Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 750: Awesome Dragon Aotian!

Zhao Ritian was full of bright divine light, the whole person was like a day, very hot, full of blood and blood, very exuberant, the black silk was thick and shiny, he was riding on the Void Golden Eye Beast, like a heavenly emperor , Instantly attracted everyone's attention. e small bsp; It's just that he is too arrogant and arrogant, and my face looks the most, his nostrils are sky-high, arrogant, and his eyes are full of pride.

A glimmer of glance in Ling Xiao's eyes, Zhao Ritian's sun body was completely awakened, and he has already survived the four elephants. The strength is unmatched, giving Ling Xiao the feeling that it is even stronger than the burning of the demon emperor. .

It seems that this guy has another adventure.

"Cousin, who is this guy? It's so arrogant, more arrogant than me!" Long Aotian glared at Zhao Ritian with a sad face.

He and Zhao Ritian had never met each other, so they did not know Zhao Ritian.

"His name is Zhao Ritian, and he came out of the Eight Wastelands. Now he is the tenth son of the Sun Palace!"

Ling Xiao said with strange eyes. This tenth son might have come up later. The nine sons in front of the Sun Palace have never heard of such a strong strength.

"Zhao Ritian?! Hahaha, do you still want day? How are you going? How are you going to heaven? This name really makes me laugh, hahaha"

Long Aotian was stunned, and he laughed instantly, his eyes full of sarcasm.

Both Luna and Feng Nu laughed at their mouths, and Zhao Ritian's name was indeed strange.

"Little boy, what are you laughing at? You're so big that the hair doesn't grow up, go home and have some milk! Let me tell you, everyone here can't break the ancient god's prohibition, only my son can break it! "Zhao Ritian said very proudly, not angry at all.

"Zhao Ritian, my master's name is Long Aotian, can you break through the ancient **** ban? You yuck!" Long Aotian seemed to have **** up with Zhao Ritian, his eyes widened and his face disappointed.

"Long Aotian? Your name is really stupid enough, hahaha kid, would you dare to gamble with me? Just bet I can break the ancient **** ban!"

Zhao Ritian sneered.

"When the young man is afraid that you will not succeed? Even the Qing Emperor can't break the ancient god's prohibition, what kind of onion are you?" Long Aotian will not admit it.

"Aotian, don't bet with him, this kid is a little bit!" Ling Xiao glared at him.

"Hahaha, are you scared? If you are scared, leave me alone. See me, Master, I will break the ancient **** ban!"

Zhao Ritian sneered and walked towards the black ancient stone.

Longaotian was agitated by Zhao Ritian, and said immediately: "I am not afraid of my lord, you, what do you gamble?"

"Just bet I can break the ancient **** ban and open this small world. If I win, you call me grandpa three times, how?"

Zhao Ritian's eyes showed a conspiracy smile.

He had just heard Long Aotian calling his cousin Ling Xiao. If Long Aotian called his grandfather, it would be equivalent to taking advantage of Ling Xiao.

"If you lose?" Long Aotian asked.

"How could this Son be lost? If even the Son could not open the ancient **** prohibition, even if you were looking for the title of Supreme Master, he didn't have this ability!" Zhao Ritian said with a stinky face.

"Since it's a bet, there must be a win and a win. If you lose, you have to call my grandpa of three lives!" Long Aotian sneered.

"Okay, deal!"

Zhao Ritian and Long Aotian both made big oaths and squinted.

"Aotian, you are too impulsive! Zhao Ritian is not simple, if he really opened the ancient **** prohibition, I see what you do!" Ling Xiao glared at him angrily.

"Hey, if he opened the ancient gods ban, I would call him grandpa three times? Anyway, it's just a verbal advantage, I'm a kid who doesn't suffer!" Long Aotian smiled treacherously.

But Long Zhantian's face immediately turned green. If Long Aotian shouted Grandpa Zhao Ritian, then Long Zhantian, Ling Xiao, and even the Dragon King Longlie could all lose their faces.

"Aotian, if you lose, I will tell my father what happened today. By the time you come to an end, you know!"

Long Zhantianyin glared at Long Aotian, his teeth gritted.

Long Aotian shuddered suddenly, a look of terror appeared in his eyes, but he still pretended to be calm and said: "What are you afraid of? The old man can kill me and fail? The big thing is being confined!"

Ling Xiao is also a headache, now it depends on whether Zhao Ritian has this ability.

The black stone looks like a millstone, old and mottled, and the skin of the stone exudes a mysterious atmosphere.

Long Aotian jumped off the Void Golden Eye Beast and walked up towards Blackstone.

"Second Uncle, are you sure you can unlock this ancient god's prohibition? If you can't unlock it, then Zhao Ritian's face will be lost!"

Zhao Ritian pretended to caress and observe Blackstone while saying in his heart.

"Relax, the simplest ancient **** prohibition, can't help your two uncles! Unless this is the thirty-sixth ancient **** forbidden, otherwise I can't help me!" The second uncle said very confidently.

"That's good, let's get started!" Long Aotian lowered his mind.


I saw Long Aotian's palm with a bright flame rising up Very hot, instantly covering the black stone.

"Is it a real fire?! This kid wouldn't want a fire attack, right? Zhang Daochang's samui real fire is useless, is this great day real fire?"

"This kid is too arrogant and seems to be losing!"

Everyone around was somewhat gloating, and they were very unhappy about Zhao Ritian's arrogant appearance.


However, the true fire of the sun in Zhao Ritian's palm turned into dozens of tiny silk threads in an instant, like a chain of order gods, containing the power of a rule of the sun, and instantly went into the black stone.

The prohibition of the ancient gods above the black stone emerged instantly.

A series of ancient black runes, as if to explain a certain kind of heaven and earth, incomparably mysterious, connected with each other, like a lock of gods, locking all power.

And the dozens of chains of order in Zhao Ritian's palm, incomparably dexterous, interspersed between those black runes, even causing those runes to tremble, as if they were to be unlocked.

"This kind of power is definitely not something that Zhao Ritian can exert. It must be the existence in his body. It seems that the existence is stronger than I thought!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and he thought secretly in his heart.

Zhao Ritian also began to sweat on his forehead.

This ancient god's prohibition was even harder than he thought. Although it was the second uncle's shot, it consumed his Zhao Ritian's power. Eventually, when all the runes began to tremble, only a clear voice was heard.


The ancient **** ban was broken!

"What?! The ancient **** ban was actually broken?"

Everyone had their eyes widened, and their faces were all incredulous.

(End of this chapter)

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