Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 769: Earth Devil!

In this way, Ling Xiao, while they were on their way, practiced, and the characters who killed the beasts were handed over to Long Aotian.

At the beginning, Yue Xiaoxi was still a bit cautious, but then she became acquainted with Ling Xiao and others, and even competed with Long Aotian for food.

Ling Xiao was a little amazed, this thin little girl, eating like a monster, a giant monster's legs, swallowed into her belly by her mouth.

After eating, the little girl began to sleep, and the power of the essence contained in the flesh automatically melted in her body, allowing her to slowly improve her cultivation.

"Xiao Xi's physique is extraordinary!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and said slowly.

"Yes, it's very much like the legendary lunar eclipse body, engulfing the essence of heaven and earth, and the vitality in the soul to cultivate and grow. It's like the legendary ancient ancient beast gluttonous!" Moon God also nodded.

"The body of the lunar eclipse? No wonder this stupid girl can eat so much, it is just a pig!" Long Aotian said with some resentment.

Because Yue Xiaoxi always grabs food with him, his name for Yue Xiaoxi also changed from Miss Sister to Silly Girl.

A few days later, they had flown 100,000 miles, and the mountains below gradually became more beautiful, unlike the mountains in the deep, wild and ancient, and inaccessible.


A strong roar of the beast came, and in the mountains below, countless towering ancient trees collapsed and turned into powder.

A huge black bear that was hundreds of feet tall rushed out of the mountains, and his hair was like a steel needle, exuding an extremely fierce atmosphere.

Its eyes are extremely red, full of bloodthirsty and cruel colors.

In front of the black bear, there are more than a dozen brawny men wearing animal skins, holding bows and spears, and are madly escaping their lives. Their eyes are full of despair.

Ling Xiao could see that the black bear's breath was very terrifying, and he was already a powerful half-step demon, even if it was not far from the real demon.

The dozen or so sturdy men, whose cultivation bases ranged from the emperor's realm to the half-step supreme, were mostly hit hard and could not be opponents of the Black Bear.

"Earthly strange, earth bear?"

Ling Xiao's eyes revealed a fine awn, and said slowly.

"Cousin, do we want to take action? This earth devil bear fruit is really tough, I really want to compare with him, in the end it is more powerful, or my Longaotian is stronger!"


The earth trembles, and countless towering ancient trees or hill heads are standing in front of the earth demon bear.

The huge bear paw was thrown out, which was a huge stone of several million pounds, and it shattered instantly.

Yue Xiaoxi was also awakened by this huge movement.

When she saw the dozen or so strong men below, she immediately became anxious and quickly said: "Brother Ling, that is from the tribe of my moon, please help them quickly!"

"A man from the Moon Tribe? Aotian, slaughter the black bear!"

Ling Xiao's gaze flashed in his eyes, and he said without hesitation.

"Come on, cousin, just look at it!"

Long Aotian jumped up as if he had hit chicken blood, and the look of excitement in his eyes turned into a golden light, and he rushed towards the earth demon bear.

The people of the dozen or so people's tribe also saw Long Aotian, and suddenly showed an extremely anxious look in their eyes, shouting: "Child, run, you are not the opponent of the black bear!"

"Hey, a few uncles, let me help you kill this beast!"

Long Aotian said very coquettishly that he rushed towards the black bear at a faster speed.

Seeing Long Aotian rushing over, the black bear didn't even look at him at all, and the bear paw was thrown out.

"Asshole, how dare you despise Master?!"

Long Aotian was furious.


Long Aotian radiated a dazzling light around him, he punched in the air, suddenly the vast dragon power exploded, and a golden golden real dragon rushed towards the earth demon bear.

Wanlong Slaughter!

Long Aotian felt that he had been despised by this earth demon bear, and he was so angry that he directly performed a killing move.


The earth demon bear was shocked, a look of terror appeared in his eyes, and a sudden roar screamed, a black demon spirit rose around his body, and a black divine light suddenly burst out of his mouth.

There is a black demon puddle up and down, containing the power of terrifying terror.

Obviously, the Earth Demon Bear also felt the crisis. In the face of the Wanlong Slaughter, it even spit out the demon pill.


The terrifying divine light exploded, and Long Aotian's fistful of terror, even directly broke the black demon spirits, and punched on the demon Dan.


The demon of the earth demon bear exploded directly.

Long Aotian's castration is unabated, his figure is like a golden lightning, directly piercing the chest of the earth demon bear.

A big hole in the earth demon's chest exploded, and his heart shattered.


However, the vitality of the earth devil bear is very strong. This injury is not enough to kill it, but it has completely scared it.

It roared at Long Aotian, turned around and ran away in fright.

"Want to run? Master I want to eat roasted bear paws, you get me back!" Long Aotian yelled, and immediately chased toward the earth demon bear.


The terrible war broke out, countless towering ancient trees collapsed, and rocks were flying, but the earth demon bear was finally bombed by Long Aotian, and his huge body was hit **** the ground, and he died in anger.

Until death, the eyes of the earth demon bear still have an incredible look. I can't believe that such a small ants can actually kill it.

And the big men of the tribes of those ten months have been dumbfounded, dumbfounded, and their eyes are full of incredible looks.

An 8- or 9-year-old boy was so violent that he killed a demon bear.

Who is this little boy? Is it possible that a cub of a mythical beast will fail?


Long Aotian grabbed the corpse of the earth demon bear and walked towards His eyes filled with pride.

The huge body exudes a fierce and monstrous atmosphere, making these dozens of big men seem to be dreaming, and they can't believe everything in front of them.

At this moment, Ling Xiao also brought the Phoenix Girl, Moon God and Moon Xiao Xi from the void.


The burly man headed by the great man, holding a mountain axe and muscular knots, saw Ling Xiao and others, and his face changed instantly, revealing a deep alert look.

And the big men of the tribes of the past ten months all picked up their weapons instantly, staring at Ling Xiao and others with some caution.

"Uncle Tie, they are all good people, not bad people, they saved me!"

As soon as Yue Xiaoxi saw this atmosphere of tension, she immediately became anxious and quickly walked up and said.

(End of this chapter)

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