Great Dao Ji

Chapter 439 The Great Demon Resurrected! (5,000 words)


"Get away!"

"Run away!"

Countless mud and rocks are pouring down like heavy rain. Is this scene more than spectacular?

The crowd of herb collectors were so frightened that their faces turned pale, and they either rolled over to hide in the mountains, ravines, or plunged into tree holes, looking extremely embarrassed.

Bang bang bang~~

Wei Shaoyou's eyes flashed, he stepped forward and waved his hands, flying in all directions and hitting the boulders and tree trunks of many herb collectors.

Over the past few months, his progress has not been slow. Although he has not condensed his life, he has also succeeded in warming up.

What seemed like a natural disaster to an ordinary person was nothing to him. As long as he didn't rush into the center of the aftermath, there would be no danger.

"It is really a fatal disaster. If I hadn't taken action, even if they were not crushed to death by the overwhelming boulders, they would not have been able to escape the many beasts and ferocious beasts that ran away after being frightened."

Wei Shaoyou stepped forward, his sleeves and robes swayed away from the rolling mud and rocks, and he threw an herb gatherer back to a nearby mountain col.

Most of the energy is concentrated on the honest middle-aged man named "Li Wengang".

In the sand and rocks flying like heavy rain, Li Wengang was no better off than the others, and was even worse. He was in a miserable state.

However, this guy jumped around repeatedly in the mountains and forests. Although he was disgraced, his life was not in any danger.

It seemed to be just ordinary, but in the eyes of Wei Shaoyou, who had been watching him for a long time, it turned out to be a flaw.

"Is it really this person?"

Wei Shaoyou was surprised and happy, but he did not dare to draw any conclusions.

The figure wandered in the mountain forest, sweeping away the flying earth, rocks and tree trunks, so that all the people in this group would not die here.

At the same time, my heart was extremely solemn.

He was the only one present who knew what exactly happened. If his prediction was correct, this would be the prelude to the big monster's escape.

This kind of movement will happen many times in the next few decades, affecting countless state capitals.

It wasn't until hundreds of years after Huang Tian's cruelty fully revived that it set off a wave of annihilation that destroyed everything, and everything fell into silence.

Only the old Celestial Master sealed off the emperor's ten evil forces and led a group of people across the end of this era, directly to the eleventh era.



Between the mountains, herds of beasts were running away. How many mountains were cracked open, and ripples spread into the sky, shaking away heavy clouds and mist. The sound was extremely powerful.

Not far away, on the bank of a mountain forest, two people stood one behind the other. The surrounding mountains and forests were turbulent, dust and sand were rising, but they were nowhere near the two of them.

"The movement is so loud, but there seems to be some familiar atmosphere in the ripples."

Ye Xiaoyi looked at the distant mountains and frowned slightly.

Of course she could sense that the ripples following the collision of magical powers came from an unknown place, perhaps one state away, or perhaps several states away.

The person fighting must be at the Yuan Shen level, and a Yuan Shen level with extremely deep cultivation.

"What did the supervisor discover?"

Behind Ye Xiaoyi, a middle-aged man in a green shirt bowed slightly.

His name was Ge Hui, and he was on duty at the Qintian Prison stationed in Yingzhou. He was responsible for supervising the affairs inside and outside Yingzhou. If a monk committed adultery and committed a crime, he would report it to him and send people to arrest him.


Ye Xiaoyi shook his head slightly, his eyes still falling on Wei Shaoyou who was jumping repeatedly in the forest not far away.

With An Qisheng's reminder and Qin Tianjian's strong control over Yingzhou, she easily picked Wei Shaoyou out from among countless people.

In a tightly ordered environment, a person who escapes is more conspicuous than he imagined.

Just like Wei Shaoyou.

How can a young man who fears his father like a tiger have the courage to face his father's thunderous wrath and still insist on leaving home?

For clues like this, it's okay if no one gets to the bottom of it. Once they are investigated, there will be nothing to hide.

In the past few months, she had investigated thousands of people like Wei Shaoyou before finally settling on Wei Shaoyou.

"Why is the supervisor so interested in this person? Could it be that Marquis Dingyang committed a crime?"

Ge Hui asked cautiously.

He was originally a casual cultivator, and was recruited by the Tai Chi Dojo to teach orthodox practice methods. Although there are differences between the inside and outside, he can be regarded as a member of the Tai Chi Dojo.

Naturally, he knew that the Taoist nun in front of him was the most favored disciple of the most powerful Daqing today. She was also the junior sister of the Taoist Sadao who had promoted the new method for sixty years and killed countless demons and ghosts.

No one in Daqing today dares to underestimate her.

Even if they see some masters who are better than her in cultivation, they must treat them with courtesy.

Not to mention Ge Hui, who she personally took under the Tai Chi Dojo and taught him the methods of cultivation.

"You don't have to worry about that."

Ye Xiaoyi glanced at Ge Hui indifferently, but her body did not move. She had drifted away and was submerged in the overwhelming rain of sand and sand:

"Just wait outside the mountain and don't enter without permission."


Ge Hui bowed slightly, regardless of whether Ye Xiaoyi heard it or not, his expression was extremely respectful.


A huge boulder weighing tens of thousands of kilograms fell from the sky and hit the ground heavily.


As the earth shook, cracks suddenly appeared on the mountain wall.

"Wen Gang, be careful!"

Li Ertu yelled like crazy and was about to rush out of the ravine, but was held down by several herb collectors.


When Li Wengang heard the old man's cry, his heart skipped a beat. He looked around and saw nothing but smoke and dust.

He subconsciously took a step back, but missed the mark and fell backwards:


He danced in the air, trying to grab something, but how could he grab it?

He could only fall off the cliff in despair.

"Under the cliff?"

Wei Shaoyou, who had been watching Li Wengang, had his eyes lit up. He took a step of more than ten feet and jumped off the cliff, grabbing Li Wengang who was falling.

"I saved the lives of your father and brothers in exchange for your possible adventure. Is that enough?"

Wei Shaoyou stared at Li Wengang, and a flash of hesitation flashed across his mind.

The reason why an adventure is an adventure is that it is an opportunity to change fate. Even if he took Li Wengang's adventure, he would not know about it.

But he still felt a little ashamed.

But the next moment, the legendary "Emperor Heaven Ten Epochs Collapse" emerged in his mind.

According to the legend, it should be three or four hundred years after the sacrifice of the Lord of the Netherworld, the Emperor Heaven Ten Evils came into the world, wanting to destroy the common people and set off a huge disaster that cannot be described in words.

Few people know the details of that disaster. They only know that after the disaster, the old Heavenly Master who sealed the Ten Evils of the Emperor of Heaven sighed and ferryed a few people to the future eleventh era in a small boat.

The records of this catastrophe in the legend are also brief.

‘On that day, the sky and the sun collapsed, the big moon fell, and the stars came one after another, millions or even more, in just a moment, the sky collapsed, the land sank, the sea evaporated, and in the blink of an eye, all spirits were destroyed’

“If I succeed in the future, I will definitely help you enter the Tao”

The thought flashed through Wei Shaoyou’s mind, and he threw him onto the cliff with a casual flick.

And he himself disappeared on the cliff.

“Young Master Wei!”

Li Wengang threw himself on the edge of the cliff, watching Wei Shaoyou falling off the cliff, and his heart was shocked.

He had lived for more than 30 years, and had never seen such a person who risked his life to save others.

Suddenly, he felt a strong sense of regret for his previous disgust for this young man.

"Young man!"

"Young man Wei!"

The other herbalists also reacted, and were all shocked.

They had suspected that this person had ulterior motives, but now they realized how shallow their minds were.

Especially Li Ertu, who was ashamed of himself, knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly.


Ye Xiaoyi, who came from the air not far away, frowned slightly, and was a little unsure of this person's mind.

In her speculation, this Wei Shaoyou was very likely to be possessed by some monster, which affected his mind, but such a person would sacrifice himself for a few farmers?

She didn't believe it.

While thinking, she glanced at the dissipated aftermath, shook her hand and sent out a talisman to protect the herbalists, and her body flashed, and she had already chased down the cliff.


How fast was Ye Xiaoyi's movement?

With just a flash, she had already arrived under the cliff.

This place is deep in the cliff between two mountains. Below is not a flat land, but a deep abyss, thousands of feet deep.

There is a foul smell below, but it is a pool of stagnant water.


Ye Xiaoyi covered her nose with her sleeve. The stench could not even be completely blocked by her magic power field. It is obviously not a good place.


Suddenly, green bubbles suddenly emerged from this pool of stagnant water.

Ye Xiaoyi narrowed her eyes slightly and saw a small toad slowly poking its head out of the stagnant water.

The whole body of the small toad is emerald green like a gem. In this stinky and poisonous pool, it is not stained with a trace of filth, and it looks a bit holy.

The little toad looked up and saw the Taoist nun standing on the pool, and was also shocked:


"So Wei Shaoyou is here for this little toad?"

Ye Xiaoyi reacted immediately.

In her opinion, the appearance and bloodline of this little toad are top-notch, and it seems to be the direct descendant of a great demon. Whether it is taken as a spiritual pet, or skinned and tendoned, or blood is taken, it is considered a great fortune.

For those who practice strange and evil arts such as the evil ways, it is even more incredible.

The soul parasitizes and takes over the body of this little toad. Not to mention other things, I am afraid that its life span can be comparable to that of the Yuanshen!


The little toad jumped out of the water, and on the water surface, it was holding its flippers upside down, pacing back and forth, looking at Ye Xiaoyi with squinting eyes.

"What kind of little toad is this?"

Ye Xiaoyi looked at the little toad and felt a little strange.

This little toad seemed to have no demonic aura, and its aura was extremely pure, without the slightest demonic aura, as pure as a newborn baby.


At this time, the air flow whistled down.

The man and the toad were still looking at each other, ignoring them at all.


Wei Shaoyou hit the mountain wall hard, and under the huge inertia, he forcibly pulled a gully of dozens of feet on the mountain wall.

Just right, he stopped above the pool.


Wei Shaoyou breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't fly before his life was complete.

The cliff was very high, and there was an abyss below it. If he was not careful, even he would be killed below.

At this time, he stopped falling, and his heart suddenly relaxed.

A ray of magic power gathered in his eyes, and it seemed that two rays of light burst out in the darkness.

Looking at the dark pool.

This look was a shock.

On this dead water that exuded a strong stench and could not be seen at a glance, a beautiful Taoist nun and a fist-sized green toad were looking at each other.


When Wei Shaoyou looked at the pool, one person and one clam immediately turned their eyes and looked at Wei Shaoyou.


Wei Shaoyou's heart trembled, and he almost fell down.

‘Cut off the beard? Have you been hacked? ’

He was confused.

There is no record of such a situation in the legend.


When the two of them were looking at each other, a loud noise suddenly sounded, ripples rolled around them, and the void seemed to turn into a huge whirlpool.

Suddenly, it enveloped the entire pool.

"not good!"

Wei Shaoyou's heart was beating wildly.

But before he could make any move, he was completely swept into the whirlpool.

The little toad seemed to be greatly frightened. It glanced at Wei Shaoyou and rushed towards Ye Xiaoyi without hesitation. It was very fast, and it got on Ye Xiaoyi's shoulder and pulled it out tightly. Her robe.

A frightened and urgent cry came out of his mouth:


"This toad?"

Ye Xiaoyi's heart skipped a beat. She was just a hair away from overcoming the catastrophe. Her magic aura was enough to resist natural disasters. How could this little toad penetrate her own magic aura?

She was startled, but this was not the time to care. She made a backhand move, pulled out a bright sword light, and was about to take action.

But the next moment, her expression suddenly changed, and the sword light that was about to strike was slightly stagnant.


Amidst the shrill croaking of frogs, it was drowned by the ripples that swept over it.


The world turns around, time and space change, and when the vision goes dark, it's like appearing in another world.

Wei Shaoyou was in a daze. He rolled countless times in the void and almost fainted.

After finally recovering, he heard a huge roar that was a thousand times louder than before, resounding throughout the world!


It's like thousands of thunders exploding, like stars heading towards extinction.

A sudden burst of light illuminated everything in sight, and the aftermath roared in all directions, ripples like a tide, drowning everything.

Beng Beng Beng~~~

Wei Shaoyou felt that he was almost killed by the shock. He suddenly fell into a trance and heard the sound of breaking like a strong bow and a powerful crossbow.

And a roar that resounded all around, even the loud noise comparable to the exploding stars could not cover up:

"Sa Wuling!!!"

Sa! five! Mausoleum?

Isn’t that the Heavenly Master? !

Wei Shaoyou woke up with a start, all his mana suddenly focused on his eyes, and he looked into the distance against the bright light that could blind the eyes of ordinary people.

I can only see the end of the line of sight, and I don’t know how far away it is.

An unknown how huge fire dragon suddenly shattered, along with the unknown huge chessboard that stretched all around!

"Teacher, senior brother?"

In shock, Wei Shaoyou heard an exclamation from beside him, but it was the beautiful Taoist nun.

Is this Taoist nun the junior sister of Master Laotian?


Only a shrill croak of frogs was heard.


Ye Xiaoyi moved her body, shook the little toad off her shoulder, and dodged sideways, with the sword light lying in front of her.

"I'm so angry! I'm so angry! I'm so angry!"

In the scattered divine light, the little green toad seemed to be shaking like crazy, making a low and subtle human voice.

The sound was not very loud, but it seemed to be echoing in every inch of the entire sealed space at the same time.

It easily suppressed the sound of the three masters of the Yuan Shen's desperate collision, and even more like a world-destroying cold current, freezing the entire sealed space.


I don't know whether it was tens of thousands of miles or hundreds of thousands of miles away. After a collision, the chessboard shattered and monk Da Kong was knocked backwards and coughed up blood. Sa Wuling, whose golden body was broken, suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

I felt an indescribable aura of terror filling the entire world.

Is this the big toad?

Sa Wuling looked around and frowned slightly, but he was still shocked.

"Toad revived?"

In the divine light, Taoist Tianji, whose clothes were stained with blood, was also shocked. He looked intently and found that the giant toad sealed in the dead air space did not move at all.

But this breath cannot be faked.

Immediately, my heart was shocked, and I no longer had any thoughts of fighting with Sa Wuling. I jumped into the sky, and my consciousness suddenly amplified, spreading and sweeping through the void that seemed to be solidified.

"Find it! It hasn't fully recovered yet. We must find it, otherwise we will all die!"

Monk Da Kong, whose golden body was almost shattered by a single blow, roared wildly and coughed up blood as he flew into the air.

Since he dared to join forces with Taoist Tianji, he naturally didn't know anything.

In fact, there are countless people who have been pursuing Huang Tianshilu throughout the ages, and Taoist Tianji is not the only one. He, and even his teachers and ancestors are also pursuing traces of Huangtian Shilu.

The understanding of Emperor Tian's cruelty would not kill Taoist Tianji at all.

Therefore, he even forgot about Sa Wuling who was still on the side. He swept across the sky, spreading countless golden divine blood, frantically searching for traces of the 'toad'.

Sa Wuling and others who were thousands of miles away felt it so deeply, and Ye Xiaoyi who was so close felt it even more intensely!

"This toad"

Ye Xiaoyi was shocked, but couldn't even move.

She could feel that her bones, flesh, soul, and even the countless tiniest particles that made up her body were all emitting sharp and terrifying wailing sounds.

It seemed like I had seen the most terrifying thing.

This is not any magic power, magical power, demonic energy, or evil magic, but an indescribable huge oppression, a huge oppression from the source of blood.

Wei Shaoyou seemed to be dead. Even though Ye Xiaoyi was protecting him, his heart and soul seemed to be shrouded in a layer of darkness.

"This little toad is actually a toad? I'm dead, dead"

In the endless darkness, Wei Shaoyou was ashen and extremely desperate.

He never dreamed that a legend with only a few words recorded not only involved the old master and his junior sister!

It even involved the great demon "Toad".

Suddenly, he cursed the person who recorded the legend in his heart, "There is a farmer in the Frog Mountain who got the descendants of the toad, and he has a lot of luck."

It's really a trap!


At this moment, Ye Xiaoyi fell into endless darkness, and Wei Shaoyou heard a long and quiet sigh:

"Emperor Tian Shili, I have been waiting for a long, long time!"

Good night everyone.

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