Great Dao Ji

Chapter 482 The sequel to The Human World (the third update)


In the dark night, the yellow dog howled at the moon, his expression excited.

Sa Wuling stopped in the ruins, with many thoughts rolling in his mind.

In that ray of light, there were many words left by the teacher, and the most important point was still the emperor!

The Qi seed replaced the essence of heaven and earth, which did not mean that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth disappeared completely, and was squeezed and expelled from this world, but still existed in the starry sky.

There was no reduction.

The evil and resentful air between heaven and earth was the same, not disappearing, but also being expelled from this world.

One day, the ten evil spirits of the emperor will be reborn.

Even more than the ten evil spirits of the emperor.

There are five poisons in the sky, Taoism, Buddhism, demons, ghosts, and evil spirits. The ten evil spirits of the emperor are just big demons and ghosts born from the mixture of demons and ghosts. In addition to the two ways of demons and ghosts, there are three ways of Taoism, Buddhism, and evil spirits between heaven and earth.

Perhaps one day in the future, something more ferocious and terrifying will emerge. Who knows.

But I must die once.


After standing for a long time, Sa Wuling slowly opened his eyes and looked at the night sky, as if he saw the Taoist in white.

"Fighting against the sky is endless fun"

He stood tall, as if talking to himself, or as if talking to his teacher:

"This is what you taught me, disciple, remember it."

An Qisheng felt very strange at this time.

Of course he did not die.

That battle took less than half a day, but for that half a day, he had already prepared for ninety years. If the time of dreaming is counted, it has been nearly two hundred years!

For that half-day battle, he deduced thousands and tens of thousands of times, and he had taken into account everything he could think of.

Qi seeds, the Qi of humanity, the Conferred God Platform, the Ten Evils of the Emperor, the Scroll of Life and Death, the Gods of the Land and Mountains, the Altar of All Prayers, Xie Qi, and Hei Wuchang

He used everything that might affect this battle.

That’s why he was undefeated this time!

Yes, undefeated.

At this time, his existence was very strange, like a fantasy, like life and death, like existence, but also like non-existence.

It was as if he was completely isolated from this world, but he had a broad perspective far beyond his heyday.

Looking down from the highest point.

He could see the sun rising and setting, the grass growing and the warblers flying, the aurora borealis, the vast sea, the eagles soaring in the sky, and the earthworms crawling in the soil.

He could see everything between heaven and earth, the sun, the stars, the silver moon, the four seas, the five continents, the mountains and rivers, the city and the pavilions, and the people living in the city walking, sitting and lying.

Even the dust particles floating in the void, invisible to the naked eye.

It was as if he had become the sky!

And in fact, at this moment, he was just like the sky!

He turned into the God Court, divided the gods to control the ‘Qi Field’, and the Fengshen formation diagram with five Fengshen platforms as nodes covered the entire world, covering everything, from the five elements to the plants, all like his hands, feet, and tongue.

Although he could not use his arms and fingers because he had not yet completely suppressed the ‘God of Heaven’ in this world, it did not prevent him from understanding this world.

This feeling was much more divine than the perception of the Yuanshen.

The perspective was much wider.

This was not only about seeing a larger area, but also more depth. For a plant, you can trace its origin, see how it broke through the ground, and see what kind of wind and rain it endured. You can see it lush and green, and you can also see it withering and falling into the mud.

And people, the same.

From the moment he was born, to the time he learned to speak and to the time he learned to walk, from his youth to the day he was dying, he saw everything clearly.

But this was not seeing through the past and the future.

Rather, it was the "future" that was deduced through the control of the "big data" of heaven and earth.

The origin of Wei Shaoyou was the same.

He did not really travel through time, but was instilled with nine true and one false memories about the future by the "God of Heaven" in this world, and thought he was from the future.

But the memory was real.

Because everything in his memory would become a reality if he had not seen the second fate of Sa Wuling.

And its role was naturally to guide him in the wrong direction.

For example, to stop the "Netherworld Lord Sacrifice", and even to guide him to confront Xie Qi, and even to set off a catastrophe that would be a catastrophe for all living beings in the world.

It was not until this time that he knew how conspicuous an outsider who broke in was to the "Heaven" with "spiritual intelligence".

Under the watchful eye of the Heaven, everything in the world has its destiny, no matter how absurd it seems.

The intrusion of outsiders will undoubtedly break this destiny.

Moreover, it is a break without reason that cannot be understood by the Heaven.

He is like this, and so was Gu Changfeng in the past.

This Heaven of the Human World is different from the Jiufu Realm and the Xuanxing Realm. Although its spiritual intelligence has just been opened, it is too large and the information resources it can access are too high, so it has an almost overwhelming advantage over all living beings.

This is of great significance to An Qisheng.

He has the ability to dream of the universe, and in the future he will not be limited to Xuanxing, Jiufu Realm, and the Human World. He may also go to more big worlds and universes.

It is not impossible that he will encounter a big world that is more perfect than the Heaven of the Human World, with higher "spiritual intelligence", and even has the legendary spokesperson of the Heavenly World.

At that time, if he still acts in the way he is now, he may suffer a great loss.

And Gu Changfeng suffered a great loss.

As soon as he entered this world, he was already calculated. His body of bones was infected by spiritual energy for ten years, and it was difficult to change. His life was full of twists and turns, sufferings, and hardships.

But he was a genius, and no one in the human world was higher and stronger than him from ancient times to the present. He walked out a path of humanity between the two worlds.

In fact, if Gu Changfeng had not opened up the path of purity, destiny, and perfection above the Yuanshen, no matter how strong he was, he could not reach that level in just ninety years.

Not to mention, the suppression and sacrifice of the Ten Evils of the Emperor, Xie Qi, Hei Wuchang, the sacrifice to the Lord of the Netherworld, the scroll of life and death, the important cornerstone of his "God of Heaven and Earth", and the system of city gods, were also laid by him.

Even the fall of the "God of Heaven" was also his handiwork.

As he said, success is not mine, and his success is standing on the shoulders of that "Mr. Gu".

An Qisheng was very clear about this, but he didn't care.

The reason why people are human is that they are passed down from generation to generation, and the same is true for writing, inheritance, society, and civilization.

In fact, from birth to babbling, to old age and death, in which aspect is it not standing on the shoulders of predecessors?

For a person to walk a road from nothing to the end, how can it be done by a "human"?


The faint murmurs kept echoing in An Qisheng's heart.

It is too difficult to suppress the "sky". If he wants to suppress it completely, his "qi seed" will not only replace the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and the aura of the earth.

This is destined to be a long war that will be measured in 100,000 years.

Neither victory nor defeat is the limit of human beings.

It is also the limit of An Qisheng at this time.

It is not that easy to go against the sky. After the grand and vigorous, it is a long and subtle process that is long enough for the magma to cool down and the sea to dry up.

The disappearance of the Divine Court was not his intention, but the result of the entanglement between him and the ‘God of Heaven’ who was suppressed by him.

In the depths of nothingness that no one can see, the huge Conferred God Array is everywhere, with light and shadow flowing on it, and the divine light outlines the palaces and pavilions that stretch for an unknown number of miles.

And the chains that seem to penetrate from the Conferred God Array are densely spread throughout the void, tightly binding the entire Divine Court.

Similarly, the countless ‘chains’ are also suppressed by the Divine Court.

The two have formed a strange balance in a subtle way, one cannot get rid of the suppression, and the other cannot completely replace it in a short time.

But, neither victory nor defeat is victory.

He preached the way of the world, and the Tai Chi Induction Chapter replaced all the cultivation classics and became the must-read code for all living beings in the world. People who cultivate ‘Qi’ also achieve ‘Qi’.

As one rises and the other falls, the balance of victory and defeat will eventually tilt.

Of course, that day may be tens of thousands of years later, or even millions of years later.


An Qisheng didn't care about the voice echoing in his heart. He stared deeply at the mountains and rivers of this world, and the past events passed by like clouds and smoke.

His divine will passed through the night, caressed the silver moon, and gently stroked the yellow dog howling at the moon along the moonlight.

There seemed to be a faint voice echoing between heaven and earth:

"Things have not been completed, but I have tried my best. The future is not mine after all."

He was not omnipotent. He suppressed the "sky" of this world, but he only eliminated the world-destroying disaster. The Ten Evils of the Emperor's Heaven are still there, and the threat of the Emperor's Heaven is still there.

The future of the human world is not what he can predict at this time.

However, people must save themselves, and the sky will save them. He has done everything he can. Whether he wins or loses depends on the sentient beings in this world.

In the lingering sound, Sa Wuling seemed to have sensed something, but he never saw anything after all.

An Qisheng took a last look at the disciple who inherited his way, and his mind gradually became silent.

He left.

Parting is bitter, it is difficult to part, it is better not to see, it is better not to see.

Time is like water, and the years are like a shuttle.

Time is like sand, and it disappears in the world inadvertently.

In a blink of an eye, it has been a thousand years since the battle between the netherworld and the sky.

In the past thousand years, the fate of humanity has been like a raging fire, and the tilt of the world has bred countless geniuses, heralding the arrival of an unprecedented era.

In the past thousand years, Sa Wuling has followed his master's way, sitting in Qingdu, dominating the world, allowing generations of geniuses to emerge in endlessly, but no one can shake his position as the number one in the world.

Even in the thousand-year wave, the brightest star is his disciple Wang Lingguan, followed by Wei Shaoyou.

One master and two disciples, but they have already occupied the top three in the world. The Tai Chi Dojo overwhelms the world, and countless people are in awe of it.

Everyone in the world wanted to join the Tai Chi Dojo. Inspired by this, Sa Wuling preached at the Fengshen Platform in Qingdu, benefiting practitioners all over the world.

Countless practitioners were grateful for his kindness.

Sa Wuling was thus honored as the Old Heavenly Master.

The peace of heaven and earth seemed to continue until one day, a thousand years later, when Sa Wuling woke up at the Fengshen Platform in Zhonglu.

I saw that the outer starry sky was filled with evil spirits, and the vast evil spirits fell from the sky, shaking the world and countless people were shocked.

The Ten Evils of the Emperor of Heaven, these ten immortal demons were reborn again, appeared together, came from the starry sky, and set off a huge starry sky storm, wanting to destroy the world!

Then, he laughed loudly, said bluntly that the Tao would be accomplished, and stepped into the starry sky.

On that day, the evil spirits in the starry sky howled, roared and shook the sky, and the celestial phenomena changed, almost affecting the entire world, and even the stars collapsed and rained fire from the sky.

This battle lasted for three days and nights, with fire from the sky dyeing the world red.

After the first battle, the Ten Evils of the Emperor of Heaven were suppressed in the sea of ​​stars again.

On the same day, a sea of ​​thunder seemed to roll in the depths of the sea of ​​stars, carrying the power of destroying the world and bombarding the sea of ​​stars.

Later, it seemed that the legendary God Court descended to the world, and the mighty pressure shocked the heaven and earth and intertwined with the sea of ​​thunder.

The punishment from heaven came again!

After the first battle, Sa Wuling disappeared and was suspected to have fallen.

For a time, the world was in mourning and all living beings wept.

The following year, his disciple Wei Shaoyou, with the support of Wang Lingguan, the guardian of Taiji Daochang, inherited his master's ambition and became the second generation of Tianshi!

In the same year, the new Tianshi Wei Shaoyou spread the news to the world and changed the calendar.

It is known as the Eleventh Era of the Emperor of Heaven!

Then, it was the era of the utmost glory of Taiji Daochang.

Ten years, twenty years, one hundred years, five hundred years, one thousand years, and even sixty thousand years!

The Tai Chi Dojo runs through the entire long river of history. Generation after generation of Tianshi has passed down the torch, always standing at the top of the world, dominating one generation after another.

Become the true ruler and protector of the eleventh era of the Emperor.

One day sixty thousand years later, in the depths of the boundless sea of ​​the West Land, the door of a temple that was looming in the wind and sand was slowly pushed open.

A little monk who seemed to be just born, but also seemed to be three or four years old, wearing a loose monk's robe, with thick ears and deep eyes, stepped into the world in the bright sunshine.


The little monk put his hands together, but chanted the Buddha's name like an old man who had experienced the vicissitudes of life.

The wind and sand in the vast sea whistled, but it could not reach him at all. Even the hurricane that rolled up the yellow sand had calmed down when his calm eyes fell.

Almost at the same time.

In the polar region of Donglu, where the sun rises, on an unnamed island deep in the East China Sea, a door of a Taoist temple full of vicissitudes of time, which seems to have existed since ancient times, was slowly pushed open.

A little Taoist boy with red lips and white teeth, handsome face, but with an old-fashioned look, carrying the rising sun on his back, slowly opened his arms, as if to embrace the whole world:

"Blessings and infinite heavenly master, I am finally born!"


Under the endless ice ocean of Nanlu, the undercurrent was surging, and countless glacial beasts and fish schools suddenly seemed to be startled by some breath, and they launched a bloody massacre among each other.

It seemed that in just an instant, the huge glacier had been dyed red.

Then, in the endless sea of ​​blood, among the extremely evil breaths, a small figure walked out.

The figure was about three feet tall, wearing a bloody robe, with evil eyes and a mouthful of blood arrows. He lazily stepped on the glacier, took a deep breath, and was about to say something.

Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows and looked north as if he had sensed something.

Almost at the same time, the little Taoist boy in front of the Dongji Taoist Temple and the little monk outside the Ximo Hanhai Temple also looked at the same time as if they had sensed something.

I saw ripples on the mountains and rivers somewhere in the Central Continent, and a person sang softly and walked out of the void:

"The long road is as hard as iron, but now I am starting over. Three little guys,

Welcome to the world!"

I never dreamed that I would spend six hours writing a chapter. It's killing me, it's killing me

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