Great Dao Ji

Chapter 106 The belated arrival of the golden finger

"Am I really dreaming?"

Looking around at the endless twisted and bizarre lights, An Qisheng wanted to pinch himself, but in his current state, he had neither hands nor body.

At this time, An Qisheng was like a wisp of smoke and a ghost, surrounded by indescribable things.

The reason why he said it was indescribable was because his retracement speed was so fast that the flow of all the surrounding scenes exceeded the limit of his perception.

"What is the light that enters my spirit?"

Endless light and shadow flickered and flowed, and An Qisheng felt his body shake, if he had a body.

In his feeling, he was like a little fish jumping out of the river and suddenly entering a completely different environment!

Immediately, he felt a bright light in his heart, which was so bright that it was invisible!

An Qisheng's mind was swaying. In the bright and mighty light, he faintly saw a broken ancient scroll.

In other words, it was a broken picture.

At a glance, An Qisheng could already feel the vast aura on the scroll.

"This is the depth of my soul. That scroll may be the origin of my ability."

A glimmer of enlightenment arose in An Qisheng's heart.

Because of the integration of the unknown stream of light, his mental power was unprecedentedly powerful, and he finally sensed the state of his soul.

That ancient painting seemed to exist in his soul.

"What is this picture scroll?"

Even though he knew it was in his soul, he still didn't know what that picture was.


As An Qisheng's thoughts moved, the huge picture scroll restrained its brilliance and slowly unfolded.

A vast expanse of white.

There is a blank space in the scroll, it seems to be just a blank painting.

But An Qisheng looked at it intently, and there were already words appearing in the scroll:

[An Qisheng (Master of Daoyi Picture)]

[Lifespan: 29 (Xuanxing) Status: Origin Loss]

[Speciality: A Dream of Thousands of Autumn (One-star Miracle Skill)]

[Treasure: King Quan Sword (one-eighth)]

[The trajectory of this life: unpredictable]

[Power: 22 points]

"Tao Yitu"

A lot of information emerged in An Qisheng's mind, giving him some enlightenment.

This scroll called "Dao Yi" is taken from the saying that Tao begets one, one is two, two begets three, and three begets all things. Its origin is unknown, except that it was broken into many pieces in a great war.

One of them, for some reason, he got.

And this incomplete 'Dao Yitu' was also the source of his desperate situation. It was the fact that it consumed his essence day after day, year after year, that made him think that he was terminally ill.

Originally, with his current mental strength, he could not sense the existence of the 'Dao Yitu' at all. It was the King Quan Sword's recognition of its master that caused his mental strength to skyrocket, and he could barely communicate with the 'Dao Yitu'.

At this time, An Qisheng realized that the King Quan Sword that Tong Zhengyang had seen in his memory had somehow become his.

But at this time, his attention was no longer on the Royal Sword, but on his terminal illness.

He originally thought that he could recover without medicine as long as he took the elixir, but then he realized that if he could not make up for the source of the deficiency.

Even if he holds the elixir to become a gang, as long as it cannot make up for the shortcomings of his origin.

He would still be dead in six and a half years at most.

He subconsciously believed in this 'Tao Yitu'.

“If virtue does not match position, there will be disaster.”

After coming back to his senses, An Qisheng understood.

He didn't have any negative emotions. Although he was suffering from losses, it had become an established fact. No matter whether he was angry or regretful, it had no effect.

He has always been a pragmatic person.

With a thought in my mind, I asked the ‘Tao Yitu’:

"What use are you? How can I make up for my origin?"


The scroll shook slightly, and the light on it flowed like water;

[Daoyi Picture (1/50, extremely incomplete)]

[Ability 1: Thousands of Years of Dreams (has been mastered by the map owner)]

[Ability 2: Insight into oneself (has been mastered by the map owner)]

[Ability 3: Omniscient (the map owner has not mastered it yet)]

[Do you want to expend your power to search for a way to complete your origin? 】

Looking at the handwriting that appeared on the Daoyi map, An Qisheng was slightly relieved, as long as there was a way.

"Omniscient? That's not a small tone."

An Qisheng's heart moved and he responded with a picture:


[It consumes 10,000 Dharma to search for the Dharma to supplement the source, and the search fails because the Dharma is insufficient.]


An Qisheng was speechless, this was too rigid.

Xiaoai’s classmates are better than you.

"What is Daoli? How to get it?"

An Qisheng asked again.

[The power contained in all Tao is Tao power. The method to obtain it is as follows:

One: Looking for the incomplete fragments of the Dao Yi Tu.

Two: Self-perception.

Three: The Tao Yun of other people’s understanding. 】


A lot of information flashed through An Qisheng's mind, and he couldn't help but frown.

But judging from the explanation, it is extremely difficult to obtain this power.

He only has 22 points now, God knows how long it will take before he can get 10,000 Dao Power?

You know, according to what 'Dao Yitu' said, he only has less than seven years to live.

Many thoughts flashed through one by one, and it took a long time for An Qisheng to calm down:

"Where am I going at this time?"

[Perceiving the owner's eagerness to enter a dream, according to the world coordinates provided by the map owner, he consumed six thousand Taoist powers and entered the dream world]

"My urgent thoughts?"

An Qisheng's heart moved.

When he dreamed of Tong Zhengyang before, wasn't the most urgent thought in his mind going back to the world before Tong Zhengyang traveled through?

However, I provided world coordinates?

"What kind of King Quan Sword is it? There are world coordinates in the King Quan Sword? Then am I not traveling through time now?"

An Qisheng felt a thump in his heart and asked quickly:

"Will time in the outside world pass while I'm dreaming?"

He hasn't forgotten that there is Tong Zhengyang in the outside world who is watching him. If he delays for too long, something will happen.

[A big dream lasts for thousands of years, one breath lasts for a thousand years]

On the ancient scroll, the warm light flows like water:

[The picture owner can wake up at any time]

"Wait, six thousand Dao Power? Where did I get six thousand Dao Power?"

Feeling relieved, An Qisheng realized something was wrong.

After spending 6,000 Dao Power to enter the dream world, where did he get the 6,000 Dao Power?

[The owner of the picture once obtained Tao Yun from others and gained 6,000 points of Tao power]

Dao Yitu still answers all questions and does not answer any questions. He is rigid and rigid, as if he is mentally retarded.

"Other people's Tao Yun? Is it Mr. Yangming?"

An Qisheng was shocked and already knew the source of the Tao power he had obtained.

Among the things he came into contact with, only Wang Yangming could have left behind such a Tao Yun.

He knew that he could wake up at any time, but how could Mr. Yangming's gift be wasted?

Besides, my fundamental purpose is to find Tong Zhengyang's weakness.

There was no point in waking up at this point.

If it is true as Dao Yitu said, "A great dream lasts for thousands of years, and one breath lasts for a thousand years," then I am not in a hurry to get out.

It's just a long dream, maybe you can find Tong Zhengyang's weakness.

With a thought, An Qisheng had withdrawn from the depths of his soul.

I saw the endless light and strange land flashing past, and a huge ball of light emitting strong white light was very close at hand.

"Is this Tong Zhengyang's original world?"

A thought flashed in An Qisheng's mind, and he had lost all his thoughts.

At the last moment, he seemed to see the endless and bizarre land.

There are many more balls of light like this,

A lot, a lot

Dafeng country,


Ronghua Mansion,

Thirty miles north of Nanliang County, on an unknown small black mountain.

The hill was only a few tens of feet high. It had few trees and flowers, and was mostly made of dark rocks, so there were only a few birds and animals.

On the hill, there is a dilapidated Taoist temple.

The Taoist temple is not very small, with three entrances and three exits. Entering through the main gate is the front courtyard, then walking through the inner courtyard, and finally the main hall where the ancestor is worshiped.

The courtyard is full of fallen leaves and the walls are mottled.

"Master, Master, wake up, wake up, don't leave Tingting, wuwu master, master"

From a room in the inner courtyard, the sad cry of a girl could be heard.

"Junior sister, stop crying!! If you cry again, will Master cry to death before he's even dead!?"

A male voice scolded.


The female voice became increasingly sad and aggrieved: "Master, look, my senior brother has already started to bully Tingting before you leave."

The male voice sounded like his head was as big as a bucket. He was so angry and had no choice but to comfort him softly:

"Even without Master, I will protect you."

"No, I want Master"

The female voice is stubborn.

"Junior sister! Master told me to take care of you. The doctor said that Master will not survive until tonight."

"I don't want it, I just don't want it, Master won't die!"



So noisy!

Disturbing dreams

In a daze, An Qisheng seemed to hear someone arguing next to him, saying words he couldn't understand at all, crying and making trouble.

He could never sleep again.

As he gradually regained consciousness, strange feelings spread in his heart.

My limbs were sore and numb, my body had no strength at all, it felt like a big stone was pressing on my chest, my face was a little stiff, and I couldn't open my eyes even though I tried several times.

With his control over his body, even if there are two dumbbells hanging from his eyelids, it will not affect his ability to open his eyes.


An Qisheng was shocked and completely sober.

He used all his strength to open his eyes, but his vision was blurry, even unclearer than the poorest quality TV in his childhood.

His vision froze for a moment before he saw his surroundings.

This is an old house with ancient furnishings and a smell of decay everywhere.

In front of the old bed, two children wearing tattered robes stitched together from several pieces of rags lay lying in front of his bed.

The two children are both very young. The boy is older, about twelve or thirteen years old, and the girl is younger, eight or nine years old at most.

The same thing is that they are all dressed in rags, dirty, and skinny, just like the refugees seen on TV!

"Master, you wake up!"

The little girl was so surprised that she burst into tears.

An Qisheng couldn't understand what they were saying at all. He wanted to speak, but his mouth was bitter and his lips seemed to weigh a thousand pounds.

He wanted to get up, but it felt like there was a mountain pressing down on him.

The only thing that can move in this whole body is a pair of eyes!

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