Great Dao Ji

Chapter 841: To break the two minds, seek the one mind

Taoist Babao looked at An Qisheng carefully.

It is the aura born from supernatural powers, and it is most aware of the horror of the five-color divine light that once amazed the ancients.

Even if we look at the ancient times, few people can match the heavenly appearance of Taizu Taizu of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Such a person is qualified to become a Buddha and an ancestor.

Is it easy for him to evaluate the five-color divine light as the king of the Holy Ten Divine Powers?

You know, even it itself can only say "not bad" in its mouth.

This level of magical power has already been channeled between heaven and earth. It cannot be mastered by anyone who can find a successor.

But it wanted to see this person for another reason.

"A disaster is coming?"

An Qisheng smiled without comment, then glanced at the dark starry sky and said, "The person who used the mustard method to split the starry sky to hide the corpse must not be a fellow Taoist, right?"

"The magical power of Xumi Mustard Seed is not compatible with mine. It is naturally not easy to open up a starry sky to accommodate the body of the Taoist Master."

Taoist Babao's eyes flashed: "Fellow Taoist, if you're curious, what is the disaster I'm talking about?"

It is really curious.

Although the Taoist in front of him possesses five colors of divine light, his cultivation is not very high, and he has no aura of soul. Where does he have the confidence to be so calm?

It seemed like there was no fear or worry at all.

Since its birth, Lingyun has come to see quite a few people. At this time, it can't help but feel a little surprised. The people in front of it are clearly not as good as themselves, but there is an elusive meaning in its heart.

“What if you know, but what if you don’t know?”

An Qisheng's eyes opened and closed, and his tone became calmer: "It's just the soldiers coming to cover up the water and the earth."

He still has six desires and seven emotions, fear and worry will also arise, but now he has entered the dream world and experienced many things.

Idle things no longer cause ripples in his heart.

Rather than the so-called catastrophe, what he was more curious about was the Eight Treasures Taoist in front of him.

The spirit born from this magical power is far stronger than the obsessive remnant soul of Brahma Wuyi before.

He was only three feet tall, half a head shorter than Gong Yang Yan, but his aura was not much different from that of the corpse lying across the sea of ​​stars beneath him.

It can even be said that he has the strongest aura he has seen in this world.

"What a soldier to stop us."

Taoist Babao picked up the wine pot and poured a glass for each of them. He stopped trying to be mysterious and said:

"I have met quite a few people since I was born, but I am still confused in my heart. After tens of thousands of years of thinking, I still have no answer. Can my Taoist friend teach me?"

Its voice was still high and harsh, but its tone was calmer and seemed to have no malice at all.

An Qisheng held the cup but did not drink. He just nodded when he heard the words: "I would like to hear the details."

"What is the human heart? What are the so-called seven emotions and six desires of humans?"

Taoist Babao drank all the wine in his glass, and a ray of light appeared in his clear eyes, as if he was lost in memories:

"I once knew a 'person' who came from a very poor background. He ran around every day just to make ends meet. He would rise when the sun rose and rest when the sun set. He was boring and unremarkable. Although he was in a difficult situation, he was still happy every day."


Not far away, Gong Yangyan suddenly heard a subtle buzzing sound. He followed the sound and saw that as the Eight Treasures Taoist opened his mouth, little rays of light gathered in the surrounding void, spontaneously manifesting a mirror image of the picture. Come.

The dome, the blue sky, the sun, the light, the mountains, the wilderness... until a bustling and noisy small town.

Faintly, it seems that a young man is running around all day long, busy and trapped.

"Later, the young man met a Taoist. The Taoist saw that he was pitiful and taught him a subtle method. Then, the young man was indeed out of trouble, and eating three meals a day was no longer a problem."

Taoist Babao spoke slowly, and the various scenes in front of him also changed accordingly. Except for the invisible face of the young man, everything else was exactly the same as reality.

At this point, Master Ba Bao suddenly paused and looked at An Qisheng: "My Taoist friend's state of mind seems to be much higher than that of the Confucian scholar I met back then. He is obviously well-informed. Do you know what will happen to this young man in the future?"

"I run around all day just to be hungry, and when I am full, I think about clothes. I have enough food and clothing, but I also want a beautiful wife."

An Qisheng held the cup, not having any trouble.

He possesses the ability to enter dreams, so he has seen too much about human hearts and desires.

As soon as Taoist Babao opened his mouth, he already guessed what he wanted to say.


Taoist Babao nodded: "I have enough food and clothing, but I also want to spoil my wife and concubines, and have fertile land and people, but I also lament that I have no official position and no wealth."

Having said this, Taoist Babao waved his hand, and the picture in front of him suddenly trembled, and then the light and shadow on it flowed and changed many times.

An Qisheng looked.

I saw that the young man had food and clothing, he had thousands of hectares of fertile land, he had boats and horses, and he also thought about his official position.

After all the changes, I finally sat in the main hall and thought of riding on a dragon by riding on a crane.

All the scenes were lifelike, and there was no flaw or falsehood in them. It seemed that there really was such a young man's life unfolding in front of the two of them.

The picture ends here.

"Fellow Taoist, do you know what words the young man left when he rode a dragon to the sky?"

Taoist Master Babao looked at An Qisheng, and before he could ask, he spoke again: "He said, 'Once I hold the longevity fruit, I want to compete with God!'"

Desire is comparable to God!

Hearing this sentence, Gong Yangyan was shocked. First he was shocked by this man's shocking ambition, and then he shook his head.

It is said that above the six heavens, there is an imperial court called Huangtian, which governs all the heavens and all the lands. It is an invincible force in legends and myths.

Although there is no legend about the Lord of the Imperial Court, if he really exists, he must be the most noble existence between heaven and earth.

An Qisheng put down his cup and spoke with a little curiosity: "Who is this person?"

The Babao Taoist did not answer, but sighed slightly: "A young boy in a bitter and cold land has food and clothes, until the end, he has to compete with the sky for the emperor

What is the desire of people? Is this boy like this? No, it should be said that everyone is like this, right?"

The Babao Taoist seemed to be asking An Qisheng, and seemed to be talking to himself: "What do you think, Taoist friend?"

It can't figure it out, and it can't understand it.

Born in the spirit, it can sit in one place for 30,000 years, or sleep for a longer time. It never cares about all kinds of external things, whether there are or not.

It is really hard to understand why a young man who only wants to eat has such insatiable desires.

"Human desires are endless, but this heart does not move, and moves randomly."

An Qisheng took the wine glass to pour wine for each other, and had some guesses about the identity of this young man in his heart.

"This heart does not move, and moves randomly"

Babao Taoist chewed on this sentence for a long time before he relaxed his brows and answered An Qisheng's question:

"This young man can be the Great Xia Taizu Yu, the Great Zhou Taizu 'Tang', the Lord of the Taoist Palace, the old Buddha on Mount Xumi, or all living beings"

"For some people, if I don't have it, then no one else should have it. The inferior nature of human beings is the worst among all races. I think Taoist friends understand this truth."

An Qisheng naturally understood what he was talking about, but still shook his head: "You are too biased."

"Since Confucius's second biography The law is only tens of thousands of years old, but the younger generation has already forgotten the past. Morality, etiquette, and bottom line are just things that restrict mortals. "

Babao Taoist stared at An Qisheng deeply and said lightly:

"The difference between cultivators and ordinary people is huge, just like people and ants, because of their vision, magical powers, and immortal arts. But cultivators are also ants to some beings.

I have been imprisoned here for tens of thousands of years with my body, but I don't care about it. It's not without reason?"

Babao Taoist shook his head slightly, but he didn't care to talk about his dilemma. It was not without reason that it imprisoned itself here.

"All spirits have desires, not just humans? Even saints may not be truly without desires. "

An Qisheng sighed in his heart.

Even an elf born under the magical powers of humans seems to have a very bad impression of the human race, which really makes him feel a little emotional.

Taoist Babao didn't care and continued to talk:

"In ancient times, a great man once said that only by understanding the 'one heart' can one hope to transcend, but this human heart is more subtle and difficult to understand than anything in the world."

"Daoyou is not a human and has no heart, so why bother about it?" An Qisheng replied lightly, holding the wine glass.

Taoist Babao stared and asked back: "Since I was born as a human, how can I not care?"

An Qisheng looked directly at the Taoist: "What do you want to do?"

"I have no ill will towards you, the five-colored divine light is incompatible with me, and I have no desire for it." Taoist Babao did not hide anything and said frankly: "I invited you here only for my Taoist master."

"Fan Wuyi?"

An Qisheng frowned slightly, and his eyes swept across the giant corpse across the sea of ​​stars under him: "How did he die?"

Taoist Babao's request did not surprise An Qisheng.

Since entering this starry sky, he has been aware of the situation of this giant corpse, and naturally he can sense that this giant corpse still has a trace of life.

But it is only a trace of life.

This is certainly due to this Sumeru mustard seed starry sky, but the more fundamental reason is that Fan Wuyi himself is too powerful.

But the more difficult it is for a cultivator to die, the more difficult it is to reverse death and be reborn once he is dead.

When Fan Wuyi was in his prime, he had already achieved the Dharma body, manifested the holy celestial immortal, and was already a four-star in the system of Daoyitu.

How easy is it to intervene?

"Tens of thousands of years ago, the Taoist master integrated Buddhism and martial arts, and achieved sainthood. The two paths ran parallel, and even reached the extreme of the immortal, which was extremely powerful and invincible, but it also planted a great disaster. It was not obvious at first, but when the Taoist master found out, it was already too late to reverse it." The eyes of the Eight Treasures Taoist were dim, and the tone of his voice couldn't help but drop a lot: "He, has two minds." "Two minds?" An Qisheng's heart moved, but he understood a little: "Did you do that to the remnant soul outside before?" "People have all kinds of desires, and they have hundreds of thoughts. But if a practitioner can't be single-minded, there will be great disasters. My Taoist master entered the Brahma family, just to use the Buddhist method to cut off all the desires of martial arts, but it was a pity that it was too late to reverse it. Later, the Taoist master had no choice but to go to the Taoist Palace Xumi again to ask for a comment." The Eight Treasures Taoist nodded first, and then looked at An Qisheng solemnly and solemnly: "To break the two minds, seek one mind!"

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