Great Dao Ji

Chapter 701 Emperor Amitabha! (Second update)

Dare to be the first in the world?

Qi Cang's pupils shrank, and even though he had foresight, he was still shocked in his heart.

Having truly witnessed and experienced Emperor Yuanyang's supreme intimidation, he still couldn't bring himself to challenge him at all.

Although Feng Xinglie is better than him, he has not yet been crowned king. Even if he is closer than Chi Chi, there is still a huge gap.

Not to mention after thousands of years of practice, even Emperor Yuanyang a thousand years ago was beyond his reach at this time.

The challenge of transcending ranks may exist in anyone, but it is impossible for Emperor Yuanyang.

Because he will be the only uncrowned supreme being in history who has not yet attained enlightenment, but has the power to attain enlightenment!

Qi Cang felt shocked in his heart, but it turned into a sigh in an instant.

You do it knowing you can't do it, but why bother?

If it were him, he would never touch Yuanyang's edge even if he was already crowned king. The great age would eventually come, so why rush for it?

"What a man who dares to be the first in the world"

Sun En put down his wine glass and looked at Feng Xinglie with a strange look in his eyes, but also with respect.

Living in today's world, in today's realm, I have just understood how powerful the teacher was thousands of years ago. The slightest difference is a world of difference.

He understood this, and he believed that Feng Xinglie, who was further along the road to becoming a prince than he was at this time, would not fail to understand.

But it is precisely because of understanding that we can feel it.

"Oh, Brother Feng"

Sun En sighed: "You are only a hair's breadth away from being crowned king. You will eventually cross it. There is no need to oppress yourself."

He could see that Feng Xinglie was at a key point of transformation, and perhaps a breakthrough was not far away. What he did at this time made him a little confused.

"Everything has to be done by someone. Instead of expecting others to do it, it's better to do it yourself!"

Feng Xinglie's expression calmed down, but his heart was filled with endless waves:

"Thousands of years ago, Yuanyang was crowned king and worshiped by the whole world. I thought about it and went there, but when I saw Mount Dashi in the distance, I retreated.

I have only retreated once in my life. Perhaps it is precisely because of this retreat that I have been unable to make further progress for hundreds of years.

This time, I will not retreat, or I will be defeated or die. "

The restaurant was noisy, but the three of them were empty, as if they were in two completely different dimensional worlds.

Feng Xinglie was rarely calm, he knew exactly what he wanted to do.

Just as he knew exactly what was missing from his breakthrough.

"Then why did Brother Feng invite me here?"

Sun En shook his head, knowing that he could no longer persuade him. For a person like him, it would be difficult to turn back after just thinking about it.

"Feng knows that he has little chance of winning this trip, so how can he hinder others? Not to mention, Feng Xinglie has never had the habit of joining forces with others in his life!"

Feng Xinglie penetrated Sun En's mind, but he didn't care, and spoke frankly: "Brother Sun, don't worry, I'm not asking you to help me with my fists."


Sun En was noncommittal: "What does Brother Feng want?"

"In today's world, outside of Yuanyang, the only people who can catch my eye are the empress Chu Mengyao of Zhongzhou, the Buddha's son Di Amitabha in the endless desert sea, the third prince of Beihai Long Aotian, and the four brothers Sun That’s all.”

Feng Xinglie raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes clear and without impurities:

"I will open the way for you, try my hand at Yuanyang, and let you see how tall and tall the world is!"


Sun En's heart moved slightly, but he already understood that Feng Xinglie was inviting more than just himself.

Feng Xinglie looked out the window with an eyebrow raised, his eyes seemed to be able to see through the sea of ​​clouds and see the scene in the endless distance: "Fellow Taoists may be on the way."

"Brother Feng has amazing courage, and Sun admires him very much."

Sun En said, poured himself a glass of wine, turned it gently, raised his eyebrows and said, "Brother Feng, does he know that Sun is the master?"


Feng Xinglie raised his eyebrows slightly: "I haven't asked for advice yet."

Hundreds of years ago, he met Qi Cang, and the thunder knife struck out thousands of miles away, killing him till he was sweating profusely. He fled in confusion, and finally met Sun En.

Although Sun En is not as good as him at this time, the 'Huang Tian Dafa' has already appeared impressive.

He was also curious about who his teacher was.


Sun En drained his drink, then stood up and bowed to the east:

"Master, Yuanyang!"


Feng Xinglie's body trembled slightly, and ripples appeared in the wine glass.

For the first time since his appearance, his expression changed:

"You studied under Yuanyang?!!"

Feng Xinglie's figure was no longer visible on the long street, and Sun En withdrew his eyes.

After all, there was no conflict between the two.

Firstly, there was no grudge between the two, and secondly, Sun En did not feel that Feng Xinglie could threaten the teacher.

Since he asked for death, I had no choice but to let him go.

Millions of people die every day in this world, so if one more Feng Xinglie dies, it doesn’t seem to be a big deal?

"Feng Xinglie is a wild and unruly person, but this time he is about to fall into trouble."

Qi Cang didn't know why, but he also sighed.

He thought he would feel happy when he saw Feng Xinglie's miserable end, but he didn't. He even felt a trace of admiration and pity.

People like Feng Xinglie, at best, have a pure heart, but at worst, they are unscrupulous and unscrupulous.

But in today's world, it is difficult to see such pure people.

The world has evolved for a thousand years, and countless people are eager for someone to challenge Yuanyang, but there is only one Feng Xinglie who really dares to stand up.

"It concerns the teacher. I still have to go and take a look. Can Brother Qi go with him?"

Sun En pondered for a long time and decided to go and take a look, even though he didn't think what Feng Xinglie could do.

"I won't go. You'd better be careful. If it's not necessary, just watch."

Qi Cang hesitated slightly, but still refused. Until now, he still has a deep respect for the Yuanyang Emperor.

No other reason, facing the existence that can control his life and death.

The best way to get along is to stay away from it.

However, he still warned, implying that this trip is not simple.

"Brother Qi, don't worry. There are not many people in this world who can catch me."

Sun En didn't persuade much, nor did he care about Qi Cang's warning.

No movement, he disappeared in the restaurant.

Before leaving, there was a pill left on the table. The revival of spiritual energy does not mean that the pill is useless. It is still the "currency" of all countries and even Kyushu.

'The big event of Feng Xinglie's battle with Yuanyang, the curtain of the legendary great world, should I go and see it? '

Qi Cang hesitated.

He knows a lot, much more than most people in this world, but because he knows a lot, he is more hesitant.

Feng Xinglie opened the curtain of the great world, but after that

In his memory, Sun En had never been injured, but he had never participated in it, so it was hard to say whether there would be any changes.

"Is this the restaurant where Guanglong Supreme once stayed?"

A crisp female voice came from outside to inside, breaking the noise in the restaurant. The sound was quite gentle, like rain hitting banana leaves, like pearls falling on a jade plate.

This voice was not necessarily very high, but it seemed to have divine power. The moment it sounded, the inside and outside of the restaurant, and even all other sounds, disappeared.

"This voice seems to be familiar"

Qi Cang came back to his senses from his memories, raised his eyebrows and looked at it, and couldn't help but feel a 'sound' in his heart.

In front of the restaurant, a petite figure dragged a long shadow and walked slowly into the restaurant. Behind her, there were two tall and burly monks on the left and right, as majestic as King Kong.

That was a girl with a delicate appearance, not a stunning beauty.

She was wearing a spotless white monk's robe, with long black hair hanging down to her waist. At this moment, she was curiously looking at the restaurant, and her clear eyes reflected everything inside and outside like a mirror.

Anyone who saw her eyes would turn away involuntarily, as if unable to face it.

"How could it be her?"

Even though his state of mind had improved after a thousand years of meditation, Qi Cang still couldn't control his emotional changes for a moment.

"The Buddha's Son of the Vast Sea, 'Emperor Amitabha'!"

Seeing the girl, someone in the restaurant took a breath of cold air, and the temperature in the entire restaurant suddenly rose.

Indeed, many people couldn't control their blood, their faces flushed, and their expressions were extremely excited!

There were even some young monks who practiced Buddhist magic and knelt directly on the ground, chanting 'Buddha's Son', pious and humble!

Even some monks who didn't practice Buddhism and didn't believe in Buddhism seemed to be infected at this time and became a little excited.

"Buddha's Son!"

The restaurant was boiling.

Thousands of years ago, many forces in the Star Sea returned, causing great waves in Dongzhou and even in the Kyushu region.

The collision between the Star Sea forces and the old forces made many people hear the names of these forces.

Among them, the most widely spread ones are the vast sea and the Buddha land.

The Vast Sea Nalanda Temple is said to be the place where the ancient Buddha attained enlightenment, and it is also the ancestral land and root of all Buddhist sects.

The Buddha land was established by a brilliant monk from the Nalanda Temple who left the Star Sea.

It is said that the monk's philosophy is inconsistent with the Buddha, and there are huge differences between the two sects. Naturally, this return cannot be peaceful.

However, in the Buddhist sect, those with different philosophies do not want to fight with Taoist soldiers, but to debate the Dharma.

The Buddha's son 'Emperor Amitabha' was born at that time.

It is said that he was born on a life star in the Star Sea, and was born with Buddha nature. A thousand years ago, at the largest Dharma debate conference in the Buddhist sect in countless years.

He defeated the seven sects of Buddhism and eighteen great Zen masters, which shocked the entire Buddhist community and made him the first "Buddha's son" jointly recommended by the seven sects of Buddhism since ancient times!

"Infinite Buddha."

The pretty girl put her hands together and chanted the Buddha's name softly. The invisible but tangible soft Buddha light had already helped everyone up.

A peaceful and peaceful atmosphere spread with it, calming the waves in the hearts of everyone present.

The restaurant, which was boiling a moment ago, calmed down the next moment, and you could hear a pin drop.

"I am here only to pay homage to the relics of the predecessors. If I disturb you, please don't blame me."

Emperor Amitabha spoke calmly, and everyone said they didn't dare.

But they all calmed down, no longer as excited and fanatical as before.

Then, her clear eyes shifted and fell on Qi Cang, who was expressionless in the corner, and smiled slightly: "Daoyou, I am honored."


Qi Cang suppressed his twitching eyelids and returned a greeting: "I am Qi Cang, I meet the Buddhist son."

At this moment, Qi Cang was a little confused.

He hadn't encountered such a thing for hundreds of years. The last time he encountered it was when Sun En was traveling, and he had realized something in his heart and practiced in seclusion.

Afterwards, he encountered Feng Xinglie for the second time.

It's just that hundreds of years have passed, and no similar things have happened. Although he still remembered that his "luck fell to the bottom" and it was easy for bad things to happen.

But after not encountering it for a long time, he was a little careless.

Who would have thought that Sun En had just left and then he met Di Amitabha!

This Buddhist son

Recalling the deeds of this Buddhist disciple in his past life, Qi Cang's heart was throbbing, in a sense.

This Buddhist disciple is more dangerous than Feng Xinglie!

I'm a little stuck, but I've adjusted. This is the second update, and I'll continue writing.

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