Great Dao Ji

Chapter 522: Today's comeback (eighth day of 10,000 words)

The wind and clouds howled in the night, and the changes in the celestial phenomena caused by the changes in the magnetic field spread to the world. In just half an hour, the meteorological bureaus of countries around the world have been alarmed.

Weather warnings were sent to all parts of the country one by one, as if a storm was coming.

That night, not many people in Baodao and even in the whole Daxuan slept well. Under a huge sense of oppression like the sky was low and close to the face, only many people who could sleep peacefully were dreamers.

More people had difficulty falling asleep, looking out the window in surprise or worry.

Under the night sky with thunder and lightning and dark clouds covering the sky, no one saw that the "Gate of Different Dimensions" pierced by the King's Sword was emitting a faint light.

Three red suns were in the sky, shining on the world.

The sky was bright on this day, and it was also the time when the King's Power Road opened its mountain gate.

In front of the Sword-Removing Stone, there were crowds of people on the flat and huge square. Martial artists from all over the world gathered here and were waiting quietly.

Countless people gathered here, but there was no noise on the square.

Everyone's eyes were on the young Taoist holding a sword standing on the high platform in the middle of the square, and they were in awe.

On this day, the weather was not so good, but this young man held the sword to lead the formation, dispelling the clouds and revealing the sun.

Driving the sky is one of the symbols of a master of the divine vein.

Even now, the divine vein is a well-deserved master.

Not to mention, this person can also drive the formation, this method is obviously the "heaven and man looking at the qi technique".

"The art of looking at qi should have three aspects: observing the stars is the sky aspect, observing the earth veins and feng shui is the earth aspect, and reading words and fortune-telling is the human aspect. Only when the three elements are combined can we practice the 'heaven and man looking at qi' of our Wangquan Dao."

The young man put the sword back into the sheath and said lightly: "If you have the opportunity to join our Wangquan Dao, you will also have the opportunity to learn the 'heaven and man looking at qi'."

The young man was concise and did not make a long speech. He directly announced the beginning: "The ancestors once said that there is no distinction in teaching. Regardless of gender, age, whether you have martial arts or not, and which country you come from, you can enter Wangquan."

His voice was not very loud, but it sounded clearly in everyone's ears.


As his voice sounded, on the top of the Wangquan Mountain, which was more than 3,000 feet high, streams of light rose up visible to the naked eye.

The many streams of light intertwined and flowed down, spreading from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, faintly outlining a huge portal with a deep aura like the starry sky.

"Those who are not firm in heart, undecided in will, who commit evil and disorder, and have evil thoughts, should not enter this gate."

The young man's sleeves fluttered, and he said loudly: "Those who walk to the top of the mountain are my disciples of Wangquan Dao!"

The entrance to Wangquan Dao is really the entrance.

The entrance is to this gate called "Nantianmen".

Of course, after entering, you have to do five years of homework in the "Wenxin Hall". Once you make a mistake, you will be expelled.

"There are so many people."

At the end of the mountain road, Chu Fan stood side by side with Feng Mingtao and others, looking at the stream of people like ants at the foot of the mountain, and whispered to himself in his heart.

Wangquan Dao opens the mountain gate once every five years and once every ten years. After more than three thousand years, the eighth day of November has become the most grand festival in the world.

It is said that this is the birth day of Wangquan Patriarch.

"Unfortunately, this day is also destined to be a bloody day."

Feng Mingtao's burly body is quite eye-catching among the disciples. He and Chu Fan are disciples who entered the same batch.

Wang Quan Dao has taken the principle of "judging by deeds but not by heart" to the extreme. Even if one has evil thoughts in his heart, he can still change, but he cannot be forgiven for his mistakes.

Even if he has entered the sect, he has to go up and down the mountain every day. Once he does something evil, he will not be able to escape the sword hanging over his head.

There is no such thing as expiating sins with merits, and there is no such thing as a single thought.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Quan Dao has always stood firm for three thousand years, always holding the lead in the righteous way, and no one disobeys.

He still remembers the blood flowing in front of the "Nantian Gate" on the day he entered the sect, and the screams made him unable to sleep for many days.

But even so, there are always people who are lucky.

In the past years when the mountain gate was opened, many people have died in front of Wang Quan Mountain.

Today is no exception.

"I don't know how many of these people are dreamers."

Chu Fan said this directly to Feng Mingtao using the sound transmission technique.

Compared with the chaos 3,300 years ago, the world has been peaceful for a long time now, and there are few major wars in both the rivers and lakes and the world.

The king's sword hangs over the world, and there is almost no opponent.

The king's sword is the first choice of all dreamers.

"There will be no shortage of them."

Feng Mingtao shook his head in his heart: "This job is too boring. I heard that the king's sword has been published in Youzhou. If I can go and see it, wouldn't it be better than watching the gate here?"

Not everyone likes to watch the gate. Feng Mingtao doesn't like this job very much. Unfortunately, where is his choice?

"It's better not to go. Many dreamers have gathered in Youzhou. I don't know how many people will die. You and I almost fell before. Although you will lose the qualification to enter the "dreamland" after dying twice, you still have to be careful."

Chu Fan sighed.

The king's sword hangs over the world to maintain the laws of all countries, but killing is inevitable.

He and Feng Mingtao were also ambushed and killed once. The one who did it was that "Truman". That time, more than 30 dreamers were killed by him. Most of them survived.


When Feng Mingtao mentioned this, his face suddenly darkened: "I will get revenge sooner or later!"

"It's hard to say. According to the news from White Tiger, Truman has become a disciple of the Six Prisons, a hidden sect. Although the sect is not well-known, it has been spread for more than three thousand years. The Heart Sutra of Fighting Demons he learned is not Inferior to many true transmissions of my royal power.”

Chu Fan shook his head and was not optimistic.

It is said that 'Truman' has seen the immortality of gods in Xuanxing, and has cultivated Yin and Yang Wuji in five years in a dream. He is only one step away from reaching the ninth level of heaven and man. .

His ability to fight demons in one hand was shocking, and he easily escaped from several sieges organized by the Special Affairs Bureau.

Unless they can enter the core of King Quan Dao and learn the true teachings of King Quan Dao.

Feng Mingtao was suddenly speechless.

Although the true teaching of Wang Quan Dao is open to all disciples, it is extremely difficult to get started. In just five years, do you want to master the art of looking at the qi of heaven and man, Wang Quan Zhenyue Sword?

How difficult is that?

At least among all the dreamers so far, only 'Truman' has truly mastered heaven-level martial arts, and it seems to be because he received the skills from an old devil.

Just like Xuan Xing, there are many teaching materials for everyone to learn, but those who really achieve success are still a very small number among the very few.

"It's Senior Brother Zhang!"

"Senior Brother Zhang is back!"

While the two were talking via voice transmission, they suddenly heard the noise from down the mountain, and several Wang Quan Dao disciples beside them also exclaimed in surprise.

"Which Senior Brother Zhang?"

Chu Fan came back to his senses and was startled when he heard the noise coming from down the mountain.

"Of course it's Senior Brother Zhang Hongfei. When he comes back this time, could it be that he has brought back our contemporary sword master of Wang Quan Dao?"

Several Wang Quan Dao disciples were all very excited and wanted to go down the mountain immediately.

Feng Mingtao and Chu Fan were shocked at the same time. He already stood up and headed down the mountain amidst the shouts of several disciples.

Both of them had condensed the Qi of their hands and feet, and they were extremely fast. With this force, they were in the middle of the mountain road in a few moments, looking down.

On a road that many people at the foot of the mountain voluntarily gave way to, they saw a swordsman in blue holding the hand of a child and walking slowly towards the mountain gate.

"Junior Brother Zhang?"

At the foot of the mountain, the young man who was in charge of recruiting disciples frowned when he saw the swordsman in blue: "Who hurt you?"

"Senior brother Lin, there is no need to worry. It's just that he killed too many people and lost his temper."

Zhang Hongfei coughed lightly, and a smile appeared on his pale face: "Fortunately, I have fulfilled my destiny and brought back the future sword master of my sect."

The boy was about six or seven years old. He seemed to have never seen so many people and was a little nervous for a moment.

"Good boy, what's your name?"

The young man got off the platform, touched the little boy's fleshy face affectionately, and was about to take out the greeting gift.

Suddenly my heart skipped a beat and I raised my eyebrows.

Just then, a cloud layer above the long sky suddenly exploded, and a figure jumped down from the sky. While in mid-air, he let out a long roar:

"Do it!"


The moment the words echoed, clumps of sword light suddenly bloomed in the crowd, blasting with wind and thunder, creating a cold and murderous aura.

They attacked Zhang Hongfei and the others from all directions in the west.

And what was faster than the swords all over the sky was the powerful fist seal falling from the sky.

The moment the fist seal was struck, the airflow in the air boiled and exploded, and the extremely powerful fist intention was like a substance, blasting down across hundreds of feet.

Its target is not Zhang Hongfei, but the entire square!

Thousands of meters away, a strong wind was blowing up at the foot of Wangquan Mountain. The scattered energy was as sharp as a knife, causing everyone to retreat.

His divine will is tyrannical and nakedly displayed in front of everyone. If you dare to hide, everyone else will die!

"Be bold!"

Zhang Hongfei's face darkened. He didn't expect that someone would dare to chase him to the foot of Wang Quan Mountain, and he immediately felt angry.


Without any movement, a sword light as powerful as a swimming dragon rose into the sky, pulling out thousands of air currents and making a sharp hissing sound.

Met that mountain-shaking punch.


Chu Fan, who had just stepped off the mountain path, felt the familiar fist, and his expression suddenly changed: "How dare these people hit the King Quan Sword's attention?!"

"How audacious!"

Feng Mingtao was also shocked.

The way of kingship is so tyrannical, and there are so many masters of divine veins. Not to mention that this 'Truman' has never stepped into the ninth level of heaven and man. Even if he has stepped into the peak of heaven and man, he is looking for death if he comes to pick a fight.

"No, he, he really wants to die!"

Chu Fan's eyelids jumped wildly.

Is the dreamer afraid of death?

Of course, I am afraid, but the dreamer who has one chance to come back and two chances to survive will at some point become the most terrifying death warrior in the world.

Such as this time.


Amidst the clang of the sword, the sound of the explosion of protective aura echoed through the sky.

Countless people in the square became horrified.

I saw the man falling from the sky, his fist seals striking down horizontally, but he completely ignored Zhang Hongfei's sky-cutting sword. Even though the protective aura was chopped into pieces by the sword, he was still not on guard.

Holding against the prison-like sword light, he punched another king's power master who was facing him from all directions.


Zhang Hongfei never expected that a great master made of divine veins would come up and not care about life and death, and he was surprised for a moment.

Moreover, the many masters who roared out from the crowd all around launched suicidal attacks on their junior brothers, regardless of life or death.

Where did all these lunatics come from?

"If you want to die, I will help you!"

With a thought, Zhang Hongfei turned his sword and tore the remaining protective Qi of the man. With just a twist, he cut off his entire arm.

The remaining force continued to move towards his neck!

If I cut off your arm, you didn't dodge. What if I cut off your head?


The next moment, Zhang Hongfei's cold expression finally changed.

The man ignored his beheading sword and punched Brother Lin's protective Qi, exchanging death for injury?


The sword light cut off the head like a thread, and the blood column that gushed out was also cut off.

But at the same time, a low explosion like a muffled thunder also sounded.

Brother Lin didn't expect that his junior brother didn't stop him for even a moment, and his protective Qi was broken when he was not careful.

He flew out and blood spurted out.

But his long sword flew horizontally, like thousands of silver threads falling down, and at the moment of flying horizontally, he also killed dozens of death warriors who rushed out of the crowd.

For a moment, the bloody smell rose to the sky, and the square was full of blood.

"Sword Master!"

Zhang Hongfei was shocked and his eyes were bloodshot.

The moment that Senior Brother Lin was beaten back, a figure rushed out of the crowd like a ghost, with his arms open, like an eagle swooping down on its prey, and clamped the child under his armpits.

In a flash, he had already run hundreds of feet, pulling out ghosts all over the sky, and was about to escape!


Seeing that the ghost succeeded, all the people who jumped out laughed out loud, and without any fear, they directly launched the secret method of risking their lives.

Frantically rushed towards Zhang Hongfei and the others.

The worst of the group of people had condensed several meridians, and there were also several people who had condensed meridians. Under the impact of such a large number of "death warriors".

Even though Zhang Hongfei and the other two were really angry, it still took them three full breaths to kill all the attackers.

And within three breaths, the man had already escaped dozens of miles away.

The person who attacked was actually a great master of the divine vein!

"You dare to come to Wangquan Mountain to cause trouble, you are looking for death!"

The moment the ghost escaped, cold shouts came from the top of Wangquan Mountain, and then sword lights broke through the air, chasing the ghost.

"You can't escape!"

Zhang Hongfei's face was ashen, and he shouted, his breath rolling like fire, and he also chased after it.


Senior Brother Lin jumped and turned over and landed on the high platform, his face as frosty as he swept across the chaotic square. No one knew how many dead soldiers there were among the thousands of people.

Even the most elite East and West Factories of the court did not have the ability to catch them one by one.

But for Wangquan Dao, it was not a difficult task.

He raised his sword, his breath was cold and fierce: "Now, everyone, all go up the mountain!"

The dead soldiers must not pass through the 'South Heaven Gate'!

He really wanted to kill!

"Truman, is he dead?"

Looking at the messy square and the headless body in the pool of blood, Feng Mingtao was a little confused.

"This, Wang Quandao actually ignored it?"

Chu Fan was also a little confused.

At this time, except for some disciples who swarmed out, why didn't any of the old guys on the mountain come out?

Could it be that all the masters of Wang Quandao who were in the ninth level of heaven and man were in the deadly gate?

This is impossible


But the next moment, a shocking sound exploded behind Wang Quan Mountain.

The fierceness of this sound wave instantly pushed away thousands of miles of air waves. The sound was so huge that thousands of people in the square below the mountain fainted without a word.

More people were shocked to the point of black eyes and bleeding from all seven orifices!


Feng Mingtao and Chu Fan were shocked and vomited blood, looking back in horror.

The air waves that swept across the sky were surging and violent, and the void was shattered like multiple ice crystals, and thousands of twisted and hideous faces filled the sky:

"Where are you?"

"Stop being so rampant!"

A clear and long roar sounded on the top of Wangquan Mountain.

Then, sword lights intertwined and turned into a sword dragon spanning hundreds of miles, slashing into the broken void.

Those thousands of twisted and ugly faces.



Under the shocking collision, with Wangquan Mountain as the center, the earth and the void for hundreds of miles all trembled wildly.

The wind and clouds in the sky were shattered, the mountains on the earth collapsed, and countless plants, sand and stones flew and scattered under the beating of the tornadoes.


Amid the earth-shattering collision, countless cold and resentful voices merged into one, exploding in the ears of countless people in the Wangquan Mountains and the many cities of Fengzhou:

"It's my turn!"

This chapter is a little slow to write, I'll continue after eating.

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