Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 746: Heir to the Temple of War

The sword brought out by the old man with a goatee, Lu Tongtian, was not a sword that swallowed the sky, but an ancient sword of heaven.

It’s just that the ancient sword of heaven is sealed by a very mysterious technique, so it looks extremely ordinary, and even the supreme strongman can’t see the difference between this sword.

And the owner of the ancient sword of heaven power is Lu Jianyi, the four disciples of Ling Xiao!

"Could it be that... the sword lived a lifetime?"

Ling Xiao's eyes were full of shock, and he thought secretly in his heart.

The eight- or nine-year-old boy has clear eyes and looks innocent. He also widened his eyes and looked at Ling Xiao curiously.

Ling Xiao took a deep look at Lu Tongtian again. Although Lu Tongtian seemed to be only Wang Houjing's cultivation practice, Ling Xiaotian's book without words in the sea shook a little.

Could it be that Lu Tongtian conceals cultivation behavior?

Ling Xiao's thoughts turned in his heart, and the ancient sword of Tianquan was here, and this child was also called Lu Jianyi. Ling Xiao was almost 90% sure that Lu Jianyi was his four disciples.

Lu Tongtian still looked at Ling Xiao with a thief's eyes, and his expression was natural, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"This sword, I can buy half a million pure Yang Dan to buy, but I have a condition, I hope the old Zhang can promise me!"

Ling Xiao looked at the landing and said.

"Really? Hahaha... No problem! Not to mention a condition, as long as you are willing to buy this sword, even if it is a hundred conditions, I agree to a thousand conditions!"

Lu Tongtian's eyebrows smiled and his eyes were shining.

"Little brother, don't be fooled by Old Man Lu. This sword is really not worth so much pure Yang Dan!" The old man at the stall next to him saw Ling Xiao really wanted to buy this sword, and quickly persuaded him.

"Thanks Lao Zhang, this sword really works for me!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, and thanked the stall owner's kindness.

"I can give you one million pure Yang Pills! But when I saw Sun as soon as I saw it, it must be a hit. Why not let Sun worship me as a disciple, how?"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly.


Lu Tongtian and the stallholders around were stunned. This kid spent one million pure Yang Dan to buy a broken sword, and also wanted to accept a small doll as an apprentice. Could it be that his brain broke?

Although Lu Jianyi looks very clever, from the perspective of the stall owners, the qualifications are only average, and there is nothing surprising about it.

"Yes, I want to take the sword for nothing!"

Ling Xiao said seriously.

Lu Tongtian gave Ling Xiao a deep look and suddenly smiled: "Hahaha... I don't know the name of the younger brother's surname? I think the younger brother is a talented person. Qi Yu is extraordinary, and he must be a dragon and a phoenix!"

"Under the hill!"

"Ling Xiao?! Could it be that he was tenth in the Qingyun Ranking and defeated Ling Xiao, who burned the demon emperor?"

Ling Xiao's words just fell, and several stallholders all around suddenly exclaimed.

If the news of shaking the entire God of War continent during this period of time, in addition to the opening of the Natural Election Conference and Long Lie's certification, the news that Ling Xiao is on the Green Cloud List is the most eye-catching.

The behavior of these stall owners is extremely strong, and many of them are also preparing to participate in the natural election conference, so Ling Xiao just reported the name, they guessed the origin of Ling Xiao.

"If there is no duplicate name in the world, it is me!" Ling Xiao smiled faintly.

"Really Ling Xiao?! Old man Lu, you made a lot of money this time, this young son Ling is the arrogant on the Qingyun list, and beheaded the supreme. If your grandson worships him as a teacher, that's a limitless future. !"

The stallholders all around suddenly changed their faces, revealing an extremely respectful look, and some even showed their envious eyes.

How good is this little boy? How could Ling Xiao accept her as a disciple?

"It turned out to be Ling Gongzi. Since Ling Gongzi took a fancy to Jianyi, it was his blessing. I promised to make Jianyi the master. Ling Gongzi will be Jianyi in the future..."

Lu Tongtian's eyes showed a strange color, nodded and smiled.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted.


A faint but cold voice sounded.

In the distance came a group of young men and women with great beauty, and each one was extraordinary, with a strong breath, but all of them were half-step supreme cultivation, exuding a cold and proud spirit.

They were surrounded by a young man with a magnificent figure wearing purple gold armor.

It was a flawless young man.

He is tall, covered with a layer of purple glow, and his hair is purple, like the most dazzling purple glow, dense and shiny.

His skin is like jade, gleaming and radiant, his body exudes a breath of jade like a jade, his face is extremely handsome, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, he walks like a young **** king, as if to go, The center and focus of the world.

The young men and women around him looked at him with admiration and fascination.

As the young man approached, Ling Xiao felt an extremely dangerous feeling.

"After the catastrophe of the four elephants, it makes me feel so dangerous. Could it be that heir of the Temple of War?"

Ling Xiao's heart moved, but the surface was quiet.

"Lao Can you show me this sword?"

The young man walked up to Lu Tongtian and smiled faintly.

His voice was very gentle, but somehow Ling Xiao felt that under the gentle smile, he was extremely cold and proud, with a kind of majesty that could not be questioned.


Lu Tongtian glanced at him and handed out the ancient sword of Tianquan.

The young man took a closer look at the ancient sword of Tianquan, and a strange color appeared in his eyes. He looked at Lu Jian again and slowly said, "This ancient sword is good, I bought it! No matter how many pure Yang Dan No problem, I also like Sun. I want to accept him as a disciple, can I?

Numerous stall owners around were stunned. Was this young man coming to the scene?

Ling Xiao just said that he wanted to buy this ancient sword and wanted to take Lu Jianyi as an apprentice. This young man even made the same request.

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed sharply, his brows frowned slightly.

"This son does not know the name of the surname? But this little brother of Ling Xiao has already bid for one million pure Yang Dan. You make me embarrassed like this!"

Lu Tongtian's eyes turned and he smiled.

"Three million pure Yang Dan!"

The young man said lightly, without even looking at Ling Xiao.

"Old man, my master is the heir to the Temple of War. He is willing to take your grandson as a disciple. It is the blessing of your grandson. Don't hurry down and thank you?"

Beside the young man, a young man in a green robe, looked very arrogant and sneered.

"Heir to the Temple of War?!"

These people were like thunder. They suddenly made the whole street sensational. Numerous stall owners ran over, and their eyes were full of awe.

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