Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 771: Moon City!

"The old patriarch is in the goddess of the moon mother, the iron commander please!" The hardcover men put the moon iron into the moon city.

In the city of the moon, it looks broad and clean, with houses built of huge stones on both sides, exuding an ancient and rough breath.

"Several distinguished guests, please also go to the shrine with me to see the old patriarch!" Yuetie looked at Ling Xiao and Luna.

"Leader, please lead the way!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly, his eyes revealing a touch of fine awn.

The city of the moon is not very large, and it occupies hundreds of miles. According to Yue Xiaoxi, the total number of men, women and children of the entire tribe of the moon is just over 20,000.

Ling Xiao can feel that most of the tribes of the Moon Tribe are very strong, all of them are majestic, and the adult men are at least the cultivation of the princely realm or the royal realm. In the city of the moon, even half-step supreme There is also a lot of breath.

Ling Xiao can even feel that there are several hidden and powerful breaths, that is the supreme strongman of the Moon Tribe!

The tribe of the entire month, if it is outside, is already comparable to a martial holy place.

Under the leadership of Moon Iron and Moon Xiaoxi, Ling Xiao, Feng Nu, Luna, and Long Aotian crossed the wide street and walked towards the center of the city.

After passing through a group of buildings, my eyes suddenly opened up.

This is a vast square, paved with a silver stone, looks neat and clean, and radiates a bright light.

"Sister Luna, look at that idol!" Feng Nu's eyes startled, and she pointed towards the middle of the square.

In the center of the square stands a statue of a hundred feet high.

It was a woman wearing a moon-white robe. Her skin was white, tall, and her face was beautiful. There was a full moon behind her. Her eyes were deep and bright, and she looked at the distant direction.

There was a holy and mysterious breath all over her body, which was awesome and inviolable, giving people a sense of worship at first glance.

The most important thing is that the woman's appearance is exactly the same as Luna, and even the temperament is very similar.

"Sister Luna, this is the mother of the moon, I haven't lied to you?" Yue Xiaoxi said, looking at the idol in worship.

Ling Xiao, Feng Nu and Long Aotian looked at the statue in front of them, their eyes were all very shocking.

It's too much, or just a person.

Could it be that the moon **** is really the reincarnation of the moon mother?

Ling Xiao glanced at Luna, and there was a strange color in his eyes.

There was a trace of confusion in Luna's eyes, and he walked slowly towards the statue.


I saw that the **** suddenly began to tremble, a bright light diffused, a faint halo fell, as if the holy moonlight fell down.

The idol is like a resurrection, almost everyone has a feeling, a pair of eyes of the idol seems to be staring at Luna.

The moon **** trembles slightly, and the whole body also has a bright light diffused, a mysterious wave seems to have a mysterious resonance with the idol.


At the end of the square, the black palace opened instantly.

An old man with crutches and sackcloth wearing white linen slowly came out of the palace. His eyes fell on the moon **** as if there was no accident.

"You're back!"

The old voice was very gentle, echoed above the square.

"Who am I?" Moon God's eyes were filled with confusion, and he asked gently.

"You are you, you are also the mother of the moon!"

The old man in linen said slowly.

"Brother Ling, he is my grandfather and also the patriarch of the Moon Tribe, but Grandpa doesn't seem to be surprised at all. Could it be that he would have come to know that Moon Sister would come?"

Yue Xiaoxi said with surprise.

Ling Xiao looked deeply at the old man in linen, Yue Chongshan, the patriarch of the Moon Tribe. His breath is unfathomable, and it is likely that he has already proved the title of Supreme.

The strongest of this moon tribe, covered with a layer of breath that could not be seen through Ling Xiao.

"Mother of the Moon Mother? No, I am not her, I am the Moon God!"

There was a hint of pain in Luna's eyes, some struggling to say.

"Child, some responsibilities cannot be avoided, some things can only be undertaken by one person, no matter who you are, you are still back! After a million years, it is another cycle, are you ready?"

Yue Chongshan's eyes were clear like water, and he looked at Moon God and said softly.

"I do not know!"

Luna shook her head.

"Please come in a few! Your doubts, the old man will answer you!" Yue Chongshan smiled, he looked at Ling Xiao and others, said slowly.

Especially when his eyes fell on Ling Xiao, he suddenly shrank, but then he returned to calm.


Waving the sleeves of Yue Chongshan, I saw that the light on the idol dissipated in an instant, and slowly returned to calm.

Ling Xiao, Feng Nu and Long Aotian followed Yue Chongshan into the palace.

Yue Tie respectfully paid a respect to Yue Chongshan, turned around and left. Yue Xiaoxi originally wanted to leave, but out of curiosity, she quietly followed the palace.

The palace is very empty, but there is a faint moonlight falling down, in a trance, as if coming to the moon palace, the light around is soft like water, with a mysterious fluctuation.

"Xiao Xi, you are wayward again! If you don't meet a few VIPs, even Grandpa will not save you!"

Yue Chongshan gave Yue Xiaoxi a harsh look, but she was helpless and spoiled.

"Got it, Grandpa! Didn't I bring back the mother of the Moon Mother, or make up for it!"

Yue Xiaoxi obediently lowered her head and whispered in a low voice.

"Well, it's a big deal for you!"

Yue Chongshan shook his head, then glanced at several people in Ling Xiao, and smiled slightly: "Let a few VIPs laugh, I don't know where the VIPs are from God of War 6?"

"Longevity Gate Lingxiao!"

"Flame Mountain Phoenix Dance!"

"Crystal Palace Dragon Aotian!"

Ling Xiao, Feng Nu and Long Aotian froze for a moment, but still reported themselves.

"Is Flame Mountain and Crystal Palace? It turned out to be a child with Phoenix blood and Dragon blood, but it seems that Changshengmen Laofu had never heard of it. This Ling Xiaoyou is not from the Temple of War?"

Yue Chongshan smiled slightly.

"The Changshengmen is just a martial holy place ten thousand years But the inheritance time is not long, the month patriarch does not know it and it is excusable! It is just that the juniors do not understand why I must come from the war Temple?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and asked slowly.

"Ling Xiaoyou's body has the inheritance of the Red Dragon God of War, but it is not a person in the God of War Temple. It really puzzled the old man!" Yue Chongshan laughed.

"In this way, the Moon Patriarch is familiar with the Red Dragon God of War and the Temple of War? Is it true that, as the rumors say, is the Temple of God the Red Dragon God of War?"

Ling Xiao felt a shock in his heart. He didn't expect that Yue Chongshan could see at one glance that he had the inheritance of the Red Dragon God of War.

"Slightly know one or two! Lord Red Dragon God of War did not leave any traditions. The God of War Temple is just a villain that stole the inheritance of Lord God of War!"

Yue Chongshan smiled faintly, with a trace of disdain in his voice.

(End of this chapter)

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