Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 744: See you again!

"What?! Are you the heir to Changsheng Jue? Haven't the Changsheng Door already disappeared?" Du Gu blood shuddered, looking at Ling Xiao and asked. Δ┡eΔbsp; "The door of longevity is only hidden, and has not disappeared!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, and stretched out his palms, a milky white light was dazzling, and instantly turned into a sharp sword awn, scattered with a constant wave of fluctuations, as if it could break through this void.

"Is this Changsheng Sword Qi? It turns out that you turned out to be the heir to Changshengmen, and I have the opportunity to fight you!"

Jian Wushuang looked at the longevity sword spirit in the palm of Ling Xiao with some curiosity, a strong war intent was revealed in his eyes.

"Ten thousand years ago, the Heavenly Supreme Patriarch of my longevity gate once found the information left by Du Gu seeking defeat in a ruin, that is, those I just had, which can just confirm that the God of War is the most powerful sword. The tactics are all left by Du Gu seeking defeat!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly.

The reason why he is so sure is indeed ten thousand years ago, when he and Zhenlong Supreme explored the tomb of the Red Dragon God of War, he accidentally encountered a little message left by Duo Gu seeking defeat, only to really understand the three swordsmanship Relationship.

Moreover, the former life of Lone Dragon City was the second disciple of Ling Xiao. Ling Xiao also had some understanding of the sword demon supreme scripture. When he shared his enlightenment with the eternal sword spirit, he did realize the same origin of the same family.

"If you don’t believe it, you can talk about Wu, Sword God tactics and Sword Demon Supreme Classic, as long as you practice, they can appear, they are one! But I also know that this matter is too big, you can ask. The elders of the family, just above the life and death ring, I just don’t want to see you kill each other!"

Ling Xiao laughed, of course, and gambling with the Burning Demon Emperor was just incidental.

Jian Wushuang and Du Guxue looked at each other, although they had not been verified, but they all believed in Ling Xiao's words.

The three sword tactics of Ares Big 6 are all left by Dugu for defeat, which is simply earth-shattering news.

Ling Xiao did not hide Long Zhantian and Li Jingming and others, they were also shocked.

Especially Li Jingming and Lin Hui heard that Ling Xiao turned out to be the heir to the Changsheng Door, which was the first door of the world ten thousand years ago. It's a tribute.

The unscrupulous Taoist, Moon God, Phoenix Girl, Long Zhantian and Long Aotian have long known the relationship between Ling Xiao and Changshengmen, so they are very calm.

"Thank you, Brother Ling, if it weren't for Ling's words, we would almost make a big mistake!" Du Guxue gave Ling Xiao a serious look.

"This matter is too important! We must quickly report the door!"

Jian Wushuang is also decisive.

If it is finally confirmed that the sword **** tactic and the sword demon supreme script really have the same origin, then the relationship between the sword **** pavilion and the Dugu family is worth considering.

Jian Wushuang and Du Guxue both left.

Before leaving, Du Guxue reminded Ling Xiao: "Brother Ling, the heirs of the Temple of War have arrived at the Tianxuan City, and recently Zizi Xingzi, the Burning Heavenly Demon Emperor, and the heirs of the Temple of War are very close. You have to be careful! "

"Is the successor of the Temple of War? Okay, thank you!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and nodded.

Ling Xiao would also like to see him. How strong is this No. 1 Qingyun Ranking, the mysterious successor of the Temple of War.

Ling Xiao felt faintly that perhaps in the natural elections, the successor of the Temple of War would be his biggest opponent!

"Lin Xiaoyou, please come to Taikoo Xuan!"

Suddenly, an old voice passed into Ling Xiao's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Tomb Heaven Machine?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and the person who gave him the sound was the contemporary tomb king of the tomb king city.

"it is good!"

Ling Xiao nodded, and he did not expect that Tomb Tianji was also in Tianxuan City.

Ling Xiao and Wuliang Dao Ren waited for someone to see an old man, so they left Tianjiao Tower alone and headed towards Taikoo Xuan.

There is also Taikoo Xuan in Tianxuan City, which can be regarded as a foothold for Tomb King City.

Taikoo Xuan is still hidden in a small alley, a small shop that looks very old. Tomb Tianji sits on the lounge chair in Taikoo Xuan and looks very comfortable.

Beside him, there is a young man of extraordinary martial arts, with an atmosphere similar to the tomb of the tomb. He has reached the state of half-step supreme, and has survived the three elephants, only the last fire.

This young man, apparently also a disciple of the Tomb King City, also looked at Ling Xiao with curiosity when he saw Ling Xiao coming in.

"Ling Xiaoyou, are you here?"

Tomb Tianji stood up immediately, his face covered with smiles and said: "The two worlds are farewell. I didn't expect the little friends to be in the holy ruins, defeated the Burning Demon Emperor, and even killed the Leopard Demon in the Flame Mountain. Venerable, Ling Xiaoyou is now on the Green Cloud List, but his reputation has spread throughout the entire Ares 6, which is really gratifying!"

"It's just a name! I don't know why the tomb master came to me, what's the matter?" Ling Xiao waved his hand, indifferently said.

"This time, the old man wanted to ask Ling Xiaoyou one thing!" Tomb Tianji looked at Ling Xiaodao seriously.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Ling Xiao asked.

"The old man hopes that Ling Xiaoyou can help me find the ninth chapter of Destiny!" said Tomb Tianji slowly.

"Ninth Destiny? You already have news?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed asked with some surprise.

"Yes! We thought that the ninth chapter of Destiny was in the holy ruins, but only later came out. It turns out that the ninth chapter of Destiny has been in the years cave. We have got the exact news, but the old man thinks that if there is help from Ling Xiaoyou , We can definitely get the ninth chapter of Destiny!"

Tomb Tianji Road.

"Is the ninth chapter of the Destiny in the Suiyue Cave? Since the tomb city master knows that with the strength of the tomb city master, he enters the Suiyue Cave and wants to get the ninth chapter of the destiny. I'm afraid it's easy. Why look for me?" Ling Xiao puzzled.

People in the Tomb King City have a bloodline curse, and they cannot break through to the Supreme Realm for life. However, although the Tomb Heaven Machine is only a robbery of four elephants, its strength is very horrible, and it can fight the Supreme.

Ling Xiao couldn't understand why the Tomb Tianji had to ask him for help.

"The key point is that the Temple of War also got this news! And the Temple of War also has the ambition for the ninth chapter of Destiny, so I can't enter the Year Cave at all!"

Tomb Tianji smiled bitterly.

"The Temple of War? What does the Temple of War require the ninth chapter of Destiny? The main program of Destiny and the previous articles are all with you. Even if they got the ninth chapter of Destiny, I am afraid it is useless?"

Ling Xiao's eyes moved, but he did not expect that the Temple of War would even want to get the ninth chapter of Destiny.

"This old man is unknown! He is the Tomb Mansion, my grandson, and the most talented person in the young generation of my tomb king city. This time he will enter the year cave and look for the ninth destiny, but Although his strength is not weak, but he is not the opponent of the successor of the Temple of War, so the old man needs the help of Ling Xiaoyou!"

Tomb Tianji said sincerely, his posture was very low.

ps: Five shifts are over, the brothers rest early.

(End of this chapter)

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