Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 784: News from Destiny Vol 9 Chapter 9!

"Fate of Destiny, legendaryly contains the power of the destiny of all beings. It is not to be reincarnated, to be free from cause and effect, to be free from the world, to be free from the sea of ​​bitterness, to be a great fortune! If I guess right, it should be a tomb. Is Wangcheng or Feng Shui family looking for the fate of destiny?"

There was a strange wave in the sound of Changsheng grass.

"How do you know?" Ling Xiao's eyes flashed sharply, staring closely at Changsheng Grass.

Chang Shengcao smiled faintly: "At that time, I followed Duguo for defeat and defeated the world, defeating the world. What is the secret of these millions of years that I don't know? The tomb king city and Feng Shui family are cursed by destiny The race is destined to be unable to break through the Supreme Realm in a lifetime, and it is disaster-prone, life-threatening and life-threatening.

Tomb King City and Feng Shui family want to break the curse of blood, they must obtain the fate of destiny! "

"Curse of Destiny? What is Destiny?" Ling Xiao asked slowly.

"I don't know! Maybe it's the law of heaven, maybe the will of some powerful being, or maybe the exile of the divine power!"

Longevity said slowly.

"God Realm's exile?" Ling Xiao heard this for the first time.

Changsheng Cao nodded and said: "I just guessed that since millions of years ago, almost no one in the world could become a god, the gate of the **** realm was closed, and many peerless arrogances were turned into dust because of Shouyuan's exhaustion! Wang Cheng and the Feng Shui family suddenly appeared in the world of God of War millions of years ago. Their identity is extremely mysterious. The curse of the bloodline may be caused by the power of God Realm!"

"No one has become a **** in millions of years? Do you know the reason?"

Ling Xiao's eyes were scorching. Ten thousand years ago, as the world's first supreme, he had touched the human-god barrier, but he still could not sense the existence of God Realm and ascended into a god, so he would later look for the Red Dragon God of War Of God.

"I don't know! But based on the events of these millions of years, I guess it may have something to do with the invasion of the extraterrestrial demon!" Chang Shengcao said.

"Is the invasion of Devil Outside the Territory related to God Realm?" Ling Xiao shook his heart.

Could it be that the origins of the extraterrestrial demon are terrifying, making God Realm extremely fearful, or even closing the door of God Realm?

If this is really the case, then the heavens and the whole world are simply abandoned by those of God Realm!

"This is not what we can know! Too far away, let's talk about the ninth destiny! Destiny secrets, the demon tribe does exist in the ninth destiny, but those guys have become monsters, you It’s hard to get the ninth chapter of Destiny!"

Changsheng Grass sighed.

"So I plan to go back to the city of the moon, invite the head of the moon tribe, convene the three big tribes, and fight against the demon tribe together! This time the gathering of many powerful men is the best opportunity to destroy the demon tribe. I believe that the three big tribes should Will not give up!" Ling Xiao said slowly, with a hint of fineness in his eyes.

Longevity Grass looked at Ling Xiao with some surprise: "You can even talk about the patriarch of the Tribe of the Moon? This is indeed a way! But I can tell you that the ninth chapter of Destiny is in the Demon Holy Palace of the Demon Tribe. Among them, there are heavy guards, and it is extremely difficult to capture the fate of destiny, so you must be mentally prepared!"

"Demon Holy Palace?"

Ling Xiao nodded.

There was a sense of urgency in Ling Xiao's heart. Somehow, he felt as if there was a crisis coming, making him desperately needed to improve his strength.

"The longevity grass has been found. When the time comes, let the old goods contribute a leaf, plus twelve golden lotus, enough to make me condensed into a real dragon body! When I achieve the real dragon body, the Supreme can also punch Kill, when you go to the demon tribe, you should be able to get a lot more grasp!"

Ling Xiao thought secretly, with a hint of fineness in his eyes.

A few hours later, Ling Xiao returned to the City of Moon together with Tomb Xuan.

In order not to cause alarm, Ling Xiao included the fire unicorn into the **** god stone, otherwise he would ride a fire unicorn into the city of the moon, and I am afraid that it would cause all the fallen people to come to watch.

Although the strong men of the Moon City are still very alert to Ling Xiao and Tomb Mansion, Yue Chongshan has already explained in advance, so they are not embarrassed about Ling Xiao, and they quickly let Ling Xiao in.

"Brother Ling, are you back? This is?" Yue Tie looked at Ling Xiao Road with a smile, and then looked at Tomb Xuan with some doubt.

"This is my friend, Tomb Mansion. I have an important matter for him and Patriarch Sword. Could you tell us about it?" Ling Xiao laughed.

"Okay, no problem! Your friend is a friend of our Moon Tribe. Come with me!"

Moon Iron agreed very readily, and brought Ling Xiao and Tomb Xuan to the shrine.

In the shrine, Ling Xiao and Tomb Xuan saw Yue Chongshan, who was white and beautiful.

"Ling Xiaoyou's trip seems to be going smoothly! This son is?"

Yue Chongshan smiled slightly and glanced at Tomb Xuan.

"Patriarch Yue, this is Tomb Xuan, my friend! When he came here, he wanted something to help Patriarch Yue!"

Ling Xiao did not conceal, he directly told the 9th chapter of Tomb Xuan looking for Destiny, and hoped that the three tribes could send troops to the demon tribe.

Ling Xiao knew that with the wisdom of Yue Chongshan, she could naturally see the opportunities inside.

"Patriarch Moon, the successor of the Temple of War is There are at least five supreme beheads in his hands, not to mention that there are many people with supreme combat power around him. They go to the demon tribe to find The ninth chapter of Destiny will definitely conflict with the demon tribe. I heard that the three major tribes have been oppressed by the demon tribe. This is not necessarily a good opportunity!"

Tomb Xuan also said frankly.

Although he desperately hoped to receive the ninth chapter of Destiny, he also hoped to receive the support of Yue Chongshan and other three tribes.

"This matter is very important. I have to discuss with the other two patriarchs! But rest assured, I think they should agree!"

Yue Chongshan was also very decisive and smiled faintly.

"How long does it take for the three tribes to send troops?" Tomb Xuan asked aloud.

"The old man must discuss with them, and then he will first check the situation of the demon tribe. If he really sends troops, it will take at least half a month to a month!"

Yue Chongshan said slowly.

"Half a month to a month? The time is too long! I'm afraid that it will change later!" Tomb Xuan said with some concern.

"Tomb Xuan, you don’t have to worry! The successor of the Temple of War wants to take the ninth chapter of Destiny from the demon tribe, it is impossible! So he must be thinking of ways now, when the three major tribes attack the demon tribe , Is our opportunity!" Ling Xiao comforted.

"No, the time is still too long! Ling Xiao, why not? You stay in the Moon Tribe. I will go to the Demon Tribe to investigate the situation. I must not let the successors of the Temple of War succeed. If there is any news, we will contact you at any time!" Tomb Xuan said.

Ling Xiao thought for a while and nodded, "This will do! But you should pay attention to safety, and don't act without permission!"

Ling Xiao knew that the tomb was very strong, but compared with the descendants of the Temple of War, I am afraid that it would be much worse.

(End of this chapter)


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