Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 782: Unicorn mount

"Don't accept it? Then fight until you serve!"

Ling Xiao sneered, his fist marks were unmatched, a terrifying light erupted, and he fell towards the fire unicorn.


The fire unicorn is struggling violently, the whole body is raging, and the lakes that have been devolved are burned to dryness, and the surrounding mountains and ancient trees have started to burn.

It rises into the sky for a while, and then crashes into the earth, causing the sky dome to tremble and the earth to crack. This area seems to have turned into a sea of ​​magma.

But Ling Xiao still steadily rides on the fire unicorn.

Ling Xiao smashed hundreds of punches in a row, Huo Qilin's head was about to be smashed by him, countless scale armor exploded, blood flying.

In the end, Huo Qilin couldn't stand it, and began to beg for mercy.

"Okay, I'll take it! You don't want to fight Ling Xiao, you will be killed if you fight this emperor again!"

In the end, under the threat of death, the Burning Demon Emperor still chose to succumb. He felt that if he did not succumb, Ling Xiao could really kill it.

Ziwei Xingzi is a lesson.

"Okay, let go of your Yuanshen now!" Ling Xiao smiled faintly.

Burning Heavenly Demon Emperor had no choice but to let go of Yuanshen, and let Ling Xiao set dozens of powerful prohibitions in his Yuanshen.

And the terrible breath from the prohibition made the Burning Demon Emperor frightened. He couldn’t understand the complicated prohibition. He had a hunch that if he dared to betray Ling Xiao, I would be afraid of Ling Xiao. Able to kill him.


The celestial demon emperor's body shone with light, and his body began to shrink. It became a fire unicorn that was one foot tall and three feet long, and it was covered with a fiery flame. It looked very powerful and majestic.

Ling Xiao was also very excited. In the legend of Qilin, it was the mount of the ancient heavenly emperor. The ancient Qilin beast swallowed the sky, burned the river and cooked the sea, and he could do everything.

And now, Ling Xiao has finally caught a unicorn beast.

Burning Heavenly Demon Emperor cried and mourned, feeling the darkness of his future life.

He is the young master of the heavenly demon palace, the pure blood beast fire unicorn, even the title of Supreme, is not qualified to let him be a mount, and he was caught by Ling Xiao as a mount.

If the news came out, his reputation as the Sky Demon Emperor was completely ruined.

However, the situation is not strong, under the threat of death, he can only choose to succumb.

Now, his life is all in the hands of Ling Xiao, and he dare not have the slightest sense of resistance.

This time, thousands of strong men besieged Ling Xiao, and only a small part of them finally fled, most of them died in Ling Xiao's hands.

Although many strongmen's storage treasures were smashed by Ling Xiao, many treasures remained.

Ling Xiao instructed the Heavenly Demon Emperor to gather the magic weapons and weapons of those strong men, which is a lot of wealth.

If you count it, there are more than 300 million pure Yang Dan alone. Among them, Ziwei Xingzi contributed 60 million pure Yang Dan alone, and others range from hundreds of thousands to millions of pure Yang Dan. It is a terrifying number.

There are thousands of other powerful Taoists together, and there are hundreds of bottles of Lingdan.

There are a total of 47 sacred medicines and 182 medicine kings collected by these powerful men in the Suiyue Cave, and there are thousands of other medicines.

Ling Xiao even found a quasi-medicine pure Yang Jinlian in Ziwei Xingzi's storage ring!

Sure enough, it was a gold belt of murder and arson. This battle alone made Ling Xiao rich!

Of course, although there are many of these treasures, Ling Xiao did not put it in his eyes. What he valued most was the martial arts of the Star Palace in the sea of ​​Ziwei Xingzi's knowledge of the sea, especially the magical magic of Wanxing!

Ten Thousand Stars Flying Magic is the supreme method of the Star Palace. According to Ling Xiao's speculation, it should be a powerful god-level mastery, but it seems to be a little incomplete.

Ling Xiao has seen from the hands of several other big stars, this ten thousand star flying magic is indeed extremely extraordinary.

With the swallowing and repression of King Tian Ding, all the information in Ziwei Xingzi's knowledge of the sea was stripped out.

The practice method of Wanxing Flying Divine Skill was also acquired by Ling Xiao.

The news of Yu Heng's ancient sword Ling Xiao also saw that it was originally brought by the Star Emperor from the Wan Coffin Mountain, and it was sacrificed, and it was named Ziwei Excalibur and given to Ziwei Xingzi.

"Wan Coffin Mountain, is it possible that they are all in Wan Coffin Mountain?"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a sharp edge.

Supreme Master Shura is in Wan Coffin Mountain, and now Yanyang Tian also seems to be in Wan Coffin Mountain. It seems that after leaving the Suiyue Cave, he must go to Wan Coffin Mountain.

Ling Xiao thought secretly.

Outside the years cave.

Star Emperor sat in the chaotic void, his eyes suddenly opened, revealing the monstrous grief and murderous opportunity!

"Ling Xiao, you dare to kill my son, I will break you to pieces! And, all your parents and relatives in the Crystal Palace must die!"

Star Emperor's face was twisted, and his whole body was shaking.

The five major stars in the Xingchen Palace, and the other four are negligible, but Ziwei Xingzi is his son, and he is one of the most important sons. He is extremely talented and has appeared on the Qingyun List at a young age.

I originally thought that Ziwei Xingzi would be able to testify to the Supreme after the general election conference. Who thought he died in Ling Xiao's hands?

"Come here, please invite Nantian Patriarch, Dayari Demon Venerable, and Emperor Tomb Mountain Lord!" Xing Di said with a gloomy glance.


Suddenly, a disciple of the Star Palace hurried away.

"Ling Xiao, this time I will let you die without a burial place!"

Star Emperor's voice is cold, and his eyes seem to have the scene of the disillusionment of the stars, so that the surrounding haze is instantly exploded!

Because of the death of Ziwei Xingzi, the outside world suddenly became turbulent.

In the time hole, Ling Xiao did not know these things, but even if he knew, he would not care.

Ling Xiao was riding on Huo Qilin and was about to leave here to return to the city of the moon. Suddenly he felt a very familiar breath rushing to him.

"Tomb Xuan?!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed to I saw a young man in black robe, slender figure, black hair scattered, eyes like electricity coming out of the sky, all exuding a mysterious tomb atmosphere.

This young man is the most outstanding genius of the generation of Tomb King City, Tomb Mansion!

Moreover, Ling Xiao saw that the repair of the tomb was stronger than that outside the Suiyue Cave, and had already survived the four elephants.

However, for the people of the Tomb King City, the half-step supreme realm of the Four Elephants' Tribulation is already the end. Unless the imprisonment and curse of the blood can be opened, they can continue to break through.

"Ling Xiao, it really is you!"

Tomb Xuan's eyes also flashed, and said slowly.

"How will you be here?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed. He had made an appointment with Tomb Tianji. Then he would meet with Tomb Xuan in the Temple of the Years. Then he would look for the ninth chapter of Destiny together. He did not expect Tomb Xuan to come here.

(End of this chapter)

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