Great Dao Ji

Chapter 530: Information about Xuanxing's Will (3rd update)

Dayan Tiantong, all-knowing.

The many Daoyi magical powers on the Daoyi map are not only unique, but also have incredible power.

This Dayan Tiantong is also known as seeing the big from the small.

One can see the whole, and the big from the small. A tiny clue can restore the whole picture, and even penetrate the hidden truth.

Gu Changfeng once used this magical power to deduce eight roads that lead directly to people with huge potential.

And using this to deduce the world coordinates consumes much less than the spontaneous deduction of the Daoyi map.

This is like going from using money to kill people to using money to buy guns and then go.

The effect is naturally greatly improved.


As An Qisheng's mind moved, the Daoyi map in the depths of his vision was shining.

The dots flowed like the stars in the sky, and in a flash, the light blue spiritual imprint was already covered.

Hula la~

Then, An Qisheng heard the sound of gurgling water, which was the rapid consumption of Dao power.

One point, one hundred points, six thousand points, thirty thousand points, six hundred thousand points

Dao power is not easy to come by, but it is consumed very quickly. It seems that in just a moment, the consumed Dao power has reached 4.86 million points!

He entered the human world in his dream, and the Dao power consumed was only 66,000 points, and only 130,000 points back and forth.

It took forty days to search for the complete coordinates of the human world, and it was only 100,000 points of Dao power.

This consumption is a bit too much, more than 20 times!

This is the case when he has a spiritual imprint and sacrificed more than half of Russell's blood. Without these two, I am afraid that the consumption will be ten times or even a hundred times greater.

How could it be possible to consume so much?

An Qisheng frowned slightly, feeling a little shocked.

Apart from the possibility that Dao Yitu deliberately wanted to cheat his Dao power, there must be one or several worlds in these six world coordinates that have extremely strict defense of world information!

It is very likely to be a big world as powerful as the Emperor Heaven Realm, or even a big world with a real Heavenly Dao, or a spokesperson for the Heavenly Dao!

Of course, the latter two were guessed by An Qisheng based on the Taoist Tailong he saw when he returned from his dream.

He felt a sense of alert.

At this time, the group of light that enveloped the spiritual imprint of Daoyitu had dispersed and turned into a line of text:

[Six complete world coordinates were deduced, and Dao power can be consumed to enter the dream world]

Six world coordinates? !

An Qisheng was shocked. This snake had actually been to six worlds?

"No, this world coordinate may include the Jueling Universe where Xuanxing is located, but even so, in addition to the Youlin Realm and the Wushen Realm, there are also three unknown worlds."

An Qisheng's mind was racing, and he had guessed something.

Those three unknown worlds might be the lair of the Nightmare Hydra, or the place where Russell's ancestors lived.

But it might not be.

But in any case, it is extremely inappropriate to enter the dream with one of the six choices. If you run into the lair of the Nightmare Hydra, it will be very bad.

Being able to devour the will of a world and turn it into a bloodline witchcraft, the nightmare hydra is probably no worse than the owner of the starry sky building.

[Do you choose to consume the power of Taoism to enter the dream world?]

The text changes, and Dao Yitu asks.


An Qisheng did not rush to make a decision, and quietly sensed the six world coordinates.

The world coordinates are like time and space anchor points, horizontally and vertically, and are the interweaving of time and space. They do not have any world breath or information.

He did not act rashly, not to mention that the world coordinates are always wrong, not to mention that there is a high probability that there is a nightmare hydra's nest among them.

Six choices, how to choose?

An Qisheng, who has never had difficulty in making choices, couldn't help but hesitate at this time.

The will of the human world has left a deep impression on him. It is not easy to capture the traces of outsiders in a world with active will.

Not every world is like the will of the human world, which just happened to encounter a huge threat.

His greatest gain from the journey to the Human World might not be the power of Taoism or the condensation of the divine flower, but this warning.

If he really thought that he would have no scruples when entering a dream, he would probably die in the dream sooner or later.


After thinking for a long time, he slowly opened his eyes.


The salty and humid sea breeze carried the bloody smell of countless sea fish fighting, which was not pleasant.

An Qisheng's eyes penetrated the fish in the sea water and fixed on the alien gate in the deep sea that was like a mountain across Russell's body.

Perhaps, perhaps we have to distinguish it through this alien gate.

The alien gate is both a treasure and witchcraft. Its importance to the Nightmare Hydra lineage is no less than the "life" of the Human World cultivator.

Even if Russell is not dead, don't even think about taking out the second one!

Similarly, this alien gate should also hide the secrets of several other worlds.

"This altar"

The three-hearted blue spirit boy circled around the altar, his small eyes full of shock.

It could feel that this altar contained some information that it had never seen before, and it was probably not from this civilization or planet, but it could not spy on it!

This was too incredible for it.

How could a piece of information be so powerful?

"Cosmic Replacement"

Looking at the altar that answered all wishes from the Savage Realm and the three-hearted blue spirit boy from the Dark Forest Realm, An Qisheng's eyes were dim.

He had integrated the heaven and earth and the magnetic field of the stars. In a sense, he was already the master of the planet, and he could already feel the faint will of the stars from Xuanxing.

It was a will without thoughts or feelings, lacking even instincts. The reason why it is called a will, not consciousness, is because this will has no independent thinking behavior.

It only has a little bit of shallow and weak instinct.

Since he replaced the star magnetic field with the Qi field, he felt the things transmitted by this strand of planetary will, and transformed it through countless deductions and transformations by An Qisheng.

It can probably be summed up in two words.


The planetary will felt the destruction, and He wanted to save himself and others.

Unfortunately, with a little bit of shallow instinct, what He can do is extremely limited, and He can only rely on the tiny humans living on Him.

If An Qisheng's guess is correct, the first time, it should be Su Jie, the second time, it was Chu Fan, and now, it is naturally him.

His smooth integration of the star magnetic field is also due to Him.

An Qisheng looked into the sky, his eyes seemed to go deep into the space:

"How difficult the road ahead is"

The eternal darkness and desolate space are full of endless dangers, and the meteorite groups that sweep across from time to time are just the most insignificant things.

Cosmic rays, high-energy flares, planetary collisions, supernova explosions, wandering black holes, galaxy swallowing

Too many horrors are hidden in this seemingly calm, but actually never calm, endless space.

In the endless dark space, a cold snake head floats in it, seemingly wandering aimlessly, but none of the space junk and meteorites that occasionally pass by can touch it.

Every time before the impact is about to happen, it will just avoid it.

After a long, long time, Russell's consciousness, as weak as a lamp under the wind, revived.

"My head"

This is his first thought.

"I only have one head left"

This is his second thought.

"My alien gate"

This is his third thought.

"I'm going to die"

This is his fourth thought.

But in an instant, all the thoughts gathered and turned into a terrifying flame that seemed to burn his head: "I hate it!"

Hate it!

Not only was he beaten and stranded in the extraordinary desert, but he also died on a small planet with only low-level civilization.

He lost the Gate of the Other Dimension, the Three-Hearted Blue Spirit Child, and his own body that had been tempered for a hundred years.

If he hadn't acted decisively and burned his blood to perform the "Starry Sky Transfer Magic", he would have been bound to death by that short-lived species, no, that An Qisheng!

That would be a real death.

But he also encountered the biggest difficulty in escaping.

His power was consumed and lost too much, the fire of his soul dimmed, and his blood burned to the limit.

He was still alive, but this damn extraordinary desert not only did not allow him to reshape his body's "extraordinary spirit", but also took away his remaining power with indescribable greed!

But he had no choice but to fall asleep again and again, floating in space, unwillingly waiting to die.

This was not the first time he woke up.

But he could sense the surroundings, still the familiar space, without any difference, without life

The despair he felt in the dream reappeared in Russell's heart.

Headless, dead, seriously injured, exhausted, waiting for death, countless negative emotions brewed in his heart, he wanted to go crazy.

Bang bang bang~

At this moment, he sensed a group of fire suddenly lit up in the space.

It was a series of extremely violent explosions.

A huge explosion at the level of a planetary impact!

"Come on, come on"

Russell opened his huge eyes, looking at the large space with fire and explosions with scarlet eyes. He wanted to try it, when the witchcraft of the "Gate of Different Dimensions" was not around.

Whether he could return to the ancestral realm of the nightmare hydra after he really died.

But as the group of explosions approached rapidly, Russell's scarlet eyes suddenly condensed.

I saw that in the boundless space, a huge celestial body "like an irregular meteorite" swept across, and its speed was incomparably fast.

The mass is also extremely heavy. When flying, countless meteorites and stars in all directions are pulled by its huge mass, causing collisions.


When Russell saw the huge irregular celestial body, a shocking collision broke out.

It was an asteroid with a diameter of more than 5,000 kilometers, which hit the side of the huge irregular celestial body head-on at super high speed.

In the violent and terrifying explosion, the asteroid shattered.

And the side of the irregular celestial body also shattered, turning into countless meteorites of different sizes, disappearing in the vast space.


Then, Russell saw a scene that shocked him.

After the countless meteorites were shattered, the side of the irregular celestial body was revealed. It was not a "celestial meteorite" at all. It was clearly a celestial body that had been sleeping for an unknown period of time.


The third update is over, good night everyone.

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