Great Country Academician

Chapter 789 Problematic high-voltage verification work

On the same time as the completion of the CRHPC circular super-intense particle collider and the successful completion of the 130 trillion electron volt collision experiment, another news that is no less popular is the CERN press conference.

On August 1, the CERN headquarters in Geneva, Europe, successfully held and passed the acceptance report meeting for the detection data of the "coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking".

At the report meeting, Professor Fox Hale from the Department of Physics at Stanford University gave a comprehensive report on recent work, and made public the Daritz diagram with a 5 sigma confidence level, announcing to the outside world that the prediction of the "coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking" has been confirmed.

There is no doubt that this is the other half of the physics community.

Even under the news that the CRHPC circular super-intense particle collider conducted a collision experiment at the energy level of 130Tev, the influence is not weaker than the former, and it can even be said to be better to some extent.

The predicted data of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking has been confirmed, which means that the most core and basic theory in the strong electrosymmetry unification theory has also been verified to be true.

For a time, the entire physics community exploded like cold water splashed into an oil pan.

On the internationally renowned physics forum PhysicsForums, related posts and discussions emerged in an endless stream like mushrooms after rain.

However, compared with the predicted data of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking verified by CERN, most scholars seem to be paying attention to another angle.

[The predicted data of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking has been confirmed! Professor Fox Hale's report has been verified by CERN! ]

[The most core prediction in the strong electrosymmetry unification theory has been confirmed, will the remaining predictions be far behind? ]

[It is said that the early 20th century was the golden age of physics, and the early 21st century seems to be no less impressive. ]

[The confirmation of the Higgs boson, the completion of the standard model, the discovery of gravitational waves, the detection of distant galaxies, the strong electrosymmetry unification theory, the inert neutrino, a particle beyond the standard model, dark matter, and dark energy. Unknowingly, our physics has advanced so much! 】

【Half of the above are related to Professor Xu (sideways smile)】

【Incredible, if the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century were an era of brilliant stars, then the 21st century is the throne of one person. 】

【Don't forget that he also has a vacuum field theory that completely goes beyond the standard model and incorporates dark matter, dark energy, gravity and other things into the system. Although it has not been completed yet, I believe it is very likely to be a beacon guiding the future direction of the physics community! 】

【If he can unify gravity, he may be the real first person in the physics community! 】


The discussion on the International Physics Forum PhysicsForums is just a microcosm in the physics community.

When the news of the acceptance report meeting of CERN's detection data of the "coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking" spread, countless universities and physics institutions launched related work and research on the theory of strong electrosymmetry unification.

If the most core basic predictions have been confirmed, then the remaining predictions of the theory of strong electrosymmetry unification studied by Professor Xu Chuan will be extremely accurate without any accident.

Many universities and physics institutions have picked up this paper, trying to use colliders or other means to complete the verification of other predicted data in the strong-electric unified theory.

Although the glory of the paper itself has been fixed on the author, if the predicted data can be verified, it is an honor that cannot be missed for any physicist, or even a university or a physics institution.

After all, this is the strong-electric unified theory!

The acceptance report of CERN's detection data of the coupling constant of strong-electric symmetry breaking was spread, and the relevant data was naturally delivered to Xu Chuan.

In the office of CRHPC headquarters, Xu Chuan sat on the sofa, and the tablet in his hand played the acceptance report of the coupling constant of strong-electric symmetry breaking.

Although he did not attend the acceptance report meeting there, it does not mean that he is not clear about the situation there.

After all, he is the core author of the strong-electric unified theory, and the verification of the core predicted data in this theory cannot be bypassed by him anyway.

Almost all scholars who have his email and contact information contacted him by email or other means as soon as possible after the acceptance report meeting to inform him of the result.

While Xu Chuan was carefully flipping through the video in his hand, Edward Witten, sitting opposite the sofa, took a cup of iced coffee from his assistant, said thank you, looked at Xu Chuan, with a little regret on his face, and said:

"From the current situation, Stanford University has passed the acceptance of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking, confirming this prediction."

CERN has completed the verification of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking first, which is not good news for the CRHPC controlled by his student.

Although the honor of the strong electrosymmetry unification theory has always been with him and cannot be erased, for the physics community and the large-scale particle collider, there are not many theories that can be verified and exploration targets.

The most eye-catching is undoubtedly the predicted data of the strong electrosymmetry unification theory, as well as the two inert neutrinos and dark matter beyond the standard model.

As for the void field theory, it is too far away for the current CERN and CRHPC.

After all, the theory has not yet been completely perfected, let alone verified.

Unfortunately, CRHPC has now lost one of these two important areas.

In other words, one of the most important parts has been lost.

Although there are some other fruits to be picked, by comparison, the biggest and sweetest one has indeed been picked.

In the office, after flicking the video in his hand back and forth in a certain place for N times, Xu Chuan put the tablet in his hand on the coffee table, pinched the bridge of his nose, relieved his sore eyes, and said :

"Maybe not necessarily yet."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Across the sofa, Edward Witten cast a doubtful look and asked curiously.

Xu Chuan thought for a while before replying: "Judging from the video of the acceptance report of the detection data of the coupling constant for strong electric symmetry breaking, there seems to be no problem with Professor Fox Haier's verification work."

"There are no problems with the original data sorting in the early stage, data analysis in the mid-term, integration and Darize diagram drawing in the later stage. The logic seems to be quite self-consistent."


"But what?" Witten asked quickly.

Xu Chuan thought for a while and said, "I feel that there may be something wrong with his Dalizitu."

"But I'm not sure for the time being. I can only say that from the perspective of my understanding of the strong electric unified theory and the coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking, its Dalitz diagram seems to be too perfect, as if it is completely It went according to my prediction.”

Hearing this, Witten frowned and looked over: "Isn't it supposed to be like this?"

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Particle verification in the field of high-energy physics cannot be such a perfect prediction."

"Just like the Higgs boson, when the Higgs boson is generated, it decays within a very short period of time and cannot be directly detected by current detectors."

"For now, our detectors can only record all its decay products and decay characteristics. From these experimental data, we can reconstruct the decay process. If it matches a certain decay path of the Higgs boson, it is possible to classify it as a Higgs boson. Be made to do something.”

"This is how the Higgs particle is built piece by piece."

"The same goes for the verification of coupling constant data for strong electric symmetry breaking. It is difficult for us to directly detect the relevant traces. We can only describe them through the corresponding decay products and decay characteristics."

"During this process, there should be some subtle curve changes in every Dalitz graph. But in the data disclosed by Professor Fox Hale, I can't find such traces."

Witten frowned and asked, "Are you saying that there might be a problem with Professor Fox Hale's Darize diagram?"

Xu Chuan shook his head gently and said, "We can't be sure yet."

"At least from the verification report video that has been leaked so far, I can't be sure. This is just my guess."

After a slight pause, he continued: "If I want to verify whether there are any problems with these Dalitz diagrams, I may need more detailed experimental data and complete analysis data and processes provided by Professor Fox Haier."

Witten frowned, picked up the tablet from the coffee table, and carefully flipped through the acceptance report video inside, pausing and checking frame by frame.

After a while, Wei Teng raised his head, looked at Xu Chuan, frowned and asked, "Are you sure?"

Xu Chuan nodded and said: "Based on my understanding of the unified theory of strong electricity, Professor Fox Hale's Dalitz diagram may have some problems."

"At least, he didn't fully answer my doubts."

After a slight pause, he looked at Witten and continued: "Do you still remember the void field theory that my mentor and I mentioned a few months ago?"

Hearing this, Witten looked over and nodded, but did not speak.

Xu Chuan continued: "In my void field theory, when the strong quarks and gluons form protons and neutrons, their gluons will break the void field when they interact, and from the void field Gain energy to maintain and create strong interactions.”

"Theoretically, through collision experiments at the 17Tev energy level, quarks will absorb enough energy levels from the collision, thereby destroying the free asymptotic phenomenon of quarks and splitting to form new quark combinations."

"According to common sense, this part of the data should be sandwiched in energy level decay, but I didn't find it on the Dalitz diagram."

After a pause, he then added: "Of course, it is not ruled out that Professor Fox Hale removed this part when processing the data and drawing the Dalitz diagram."

Hearing this, Witten's frown deepened, and he quickly said: "I will contact the CERN Council and ask them to provide a detailed experimental data and Professor Fox's complete analysis data and process."

Although he didn't feel too much strangeness from this acceptance report, if he, a student, said so, I'm afraid there may really be some problems in this verification work of coupling constant data for strong electric symmetry breaking. question.

I just hope it's not the worst and most serious kind.

PS: There is another chapter in the evening. It’s the end of the month. Please give me your monthly votes. Big guys, please vote with your monthly votes. Thanks(ω)

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