Great Dao Ji

Chapter 46 Bamboo Dragon? Kill the Dragon!

A bright moon hangs high.

The boundless ocean is deep.

Amid the ebb and flow of the tide, a cruise ship moved forward.

On the deck of the Hope, An Qisheng held his hand on the handrail, and the salty sea breeze blew, bringing moist water vapor to his face.

The smell of blood lingered on the tip of his nose for a long time.

Since the people of the Bamboo Dragon Society took action, they naturally would not attack just him. There were fifteen people lurking on the ship at the same time.

Wang Zhixuan acted decisively, found out the traces of the Bamboo Dragon Society, and immediately launched a cleanup.

In just forty minutes, fifteen bloody corpses were thrown into the sea.

The decisiveness of the action is jaw-dropping.

"Bamboo Dragon Society"

Looking out at the deep ocean, An Qisheng's heart settled, thinking back to the previous battles.

There is a chain of contempt in the martial arts world. Military martial arts look down on folk martial arts, and among folk martial arts, insiders look down on outsiders.

Foreign Kung Fu has always been at the bottom of the contempt chain.

There are also high and low levels at the bottom. Fuso Kung Fu is much higher than South Korea's Taekwondo.

Although Taekwondo has spread widely around the world in recent years, in the martial arts world, it has always been at the bottom of the contempt chain, and there is no one lower.

Although in reality, he only beat the Fuso woman named Xiaoli half to death with an elbow and a knee.

But that was because he found out the details about her in his dream, and it was unexpected. It doesn't mean that the woman is a noob.

"What are you thinking about?"

The cabin door was pushed open, and Jiang Shili, who had changed into a white martial arts uniform, came to the deck.

As he got closer, he could even smell the scent of blood that could not be concealed in the delicate fragrance on the tip of his nose.

He had seen with his own eyes before that this woman was very ruthless when fighting. She would take out her heart and soul as soon as she grabbed her hand. She was a ruthless person.

"How do you plan to deal with the Bamboo Dragon Society?"

An Qisheng turned around and asked:

"Although the Fuso family is declining, it's impossible for a few of us to directly attack the lair."

"The island nation is a small country, and the threats of natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes, etc. make them anxious, depressed, insecure, confused, and confused."

Jiang Shili walked to the armrest, and the sea breeze blew her long hair:

"So, from individuals to countries, they all have a natural admiration for the strong and are eager to learn, pursue, and dominate."

An Qisheng listened quietly and said nothing.

"Due to the huge natural disaster decades ago, nearly half of Fusoland was destroyed. Countless people were terrified and desperate, and had an unprecedented longing for a vast and safe land.

A group of sick Fuso people established the Bamboo Dragon Society after the catastrophe. Bamboo dragon is homophonic to Zhulong, and dragon is Daxuan.

In the same way, there are organizations such as the Bamboo Eagle Association and the Bamboo Bear Association, which seem ridiculous to us, but they actually really want to do this. "

Jiang Shili looked at the ocean under the night and gently stroked his long hair:

"Because of the similarity in human race and appearance, it is ten times easier for the Bamboo Dragon to lurk in Daxuan than in other countries, and there are many strongholds.

Ruan Xiuping's mission was very rewarding. Xuanxuan wiped out seven strongholds of the Bamboo Dragon Society in one fell swoop. Hundreds of agents were killed or captured, which almost ruined the Bamboo Dragon Society's efforts in Daxuan over the years. "

"So, we don't need to find the Bamboo Dragon Society. As long as we go to sea, they will swarm us, right?"

An Qisheng had a dull face.

If he had known that Ruan Xiuping would be in such big trouble, he would definitely not have taken on such a task.

It's troublesome to think about an organization composed of a group of lunatics.

Looking at Daxuan with just Fusang, what else is this if he isn't crazy?

"Yes, this is our purpose."

Jiang Shili nodded:

"It's our fault for dragging you in here, but I promise you'll be fine as long as we're alive."

"I'm weird."

An Qisheng turned sideways, looked at Jiang Shili, and asked:

"You and Dr. Wang are both daughters of a big family and have been born with endless wealth and splendor. Why would you do such a dangerous thing?"


Jiang Shili's eyebrows and eyes moved like smoke, and he smiled softly and said:

"Then where do you think our status comes from? We only enjoy but don't pay?

In our Daxuan, there is no such truth! "

"That seems to be true."

An Qisheng thought about it carefully and agreed.

No matter in the past life or in this life, many rich people in the world have wealth that ordinary people cannot reach in their lifetime, but they also have to shoulder corresponding responsibilities.

Anyone who is too high-profile and has no significant contribution to society will slowly disappear.

It is said that if morality is not matched, there will be disaster.

"Now think about it, we two beauties with a net worth of tens of billions are charging forward, and you, a little loser with a net worth of tens of millions, can just hide behind you. Isn't it much better?"

Jiang Shili's eyelashes fluttered and she smiled happily:

"Besides, your net worth will double this time you go back!"

"Thinking about it this way, I feel it's even more dangerous."

An Qisheng sighed, but also figured it out.

Since ancient times, warriors have had many disputes.

Once you enter a river or lake, it will create ripples just like a stone thrown into a lake.

No one is truly alone. Masters and apprentices, fathers and sons, brothers, and friends are all connected by a network of relationships.

Therefore, in ancient times, when seeking the Tao, there was a saying of breaking off worldly ties. If you have something to do today and someone else has something to do tomorrow, then you still have to practice the Tao!

If he wants to calm down and practice cultivation, he must understand this grudge.

"It's windy at night, sister, go back and catch up on some sleep."

Feeling An Qisheng's attitude change, Jiang Shili waved his hand with a smile and returned to the cabin.

"These two women"

An Qisheng looked at her back and shook his head slightly.

This woman was very powerful. In just a few words, she dispelled the slight discomfort in his heart.

Or, even if he was uncomfortable, it would be difficult to show it after hearing these words.

Wang Zhixuan was as domineering as a tiger, and Jiang Shili smiled like a fox.

These two women are really a match made in heaven.


Thinking, An Qisheng shook his head, threw the unhealthy thoughts out of his mind, turned around and returned to the cabin.

The room has been cleaned, and you can't smell the blood without smelling it carefully.

As usual, take out the notebook and write down your feelings today.

Then he slipped on the bed, pretended to sleep like an immortal, and closed his eyes.

In the perspective, the stars are twinkling, and the marks of all the experts, scholars, and masters he has come into contact with in the past year are flashing.

"Wang Honglin"

An Qisheng's mind moved, and a 'star' lit up, filling the view.

A small courtyard, old trees, bluestone slabs, flying dead leaves, an old man standing with a gun, a young man pushing the door and entering, and a young man covered in sunshine

This is the prelude to the unknown battle between Wang Honglin and Gu Changfeng three hundred years ago.

Before, An Qisheng's vision and cultivation were not good, so he had been restraining himself and did not come to dream about this battle.

At this time, the sea was extremely stormy.

Naturally, he had to try to see if he could learn any killer moves from the fight between these two great masters.


The quiet picture scroll flowed like water as An Qisheng's mind moved.

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