Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 752: See you black bone again!

"He is Ling Xiao? Ling Xiao, the tenth in Qingyun Bang? Looks so young, but he has only half a step of supreme cultivation?"

Someone's eyes flashed and recognized Ling Xiao's identity. Ωe small Δ

"It is Ling Xiao, but the Qing Emperor can't break the prohibition. He is tenth in the Qingyun list, I am afraid there is no way?"

"That is, this second ancient **** ban, I am afraid that only the Supreme or even the Supreme Supreme can crack it! I don't know what kind of treasures there are in the small world!"

There was a lot of discussion, and some people looked at Ling Xiao's eyes with a look of misfortune.

After all, Ling Xiao is only a half-step supreme. Even the robbery of the earth has not been spent, he has already reached the Qingyun list. Many of them are already half-step supreme of the robbery of the two elephants and the robbery of the three elephants. Naturally, they will feel jealous.

"If this ancient **** prohibition can break me, I don't want these three treasures, but I want one thing in this small world!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, looking at Qing Emperor's faint words.

"What do you want?"

Qingdi opened his eyes too, and looked at Ling Xiao strangely.

"Relax, what I want does not conflict with the treasure you want, just a black bone!" Ling Xiao smiled faintly.

"You know what I want?!"

Qing Emperor's eyes showed a sharp edge, forced to look at Ling Xiaodao.

"I'm not sure, but a little guessing! Let me try it first!" Ling Xiao said calmly, and did not answer directly.

I saw him walking in front of Heishi, with a bright light shining out of his palm.


It was swallowing innocence and contained a magnificent force that was instantly imprinted on the black stone.


The thirty-six ancient **** ban on the black stone began to tremble, and a series of runes were intertwined with each other, even against the power of swallowing the mystery of heaven.

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and with his swallowing the power of the heavenly king Ding, there was no way to ban the thirty-six ancient gods on this day. He secretly guessed that maybe only the fourth floor was reached and the realm of swallowing the heaven and sea was possible. This prohibition.

However, Ling Xiao also has a wordless book.


I saw Wu Zi Tian Shu slightly trembling, and suddenly a ray of light diffused out, and instantly fell into the palm of Ling Xiao, blending with the swallowing of the true energy.

After adding the power of Wushutianshu, the 36 ancient gods of Tiangang banned it, and the rune melted like ice and snow.


The second ban on ancient gods was finally broken.

Ling Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, and he really bet on him. If it weren't for the power of Wordless Book, he wouldn't be able to break this heavy ban.

"What?! Was it really broken by him?"

Everyone's eyes were shocked, seeing the ancient **** prohibition on Black Stone was broken, all eyes were unbelievable.

Even Qingdi, Zhao Ritian and others had no choice but Ling Xiao broke through this heavy ban.

What's more, the force that just spewed out of the palm of Ling Xiao's palm loomed out a vast and terrifying atmosphere, making them all shake.

"Fortunately, it's not shameful!"

Ling Xiao looked at Qing Emperor and smiled slightly.

"Okay, come with me!"

Qing Emperor glanced at Ling Xiao lightly, and immediately collected the three treasures on the ground with a wave of his hand. The whole body turned into a streamer, and instantly entered the small world in Black Stone.

Ling Xiao also flashed in shape and followed in.

And Long Zhantian, Li Jingming and others consciously stepped up to protect the law and looked at everyone around them with warning eyes.

Those people are a little unwilling to leave. They know that there can be a double ancient **** ban. There must be a very powerful treasure in the small world, but they don't have the courage to follow up.

After all, Qing Di and Ling Xiao are beasts who have killed the Supreme. Although they are greedy, they are not dead.


The light flashed in front of me, Ling Xiao and Qing Emperor entered a misty chaotic void, there was nothing here, and there was a chaotic atmosphere everywhere.

And Ling Xiao saw it at a glance. There were three things floating above the void, one of which was black bones, which looked like baby arms.

The other two are a blue lotus flower and a drop of blue blood beads.

The blue lotus flower is shining with bright light, and it is filled with chaotic luster. It turns out to be a 36-petal lotus flower.

And the drop of blue blood beads radiated a breath that made the world tremble.

"I want that black bone!"

Ling Xiao looked at Qing Emperor and said slowly.

"Aren't you afraid of me repenting?" Qing Di's eyes revealed a strange color.

"You won't! Because the descendants of Qinglian Supreme, it must be a promise! And that black bone is of no use to you! Only the thirty-sixth grade chaotic Qinglian, and that drop of Qinglian **** blood, are What matters most to you!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly.

"How do you know?" Qing Emperor's eyes showed a sharp edge, and there was a terrifying air in his body.

"The body of Qinglian Supreme is very mysterious, and no one has ever known it, but he was the first person in the world hundreds of thousands of years ago. According to the fact that he has ascended the eternal God Realm! But I know that Qinglian Supreme has no Ascension God at all. Instead, he died with an extraterrestrial demon. His body should be thirty-sixth grade chaotic green lotus?"

Ling Xiao sighed softly, with a touch of emotion in her eyes.

He once saw the news left by Qinglian Supreme above the heavenly road. In his previous life, he was once in a ruin and now there is a place where Qinglian Supreme battles, so he is very familiar with Qinglian Supreme. .

This first person in the world hundreds of thousands of years ago, the body turned out to be the thirty-sixth chaos Qinglian, the supreme **** medicine.

Coming to this small world, Ling Xiao finally confirmed that the breath of Qing Emperor's body was exactly the same as the thirty-sixth grade chaos Qinglian, so Ling Xiao speculated that Qing Emperor should be the descendant of Qinglian Supreme.

"I am not the descendant of Qinglian Supreme, but the brother of Supreme Qinglian!"

The Qing Emperor sighed softly and said slowly: "The 36th-grade chaotic green lotus is born and there are actually two. The 36th-grade chaotic green lotus. In fact, after Qinglian's death, his body was obtained. It is divided into twelfth grade blood lotus, twelfth grade gold lotus and twelfth grade black lotus, and this thirty-sixth grade chaotic green lotus is my body!"

The Qing Emperor did not hide anything at all and directly exposed such secret things.

"Although my Yuanshen is a reincarnated adult, my body cannot fall into the hands of anyone. This 36-piece chaos green lotus can only be fully consummated and freed from shackles after it is integrated with me!"

Qingdi glanced at Ling Xiao and said, "I really don't know the origin of this black bone, but the Supreme Master Qinglian is so diagnosed and placed in his small world, then give it to you!"


I saw the Qing Emperor's finger, and the black bone instantly turned into a streamer, and flew into Ling Xiao's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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