Great Dao Ji

Chapter 86 Battlefield!

Fires were everywhere in the forest at night, and the shock wave carried shrapnel and spread in all directions.

Wherever it passed, big trees were overturned, branches flew horizontally, and they were destroyed and decayed.

“Really a lot of firepower”

An Qisheng was nervous and walked through the woods.

His mental and physical senses are far beyond those of ordinary people, and his body skills are also very fast. Even if shrapnel occasionally comes, he can easily dodge it.

But the strong smell of gunpowder between his mouth and nose, and the warning signs that came from all over him from time to time, told him.

Facing such power, as long as you are hit, there is no chance of survival.

Fortunately, before he and Na Shi Xinlong fired the incendiary bombs, other people in the forest had already dispersed, and this wave of shells was not affected.



Soon, the second wave of shells came.

In the mountains and forests, big trees, rocks, grass, and the ground were all damaged, and everything became a mess after the shells.

No matter how elite a soldier you are, or a powerful boxer, you won't be able to hold your head up under such suppressed firepower!

Only at this moment did An Qisheng truly feel the despair of the former boxing masters.

How can a lifetime of hard work compare to such ferocious firepower?

Bang bang bang~

Illumination bombs shot out bright light over the mountain forest, and the forest was a mixture of light and dark.

At a certain moment, An Qisheng's body suddenly became cold and his hairs stood up.

When a person is greatly stimulated, the body will react spontaneously, and the symptoms will be weak legs, tight bladder, and if you are a little timid, you will be scared to pee!


His heart exploded, and he suddenly exerted force on his feet. He jumped out more than ten meters like a civet cat. After hitting the ground, he rolled again and hid behind a big rock.


The next moment, the cannonball exploded where he was before!

The air waves generated by the huge explosion stirred up countless dirt and dust, and the thick gunpowder smoke carried shrapnel and scattered them, leaving the surrounding rocks riddled with holes.

Behind the rock, feeling the violent shaking of the earth, An Qisheng suddenly had a thought in his mind:

"How must Mr. Gu feel in his heart when he faced the firepower of the great powers that was tens of millions of times more tyrannical than today?"

Deep despair?

Or struggling unwillingly?

Or, fearless?

A picture emerged in his mind.

It was thousands of miles of red soil filled with endless gunpowder smoke. In the tragic battlefield with thousands of miles of corpses lying on the ground, among countless corpses crawling, one person had his head cut off and looked up to the sky, but he was still bleeding!

"Is it really pedantic to go to Tiger Mountain even though you know that there are tigers in the mountains?"

An Qisheng's chest rose and fell, and his state of mind was vaguely consistent with something in the fist intention that he had sensed.

Only those who have actually been on the battlefield know how fearless it is to move forward even though you know you will die.


Another flashbang went off.

In the bright light, An Qisheng's eyes narrowed. Beyond the mountains and forests in the distance, a large number of indigenous soldiers with guns and ammunition had already rushed over like ghosts.

They lined up in threes and threes, fanning out, trying to search the mountain.

The sound of artillery stopped just at this moment.

Then, an overwhelming torrent of bullets poured down.

Da da da da~~~

The sound of gunfire was like rapid raindrops hitting the water, and the already messy mountain forest became even more messy.

"Brother An, three masters, you can take action now. Your mission is to sneak into the base and capture Miao Xiong and others, life or death!

Here, leave it to us! "

Li Yan's voice did not change at all from the intercom:

"You are all elites fighting alone. You don't need me to teach you how to kill the enemy!"

The first sentence was said to An Qisheng and the four others, but the latter sentence was said to all the gunmen.

"A bunch of rabble are worthy enough to play with guns?!"

Wang Anfeng's excited voice came from the intercom.

The next moment, somewhere, rhythmic gunfire sounded!

Da da da da~~~

An Qisheng looked up and saw through the dim moonlight that the indigenous soldiers in the night had finally suffered casualties.

"Wang Anfeng's marksmanship has improved again during night battles and micro burst shooting."

A thought passed through his mind.

When the gun battle between the two sides had just begun, they had already dodged into the forest on one side, and under the cover of night and filled with gunpowder smoke, they rushed towards the base of Tuoxiang's armed forces.


The low syllables, like an angry tiger, jumped out of An Qisheng's belly.

Naturally, An Qisheng had no hidden thoughts. His whole body's strength suddenly surged, and he jumped ten or twenty meters away without even dodging the vegetation blocking the road.

Seeing a group of gunmen blocking the road dozens of meters away, there was no hesitation.

He leaned forward and hit him directly!

After turning his strength freely, An Qisheng has yet to take action with all his strength.

With this explosion, the hairs that stood up all over his body suddenly closed and covered all the pores, and waves of heat flowed around his body, filling him up to the point of exploding.

One step is as straight as a cheetah pounces on a sheep or a goshawk pounces on a rabbit.

There were several flashes before and after, and the gunmen jumped from the ground into the crowd before they noticed it.


The five fingers become claws, full of strength.

The first soldier had just turned his gun, and An Qisheng's eagle-clawed hand had already pulled out his throat.

"Enemy attack!"

The other indigenous soldiers reacted immediately and sprayed fire snakes from their guns without caring about the corpses of their companions.


An Qisheng held up the soldier's body to shield him from direct gunfire.

He flashed under his feet and ran over ten meters, directly knocking down the soldiers who blocked his way. His fists and palms flew, and all the routines were abandoned.

He only killed the enemy with grappling.

Among all kinds of boxing, grappling is the most fierce!

Especially on the battlefield, speed is the most important. Using the fastest speed to cause the greatest damage is the true meaning of grappling in the army.

An Qisheng moved around like a ghost.

His speed was not faster than a bullet, but the reaction speed of all the native soldiers present was far from comparable to him.

He was merciless and didn't even care whether the enemy was dead or not.

When he attacked, his moves were all about his eyes, throat, neck, and spine. In a flash, he pinched three more people to death, and shook his hand and pulled out the spine of one person.


The bullet passed by, and a faint smell of gunpowder drifted across his nose.

An Qisheng's eyes were a little red, and as his body shrank, he knocked down the last soldier who blocked his way.

He rushed into the night ahead, moved his body and dodged the large number of bullets chasing him from behind.

"Damn it! Someone rushed over!"

The leader of the soldiers jumped and yelled at his dead men. Just as he was about to contact the base, a gunshot rang out and he was shot in the head.

In the mountains and forests, Wang Anfeng sneered while holding a submachine gun.

The muzzle deviated, and every shot was a headshot.

He had no talent in kung fu, but his gun skills were praised by even the ace snipers of the seven special teams of Daxuan.

When it comes to playing with guns, these unique armed forces are not even worthy of carrying his shoes!

"No wonder there is a saying that not dying in the battlefield once is better than ten years of hard work in boxing. In this state, people's spirits are always tense, and their strength is much more active than usual."

An Qisheng wandered in the night, running like a snake, and occasionally dodging stray bullets that passed by.

His senses were sharp, but his vision was impaired under the night. These native soldiers did not have night vision goggles like Wang Anfeng, so it was not easy to hit him.

Therefore, he passed through the burning sea of ​​flowers and killed several bandits who were fighting the fire in the thick smoke, and he still had time to think about it.


He stepped on the chain, his speed was as fast as the wind and the moon, and he moved around smoothly.

Since inheriting the inheritance of Xinxue, his boxing skills have become more profound, and he has integrated dozens of boxing techniques and has made immediate improvements.

Although he started slowly, he arrived at the base at the foot of the mountain earlier than the three monks.

The base was in a mess, and teams of native armed forces were busy fighting the fire. During this time, a man with a naked upper body stood in the center, his face was as black as the bottom of a pot, his eyes were vicious, and he almost wanted to choose someone to eat.

"Is that naked man Tuo Xiang?"

Outside the fence, An Qisheng's eyes lit up.

Before this operation, they naturally had information about this group of people, and he naturally remembered Tuo Xiang clearly.

What's more rare is that Tuo Xiang originally committed a crime in the country and had a wanted order on his back. For him, it was just a walking score or a fasting pill!

He didn't mind killing this guy at all.


As soon as he thought about it, the thick wooden fence was suddenly knocked open under the night sky not far away.

Three dusty monks rushed into the base!

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