Great Country Academician

Chapter 793 Protests from various countries

In the office, Xu Chuan simply sorted out the data he had read, put it aside, and thought about it seriously.

Although he only read it once, with his understanding of the strong-electric unified theory and his ability in high-energy physics, he was fully able to understand everything in it in detail.

From the surface experimental data and analysis process, there is indeed no problem with these data.

It must be said that the data made by Professor Fox Hale is quite perfect.

It is so perfect that it can almost deceive everyone. It is so perfect that people even think that these data should be like this.

If the strong-electric unified theory does not involve the unfinished void field theory, and the part about quarks and gluons is not that he has already completed it and is related to it, I am afraid he would find it difficult to identify the problem in it.

And such perfect data is probably extremely difficult to complete by the physics team of more than ten people alone.

In the meantime, did the CERN board of directors, or the new chairman who took office this year, and Stanford University behind him, participate in it?

You know, even if there is only one member team, it is extremely difficult to complete so much analysis data in less than two months.

Even if Professor Fox created a mathematical model that can greatly improve the analysis efficiency, it still requires extremely high computing power to analyze these data from almost countless data.

This computing power is not something that ordinary computers can achieve.

If you want to analyze or even create these nearly perfect data through raw data in more than a month, it may not work without supercomputers.

CERN has supercomputers, and Stanford University also has supercomputers. In theory, Fox Haier should be able to join forces with one of them, but I don’t know which one it is.

At the same time, when Xu Chuan was preparing to solve the errors in the coupling constant verification work of strong electric symmetry breaking.

On the other hand, a large number of news messages that "criticized" the CRHPC organization soon appeared on the Internet.

A dictator, a stubborn madman, showing off his pitiful authority, and totally ignoring other countries in the world.

After the CRHPC collider work arrangement meeting was held, various charges were directly put on the CRHPC organization and Xu Chuan in less than a day.

Representatives of more than one country accepted interviews with media reporters and said that participating in the CRHPC collider work arrangement meeting was a wrong decision.

Because China and the CRHPC organization did not take them seriously at all.

As soon as the relevant news came out, it immediately set off a wave of waves in the physics community in this "troubled autumn".

There were constant protests on major websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and blogs.

【I said that China is not so kind. On the surface, it invited and welcomed scholars from other countries to participate in the collision experiment, but in reality? They firmly controlled all the experiments in their own hands and left no chance for others. 】

【I don't understand why he has to spend such precious collision resources to repeat the verification of a result that has passed the acceptance of the physics community. Isn't it better to use it in other places? Obviously, there are still many unverified predictions in the strong-electric unified theory. 】

【The competition with CERN has driven Professor Xu Chuan completely crazy. He is obsessed with the fact that there is something wrong with CERN's results. Look, the final result is definitely a waste of time and money without any results. 】

【A country that has been backward for decades suddenly has a little authority in the academic world. If they don't show off, how can they let the world know that they have such a pitiful authority? 】

【I suggest that physicists from all countries collectively withdraw from CRHPC and ask China to return the funds that have been paid! 】


On the Internet, public opinion is everywhere.

After it was revealed that Xu Chuan monopolized the collision resources of CRHPC out of self-conceit, the relevant public opinion exploded directly.

Although this is something worth gossiping about in itself, it is impossible for it to ferment to the point where everyone in the world knows it in just one or two days without the Western media behind the scenes.

As for this leaked news, if we have to say who is most worried, in addition to the staff of the CRHPC organization, it is probably the scholars in the physics community.

After all, the world finally has a large particle collider with an energy level of more than 100 Tev. If this incident causes China to exclude scholars from other countries, or other countries collectively withdraw from the CRHPC organization, it will be a huge loss for the entire physics community.

In the cafe outside the CRHPC headquarters building, Professor Arthur McDonald, who came from CERN, was sitting in a window with a beautiful view, holding a cup of cold coffee, looking outside from time to time with a little worry on his face.

Professor Arthur McDonald, the winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2015, shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with another physicist named "Takaaki Kajita" for "discovering neutrino oscillations and proving that neutrinos have mass."

Today he came from CERN. In addition to participating in the subsequent collision experiments of CRHPC, he also paid attention to the "controversial" incident that broke out recently.

After all, this is not good news for the entire physics community.

Not long after, another scholar quickly pushed open the door of the coffee shop, looked around and then came over.

"any drinks?"

Professor McDonald asked with a smile when he saw the person coming.

"Just a cup of coffee." Edward Witten said casually, pulled out his chair and sat down.

"I heard that your student was arguing with CERN?" Arthur MacDonald asked after ordering a cup of coffee.

Witten: "Are you talking about the article he posted to the arxiv preprint website yesterday?"

"Is there anything else besides this?"

McDonald asked, and then said: "I heard that he disrupted all the original work arrangements of CRHPC and wanted to re-verify the coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking."

Hearing this question, Witten nodded and said, "There is such an arrangement."

After hearing the definite answer, Arthur MacDonald sighed and said: "To be honest, I don't think this is a good decision."

Opposite him, Edward Witten took the coffee from the waiter without much surprise on his face. He just raised his brows and looked over.

Professor Arthur McDonald didn't pay attention. He went on to elaborate: "You know, I have been studying at CERN some time ago. I watched the coupling constant verification work for strong electric symmetry breaking bit by bit. Made.”

"Whether it is the 3sigma confidence results of California Institute of Technology or the 5sigma confidence results of Stanford University, I have detailed experimental data and complete analysis process data, and I checked carefully and found no problems."

Witten smiled and said: "Are you trying to persuade him to give up re-verifying the coupling constant for strong electric symmetry breaking?"

Professor Arthur McDonald shook his head and said: "That's not the case. I have read the doubts about the coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking. I think it is necessary to conduct a more rigorous verification of it."


After hesitating for a moment, he finally said, "I'm just worried about CRHPC's current behavior."

"What are you worried about?" Witten asked casually.

Professor Arthur Macdonald said with some sadness: "It is obvious to all that China has been at a disadvantage in the field of basic disciplines for many years. Now they control the world's largest collider, which has brought about increased confidence and Emotions like complacency can spell disaster for the physics community."

After a pause, he looked at Witten, and then said: "Before coming, I heard that CRHPC held a work arrangement meeting for the CRHPC collider two days ago. However, I heard that at the meeting, he didn't say anything at all. The next experimental arrangement was decided directly without consulting other people.”

"This style of behavior, which is completely incapable of listening to other people's opinions, makes me very worried."

Hearing this, Witten smiled and said nonchalantly: "So it's better to leave the arrangements for the collision experiment to those who don't understand physics at all?"

McDonald shook his head and said, "That's not what I meant."

Taking a deep breath, he continued: "It is undeniable that in the world of physics, and even in the entire academic world, his academic prestige is among the top."

"But to be honest, he is too young, so young that he may fall into the trap that many young people have stepped on, such as stubbornness, excessive self-confidence, or even eagerness to show other countries how powerful China is? These things? It may lead to a dead end in the future research of the CRHPC institution, and it may also lead to his entire being in a desperate situation.”

"Mr. Einstein has stumbled countless times in experimental physics because of his stubbornness. I don't want him to follow in the same footsteps."

"So I still hope you can persuade him that in the field of experimental physics, he should at least listen to the opinions of some other scholars."

"After all, this is no longer an area that can be developed alone."

Hearing this, Witten couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

Opposite, Professor Arthur MacDonald was stunned.

Witten didn't pay attention. He seemed to be lost in memories. He thought for a while before speaking: "If it was someone else, maybe what you said is right."

"But if it's him, maybe it seems to me that you're wrong."

Hearing this, Professor Arthur MacDonald couldn't help frowning and said, "I know he is your student, and he is the best one, but there is no need to be so biased towards him."

Witten smiled, took a sip of coffee, and said with a smile: "That's because you don't understand him."

After a slight pause, he continued: "Actually, you only need to get a little closer to him to know that he has never been a stubborn and conceited scholar who cannot listen to other people's opinions or admit his own mistakes."

"To be honest, I have been on the academic road for decades. I have met countless people, but like him, after he has reached the pinnacle of academic circles after becoming famous, he is still continuing to learn and research. I dare not say that he is the only one in the entire academic world who is enterprising and does not give himself any slack, but it can be said that he is the purest of all those who have these spirits.”

"Purely, many times I thought he was a robot, born with no other activities and instructions except learning and academic research."

"Sometimes, I feel that his life is too tiring. Apart from academics and research, there is nothing else in his life."

Speaking of this, Witten looked at his old friend calmly and said, "If you think what I said is problematic or exaggerated, you can choose to stay at CRHPC for a while and get in touch with him more."

"At least, I can guarantee that you can't find any fault with his attitude towards academics."

After a pause, he continued, "In addition, if you have any objections to the collision arrangement of CRHPC, I think you can ask him for a collision arrangement after the re-verification of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking is completed."

"I can guarantee that the collision applications submitted by non-Chinese scholars will account for at least 40%, 50%, or even more in the next year."

"And if you have any objections to any of them, you can raise them to him. As long as the reasons are proper, I believe he will consider modifying them."

PS: Yesterday's second update, there will be an update in the afternoon. Please give me the guaranteed monthly tickets from the big guys.

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