Great Dao Ji

Chapter 61 Soul-stealing Technique

The smelly gastric juice flowed down his face, revealing a pair of red eyes underneath.

That day, the whale fell to the bottom of the sea. He struggled for half a month and swallowed all the meat of the blue whale raw, barely regaining the strength to move.

Afterwards, in order to treat his injuries, he hid in the stomach of the giant whale, urging the giant beast to swallow fish and shrimp in the sea to fill his stomach, swallowing thousands of pounds of residue every day.

In this world without any spiritual energy, only in this way could he survive by chance, and his injuries slowly improved.

Half a month ago, the giant whale he was hiding in was killed. He destroyed a ship in anger, then fled to the sea and looked for another giant whale.


Tong Zhengyang slowly opened his mouth, as if there was an infinite suction force coming out, and all kinds of fish residues and gastric juice around him vibrated and were swallowed into his mouth like flowing water.

The half-exposed internal organs squirmed violently.

His body was strong, and his internal organs absorbed thousands of times more than ordinary people. His internal organs moved like a meat grinder. In just a moment, he had absorbed thousands of pounds of residue.


Tong Zhengyang turned over and sat up, his face twisted.

Any food, once swallowed into the stomach, moved through the stomach acid, was almost like a mixture of feces and urine. How could it taste so terrible?

Even for the sake of survival, he couldn't stand it.

He was born with extraordinary talents, a martial arts genius, trained his body, opened up his meridians, traveled across the three states, killed thousands of people, and took pleasure in revenge.

When had he ever suffered such humiliation?

"Where is the spiritual energy? How could there be such a ghost place without spiritual energy?"

Tong Zhengyang stroked the hideous wound on his chest, moved his dislocated internal organs, and the red light in his eyes became stronger.

He didn't know why he fell off the cliff and came to such a ghost place, but he knew that if he couldn't find a way back.

Not only will he have no hope of reaching a higher realm in this life, but even if he survives in this world without a trace of spiritual energy, he will only become weaker and weaker.

In the end, he may starve to death!

"This disgusting world, disgusting bastards"

Tong Zhengyang raised his hand, and the tough whale stomach was instantly pierced by his palm.

Listening to the unknown language chattering outside, the red light in his eyes almost burst out.

I have been so forbearing and so compassionate.

How dare these smashers,

How dare they,

How dare they disturb me again? ! ! !

"Is it really okay not to clean this stomach?"

Pushing the cart with several sailors carrying the whale stomach, Kimura Shi was sweating and asked in a low voice.

The whale's stomach itself is more than 200 kilograms, and the gastric juice residue inside is counted, which is probably more than a ton.

Five people pushed the cart together, and they were all sweating from exhaustion.

"We are about to return to the voyage, and these should not be done by us."

The old sailor frowned.

He was too tired after running around on the sea for several months.

They had to do all the work, so what were those people who stayed in the port for?


Kimura Shi lowered his head and suddenly his face changed:

"Mr. Tanaka, you, you look at this stomach, this stomach"

"You really are."

The old sailor cursed and his face changed drastically.

I saw a palm full of sticky gastric juice sticking out of the whale's stomach.

A human palm!


Under the stunned gaze of several Fuso sailors, the whale's stomach, which was much tougher than cowhide and needed the help of machinery to cut, was torn apart.

"This is a disgusting world"

With a low sigh, Tong Zhengyang slowly stood up, and the sticky gastric juice had already slid off his body like water the moment he stood up.

"You, you"

Several Fuso sailors were all stunned.

The stomach of a whale is a meat grinder for humans, and gastric acid can even dissolve bones.

This man was swallowed by a whale, but he still survived?

"This man, is he still alive?"

Kimura was stunned.

He was the closest and saw the most clearly.

The man who came out of the whale's stomach had a hideous wound between his chest and abdomen.

He could even see the wriggling internal organs and white bones inside!

"He, what did he say?"

Although they didn't know what language the man spoke, several sailors suddenly felt a little cold in their hearts.

"Who are you?"

An old sailor couldn't help but speak.

"It's you bastards again"

Listening to the familiar unknown language, Tong Zhengyang's eyes became indifferent, and he slowly stretched out his palm.

Just a light squeeze.


There seemed to be thunder in the air.

The terrifying air wave rolled and spread in the cabin like a substance, and the steel plates of the hull made a groaning sound of "crackling" under the blowing of the air wave.


The first few Fuso sailors who were hit only had time to scream before they were drowned in the whistling air waves, their bones and flesh turned into mud!


Kimura's expression changed wildly.

He watched the old sailors around him being cut into pieces by the air waves as if they were being cut by thousands of knives.

He fell to his knees with a look of collapse:

"Oh my god, Amaterasu!"

Tong Zhengyang's eyes fell on Kimura and he slowly stretched out his palm:

"Let me see, what kind of a world is this?"

Since he came to this world, he has been either being hunted or hiding in fish stomachs to heal his injuries. It was not until his injuries got better that he had the idea of ​​exploring this world.


Tong Zhengyang raised his palm and lifted the collapsed Kimura in his hand.

"Look at me"

Tong Zhengyang's eyes glowed red, and the collapsed Kimura suddenly became dazed.

"This is what the world is like"

After a long time, Tong Zhengyang put down Kimura, and a cold smile appeared on his face:

"It turns out that the one chasing me is already the elite of one of the strongest countries in the world"

At this time, he staggered, and endless pain exploded in his mind.

"Ahem, in my current state, it is still too difficult to operate the Soul-stealing Technique. The King's Sword has not recognized its master, and it consumes a lot of my mental energy every moment"

Tong Zhengyang took a deep breath, turned his eyes, and fell on Kimura who knelt at his feet, speaking fluent Fuso language:

"Open the cold storage and do what you should do."


Kimura raised his head, his face was already indifferent.


Tong Zhengyang's figure disappeared as the cold storage door closed.

"Kill everyone"

Kimura muttered to himself, and walked out of the cabin like a zombie.

"Kimura, what happened inside? Was there an explosion? Where's Tanaka?"

As soon as he stepped out of the deck, a tall sailor came over and patted him on the shoulder:

"I'm asking you a question!"


Kimura raised his hand and grabbed the tall sailor's throat bone, his hands full of blood.

"You, what are you doing?"

"Damn bastard, you, you killed him?!"

"You deserve to die!"

All the sailors on the deck who were dismembering the whale were stunned by the scream.

Immediately, several sailors stood up and took out their guns with a fierce look on their faces.

"You are guilty, you deserve to die!"

Kimura's voice was dull and hoarse, but his movements were extremely fast.

With one step, he got into the crowd, and with a ruthless move, he tore off the arms of two people with his backhand!


"Kill, kill him! He's crazy!"

"No, he, he's a devil!"

The next moment, gunshots rang out.

The screams echoed in the sky along with the whirring sea breeze.

On the Rixin, blood flowed like a river.

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