Great Dao Ji

Chapter 754: The sky is about to fall, what can we do?

Xu Shengyang

Emperor Gou's yellow eyes moved and brightened. Just as he was about to speak, a huge wave suddenly surged in his heart.

The message that had been sealed deep in his heart for ninety thousand years suddenly exploded when he heard the name.

It turned into a text whose meaning he didn't quite understand, but was extremely familiar and missed:

[The Lord of the Heavenly Diagram to spy on the way of the human world contains the meaning of the way of the human world and the heaven, and consumes 9.89 million points of Tao power (in case)]

[Human world: 989 million/? 】

[Fate track one: The universe nurtured by the endless cloudy cosmic sea was captured by the emperor and heaven in 987 million years. The inner Tao Yun was covered by spiritual machines. All souls were lost, and the great collapse was imminent.

The conflict between the two realms lasted for nearly a million years, and the heavenly will of the human world collapsed nine times and was almost destroyed. Finally, at the end of the tenth century of the crazy and crazy emperor, Gu Changfeng, a visitor from outside the realm, came to the realm to stir up the demonic atmosphere, calm the chaos, and open up the netherworld. Li Xianghuo became a god, and finally died in battle at the end of the tenth century

In the eleventh era of Huangtian, the afterglow of billions of years of luck in the human world turned into the son of destiny. He joined forces with the Great Spirit Officer of Dutian to fight against the sky for the second time, but was ultimately defeated and died in Huangtian. The Blood Lord, the Killing Sword, Dao Qi, and the Third Baoyu Ruyi

Cause of the destruction of the human world: captured by the Huangtian Realm in the 11th era of Huangtian, and became the Human Realm of the Huangtian Six Realms]

[Fate Trajectory Two: At the end of the Tenth Century of Emperor Tian, ​​​​Gu Changfeng, a visitor from outside the territory, felt that the world was about to die, and had a glimpse of his own destiny. He sighed and waited for death, and released the breath of treasure to attract gods and men from outside the territory to save the world. He died as a punishment from the war sky.

Gods from outside the world came to the human world, penetrated the poison of the spiritual machine, inherited the achievements of the predecessors, and achieved the great achievements of thousands of years of practice. He opened the human world again, controlled the netherworld, established the platform to enshrine the gods, controlled the destiny of the people of the five continents, and combined it with the stars and all the phenomena. , fighting against the crazy demons in the world, Dao and Heaven, the battle will be difficult to win, and in the end, his body will be left in the divine court as the only fire in the world.

His disciple Sa Wuling took over the Tai Chi Dojo, upholding the name of the Heavenly Master, teaching all directions, suppressing all kinds of violence, calming down the crazy demons, entering the Divine Court, becoming the Lord of the Divine Court, and cultivating himself to the highest position in this world in history.

At the right time, there are gods and men above the emperor who are grateful for the changes in the sky, and gods and demons come out of their spiritual ideas. They turn into three immortals and come to the world. They open the three sects of Buddhism, Taoism and demons. They are given the demon pestle, the three treasures of wishful thinking, and the two swords of killing and killing the sky. , the Lord of the Joint Battle God Court

The cause of the destruction of the human world: the collapse of the universe, the riot of the emperor's spiritual machine, the arrival of thousands of immortals, the death of the son of destiny, the death of the great spiritual official in the collapse of the divine court, the destruction of all gods under the punishment of heaven, the blood of Sa Wuling, the master of the divine court, is spread The universe is deserted, and thousands of immortals die together in the boiling sea of ​​inspiration.

The reason for the destruction of the human world: captured by the emperor and heaven, and turned into the six paths of human beings]

【Fate Track Three:】

【Fate Track Four:】

【Fate Track Five:】

【Fate track ninety-nine:】

[Evaluation: six stars]

The way of the world?

Emperor Tianjie?

Destined child? Is it Xu Xun?

Lord of the Divine Court? Lao Sa?

Lao Wang?

What about me? Doesn’t this emperor deserve a name? !

Under the flow of words whose meanings are difficult to understand, there are endless pictures and messages. The number is so huge that even the real Yuanshen will be exploded in an instant.

As strong as Emperor Gou, his pupils couldn't help but shrink at this moment. Severe pain came from his mind, and he couldn't help but let out a howl that emptied the sea, spread across the mainland, and roared the heaven and earth:



In the blessed land of reincarnation, the sea of ​​runes that revolves around the world coordinates of the 'human world' undergoes sudden changes, and rolling waves crash in all directions.

The light ball that was already flickering was shaking momentarily, as if it was about to burst and disappear in the next moment.


As if being blown by a hurricane, An Qisheng's powerful spiritual body was in a trance for a moment.

But in just a moment, he calmed down the fluctuations of his divine will, the shock in his heart, and the strong divine will condensed again.

"Will it be inevitable to be destroyed in the end?"

An Qisheng's mind was faint, with thousands of thoughts flickering around.

As early as when he was in Jiufujie, he had used the Tao map to spy on the trajectory of the world. His thoughts on the future direction were only the imprint of Wutian, and he did not have so much Tao power, so he never implemented them.

When he was in the human world, he had this idea again. Unfortunately, even three hundred years were not enough for him to condense the mark of heaven, and his Tao power was not enough.

But when he left, he also left behind a backup plan. Until now, through the eyes of the yellow dog, he could glimpse the future direction of the human world, the trajectory of the world, and even the fate of the universe.

That Xu Xun is the final gathering of destiny in the human world, the last struggle against destruction of the nascent universe that has only survived for a billion years.

Unfortunately, Huangtian was irresistible, and the collapse of the universe came as expected, ultimately destroying the last resistance of the human world and destroying the backup plan he left behind.

Ninety thousand years of planning and the natural gathering of Taoist power allowed him to see the ninety-nine paths of destiny in the human world.

In other words, it was the ninety-nine battles between himself and the Emperor Tianjie.

Among them, An Qisheng saw more than a hundred possibilities for him to resist the disaster and collapse.

From the Blessed Land of Reincarnation with millions of soldiers, to the Gate of Aliendom, and even the Altar of Response, he has done everything he can.

It is a pity that despite hundreds of fates and hundreds of struggles, it is still impossible to escape the final fate of destruction. It seems that there is no possibility of recovery.

Even if you see it, even if you have the ability to predict it, there is no luck at all with the absolute gap.

Everything seems to be doomed.

"The collapse of the universe, the source of inspiration"

An Qisheng whispered in his heart, analyzing the hundreds of unprecedented destiny trajectories.

If he hadn't preached in the human world, accumulated Dao power for 90,000 years, and had the mark of heaven's will in his hand.

If he wanted to spy on the hundreds of trajectories of a large world, the Dao power consumed would be as high as 100 billion!

With such a huge consumption, the pictures presented seemed endless, and even An Qisheng at this time could not accept it all.

However, without looking at the process, only looking at the results, he saw the common points of the hundreds of destructions of the human world, which were actually only two points.

The great collapse of the universe and the source of spiritual inspiration.

All things have their lifespans, and the universe of heaven and earth cannot last forever. The great collapse is one of the three disasters of the universe and the biggest disaster that the human world will face.

In the prediction of Dao Yi Tu, this great collapse refers to the endless expansion of the universe, until one day the stars and celestial bodies, all things and spirits are decomposed, and everything turns into chaos.

There is naturally no solution to the great collapse, but among these hundreds of futures, after many attempts by An Qisheng, Sa Wuling still created the "Boat of the Other Shore" that can carry thousands of stars and spirits, enough to survive.

Unfortunately, there is still the Emperor Heaven beyond the Great Collapse.

The calamity of the Emperor Heaven was first brought by the three immortals of Taoism, Buddhism, and Demon, and then turned to the arrival of all immortals, until finally, it attracted the attention of the source of spiritual inspiration, the indescribable terrifying existence.

Once, Sa Wuling survived the great collapse of the universe, slaughtered all immortals, and all disasters and turmoil were settled.

But the instantaneous movement of the source of spiritual inspiration was not even recorded in the future trajectory deduced by Dao Yitu.

Everything was reset to zero.

Compared with the great collapse, the threat of the source of spiritual inspiration is much greater!

What is more terrifying than this is that there is an unknown existence of the source of spiritual inspiration after the great collapse. What happens after that unknown existence?

That majestic Emperor Heaven has not really begun to capture the Tao of the human world

The thoughts in a moment were scattered and very messy. An Qisheng couldn't help but think of the nightmare hydra seen in Wanyang Realm and the world of gods seen by Xuanxing.

If the end of the Huangtian Realm comes unexpectedly, how can the Wanyang Realm and Xuanxing be an exception?

The real end of all realms

"Fortunately, Da Huang can't see so many things"

All kinds of thoughts flashed in An Qisheng's mind, and finally settled, but this was the thought.

How can a dog carry such a heavy thing?


It was approaching dawn, and the sun rose silently.

Against the backdrop of the blue skyline, the red sun rose slowly. In a trance, the blue sky was penetrated by golden light, and the rosy clouds rolled in from the sky like a tide.

"Wow! The sun is rising in the east, and the golden light is like a tide! It's worth it, and I didn't freeze like a dog in vain!"

"That's it? I really read the guide for a year, one day on the road, one day on the mountain, one night in the wind, and five minutes of sightseeing?"

"Check in, check in, Taishan check in completed! Set off for the next stop, babies!"

"This is not as spectacular as what you see on TV, but it's more immersive, climbing Taishan is a small world"

The sun rises in the east, shining through the endless haze.

The top of Taishan suddenly became lively, with all kinds of noisy voices, some exclaiming, some taking pictures, and some shivering with cold holding cameras.

The extremely strong popularity rose from Guanri Peak, Nantianmen and other landscapes, and spread to Yuhuang Peak, waking up An Qisheng who was stroking the temple pillar in contemplation.


An Qisheng slowly opened his eyes, a little dim.

The mystery that Dao Yitu had discovered broke his original plan and also consumed too much of his divine will. However, without the oppression of divine will, his body seemed more comfortable.

The boiling and noisy popularity may make many people feel noisy. An Qisheng didn't like to listen to it in the past, but now he felt a little familiar.

"After all, it is inevitable that people don't live alone."

An Qisheng suddenly smiled, and his obscure eyes flashed: "After all, it's still a mortal body."

Feeling the noisy popularity, An Qisheng's heart was shining with a little light.

Living in a group is just to rely on each other for comfort, and many people sneer at it, but An Qisheng thinks it's good.

Small seclusion in the mountains, big seclusion in the court.

Weak or strong, whatever is comfortable, do it.

He gathered his thoughts, suppressed all distractions and all guesses deep in his heart, turned around and walked out of the Jade Emperor Hall.

He went down the mountain with tourists, neither hurried nor slow, as if everything just now was completely forgotten and left behind.

In the following days, An Qisheng was like a traveler who had been greedy for beautiful scenery for many years but could not go out for some reason. He finally went out, went down Mount Tai, and started his own travel.

In this process, he seemed to have forgotten his magical powers, martial arts, and everything.

Go at sunrise, rest at sunset, sleep with Xuanxing, and wake up with the sun.

In a blink of an eye,

it has been seven years.

Good night, everyone

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