Great Dao Ji

Chapter 493: Lord of Nightmares, God of Destruction (Second Update)

"God? Satan? god? magic? Lord Shiva? Zeus? Or aliens? 》

A post full of headlines is published on major platform websites in various countries in all major languages ​​​​of the world.

"Oh, God! It can't be deleted, it can't reduce the popularity, my God, it's only been twenty-three minutes, and the number of clicks and reposts on Hummingbird has already exceeded 10 million!"

At the Hummingbird headquarters, a middle-aged white man with a straight nose was sweating anxiously and at a loss.

In front of him, an old white man touched his big nose and said thoughtfully: "George, tell me, which company can move so fast that we can't do anything?"

The white, middle-aged George was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "Boss, with our protective measures, the only artificial intelligences that can have such a big impact in such a short period of time are the 'Poseidon' and the 'Yinglong' from the ancient eastern country! "

After saying that, the middle-aged white man came back to his senses: "You mean?"

"Get out!"

The old white man waved the cigar in his hand and let his subordinates go out, but his eyes fell on the video being played in front of him.

The editing, restoration, arrangement, translation, and explanation of this video were all of a first-class standard, and the old man couldn't help but be attracted to it.

At the beginning of the video, it was a high-level shot that suddenly stretched down from the starry sky, and the outlines of most of the stars, the sky, the white clouds, the mountains and the land, all passed by in a flash.

Finally, it was fixed on the Xiya Mountains filled with wind and snow.

The wind and snow are rolling, the mountains are high and the sky is blue. Every frame of the entire shot can be entered into the World Photography Competition and even have a chance to win a prize.

But no scenery is as eye-catching as what is happening.

A blood-colored light beam danced in the air like a battle flag, and the moment it soared into the sky for hundreds of kilometers, a roar that could shock anyone exploded.

Then, the sky and the earth shattered, mountains and rivers collapsed, and snow covered dozens of miles, and underneath, there was a huge avalanche that swept hundreds or even thousands of miles!

Countless birds and beasts are running away, bombers are getting away from each other, heightening, off-road vehicles are escaping wildly...

And it exploded in the air, spreading terrifying shock waves for hundreds of thousands of kilometers!

This is a scene that even the popcorn blockbusters of the Golden Eagle Country cannot compare to, because it is so real that even the viewers can’t hold their breath despite the video.

At the end of the picture, the camera zooms in to the core of the explosion.

It was a simple and mottled altar, with a three to four-meter-tall, ferocious 'monster' bound tightly, giving people nightmares just by looking at it.

The roaring 'zombies' jumped tens of meters one by one, like cannonballs, and rushed towards the thoughtful Daxuan young man in front of the altar.

There were people at the core of such a terrifying explosion, and they were unscathed!

This scene made the old man drop the cigar he was holding on to the table: "Oh God..."

There are many people in the world who are surprised and uncertain, suspecting that this video is edited and synthesized, or simply a blockbuster promotion of the Golden Eagle Kingdom, but he naturally knows that all this is true.

No fake video can fool him.


The old man couldn't help but wipe the corners of his eyes and look again.

The young man snapped his fingers and knocked down all the 'zombie monsters' that were swarming around him. He also stretched out his hand to knock down the two more ferocious zombies to the ground!

It was as relaxed and freehand as if I had killed two mosquitoes casually.

Then, the young man raised his head as if he had realized something, and his calm and deep eyes seemed to be looking at everyone watching the video around the world.

"An, An Qisheng..."

The old man's body trembled, and he felt as if he was being stared at by a giant dragon, and his heart was on fire.

At this point, the picture suddenly stopped, and the electronic synthesized voice that had been explaining to the audience from beginning to end also said the last sentence:

"This world does not need God, nor does it need Satan... That ancient kingdom owes the world an explanation."

There is no airtight wall in the world, and it is impossible to hide everything from everyone.

In particular, the disappearance of a world-famous mountain like Mu Feng, no matter how public opinion in various countries guides it, cannot deceive everyone because the cost of verification is very low.

As soon as Mu Feng's accident happened, the discussion about the "Mu Feng zombie incident" remained high.

Therefore, the forwarding volume of various videos on the Internet is extremely high, and this video edited by a thoughtful person instantly detonated the entire external network, and was even uploaded to major video websites by some netizens who circumvented the firewall.

Netizens who have rich experience in dealing with '404' forwarded it immediately after shouting 'fuck' and saved it themselves first.

Then, even if a large platform responded quickly, it could not stop the rapid spread of these videos.

"Is it fake? The explosion was so terrifying, how could that person be unscathed? Could this be a promotional method for the Golden Eagle Kingdom's new blockbuster, right?"

"The bad guys upstairs, the appraisal is over, how could those directors from the Golden Eagle Kingdom let Da Xuanren be so famous?"

"It's so fake. Such a huge explosion can't even blow out clothes? Haha, I can guarantee it with my twelve years of editing experience. This video was edited! It can't be fake anymore!"

"False? Are you stupid? Can't you see who that is? The great master An Qisheng who replaced Mu Longcheng as the number one master in the martial arts world!"

"You said the person in the video is An Qisheng, who replaced Mu Chaoren and became the number one person in Daxuan Martial Arts? Is that true?"

"Impossible, so what if it's An Qisheng? Is he a god?"


There are different opinions on major video websites and forums around the world. Some people have doubts, but most people choose to believe it.

Because Mu Feng's disappearance is true, and the huge explosion that occurred a few days ago is also true. The anchors of major live broadcast platforms have already exposed these.

More importantly, An Qisheng replaced Mu Longcheng as the world's number one martial artist. Although he doesn't appear much, he is already a world-renowned celebrity.

The entire western underground world was bleeding like rivers due to his death, but it was not unknown to anyone.

Someone exposed An Qisheng's deeds. Suddenly, except for a few born bullies, not many people questioned it.

Because Daxuan, and even the whole world, dares to choreograph celebrities from all walks of life, but there are not many masters in the martial arts world.

Without him, the former is just asking you to pay money, and the latter will directly take action, which may result in amputating your hands or feet, or in severe cases, you may need to be sent to the intensive care unit.

Not to mention, the man who is number one in the world today and killed the founder of Longcheng Group with a market capitalization of trillions in a head-on battle.

This actually made the person in charge of this matter anxious.

Usually in this case, just contacting the person involved and asking him to come forward to refute the rumors can suppress most of the public opinion, and the people contacted are rarely uncooperative.

But this man is not only a great hero who has just eliminated evil for the country, but also possesses terrifying military force. High-level officials from all walks of life such as Taoist Juechen, Qi Niu, Wang Zhixuan, and Xue Zheng all have close relationships with him.

Who dares to suppress him?

And with such huge popularity, no matter how eye-catching the hot spot is, it cannot cover it up.

It was not just netizens who were alarmed.

Wudang Mountain, in front of a hut somewhere, on the bank of a stream.

Taoist Juechen sat cross-legged, and a little Taoist boy squatted beside him, playing with a laptop, and this video was playing on it.

"Teacher, is the person in this video the same Mr. An who was a guest at Wudang Mountain last time?"

Xiao Daotong couldn't help but ask: "Is that monster the zombie king you mentioned before?"

It had only been a few years since he became a disciple of Taoist Juechen, and his muscles and bones were too weak to even touch the inner martial arts, but this did not affect his yearning for the ultimate in martial arts.

An Qisheng is the ultimate boxer!

Taoist Juechen did not speak, and half lowered his eyes to cover the shock in his eyes.

An Qisheng in the video did not show otherworldly power, but he was unscathed in the center of the explosion, which already explains the problem.

This is much better than when the two of them went to Mu Feng together a few months ago.

Once you step out on the road ahead, will there be such a radical change?

Treasure Island, Yangmingshan, Xue's Manor.


The fist wind roared by the man-made lake behind the manor. Jing Xiaolou moved around the lakeside, his steps were like the wind, and his fists went out and exploded with thunder.


At a certain moment, Jing Xiaolou stepped heavily on his feet.

This step was like a migrating old elephant hissing at the last moment, causing ripples to appear on the entire lake.

At the same time as he stepped forward, he let out a long roar from his mouth and swung his arms forward and back at the same time, like an old elephant waving its trunk or a dragon wagging its tail.

When the two merged into one, a wave of air visible to the naked eye exploded in the air like an air cannon, causing even bigger ripples on the lake.

A carp that jumped out of the lake bore the brunt of the blow and was directly blown to pieces by the fist wind.

After punching out, a deep joy finally appeared on Jing Xiaolou's face:

"The dragon-elephant attack is finally done!"

Many life-and-death fights in the blessed land of reincarnation have contributed to his rapid progress in kung fu, and he has completely mastered the true meaning of Xue Zheng's Xiangtangquan, "Dragon and Elephant Attack".

To a certain extent, the road to seeing God is not far away!

"Small building."

At this time, Xue Zheng's call came from the pavilion in the center of the lake. Jing Xiaolou was in a good mood and walked quickly into the pavilion in the center of the lake.

"You have made great progress in recent days, and you have even mastered the dragon-elephant combo attack."

As soon as he stepped into the Huxin Pavilion, he heard Xue Zheng's praise. Jing Xiaolou smiled slightly and was about to say something modest.

Suddenly Xue Zheng threw a mobile phone:

"However, it's still far from enough..."

Jing Xiaolou was stunned for a moment, then saw the video being played on his phone, and his expression changed slightly:

"This is?"

Wudang Mountain, Yangming Mountain, the banks of the Ganges River in the Three-Yin Kingdom, the Sun Never Sets on the Dragon City Building, Bacheng Begging Society... and other forces all saw this video.

I don’t know how many people were shocked by this.

"Meet God?!"

A layman looks at the fun, and an insider looks at the door. Compared with the netizens who only know to say things like "impossible", "fake", "awesome", etc., the masters of various sects are furious.

Among them there are many masters who are close to the limit of human strength in the Baodangang realm. Naturally, it can be seen that the power displayed by the zombies and An Qisheng has gone beyond the scope of seeing gods!

Although An Qisheng had already stepped onto the path of seeing God when he killed Mu Longcheng, hearing is false and seeing is believing. Before truly seeing, no matter what others say, they will I don't believe it.

But after seeing this video, they were completely shocked.

For thousands of years, the path forward that Gui Guzi, Wang Chongyang, Bodhidharma and other great masters have not seen has now appeared in the body of a young man who has not yet established himself!

How could they not be shocked by this?


Pa da~

An Qisheng closed the background of the Law Enforcement Warriors Forum, which had been flooded with countless private messages, and closed his laptop.

He was well aware of the huge storm on the Internet. In fact, he knew it before it happened.

If he didn't allow it, let alone the spread of this video, the satellite that spied on him when he was in Mu Feng couldn't have captured anything.

For example, there was no scene of him meeting with Sa Wuling in this video, and there was no scene of how the zombie king was sealed.


The phone rang, An Qisheng pressed it casually, and Baihu's slightly cautious voice came out: "Mr. An, have you seen what happened on the Internet? What do you think we should do?"

Baihu didn't want to make this call, but he had to make it. He was also under great pressure.

"I see."

Without the intention of playing witty tricks with him, An Qisheng spoke directly: "Everyone in the world has the right to know about the world's affairs, and they should also have the right to choose in case of emergency."


Baihu did not expect An Qisheng to answer like this, and was a little stunned for a moment: "What emergency?"


An Qisheng said with a hint of meaning: "Maybe, it's not just Mars..."

After that, he hung up the phone.


Baihu and Qinglong looked at each other on the other end of the phone, both seeing the solemnity in each other's eyes.

According to Yinglong's analysis, the 'people or things' on Mars are probably much more terrifying than this zombie king.

According to An Qisheng's words, in addition to the monsters on Mars, are there other threats?

"Qinglong, what should we do next?"

Baihu smiled bitterly.

"The Golden Eagle is determined to kill me..."

Qinglong rubbed his temples and sighed: "What An Qisheng said is right. Compared with the possible threats on Mars, this little fight is nothing..."

As he said this, Qinglong stood up and looked far away at the direction of Mars that could not be seen during the day:

"If it can't be done, just let it go..."



Air currents collided, sand and rocks flew, and an unprecedented huge sandstorm was happening on Mars.

The dark red sand filled the sky, covering half of Mars. No matter what kind of detector, it could not observe what was happening in it.

In the wild sandstorm, Mount Olympus, which originally dominated the Western Hemisphere, has completely disappeared, and what disappeared together is not only the mountain on the surface, but also the countless minerals under the surface.

If someone looks here, they can see that under the unfathomable abyss, in the ink-like darkness, there is a huge black shadow that seems to be hovering over the core of Mars.


A series of faint air currents alternately surround the black shadow, and the collision of the air currents caused the sandstorm outside that covered half of Mars!

At a certain moment, the huge black shadow suddenly moved, and the surface of the earth shook, and countless rocks rolled down.


A ray of light blue light emerged from the sandstorm and appeared in the abyss, turning into a small and cold light blue transparent creature:

"The sacred Lord of Nightmare, the noble God of Destruction, the fool who pursues the truth, the traveler of endless time and space, the owner of the blood of the great nightmare hydra, my master, the second-level 'blessing master', the first-level 'little witch', and the third-level 'witch' Russell... ..."

The blue creature flapped its wings behind it, stretched one arm forward, bowed deeply, and said humbly and piously: "Your servant, the three-hearted blue spirit boy, has found... the breath of low-level civilization for you!"

It hasn't called yet, it's terrible. Everyone go to bed first, and watch the third update tomorrow morning.

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