Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 758: Enter the years cave!

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with precision, and did not expect that this time the General Election Conference was actually hosted by the God of Time. Perhaps in the Day Election Conference, some doubts can be verified there. eΩ


The archaic mountain above the void began to tremble, and the mysterious hole spewed thinly, and countless years of petals bloomed, exuding dazzling light.

The power of the confusion subsided slowly, and the time hole finally opened.

"The time hole is open, rush!"

Many genius strong eyes suddenly turned red, and they all rose up into the sky and rushed towards the years hole.

According to legend, the time in the Suiyue Cave is inconsistent with the time flow of the outside world, and there are all kinds of magic.

Many old monsters that Shouyuan will be exhausting are also planning to enter the Suiyue Cave to see if they can find treasures against the sky and increase Shouyuan.

Below this mountain range, countless talented powerful people, there are hundreds of thousands of people, all are powerful in the princely realm and the royal realm, all waiting for this moment.

Swish swish!

A powerful and unmatched figure rose up into the sky and fell into the blossoming petals of the years, wrapped in the petals of the years, instantly transformed into a stream of light, and shot into the holes of the years.

The dense petals of the years are in full bloom, and the surroundings are all the power of the chaotic years. Only these petals of the years can bring people into the years hole intact.

"Let's go too!"

There was a trace of expectation in the eyes of the unscrupulous Taoist.

"Okay, you have all entered my Tenjin Stone. The Tenjin Stone is an artifact. It should be able to resist the power of the formation of the Suiyue Cave, so that we do not have to separate into the Suiyue Cave!"

Ling Xiao said slowly.

There are many crises in the Suiyue Cave, and the way to enter the Suiyue Cave is randomly transmitted. If such a huge world of the Suiyue Cave is teleported to the end of the world, it is extremely difficult to get together.

Many genius disciples in the martial arts holy land also sacrificed the magic weapon of space, included their disciples into their ancestors, and then flew on the petals of the years to enter the years cave.

The eight of the unscrupulous Taoist, Yu Wanwan, Luna, Phoenix Girl, Long Zhantian, Long Aotian, Li Jingming and Lin Hui were all included in the Tianshen Stone by Ling Xiao.


Ling Xiao rises in the sky, and suddenly a year of petals slowly blooms, and the crystal petals wrap Ling Xiao, and the bright light is filled, as if it is the breath of a feather, pure and serene, very mysterious.

Ling Xiao felt that the surrounding streamers were flashing, and the mysterious laws and lines were intertwined, instantly wrapping him up and throwing him into the years hole.

Hundreds of thousands of martial artists rose up at the same time, surrounded by the petals of the years, and entered the years cave.

Around the Suiyue Cave, a terrifying gas machine permeated, and a very powerful figure was also revealed.

These are the supreme strongmen of the major martial arts holy places, and their eyes are full of expectations. I don’t know how many geniuses will prove the Supreme in this day’s election conference.

The time of the general election conference lasted a long time, so they were not in a hurry. They just faintly surrounded the Suiyue Cave and sat in the void. The mysterious Supreme Dao marks were pervasive and powerful.

"I hope everything goes well!"

Long Lie's eyes showed a worried color, and slowly closed his eyes, the figure slowly disappeared into the void.

Years hole.

Ling Xiao sat in the petals of the years, and the mysterious laws surrounding him filled him, but Ling Xiao was moving in his heart. He felt that the Dayan Destiny Gong started to work in a strange state in such a state.

And the 160 ancient characters floated out of Ling Xiao's body, coiled around Ling Xiao's body, intertwined with mysterious vitality between each other, and the lines of the laws around them were filled, making Ling Xiao to the big The enlightenment of Yanmingminggong has risen sharply.

"The way to view the sky, the journey to the sky"

A wave of mysterious mystery diffused in Ling Xiao's heart. The 160 ancient rune characters seemed to be transformed into a mysterious armor, which was instantly imprinted on Ling Xiao's Yuanshen.

It's just a pity that this state is too short, Ling Xiao's eyes flashed before him, and he has already entered the years cave.

And the understanding of Dayan's destiny is interrupted.

This is a misty valley, and in front of me is a vast lake with smoky waves. It looks very calm, smoky, and extremely peaceful.

Surrounded by towering mountains, it is majestic and magnificent, with an ancient and wild atmosphere.

The sky is very high, a clear blue sky, warm sunshine shining over the nine days, extremely clean and peaceful, as if it were a mythical world.

There is a magnificent and pure aura in the air. When you breathe a little, you immediately feel that your pores are all stretched out, very comfortable.

Around the lake, there are all kinds of exotic flowers and plants, which are precious elixir that has been grown for hundreds of thousands of years.

Even, there are one or two drug kings in the distance, scattered with spiritual!

Unscrupulous Daoist and others immediately came out of the Tenjin Stone.

"Is this the world in the years cave? It looks very peaceful, and there is no danger?"

Long Aotian's eyes turned around and watched, laughing around.


But his voice just fell, and in the distant mountains, there was a huge roar of the beast. The roar was like thunderstorm, terrifying.

And there was a fierce and violent breath coming out.

"It's the breath of an archaic fierce beast. Is there really a complete archaic form here?"

There was a dignified color in Long Zhantian's eyes. The roar of the beast just now made him feel terrified.

"The world in the Suiyue Cave is not simple. There are not only ancient fierce beasts, but also ancient ancestors. They are very repulsive to outsiders. It is best to be careful!"

There was a hint of fineness in the eyes of the unscrupulous Taoist, and he slowly said.

"We are five million miles from the Temple of the Year where the Election Conference is located, which is a short distance. If you want to traverse this strange world within a year, everyone should be careful!"

Ling Xiao checked the information that God will leave behind, and said slowly.

Everyone has the position of the Temple of Time, guiding everyone's direction and actions.


At this moment, the extremely calm lake in front of me suddenly and violently fluctuated, the endless fog was transpiring, the lake water turned into water mist, and a very huge fierce beast rushed out of the lake.


The huge roar came on the face, deafening, and the fierce and violent breath made everyone look so changed.

ps: Third, there are two later.

(End of this chapter)

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