Great Dao Ji

Chapter 26 Laziness is the driving force behind all inventions

At about three in the morning of the second day, An Qisheng woke up on time, washed up and left the hotel.

An Qisheng got up very early. At three or four in the morning, the stars in the night sky of Xuanjing were still bright, but they were not as bright as the lights in the steel jungle.

He left the hotel and was not in a hurry to go to Xuanjing University. He found a small park nearby and started morning exercises.

One day of boxing training yielded little, but the foundation of any rapid progress comes from this accumulation.

There was naturally no one in the park in the early morning. An Qisheng looked at various boxing postures in the woods by the lake, and summed up the gains and losses without rushing.

It was not until several hours later that he heard human voices that he slowly stopped and went to Xuanjing University without rushing.

As one of the top universities in Daxuan, Xuanjing University has a long history and many celebrities. It is one of the universities with the strongest academic atmosphere in Daxuan.

There are naturally many books and materials in the library, which are very complete, and there are all kinds of academic researchers.

So it was chosen as the first stop by An Qisheng.

In fact, he was a student of Xuanjing University, but he was on leave for two years, so he was too lazy to go through the enrollment procedures. Instead, it would be more convenient to just apply for a borrowing card.

After all, he was not really going to school.

The library was not open yet, but there were already many students reading in the morning on the open space outside.

As the librarian came late, he took out his ID card and asked the middle-aged librarian to apply for a borrowing card, and then walked into the library.

The library of Xuanjing University is very large, covering nearly 100,000 square meters, with dozens of branches and thousands of seats.

The library of Xuanjing University was originally open to the public, and students from other schools were not uncommon. An Qisheng's arrival did not attract anyone's attention.

He walked casually in the library and came to the martial arts classics library according to the classification.

The martial arts atmosphere in this world is much stronger than in the previous life. For three hundred years, the status of boxers has never been low, and there is naturally a lot of accumulated information, which can be seen from the fact that a separate branch can be set up.

There are no boxing manuals or anything like that in Xuanjing Library, but there are many books about the evolution of martial arts over the past three hundred years, the thoughts of many masters on boxing, and the exploration of the human body.

And they are much more detailed than what you can find on the Internet.

There are not many people in the martial arts branch, only a dozen people here and there.

An Qisheng picked up a book called "On Internal Boxing and the Limits of the Human Body" at random and sat down to read it slowly.

The things recorded in this book are quite interesting. It is not mainly about boxing, but about the role that internal boxing can play in climbing the limits of the human body.

[The human body has its limits, which are limited by factors such as bones and muscle fibers.

The limit of normal human strength is that it can lift a weight of 500 kilograms at most. This data fluctuates according to different physical conditions, but the difference is not big.

The origin of internal boxing is no longer traceable. Some people say that it was slowly developed when ancient humans fought with wild beasts, and some people say that it was left by ancient sages who felt the world.

Its origin is unknown, but the results of Daxuan's hundreds of years of boxing research show that the existence of internal boxing can improve the strength of the human body and even raise the upper limit of the body.

From the precious images left three hundred years ago, we can conclude that the physical limit of Gu Changfeng, a master of boxing, far exceeds that of ordinary humans.

At least far exceeds the value of 500 kilograms.

The core of internal boxing lies in qi and blood. When qi and blood are full, blood nourishes tendons, tendons strengthen bones, and qi is gathered into bones to strengthen the body.

"This book is interesting."

An Qisheng slowly turned the pages and became interested.

Most of the books on this book are theories and conjectures, and there are not many arguments, but this way of thinking is a bit inspiring to him.

Unlike many traditional boxers who believe that external objects will pollute the purity of boxing.

An Qisheng has a strong ability to accept new ideas.

He likes boxing, but he is not superstitious about the power of boxing. After all, boxing is just a kind of power.

At this time, a low voice of discussion came into his ears.

An Qisheng glanced sideways. Two young men sat opposite him, one holding a book, seemingly debating.

"Everything can be argued, and there are clear and visible rules to be found, and boxing is no exception! What is the meaning of no boxing, no intention, and the true meaning in the unintentional, which can only be understood but not expressed in words? It's just that these masters themselves can't figure it out."

The speaker was a thin young man wearing a white short-sleeved shirt and glasses.

"Your set will work? Or don't say it."

His companion glanced around and smiled apologetically at An Qisheng.

It is impolite to disturb others reading in the library. The young man with glasses also felt that he was out of control and stopped talking.

An Qisheng smiled at the two and continued to read, but he was a little concerned about their discussion.

In his previous life, he was brave and aggressive. He had learned all kinds of Sanda, wrestling, and Muay Thai. In this life, he has practiced boxing for more than ten years. At this time, he has already stood at the threshold of dark power.

Although he could feel the power of Grandmaster Wang Honglin, he was a little confused about how this power came into being from nothing, and then gradually became the power of transformation.

He knew the fact, but not the reason.

As the young man said, most of the classics and levels left by these boxing masters were mysterious and confusing.

It seemed that there was no shortcut except to comprehend it by oneself.

In fact, many boxers were stuck at the stage of dark power or before the stage of transformation, and could not make any progress, waiting for "comprehension".

Time passed quickly, and it was soon past eleven o'clock.

The two young men who had discussed before put the books back in their original places and walked out of the library, and An Qisheng followed them without hurrying.

The two young men seemed to be from other schools, and An Qisheng followed them all the way out of the Xuan University campus.

"My classmate, why are you following us?"

An Qisheng followed openly, and was naturally discovered by the two.

The young man with glasses glared at An Qisheng, and his attitude was not very good.

An Qisheng did not hide it and directly stated his purpose: "To be honest, I am very interested in the discussion between the two of you before."

"Previous discussion?"

The young man with glasses' eyes lit up: "Do you agree with my point of view?"

"Partially agree."

An Qisheng nodded, agreeing with the other party's point of view is the best way to get closer to each other.

Hearing this, the young man with glasses immediately became much better.

"Old Fang, didn't you say that no one would agree with my point of view?"

The man with glasses glanced at his companion and stretched out his hand:

"My name is Zhao Kaibo, a junior at Jiaotong University, and this is my roommate, Jiang Yitao."

"My name is An Qisheng, a student at Xuan University."

An Qisheng smiled slightly:

"I didn't hear much about it before, but I am very interested in Zhao's point of view."

"Does An practice martial arts?"

Jiang Yitao asked.

An Qisheng nodded: "I did practice martial arts for a few years."

"Alas, I can't bear this hardship. I know a lot of theories, but I haven't practiced much."

Zhao Kaibo shook his head.

Although the Daxuanwu style is quite popular, not everyone practices martial arts. After all, how comfortable is it to lie down?

"Find a place to sit for a while, don't bask in the sun here."

At An Qisheng's suggestion, the three found a hotel.

As soon as he sat down, Zhao Kaibo started talking: "Although I can't bear the hardship of practicing martial arts, I am very interested in boxing. In the past few years, whenever I have free time, I will stay in the library, trying to find a shortcut, a way to achieve success in boxing without suffering."


An Qisheng put down the menu. Who doesn't like getting stronger while lying down?

"What is the purpose of the so-called boxing routine? It is nothing more than letting the muscles remember these movements through repeated practice. It doesn't take so many routines to strengthen the body."

Zhao Kaibo's eyes lit up, and the desire to talk accumulated for many years burst out:

"Artificial intelligence can learn all the martial arts routines of thousands of years in one or two seconds. There is no reason why we humans can't do it!"

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