Great Demon King

Chapter 655: Follow me! [question for monthly ticket]

"Hey, how is your kid?" Kelly, who had a relationship with Han Shuo, finally found the existence of Han Shuo at this time and exclaimed.

When he was in the Kathy Empire, Han Shuo and Kelly joined forces and gave the Ice and Snow Temple a heavy blow. Although there is no deep friendship with Kelly, after all, they have fought side by side, and how to say it is also a bit of friendship.

"You can come, why can't I come?" Han Shuo is also a bitter smile. After Kelly and the middle-aged man appeared, Donna looked like an enemy. Han Shuo didn't even think about it. The middle-aged man is an enemy and a friend. The camps are different. This also means that Han Shuo and Kelly are likely to have a life.

Han Shuo’s impression of Kelly is not bad. The Natural Church is still the main partner of the Lancelot Empire. From that perspective, Han Shuo does not want to be guilty with Kelly. Just watching Donna's look, Han Shuo knows that he has no choice, and his heart is helpless.

Kelly sighed and realized the current situation. He seemed to be less willing to be an enemy of Han Shuo, but he was as helpless as Han Shuo.

"What are you doing here, you are coming over, shouldn't you come to see the scenery?" The middle-aged man who came with Kelly saw that because of his appearance, those people were staring at him without anything. Moved, looked at the crowd, asked with a smile.

"I didn't expect Master Ald to come over, it's getting more and more interesting!" Donna suddenly relaxed, and she smiled lightly. "My main purpose is to find the bones of my grandparents. Of course, it will be attached. Look at the magic of this place, after all, my ancestors seem to be killed because of this strange place!" The middle-aged man named Alder, nodded to Donna, and explained.

Aldell said this, Han Shuo’s heart was moving. Suddenly gave birth to an idea--a tree of life at the bottom of a desert island in an innocent sea, would it be that Alder wanted to find his ancestors?

From the moment that Alder appeared, Han Shuo, who cultivated the power of death, felt a little discomfort. Just like the **** of darkness, it is especially sensitive to the gods who cultivate the power of light and light. The body of the body that cultivates the elements of death is only a special feeling for the gods who practice the law of life.

At the bottom of the desert island, the tree of life was apparently changed by the death of a very strong **** who practiced the law of life. Now listening to Alder’s saying, Han Shuo immediately keenly connected and guessed that the remains that he had buried were probably the ones Ald was looking for.

However, these Han Shuo will only be buried in the bottom of my heart, and will never be said at this time, because the area and the location of the death cemetery are too close. Once Alder knows the position, it is likely to be attached to the death cemetery. s position.

He who cultivates the laws of life. It should be very sensitive to the power of death. Han Shuo is a cautious figure, and naturally he will not say anything more. What Ould said was not only to let Donna and his party, even Eriksson Caesar and others seem to believe it.

"Alder, Alde. If you don't mind, we can discuss it together!" Caesar's face was smiling with a smile on the face.

"That would be great, huh, I am not sure about the situation here!" Olde readily agreed to go to Caesar and others.

When he is about to approach Han Shuo. Han Shuo found that Donna was alert to him, as if he was ready to deal with Alder's shot.

Alder came to Donna and really stopped. Hehe chuckled: "Miss Donna should not be so nervous. I just came over to see the situation. As long as you don't intend to destroy all life on this continent, I am I won't take you anymore!"

"If that's the case, then it's best!" Donna was still cautiously wary, pretending to be easy.

"We are cultivating the laws of life. They are all people who love life. We are not forced to die. We are the last time we will be inseparable from those people, because they want to put the mainland." All my life is destroyed, my ancestors were forced to take the shot. As long as you don’t have this idea this time, I think we will be very happy on both sides of this trip!” Olde said with a smile, his attitude is very gentle, but the tone is still Have a deep meaning.

Donna did not say much, just nodded silently. I don't know what plans she has in mind.

"Hey. You call Brian?" Olde suddenly glanced at Han Shuo and looked very interested.

Han Shuo was shocked. I don't understand how this Older would know himself, and looked at Olde doubtfully, and nodded.

"I have heard some things about you from Kelly. Oh, you are very interesting. It’s a good boy. It’s just that you have chosen to cultivate the power of death. It’s a pity!” Olde looked at Han deeply. A few eyes, said with a smile.

Han Shuo suddenly, do not understand what Alder meant, he did not answer smartly.

Donna and Bolton Bowen, especially surprised to look at Ald, and looked at Han Shuo strangely, do not understand this Older, how to be interested in such a small person Han Shuo.

"Let's do it yourself!" Olde didn't show much thought. He nodded to Han Shuo and smiled and walked toward Caesar.

Kelly behind him, this time and Han Shuo glanced, smiled and shook his head, sighed, followed Alder to leave.

On the other side, Eriksson saw Alder come over, his face was not very good, and he snorted, but he did not open his mouth to express his dissatisfaction.

On the top of the Chio continent, the Ice and Snow Temple and the Natural Church competed for the resources of the believers. They fought for a long time. The two sides fought out the fire. The underdogs also affected the gods of these managements. It is only natural that they will not get along after meeting.

"Let's go, let's go inside!" Caesar whispered, and then looked at Donna from here, and said with diligence: "Alder, if you don't mind, how can you guide us?"

"No, I just want to see you, huh, huh. You don't have to care too much about me!" Olde refused Caesar's proposal and said with a smile.

"Well, let's go!" Caesar was not reluctant, taking the initiative to lead the way, secretly giving Eriksson a smug face, hinting that he should not break the big thing at this time.

Their group of people seemed to have forgotten the existence of Donna and Han Shuo and went straight to the direction of the Xuanyin Gathering of the nine places.

Han Shuo stood beside Donna and could see it. When Alder rejected Caesar's proposal, Donna was relieved. When Caesar and others walked out of the distance, Donna solemnly told the younger people behind him: "This time there is no need, try not to provoke the old man, he is famous for his stalker, as long as he does not Enemy, we don't care about him!"

It can be heard that Donna obviously is very concerned about Alder. After his words fell, such a group of arrogant young people also expressed their agreement, and it seems that they all know the origin of Alder.

"This Olde, is it very difficult to deal with?" Among the people, only Han Shuo knows nothing about this Olde. At this time, I couldn't help asking. With a smile, nodded, Donna explained: "Alder is famous for his nosy, and his strength is very extraordinary. On our mainland, Ald is a very weird guy in the middle god. Generally speaking He won't be particularly interested in anything. But once he is interested, he will be entangled and not let go, it will be a headache!"

Gods mainland! This is the first time Han Shuo listened to Donna to tell them the origins, and he was shocked.

Han Shuo, the **** of the mainland, has heard of it through various channels. The people in Behemoth and the Holy Grail have mentioned the mainland of the gods more than once.

According to Han Shuo's understanding, the mainland of the gods should be the highest level of many planes. The legendary gods are the planes of the highest creation gods. The strength of the various departments there is stronger than any other plane, and it is suitable for the power of the gods to understand the laws of the law, where they cultivate better.

In the mainland of the gods, it has the most energy ore, the strongest god, the oldest family. The legends of the gods and the mainland are boundless, and there are countless mysterious affair. It is the center of all planes, and the gods gather.

In short. According to the man in Behemoth and the Holy Grail. The mainland of the gods is the birthplace of the gods, and is also the center of the gathering of gods in many planes. Almost all the main gods stayed on the mainland of the gods.

In the mainland of the gods, there are all kinds of local forces, the most powerful forces, naturally the twelve powerful forces with the existence of the Lord God, many ancient families are attached to the twelve main gods. Many ancient families on the mainland of the gods not only continually battled on the mainland of the gods, but the competition in the major planes never stopped.

In this vast universe, more than 90% of the low-level, medium-, and high-level planes are almost in the hands of the ancient families and the twelve main gods of the gods.

After listening to too many legends about the mainland of the gods, Han Shuo knows what the mainland of the gods means. Now, after confirming from Tang Nakou that they came from the mainland of the gods, Han Shuo really realized that these young people, Bolton Liwei, had a sense of superiority when they came to the mainland of Chio.

On the mainland of the gods, when I have finished the things on the mainland of Chio, I must personally look at how the mainland of the gods are, Han Shuo secretly said.

"Let's go, let's keep up!" when Han Shuo made a secret decision, Donna told him.

In front of Caesar and Alder, there are no traces left. Donna and Han Shuo and his entourage rushed to the past. There was no abnormality in the road. According to the position that the demon had explored in advance, Han Shuo and Donna And others came to this nine-place Xuan Yin poly-spirit.

Standing here personally, feeling the enthusiasm of the surrounding Xuanyin, Han Shuo greedily took a few deep breaths, feeling the sinister yin into the chest and abdomen, slowly filtering in the muscles and veins of the body, after the magic baby adsorption Transformation, turned into a wonderful feeling that the silk is generally weakly scattered in the body.

Far-sighted, Han Shuo found a few mountains and rivers in front of him, and was moved to this by great mana. The ingeniously formed the magical nine-place Xuan Yin poly-spiritual array, the surprise of the heart can not be added.

Really here, looking at the incredible landscape around, Han Shuo did not know how to express the person who arranged the nine-place Xuan Yin Ju Lingzhen. Such a grand and majestic project is not only so easy to move the mountains, but the laws and regulations that need to be changed are extremely numerous. The man can complete such a feat, and the horror of strength makes Han Shuo dare not imagine.

"It's amazing. It seems to be artificial. Who is this power? Is there such a feat?" Older was incredible and shouted.

"Is it a certain god, accidentally came to this plane, spending so much effort to make such a big hand?" Caesar was also extremely shocked, muttered to himself.

"Impossible, everything here is not a series of elements of power or the power of law can be completed! Unless several major gods join hands, it may be possible to make such a magnificent spectacle!" Eriksson said.

He said this, everyone is shaking their heads and laughing, knowing that the Lord God will never be so boring, and that the major gods have a must, and it is impossible to have this joint action. However, everything here, there are traces of human beings in the natural, which makes them want to break their heads, and do not know what is going on. "Too, it's incredible!" Donna looked at the mountains and rivers, as if she had been twisted into a weird pattern by the mountains, and could not help but exclaim.

With a glance at him, Han Shuo discovered that the twists and turns of the mountains and rivers seemed to have been changed by using a kind of magical power. Because of the above traces, Han Shuo had a feeling of deja vu, but when he thought carefully, he did not Know what it is all about.

The scene here is beyond the imagination of Han Shuo. Looking at several mountains and rivers as a glimpse of the eye, tearing the earth to form a giant nine-place Xuan Yin poly-spirit caused by the lines, Han Shuo is speechless.

"I think, only in the deepest part, it is possible to figure out what is going on here!" Long sighed for a while, and Olde suddenly got excited.

When this was said, not only Eriksson and Caesar, but also everyone in Donna was hesitant. Before coming over, they vaguely knew some of the dangers here according to some of their ancestors. When they heard that Olde said that they would go in, one began to worry about their own safety.

When they haven't arrived here, they are being overwhelmed by a dozen of mysterious devils. Just think about it and know that the most mysterious areas will have the greatest danger, which makes them dare not go.

"You guys are afraid of something. Do you want to go in for the purpose of coming over? Why come to the front, but one by one hesitated!" Alder sneered.

"Go!" Han Shuo suddenly spoke. The first one went deep inside. After walking in, he turned back and smiled at Donna: "Come, follow me, I don't think there will be any big problems!" Ask for a monthly pass, hehe, The monthly ticket is much less. .

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