Great Demon King

: Summary and new book

With a long sigh of relief, the Great Devil finally finished writing, and all the way was bumpy. Xiaorui encountered a lot of things when he wrote the Great Devil. Fortunately, he finally persisted.

More than a year, uninterrupted updates will not be an easy task for anyone.

For Xiaorui, writing a book is expensive. Only by persisting can you gain something. In this book, Xiaorui has indeed harvested a lot of things, including writing and some experiences in life.

Time flies, the end is over, this book has a place to write satisfaction, and some places are not satisfied with Xiaorui, but Xiaorui knows that many brothers have always embraced Xiaorui, all the way supporters Xiaorui, in When the small counter-writing is low, I will continue to encourage Xiaorui. Thank you, thank you very much!

Xiaorui came to the starting point in May of 2007. It has been almost three years since I started. In this period of time, I wrote two books, one book, "The Great Devil", and I have experienced a lot. a lot of……

However, Xiaorui feels the most fortunate because of your support and recognition. It is because of your support that Xiaorui can stick to it and write both books seriously.

Thank you, thank you all for your support.

Well, it’s over, the end of a book often means a new beginning.

Yes, Xiaorui wrote a new book again. I want to continue to stick to it at the starting point. I also ask the brothers to continue to support Xiaorui as always.

The new book is the oriental fantasy, the title: Shifang Tianshi, book number: 1472329.

The brothers can enter directly on the recommendation of the big devil. This book has been brewing for a long time. I think everyone will like it too. Everyone has to look at it. By the way, I will collect a few tickets. Let’s have a new book. !

(*^__^*) Hehe...


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