personal and economic losses have not yet been calculated, there is no doubt that this sudden 'unexpected' accident has definitely attracted more attention from the media and ordinary people than the first round of LH-LHC experiments.

At the press conference that day, countless media reporters flocked to the venue and raised their microphones to ask questions to Professor Eliezer Rabinovich, the new director of CERN.

"Hello, Mr. Chairman Rabinovich, I am a media reporter from the BBC. I heard that the energy level of the upgraded high-brightness LH-LHC collider is as high as 35 Tev. Will such a high energy intensity be used in collider collisions? A black hole was created inside the collision?"

"Hello, Mr. Chairman, I am a reporter from the New York Times. If the LHC collider produces a black hole, will the earth be sucked into it?"

"Mr. Chairman, when the LHC collider was started today, a 7.2-magnitude earthquake occurred near the Izu Islands in Sakura Country. Is this related to the operation of the LH-LHC collider?"

"Mr. Eliezer Rabinovich, I heard that the outside world is constantly protesting the operation of the high-luminosity LH-LHC collider. Will CERN consider stopping its operation?"

"Hello, Chairman"

At the press conference, Chairman Eliezer Rabinovich, whose reputation has not been very good since taking office, felt his head growl when he heard these questions.

Issues such as underground pipelines being infiltrated before they were put into operation, a 7.2-magnitude earthquake occurring near the Izu Islands in Sakura Country, and black holes that may be created by collisions were uncovered.

All kinds of questions were thrown at him. No matter how he answered, it was impossible for these media reporters to let go of today's extremely hot and popular topic.

Sure enough, in the evening of that day, news related to the high-luminosity LH-LHC particle collider became a hot search topic on major Internet platforms.

[On the day the LH-LHC was upgraded and restarted, a 7.2-magnitude earthquake occurred in the waters of Sakura Country, also on the Eurasian plate! 】

[The curse of CERN! Every time the LHC is launched, a disaster or weird event occurs in the area near the same time. 】

【protest! CERN must stop the operation of the Large Strong Particle Collider! This is a disaster for the earth! 】

[According to physics and electricity, when the ring-type particle accelerator of the Large Strong Particle Collider uses electric coils to accelerate particles, it will create a huge magnetic field. This magnetic field will even affect the geomagnetism of the earth itself, and further even change the earth's geomagnetism. Gravity changes time and space, CERN is very likely to destroy the entire earth! 】

[Damn, these crazy physicists! They once used a collider to create a small black hole underground at the border of France and Switzerland! Now they have built a bigger one, which will destroy the entire human race sooner or later! 】

[Not only Europe, China has also built a large strong particle collider, and the collision energy level is even higher than that of the upgraded LHC. 】

On the Internet, the coincidental earthquake in Sakura Country made the news of the restart of the LHC Hadron Collider a hot search topic. For a time, people on the Internet and even in reality were protesting.

Even an environmental organization opposed to the collider experiment organized a march in the area near CERN in eastern France, trying to rush into CERN to stop the operation of the LHC.

Related hot searches have not been avoided in China, ranking seventh.

However, this seventh one has little to do with the fact that the collider creates black holes and endangers the safety of the earth. It is related to the fact that when the LH-LHC was started, a 7.2-magnitude earthquake occurred near the Izu Islands in Sakura Country.

[Hey guys, a 7.2-magnitude earthquake occurred near the Izu Islands in Sakura Country! 】

[Play a ‘6’ alone! 】

[I heard that it was related to the restart of the European Atomic Energy Agency's Large Strong Particle Collider after its upgrade. Not long after the LHC collision experiment, the earthquake occurred. 】

【real or fake? If this is true, please open the LHC at maximum power a few more times, thank you! 】

[The one upstairs doesn’t use the LHC, we have one ourselves, and it’s bigger (squints and smiles)]

[Hahahahaha, Le, let’s sing about the good days! 】

[Speaking of the operation of the Large Intense Particle Collider, can it really produce these disasters? And create black holes? ]

[Lou Jiu Leak? ]

[Is it possible that the mass and energy of the entire earth cannot produce a black hole of any size (dog head)]

[That's not the case. The collider can indeed create a black hole. The LHC has done it, but it evaporated before even lasting one hundred thousandth of a second. ]

[It can't be created. First! The power of the collider is far from enough. Maybe building a collider around the equator of the earth can create a black hole, but it certainly can't be created now. ]

[Second, the black holes produced in the collider are all micro black holes or even quantum black holes. In this case, according to Hawking's black hole radiation theory, they will evaporate at the moment of birth and will not have time to swallow the earth. ]

[Black holes are not possible, but that disaster may really be possible. The LHC has been started many times on the same day, with various natural disasters, such as tsunamis, earthquakes, and strange vortices. The magnetic field of the LHC is 100,000 times larger than that of the Earth. Will the Earth's magnetic field be affected or even reversed? 】

【There should be no problem. No matter how big the collider is, it only occupies a small area. Compared with the Earth, it is almost a sesame seed. 】

【If there is a problem, physicists like Kawan will definitely expose it. Don't worry, don't think too much. 】

Compared to some ignorant remarks abroad, the attention of domestic netizens is basically focused on the big earthquake in the sea area of ​​​​Sakura Country.

If this level of earthquake disaster occurred in other countries, domestic netizens might seriously discuss whether it was the fault of the Large Intense Particle Collider.

But when this happened to friends across the sea, most netizens would probably just sing good days while hoping that it would happen more times.

At the same time, on the other side.

In the Xinghai Research Institute, Xu Chuan, who had been waiting for news for a day and got this result, was also a little stunned.

He really didn't expect that the first day of the LHC restart after the upgrade would hit the earthquake in Sakura Country.

Of course, he had no impression of the 7.2 magnitude earthquake near the Izu Islands in the country of cherry blossoms. Although he was reborn, it was impossible for him to pay attention to and remember everything.

All he could say was that his luck was incredible.

If he didn't believe in science instead of metaphysics, he would have doubted that the operation of the Large Hadron Collider could really affect the operation of the Earth.

After all, it's okay if it happens once or twice, but there are indeed a lot of coincidences.

For example, when the LHC was first started in 2008, four major earthquakes occurred within 24 hours. Iran's 6.1 magnitude, the Atlantic's 6.6 magnitude, Indonesia's 6.6 magnitude, and Hokkaido's 6.9 magnitude.

To be honest, it's really hard not to think of this.

But for Earth Mama, these earthquakes were just her snoring while she was sleeping, not even moving.

As for the impact of the particle collider, that's even more nonsense.

As netizens have said, no matter how strong the magnetic field of the Large Hadron Collider is, it is insignificant compared to the size of the entire Earth.

Solar storms have not been able to "completely" affect the Earth's magnetic field. If the collider wants to achieve this, it may not even be enough to circle the equator.

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