Great Dao Ji

Chapter 525 Silent Meeting (Ninth day of ten thousand updates)


Yinglong's calm voice echoed in the empty hall.

Everyone was shocked at first, then silent.

It was like being poured with a basin of ice water from head to toe, freezing cold.

Artificial intelligence has no human emotions, can't laugh or be afraid. Yinglong said this because, with its database and computing power, it can't figure out any solution.

"Is there no way?"

Ya Zi's eyes were a little red.

"There is no way."

Yinglong replied coldly.

The data flowed down and appeared on the projection:

"According to the calculated universe replacement rules, the two are roughly the same size, and according to the data obtained by the Mars rover, the unknown species replaced not only the Olympus Mountain on Mars, but also the greater mass under the surface.

Insufficient data makes it impossible to estimate its size."

The hall was empty, and Yinglong spoke calmly: "But with such a huge size, every move is a destructive disaster. The dust he blows up with his breath is enough to set off a sandstorm that permeates Eurasia, and a roar is enough to tear the atmosphere and shake off all aircraft that do not exceed the atmosphere.

Just keep flapping its tail, it is enough to split Eurasia, collapse the continental shelf, and the tsunami it raises is enough to submerge all coastal countries such as Fuso and the Philippines."

This is different from an asteroid impact, because this monster is alive!

"Xuanxing, it's going to be destroyed"

In the dead silent hall, an observatory staff member couldn't bear such a blow, fell to the ground, covered his face with his hands, and looked ashen.

The eyes of the members of the Special Affairs Bureau dimmed.

They all crawled out of the sea of ​​blood and corpses. They were not afraid of death, but they were afraid of the doomsday. They were helpless.

They were like primitive people in the Stone Age who saw nuclear bombs falling from the sky, and dinosaurs walking on the grass who saw asteroids falling from the sky.

No matter how you show your teeth and claws, you are powerless to change anything.

With the crying of the staff, a deep despair rose in the hearts of almost everyone, and quickly expanded, squeezing their hearts tightly.

They couldn't breathe.


Qinglong's body trembled, and he felt that his lips were dry and seemed to be cracked. His voice was hoarse and sharp: "Pray? Who to pray to? God? Demon? Buddha?"

Qinglong smiled, and the past passed through his heart like smoke.

He was born in a military compound. When he was young, he practiced martial arts in the Gu family and learned the ancient Xinyiquan. Later, he joined the army for 23 years. He experienced thousands of battles in his life and killed as many as 400 people with his bare hands.

The Special Affairs Bureau has not used force for ten years, but it seems that even his blood has cooled?


He suddenly looked back, his eyes swept across the crowd like an eagle, and fixed on the projected picture, as if he was talking to Yinglong, as if he was talking to someone present, and as if he was talking to himself:

"From the ten thousand years of Daxuan to now, our ancestors have not left us the foundation to dominate the world, but their spirit has always existed.

Mountains block us, we move them; floods are overwhelming, we control water; plagues are rampant, we taste all kinds of herbs, and the vast sea still needs to be filled with soil!

Even if you don't fall down, you can still fight even if you die!"

Under the huge and indescribable pressure, some people cried in despair, and some looked ashen.

Some people were unwilling to give in!

Qinglong looked around at everyone, and an unprecedented flame burned in his heart. In a trance, he seemed to see the gods in his body that flickered like the stars.

The sight of God that he had been pursuing for more than ten years seemed to be within reach, but he didn't care at all.

As soon as the words came out, I felt that my heart was no longer so refreshing.

"But you have no means to resist the monster that is about to come."

In the dead silence, only Yinglong was not moved at all: "I have notified all departments to retreat to the underground shelters that have been built long ago."

Since the discovery of the abnormal movement on Mars, Daxuan and even countries around the world have built many underground shelters and refuges while monitoring Mars and looking for countermeasures.

Not to mention the infrastructure maniac like Daxuan.

"Then don't let him come!"

Qinglong responded decisively.

"Then you will die today."

Yinglong expressed some incomprehension: "Daxuan has a saying that it is better to live a miserable life than to die a good death. With your status, you can enter any shelter."

"So you are not a human, let alone me."

Qinglong shook his head, and without saying much, he took a step out and stepped into the darkness that seemed to have no light:

"If you want to die today, then die today!"

Click, click, click~

The sound of countless instruments operating sounded in a secret underground base.

Watching email after email being sent out, Marcus breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "Merciful Lord, please bless my family to arrive as soon as possible."


A tall white man walked into the room with a cold face and a bulldog beside him: "Have all the people been notified?"

"All emails have been sent out, and the system is automatically dialing numbers. Some people have not responded yet, but most people have responded."

Marcas stood up and saluted. The person who came was his boss, Yehudi, the highest officer of this underground shelter.

"Speed ​​up the time, we don't have much time."

Yehhudi glanced at his watch, expressionless: "Those who fail to notify the second time should give up immediately, pass on the next one, notify everyone in the second echelon, this time'Ark Plan' cannot have any problems, the 300,000 places in our shelter cannot be wasted in the slightest, and there can't be one more!"

"Yes, yes."

Marcas was sweating profusely, feeling that his boss's words were full of meaning.

"You can bring your wife and children, but your parents are too old. Our 'Ark Evolution' is to pass on the fire of civilization, and we can't let everyone in."

Yehhudi patted his subordinate on the shoulder and said lightly: "At this time, no one can be an exception."

"Yes, yes"

Marcas trembled and knelt on the ground: "I, I notified my parents, they..."

He no longer had a chance to speak.

The two tall white men who stepped in had already pressed him to the ground and pulled him out.

"Four places are vacant."

Yehhudi glanced at another subordinate who followed him in: "The places are given to you. You can't pick trash to come in. My 'Ark' does not allow trash to come in."


The subordinate bowed his head in awe: "Your will will be fully implemented."


Suddenly, a loud bang accompanied by billowing flames exploded in the shelter.


Accompanied by a series of gunshots, dozens of big men rushed in: "Supervisor, hurry up, the dreamers, the dreamers are here, they want to take over the 'Ark Shelter', the place is too small, we are not their opponents!"

"These damn bitches!"

Yehhudi cursed, took out his gun, and rushed out with gritted teeth: "Whoever dares to rob my 'Ark' will die!"

Three minutes after the dark clouds dissipated.

Alarms have been sounded in many cities in various states of the Golden Eagle Country, and all streets have been cleared to ensure smooth traffic.

Under the high-speed operation of Poseidon, the shelters under the various states of the Golden Eagle Country have been activated at the first time, and countless military trucks have been driven in all directions.

Vehicles, airplanes, ships and all other means of transportation are in operation at the first time.

The Golden Eagle Country, which has the most satellites in the world, was the first to discover the problem, and the Golden Eagle Country, which has already had complete evacuation preparations, acted extremely quickly.

In just three minutes, the first batch of elites in various cities have begun to evacuate.

Most people are still marveling at the rare starry sky after the dark clouds have dissipated, and many people are still complaining about the previous network outage on Twitter.

In the twelfth minute after the dark clouds dissipated, the second batch of elites of the Golden Eagle Country have also completely arrived in the shelters.

In addition to the first batch of people, those who came in earlier than them were countless resources collected from all over the world, as well as various high-end instruments.

In a silver-white shelter hall, there was silence.

Elites from all walks of life, who filled all the seats, sat upright, looking solemnly and sadly at the white old man who was giving a speech on the podium.

They were in silence.

Before life and death, they chose themselves, but they were also sad.

At this time, under the heavy protection of Yinglong and Poseidon, the world's two top artificial intelligences, a meeting that was destined to be unknown was being held.

In the large conference room simulated by data, more than 200 data projection people whose faces could not be seen sat down and were silent.

The atmosphere in the entire conference room was heavy and silent.

No one spoke, and everyone was looking at the picture on the huge projection screen in the middle of the conference room.

That was the model of Xuanxing under all satellite monitoring.

On the huge longitude and latitude network, a dazzling red light spot flashed.

In addition to the red light spot, the entire longitude and latitude network was densely covered with countless green light spots.

That was all the air interception all over the world, and the air defense force of all Xuanxing humans.

Under the threat that was huge enough to destroy the entire human race, this meeting called the "Brain Talk" took only more than a minute to convene.

And everyone has been silently looking at this huge longitude and latitude network diagram for more than ten minutes.

More eye-catching than the longitude and latitude network is the time hanging above the conference room.

Time passed by minute by minute,

There are only thirty minutes left in the countdown to the destruction of the world!

But they seemed unaware, and all of them were staring at the huge projection.

Watching the extremely fierce interception and blocking battle that spread across the entire Xuanxing, participated in by the whole world, and was unknown to most people.

Countless people are fighting desperately, and countless people are racking their brains to think of countermeasures.

This is a silent meeting.

Harmony is too fierce, and the tragic scene dare not be described, but it cannot be written. Well, it is almost clear. Continue to type.

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