Great Doctor Ling Ran

Chapter 802: Lol

The Wang Zhong family were standing outside the operating room, waiting quietly and helplessly.

His eldest son had been crying for a while, and now he was a bit weary, watching a few relatives circling like ants.


The door to the operating area was pushed open, and the families of the patients in the waiting area all stood up.

"Liu Mingyuan's family?" The nurse shouted, and looked around.

The family nearby hurried up and asked, "Doctor, is our old Liu good?"

"The operation went well. I will be sent to the ward soon, and someone will tell you something ..."

"Okay," the patient's family agreed.

Wang Zhong's eldest son looked at each other enviously, hoping to get a similar answer.

a long time.

The door to the operating area was open again, and still other patients came out.

The Wang family also became more and more silent, and even the relatives who were quite talkative gradually became uninterested.


After another operation was completed, a group of patients' families left.

Wang Zhong's eldest son couldn't help but get up, stopped the doctor who was going back, and shouted, "Doctor, doctor, my dad has been in for a long time. Can you help me?"

"It will come out after the operation." The doctor frowned, apparently unwilling to help such a meaningless help.

Wang Zhong's eldest son grabbed him and said, "You can do it, let us know what's going on inside. My dad's operation was done by Dr. Ling Ranling ..."

"Ling Ran's operation?" It was Zhao Leyi who was stopped. He looked up and down the patient's family and asked, "What operation? What disease?"

"Liver cancer."

"Liver cancer?" Zhao Leyi raised an eyebrow.

He had too many reasons to be surprised, and the main reason was probably ... he couldn't even touch the side of liver cancer surgery.

Basically, the emergency department is not a professional department. Whether it is critically ill or minor trauma, the emergency department only needs to learn the more superficial parts. If it encounters the more complicated parts, it can be referred to the professional department.

Therefore, let alone the attending physician, the chief physician of the emergency department, such as Director Tao, will still not touch the liver cancer part. However, from another perspective, the emergency surgeon, who is also a surgeon, inevitably wants to touch such a sharp operation.

"I'll go and see, you can wait." Zhao Yue agreed and turned into the operating area, but instead of going directly to the operating room, he went up to the visiting room and pushed the door in.

Visiting the room, it really took two rows of doctors, surgery and internal medicine, the most are interns and trainees and residents.

Hearing the noise, most people didn't bother.

Since the completion of this visit room in the emergency department, many doctors would like to see it when they are free. Compared to directly viewing in the operating room, the visit room is much more free and easy. Some doctors even bring a burger. It ’s very comfortable to have lunch in a visiting room and eat while learning and chatting.

For surgeons, "seeing" itself has been a very rare experience.

"Seeing" is the basis for participating in surgery. A simpler operation, seeing one case and doing one case, you can make one case. Complex surgery is more complicated to learn, but it is actually the same.

Do not watch many doctors need to see many cases of surgery, participate in many cases of surgery, in order to get some kind of surgical knife opportunity, but that is more just to make people feel "safe".

For most doctors, learning a complex surgical model is the same as learning a simple surgical model.

Of course, to do complex techniques, you must first accumulate simple techniques, and complete the preconditions.

"Dr. Ling is not doing it fast."

"This is liver cancer surgery. It can be done quickly without making people live longer."

"Who knows how long can live like cancer."

Most of the doctors who came to see the operation did not expect to be able to perform liver cancer surgery, so at this time they mostly watched lively.

However, some doctors who came from the liver and gallbladder surgery were really staring at Ling Ran's operation.

"The patient's liver is not big. If I cut it like this, will the remaining liver be enough?" The attending section of the hepatobiliary surgery was easy to hear as if talking to himself.

The total area of ​​the visiting room is more than ten square meters. Although his voice is low, everyone can hear it.

Zhao Leyi immediately looked up at the screen.

Compared to looking down at the scene under the floor-to-ceiling window, the real-time synchronized video on the screen can be seen more clearly.

Zhao Leyi also noticed that the number in the lower right corner of the video was "42" at this time.

A total of 42 units are watching Ling Ran's surgery simultaneously. This number has also made Zhao Leyi feel a little upset.

In terms of professional broadcasting, this number is not small.

Moreover, at this time, it was just an ordinary operation of Ling Ran, there was no publicity, and there was no topic. It was just a simple operation of Ling Ran.

Although in recent months, Yunli Pharmaceutical has installed more screens for major hospitals, so that high-broadcast numbers frequently appear, but it is not easy for ordinary doctors to have double-digit broadcasts.

"Dr. Ling's previous liver resection surgery ~ ~ often faced the situation of insufficient liver. In this regard, Dr. Ling is authoritative." Another voice sounded in the corner, Zhao Lei could not help but look In the past, it was a less familiar indication for general surgery.

"I've seen it before, very powerful surgery, and the direct pathology department cooperates. Several hospitals in Beijing have done the pathology department in the operating room based on this." Another general doctor also said like a chat. A sentence.

Zhao Leyi couldn't help but pinch his mouth, the director of general surgery had a tendency to praise Ling Ran, this time continued to his staff, but made Zhao Leyi feel even more uncomfortable.

Jingle Bell.

In the operating room downstairs, the phone rang.

A few seconds later, the itinerant nurse repeated, "The edges are clear."

There was a sudden snoring noise when visiting the room.

In the operating room, Ling Ran's voice was clear: "Yes, continue the operation."


"Continue the operation."

The morale of the doctors in the operating room burst into promise.

For more than two hours of surgery, it cannot be easy for any doctor.

Not to mention, just staying in the station for more than two hours is not easy for people, not to mention, the doctors during this time also have to work hard, especially brains.

That was to see the dawn of successful surgery, and everyone was excited.

Such things as "saving people" are very exciting in themselves, they are very fulfilling, and they don't need more money or promotion stimulation to make the adrenal glands secrete crazy.

Looking at the faces below and the light in the eyes of everyone, Zhao couldn't help but stand up and walked out of the visit room.

He didn't go to speak with Wang Zhong's family, but just glanced at them from a distance, looking at their anxious look, which was inexplicably funny, and then Zhao Leyi laughed involuntarily.

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