Great Dao Ji

Chapter 812 From head to toe (overhaul)


Red light permeated, as if to overwhelm the sky!

As the extremely fierce killing intent surged, a green light that appeared outside the wooden city was instantly cut off!

The gas exploded like thunder, and it rushed left and right crazily in the mountains and forests.

The hibernating beasts in the snowy forest were wailing and fleeing crazily, and there was even a monster screaming in horror, harvested by the knife light and covered in blood.

Immediately, a domineering and extremely cold knife light burst out at dawn.

The knife light was so sharp that it seemed that one glance at it would make the eyes bleed. The moment it burst out, Gong Yangyan felt a chill in his heart.

The whole world seemed to be filled with this knife light.

"Seven Kills? Seven Kills Knife! This is the killing method in the army!"

Gong Yangyan was horrified, and there was an unspeakable pain from the outer membrane to the inner soul, as if he was about to be cut in half!

He almost ran away.

The world's cultivation path can only look down on the few martial arts of killing in the army, but this is because practicing this martial art is too painful and difficult to achieve immortality.

In terms of the cruelty of killing, it can be called the first!

Under the Yuanshen, killing is invincible!

His heart was pounding, and he mobilized all his magic power without thinking. Ten fingers flicked, not only frantically drawing talismans in front of him, but also all the talismans he had accumulated over the years were mobilized.

He and the master of the sect were all covered in it.

The Hunyi Sect originated from Pingbo Tower, but the inheritance was the "Talisman Dao", which was best at drawing and writing talismans, using talismans to transform swords and knives, and using talismans to attract wind and thunder.

The talisman Dao was not as sharp as the sword cultivator in front of the enemy, but if there were enough talismans in hand, even the martial artists of the same level could resist one or two.


The sword light was shimmering, accompanied by the red light that infected the world. A few moments after the burst, it had covered a large area of ​​the sky.

The edge was extremely strong!

Wherever it passed, whether it was soil, sand, snow, trees, or even the void, it was split into two without a sound.

Its edge was silent, because no matter what it was, it could not produce even the slightest friction with the knife light!

Gong Yangyan was frightened and almost ran away just by watching.

Tu Ba, who was the first to bear the brunt, changed his expression at the first moment, and then he hugged the trembling Xiao Baicai to his chest.

He stepped suddenly and flew into the sky in the heavy air waves that spread like a concentric circle!


The strong wind spread like waves!

In just a moment, the mansion in the city was shaken to pieces, and the formation covering it did not even last for a moment before it completely collapsed.

"Zhencheng Army!!"

Feeling the chilling murderous intent, Tu Ba's heart was filled with crisis. He fled without thinking, and his already red eyes were even more red and bleeding!

Zhencheng Army was just one of the regular armies of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

But since it was an army, there was no reason for him to come alone, not to mention that the master of the sword light was more powerful than himself!

If he couldn't beat one of them, how could he dare to face the entire army?




Tu Ba fled with great determination, without any hesitation.

His heart was bleeding.

This wooden city was originally just a test site for him to try Confucianism, but over the years, his mind had already changed.

But he had to leave, because this sword light was going to force him out!

If he left, the sword light would only target him, and if he didn't leave

In the eyes of a violent organization like the Zhendong Army, how could they see tens of thousands of refugees?

Even if he was killed with one sword, he would not take it seriously at all.

Therefore, he fled with great determination. Before Gong Yangyan could even think about it, he had already run thousands of miles away, leaving behind a surging wave of air like the ocean!


Gong Yangyan was dumbfounded. He never expected that this old rabbit could run so fast.

He was already a cultivator who was about to condense into a great pill. In the past few days, he had made great progress in practicing the "All Dharma Four Tribulations Heart Saint Skill" passed down to him by the sect master, and he could almost condense a pill.

But this sword was still far beyond his cognition.

Just one sword, it had cut through thousands of miles of clouds. The cold and fierce meaning almost turned the sky into a sea of ​​blood, which made him feel cold in his heart.

Not to mention facing it directly, just watching from the sidelines, his heart was trembling.


It was not until this sword completely swept across that there were continuous sonic booms that resounded throughout the universe.

The raging wind swept the snow and rushed recklessly among the mountains. The tide of mud and sand slapped the wooden city walls surrounded by iron and wood.

The people in the city were so shocked that they turned pale, and some fainted directly on the ground.

The city was in chaos!

"The cruelty of martial arts is really amazing."

On the barren mountain, Lin Qianlong stood with his hands behind his back. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but admire it.

The specific origin of martial arts in the Great Zhou army is no longer traceable. It is said that it came from the previous dynasty Daxia and was related to the Daxia's so-called unparalleled King Yu.

Unfortunately, in tens of thousands of years, no one has ever become a Yuanshen by practicing martial arts, otherwise, he would be tempted.

"Want to escape?"

The mountains shook as Changkong stepped on them, the sound was extremely powerful, but Yu Xuan's face remained indifferent. Only when he saw the escaping shadow did his eyes move slightly:



The sound was like the sound of a knife. The moment the words came out, the knife light that filled the vast void trembled, and after a tremor, they all jumped.

Like a fish swimming in the sea, it jumped up and turned from nothingness into reality!


Tu Ba, who was speeding at full speed, suddenly felt a warning in his heart. He suddenly moved a hundred miles in the void, and saw a knife light completely split the place where he was before.

He sank into the earth with unabated force. In the snow-covered sky, the earth cracked and the sky collapsed, and several undulating mountains were cut in half!

Dodging this knife that spanned thousands of miles, Tu Ba did not show any joy, but even became more solemn, and even had a touch of fear.

In front of him, around him, in the sky and on the ground, the limit of his sight, has turned into a sea of ​​knife lights!

Countless knife lights, with different positions and different auras, all locked and sealed the void where he was in with an extremely cold attitude!

Condensed but not released, but made him unable to escape!


In desperation, Tu Ba took a deep breath, and the aura around him was boiling and surging, even with a burning momentum.

When he was young, he had a strange encounter and cultivated a magical power of escaping. With this magical power as a support, he even entered the city several times and retreated safely.

He was never in danger when being chased by a cultivator of a higher realm.

But at this moment, he really felt the crisis in his heart, that is, the crisis of death!

"Eight, eight, eight brother."

On Tu Ba's chest, Cai Xiaobai was so scared that he couldn't speak, and his tears fell down.


Tu Ba gritted his teeth, facing the sea of ​​sword light that was slashing like an overwhelming force, and suddenly let out a long roar: "No one wants to kill me!"


Jumping in the void!

This jump was definitely not a jump in the ordinary sense.

And when Tu Ba made such a move, the human figure on his body dissipated like smoke, and instead, a white snow rabbit stood up, with legs half bent, jumping!

At this moment, Tu Ba no longer had any concealment.

The demonic energy rolled and burst out from his body, also triggering the evil spirit under the night. His legs bent, the tendons on them tightened, and the blood vessels seemed to be coiled like dragons and snakes, showing extremely powerful strength.

A bend and stretch, as if to step through the void!

No, it was really stepped through!

Because the next moment, in the overwhelming collision of sword lights, Tu Ba had disappeared from the spot, and even disappeared among the mountains!

"What kind of magical power is this?"

In the wooden city, Gong Yangyan, who was watching closely and looking into the distance, was shocked, and he didn't see clearly how the old rabbit disappeared.


After the attack missed, Yu Xuan, who was standing tall on the wooden city, sneered, and stepped forward again with his extremely strong body.


As the void trembled, he suddenly raised his arm, and his five fingers trembled and crushed the spiritual airflow, and then, with a cold shout, he suddenly pulled back:

"Come back!"


A loud shout spread over thousands of miles.

It seemed that the words were followed by the law. The countless sword lights that collided and stirred each other in the sky for thousands of miles all rioted and returned against the current!

But this time, it was no longer silent as before.

On the contrary, the sword lights that burst out with all their sharpness were like thousands of saw teeth, forcibly pulling out countless hideous sword marks in the sky!

It seemed to plow the entire sky!

"Not good!"

In the void, even though he was performing his magical powers, Tu Ba's hair stood up, and he didn't have time to say a word.

His huge and boundless legs had already bounced up, using all his greatest strength in his life, pouring out all his demonic energy and magic power, and heavily kicked towards the large piece of sword light!




The roars that sounded one after another kept exploding in the mountains, causing one avalanche after another.

All the beasts panicked, the monsters fled, and occasionally some ghosts in the forest also fled in panic.

The wooden city was in even greater chaos.


It may have been a long time, or just a moment. Tu Ba, who had crushed countless sword lights, finally couldn't help it, and a mouthful of blood sprayed through the void into the sky.

And until this moment, a very subtle buzzing sound rang in Tu Ba's ears.

The sound was long and crisp, not the sound of drawing a sword, but the sound of returning it to the sheath.


Tu Ba staggered in the void, covered in blood, and looked around. He saw a handsome young man in a black robe standing with his hands behind his back on the top of a barren mountain not far away, looking at him with a smile.

And just a hundred feet in front of him, a middle-aged bald man with bare chest looked at him indifferently.

The sword intent on his body was like a substance, with a very strong edge, and even the ubiquitous spiritual energy was forced back and chopped by his sword intent.

"City Guarding Army"

The rabbit's eight orifices were covered in blood, and the figures in front of him were blurred, and his heart was full of bitterness.

With just one knife, the escape technique that he was proud of had been broken

He had also condensed into a golden elixir, so how could the gap be so big?

"The escape technique is not bad, but it's a pity that you are too useless."

Yu Xuan glanced at the rabbit monster in front of him coldly, and was about to kill it with a knife, but his face suddenly changed.


He lowered his eyes and looked down, only to see a calm gaze staring at him in the middle of the chaotic wooden city.

The gaze was clear and calm, without any impurities or deterrence, but it was just a gaze.

Yu Xuan felt a chill rising from his heart, from head to toe.

The sparse hair stood up.

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