Great Dao Ji

Chapter 789: Breaking free from the cage and seeing the waves (overhaul)


Wisps of night wind blew some wrinkles in the night. Before dawn, the night was the heaviest. In the wilderness, it was almost impossible to reach out and see the five fingers.

The storm in the mountains has just dispersed, but there are still

There are still lights swaying in the ‘Lanshan County’ adjacent to the mountains.



Qiao Qier's mind was relaxed, and he was in a slight trance, as if he was half asleep and half awake. He walked towards the only city with a large amount of light in the night.

The night was heavy, and he was carrying someone on his back. He didn't walk very fast, but his steps were very steady.

He walked happily, completely immersed in the little tips of 'walking, sitting and lying' that An Qisheng taught him.

He naturally walks a lot as he chops firewood for a living, but he never thought that one day he would like the feeling of walking.

But at this time, he was intoxicated.

He could sense very clearly that as he walked step by step, his body was also undergoing some subtle but real changes.

I am getting stronger!

Walking can make you stronger!

"Earth Immortal Way"

On Qiao Qier's back, An Qisheng concentrated on repairing the remaining problems on this body.

The bodies of people in this world are much stronger than those in the human world, but they are still flesh and blood, and they have everything that a flesh and blood body should have.

His body was burned by thunder and fire, his body was almost carbonized, and his internal organs, muscles and bones were almost completely destroyed. Even An Qisheng could not return to his original state in a short time without the help of spiritual energy.

"Senior, we are here in the city."

After a long time, as if he noticed the unconscious rhythm of An Qisheng's body, Qiao Qier also woke up from his immersion, and couldn't help but speed up his pace.

But this taste was so intoxicating that he couldn't help but walk very, very slowly.

Because of this, Lanshan County is not far from Shanzhong Ben, but he walked for several hours.


An Qisheng knew his thoughts well, but he didn't care much.

He has also measured the earth with his feet, so he understands this feeling all too well.

Qiao Qier's foot strength was not bad, and with An Qisheng's guidance on knocking on the door, he naturally walked faster. It didn't take long for him to arrive outside Lanshan County.

"Is this an enemy attack?"

Seeing the figures walking inside and outside the city wall of Lanshan County, Qiao Qier was startled, and then remembered the previous movements in the mountains.

Lanshan County is so close, so there is a problem if we can't notice it.

In fact, as he said, Lanshan County stayed up almost all night, and the whole city was in fear all night.

The heads on the city wall were shaking, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

It wasn't until daybreak that he relaxed his guard.

Even so, Qiao Qier did not dare to enter the city at this time. After seeking An Qisheng's opinion, he placed him in the woods not far away and walked back and forth all night.

It was not until the six great suns rose together and the sky was completely bright that they saw people walking around the city gate, and then they carried An Qisheng into the city.


Returning to his small courtyard in the west of the city, Qiao Qier just breathed a sigh of relief, and the fatigue of not sleeping all day and night returned to him.

His upper and lower eyelids were fighting, but he couldn't hold on anymore.

At night, I was half excited and half frightened, so I didn't dare to sleep. Now that I was safe, I naturally couldn't hold on any longer.

"Senior, I, I can't hold on any longer."

After enduring the exhaustion and cooking a bowl of porridge for An Qisheng, Qiao Qier went back to her room to sleep.

An Qisheng was good at everything. After a day's rest, he managed to recover a little. Although he was still a little reluctant to move around, he didn't have to be carried on his back.

He walked slowly in the yard at the slowest pace, but his mind did not stop for a moment, and all kinds of information surged in his heart like a tide.

In the past, he usually left these matters to the three-hearted blue soul boy, but this time he fell into a dream that seemed a little strange. The little blue-skinned guy was still sleeping in his heart.

Coupled with the weakness of the soul after the self-destruction, this process is far less rapid than before.

However, halfway through, he also gradually figured out some information about the Earthly Immortal Way, or Nanzhan, Dazhou.

The Great Zhou Dynasty divided the country into states, prefectures, and counties to rule the world through feudalism.

The imperial master, the Dragon Pan Center, overlooks the world, controls the world with seventy-two masters, and shepherds and protects all the people.

The seventy-two Taoist masters are not only the sects of the country, but also the officials of the frontier.

Under the seventy-two paths, there are another 648 state leaders, and under each state leader, there are as few as ten or as many as one hundred and two palace lords.

The masters of the palace are all masters of the same sect, and they have many disciples. They can be described as heroes.

All counties in the mansion are under the control of the mansion master.

Because of this, there are many people in remote places who don’t know the emperor, and there are even people who don’t know the Great Zhou.

The dispersion of imperial power was something An Qisheng had never seen before.

"The Imperial Court of the Great Zhou Dynasty."

An Qisheng slowly exhaled a breath, naturally knowing what was needed to maintain such a rule.

Only a force that is absolutely irresistible will not care about the dispersion of power.

The emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, or the person who created this system, must have absolute confidence in himself.

Perhaps it was really created by the emperor's son who inherited the authority of heaven and came to this world?


While An Qisheng was thinking about it, a brief groan came from his heart.

In the dark sea of ​​​​mind, under the bright mirror of the moon, the little blue-skinned monster turned over and sat up, yawned widely, and exclaimed in a daze:

"Strange, Mr. Monster. Are you, you, are you already so weak?"

It is an information life, and it can grasp information so quickly that it is rare in the world. It has just woken up and already knows An Qisheng's current situation.

This surprised him.

Although An Qisheng's situation in the 'Wanyang Realm' was not good before, it was far better than his current situation.

What happened when he was unconscious?

Although it is an information life, it is naturally impossible to pry into An Qisheng's secrets without his permission.

Of course, even if it could, it wouldn't dare.

"It's hard to describe in words."

An Qisheng sighed in his heart and let go of the restriction to let the three-hearted blue soul boy sense what happened during this period.

In order to enter the dream world, he killed his own soul and temporarily threw away the two fragments of Tao and Yitu that were branded as 'Creation' and 'Dayan Tiantong'.

An Qisheng, who wanders around various realms and dreams, naturally understands what it is like to be able to cross realms.

What's even more frightening is that if that person's attack point had not been for Qi Cun to meet the Tailong Dharma Poster, he might have suffered a big loss.

This shows that the man in the dark has a very deep understanding of himself.

It's hard to say whether I really completely hid it from that person.


Sensing what An Qisheng was thinking, the three-hearted blue soul boy's mind swayed and became extremely solemn: "Mr. Monster, have you been exposed?"

"Most likely."

An Qisheng nodded in his mind.

Although he had no extravagant hope that his existence would never be discovered, having his feet removed and not knowing who the enemy was still made him feel the crisis.

"Maybe, maybe it's Taoist Tailong?" the three-hearted blue soul boy guessed.

From the memory of the great demon that destroyed the entire solar system, we can guess that the owner of the Tailong Dharma Tie is Taoist Tailong.

"It's him or not, we don't know yet."

An Qisheng preferred speculations supported by enough information and data, rather than guesses out of thin air, and instead asked the three-hearted blue soul boy to gather the three brands he had obtained.

"The biggest difficulty at this time is not who is behind it, but whether my Tao and Dharma have been discovered."

An Qisheng's heart rippled.

When he entered the human world in a dream, he had the inspiration to be poisonous, and he opened up a Tai Chi path, using Qi to combine with the Qi field, and evolved 'Qi'.

Use this to connect the earth's veins, use Qi to enshrine the gods, and use the earth to conquer the sky.

This is His way.

In this way, even in a place of extraordinary spirituality, he can still embark on the extraordinary path.

No matter how cruel the environment of the Earthly Immortal Way and even the Emperor's Heaven Realm is, it can never be compared to the Land of Ultimate Spirits. With the 'Tai Chi Qi Seed' as the foundation, I can easily return to the top.

However, the person behind the attack seemed to be aware of the 'Dream of the Great Thousand' magical power, and his own 'Tai Chi Dao' was very likely to have been discovered.

If, as he guessed, re-cultivating Tai Chi on his own would be tantamount to self-defeating, his previous actions of killing his soul and abandoning the Tao would be meaningless.

Because of this consideration, he did not show off his magical power, but allowed Qiao Qier to carry him back.

"If the person behind the scenes really knows you very well and knows your Tao and Dharma"

The three-hearted blue soul boy's heart skipped a beat and he felt great pressure.

From the message that An Qisheng asked him to perceive, it knew that there must be something wrong with the spiritual machine in this world, and even the 'Tai Chi Qi Seed' might have been noticed by others.

Is there nothing we can do?


The more the three-hearted blue soul boy thought about it, the more anxious he became. He kept pacing back and forth in his mind with a frown on his face: "Mr. Monster, if it doesn't work, let's just withdraw?"

It knew how powerful An Qisheng was, but the situation at this time was far worse than that of Wanyang Realm.

Without access to extraordinary spiritual power, and with the possibility of giving up on his own practice, he really couldn't imagine how An Qisheng could make a comeback.


An Qisheng shook his head: "You can't leave."

People like him are no longer obsessed with winning or losing like ordinary people. However, this is not something he can easily retreat if he wants to.

The person behind it can take action this time, and he can still do it next time.

If you can retreat once, how can you retreat again and again?


The three-hearted blue soul boy let out a long sigh, knowing that An Qisheng would not give in.

It is very clear that under the calm and indifferent appearance of this Mr. Monster, there is the stubbornness to move forward even if the mountains collapse.

But I am not!

Why did he fall into the hands of this monster?

After thinking about it, the little blue-skinned monster sat down and sighed: "It's so difficult for me."

"Who can always have smooth sailing?"

An Qisheng was calm and stressed, but still calm.

Although the Yuan Shen cut himself off, although he was extremely weak, it also made him more aware of his true self. He still had all kinds of emotions, but he was able to detach himself from the outside and not linger in his heart.


The three-hearted blue soul boy was frustrated and awed, but he still couldn't help but muttered: "Mr. Monster, don't you know how to be afraid?"


Hearing this, An Qisheng was speechless. He first asked Lan Lingtong to gather all the information, and then he sighed and whispered, feeling a surge in his heart:

"It is a great blessing to be freed from the cage and see the waves. What should I be afraid of?"

Don't say anything, it's shameless. Keep coding, there will be three updates today.

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