Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 780: Chop Ziweixingzi!

Ling Xiao's seven fist seals shocked everyone, and even made the eyes of Fen Tian Yao Huang, Zi Wei Xing Zi and Zhao Ritian all panic-stricken.

"Don't be afraid, everyone! The seven fist seals just now must be Ling Xiao's strongest force. He now has no spare power to fight back. Everyone goes together and kills him!"

Ziwei Xingzi's eyes were full of cold killings, staring at Ling Xiaodao.

He looked very embarrassed at the moment, the purple robe on his body was broken, his shawl was radiated, and there were several blood marks on his face, which made his original handsome face look very terrible at this moment.

Who is Ziwei Xingzi? The sixth in the Qingyun Ranking, the Peerless Heavenly Pride that once beheaded the Supreme, is the first genius in the dozens of states in the northern part of the God of War continent. I want to come from a high perspective. This time it was such a disastrous defeat in Ling Xiao's hands.

However, Ziwei Xingzi believes that the kind of power that Ling Xiao has just exerted is definitely Ling Xiao's inducement of some kind of forbidden technique. It is impossible to last forever. That kind of power almost has the power to compete with the strongest of the supreme peak.

"Yes! Everyone went together, Ling Xiao now has no spare power to fight back, he is just a bluff, kill him!"

Burning Heavenly Demon Emperor is also full of murderous eyes, staring at Ling Xiao.

"You guys can try it!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, still standing above the void, Sheng Xue in white, holding the sword to point to the heroes, and flying black hair, her eyes shone brightly.

Many people were frightened and ran away, but some courageous people stayed, and their eyes were full of flirtatious eyes.

But no one dared to start first.

Treasures are good, but they must be fateful.

At the moment, Ling Xiao, the seven fist seals that swallowed the heavens and the earth to the seven limits of magical powers, indeed extracted all the power in his body, but the hundreds of martial arts were killed, and the essence and blood of the gods were all refined by the swallowing king, almost instantly. I supplemented the repair of Ling Xiao's loss.

But Ling Xiao didn't shoot, he wanted to see who actually wanted to shoot him alive.

"Second Uncle, shall I go up and kill Ling Xiao and steal his longevity grass?" Zhao Ritian's eyes showed a eager look.

"You are stupid, don't you run quickly? I tell you that Ling Xiao's current cultivation behavior is no loss, and if you don't run, you will be too late!"

There was a trace of anxiety in the voice of the second uncle.

"What?! No loss at all? How is this... how possible?"

Zhao Ritian's eyes were full of unbelievable looks, but he still chose to believe the words of the second uncle, and instantly turned into a streamer, even without looking at Ling Xiao, he turned and ran.

"The tenth son of the Sun Palace has also gone?"

Someone exclaimed, the hesitation in his eyes became stronger, and a bad hunch began in his heart.

"Elder Wang, go and kill Ling Xiao!"

Ziwei Xingzi pointed at the elder in a nearby star palace and said coldly.


The elder in the Star Palace shivered, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes, but he nodded and agreed.

He gritted his teeth and slashed across the sky towards Ling Xiao.


The starlight was shining brightly, and the sword was fiercely dazzling. Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a delicate awn, but he didn't resist, and he directly performed the secret removal technique to escape the knife.


In the original position of Ling Xiao, a small hill was instantly flattened by a knife, and the rocks were flying across. The momentum was very amazing.

"I will warn you one last time, who dares to shoot me at your own risk!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were full of cold colors, glancing at everyone and said.

"Hahaha... Ling Xiao, do you dare to bluff now? Suffer!"

Ziwei Xingzi sneered. The elder Wang's temptation had already made him see that Ling Xiao's footsteps were a little vacant, and his body was slightly sluggish. At first glance, it was caused by power failure. He suddenly dropped his worry and held the Ziwei sword. To kill Ling Xiao.


With his sword in the sky, the Ziwei Excalibur shone brightly, and the power of the Tao Law was diffused, as if it had become hundreds of millions of star sword swords, and at the same time enveloped towards Ling Xiao.

"Ziwei Xingzi is right, Ling Xiao is bluffing, everyone go together!"

"Kill Ling Xiao, the eternal beast and supreme beast are ours!"

"Slain him!"

Many ambitions seemed to have confidence in their hearts, and their eyes were cold, and they displayed powerful martial arts and killed them towards Ling Xiao.

It's just that the Burning Heavenly Demon Emperor is hesitant. Although he also rushed with the golden black magic sword, he was the last one.

He has fought Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao is so calm, it doesn't seem to be pretending, is this a trap?

Thinking of this, the Burning Demon Emperor shivered and became more vigilant.

"Sure enough, some people are not afraid of death! If so, then I will fulfill you all!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and he sneered.


His whole body was gleaming with golden light and blood, and a vast dragon's power spread out, and the sound of the dragon screamed to the sky. He cast the magic technique of Wanlong Tu and shot it with a palm!

Behind Ling Xiao, there were two tremendous dragons coming out of the sky, erupting into a terrifying force, and rushing towards many powerful men.

Feeling that fierce and terrifying breath, many powerful men changed their faces instantly.

"No, this is simply Ling Xiao's trap!"

"Run away!"

The eyes of many strong men are full of terrified look, and their hearts are full of regrets and fears. Why didn't they just escape? Why was blinded by greed?


But it was too late. The elder of the Star Palace was the brunt of the attack. The huge dragon claw fell, and suddenly his body was smashed into pieces, exploding in the void.

Two tremendous dragons are raging among the crowd, and each one has nearly supreme power!

The screams came one after another, and a large number of strong men screamed into the sky and exploded into a blood mist.

And Ziwei was under the care of Ling Xiao. The real dragon turned out, and the huge dragon claw wrapped down against him with a tremendous divine power.


The dragon claw patted on the Ziwei Excalibur, the dazzling runes exploded, and Ziwei Xingzi shuddered, feeling his arms numb as if he had lost consciousness.

At the next moment, another dragon's claw passed through the blockade of the heavy sword and slammed **** his chest.


The ribs were broken, Ziwei Xingzi's chest collapsed, and a spit of blood spurted out of his mouth, and his breath instantly became languishing.

"Impossible! Impossible! You have such a terrible blow, how can there be no loss at all?"

Ziwei Xingzi's eyes were full of unbelievable expressions, and there was a trace of deep fear.

He felt the threat of death for the first time!

(End of this chapter)

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