Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 793: Demon Holy Palace!

On the other side, after the descendants of the God of War temple beheaded the Blood Serpent Demon Venerable, both the Black Eagle Demon Venerable and the Golden Ape Demon Venerable died in the hands of Buddha Kaye.

Kaye's shot was clean and neat, and he blocked the Black Eagle Demon Venerable and the Golden Ape Demon Venerable with nine Dinghaizhus, and then shot the two demon Venerables dead with the palm of Osumiya.

"Ling Xiao, do you see how the heirs of the Temple of War and the Buddha Kaye have come to the realm?" Tomb Xuan stared at Ling Xiao and asked.

"Despite the hidden power of Buddha Kaye, I guess he should be a genius with seven abilities! I can't see the successor of the Temple of War, he just broke out the Forbidden God Realm and used the power of the flesh to demon Blood Serpent Bombing! So I estimate that he is likely to be an eight-genius genius, or even a nine-genius genius!"

Ling Xiao flashed in his eyes, and said slowly.

"Jiujue genius? You are all perverted! Only one million years have come out to seek defeat. The result is not only you, but also the descendants of the Temple of War and Kaye!" Tomb Xuan said a little speechless.

"Not necessarily, that Zhu Biao is not simple! In addition, there are two people I can't see through!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered and landed on the Zhu Biao who was still chewing on the leg of the lamb, as if this battle had nothing to do with him.

In addition to Zhu Biao, Qing Xiao and Qing Yun also emerged in Ling Xiao's mind. The strength of the two was also extremely horrible.

The sword Wushuang and Dugu blood, after that battle, the sword **** tactics and the sword demon supreme script must be sublimated, and the strength at this moment is probably extremely powerful.

These people are regarded as Ling Xiao's rivals. In Ling Xiao's eyes, they all have at least six geniuses.

Tomb Xuan originally wanted to ask Ling Xiao who else he couldn't see through, but his eyes suddenly flashed in his eyes, and quickly said: "Ling Xiao, they are going to open the demon holy palace!"

In the distance, the descendants of the God of War Temple pinched the Yuanshen of the Blood Serpent Demon Sovereign and came to the gate of the Demon Holy Palace.

"Did you choose to open the demon holy palace, or choose the soul flying away?" the descendants of the Temple of War said indifferently.

"You can't die well, even if you open the Demon Holy Palace, you all have to die!" Blood Snake Demon Venerate glanced at the successor of the Temple of War.

"Since you want to die, then I Chen Quan you!" In the eyes of the successors of the Temple of War, a flash of murderous intention flashed in the palm of the hand, and the Yuanshen of the Blood Serpent Demon Venus instantly burst into a blood mist.

"Diverse demon holy palace, dare to be my way?"

The successor eyes of the Temple of War were majestic, and a divine spirit was flying across the sky, spilling down a bright and smooth road, the original ban on the gate of the Demon Holy Palace was like a wave of water, and it broke open instantly.


The two ancient stone doors of the Demon Holy Palace opened.

"Ling Xiao, let's rush in!" Tomb Xuan hurriedly urged.

"Don't worry! I'm afraid it's not so easy to get in this demon holy palace! Let them go first, and we will find a chance to follow behind!"

Ling Xiao's gaze flickered in his eyes, and he could feel that the open demon holy palace was like a fierce beast with an open mouth, waiting for everyone to throw himself into the net.

In the eyes of the successors of the Temple of War, there was a glint of glory, leading the crowd into the demon holy palace, and the Buddha Kaye also rushed in.

"Crush! Everyone rushes, not only the inheritance of the demon sage, the blood of the demon sage, but also the supreme magic medicine in the demon holy palace!"

"Hahaha... It's me who inherits the demon saint, let me go away!"

"Demon Saint Blood is mine!"

"I have ordered the supreme **** medicine, who dares to rob me, who will die!"


Beyond the demon holy palace, the genius disciples who were still at war with many powerful men in the demon city, all eyes are red at the moment.

Seeing that the descendants of the Temple of War and the Buddha Kaye rushed in, they couldn't help but suddenly showed up and rushed into the Demon Holy Palace.

Ling Xiao was controlling the **** stone, turned into a dust, and mixed in with everyone.


In the demon holy palace, it seems to be a small world.

Chaos haze, this is a very peaceful small world, surrounded by mountains and rivers, sun and moon stars, grass trees and mountains, looks very real.

In front of everyone, there is a chaotic mountain, with three golden treasures floating above it.

An ancient stone monument looks nine feet wide and nine feet high, standing in the mist of chaos, with many mysterious runes engraved on it, containing a mysterious breath of fate.

A drop of golden blood beads exudes a dazzling light, just like a golden sun, which is so gorgeous that people can't help seeing the blood boiling.

There is also a magical medicine like ginseng. The ginseng must be inserted into the depths of the void, as if absorbing the essence of hundreds of millions of worlds.

This mountain looks extremely mysterious, and it is filled with a powerful divine fluctuation, as if it is surrounded by an ancient **** array, which makes people tremble.

"Ling Xiao, on that stone tablet, the ninth chapter of Destiny is recorded! Hurry up, you must not let it fall into the hands of the temple of warlords!" Tomb Xuan was instantly excited when he saw the stone tablet on the void .

"Don't worry! This demon holy palace is very weird!" Ling Xiao's eyes showed a hint of fineness, and he didn't worry.

Somehow, this world always gave him a very unreal and strange feeling.

"Crush! The blood of the demon sacred **** and the supreme **** medicine are on the top of the mountain, everyone rush!"

"Hahaha... The record on the stone tablet must be the legacy of the Demon Saint!"

Everyone was immediately excited, and their eyes were full of extremely excited light, and they leaned forward and rushed towards the chaotic mountains.


Above the chaotic mountains, there was a radiant brilliance, shining on everyone's body, as if to distinguish something, and eventually dispersed.

Everyone felt that it seemed as if they were seen through the depths of the But that was only a momentary feeling.

After discovering that there was no problem, everyone reassured and rushed towards the top of the mountain.

The successor of the Temple of War and the Buddha Kaye took the lead. His eyes were full of sharp colors, and he immediately grabbed the stone monument.


As if it were the sound of Hong Zhong Da Lu, the earth and the earth shook in all directions. On top of the three treasures, a bright enchantment emerged, with runes intertwined, which looked mysterious and unpredictable, like a chain of order, Blocked everyone.

This is the defensive border guarding the three treasures. The horrible fluctuations have surpassed the power of the supreme peak. It is the legendary prohibition set by the gods.

"This layer of enchantment must be left by the demon sanctuary! Kaye, we will work together to break the enchantment first. As for who can get the treasure inside, we will each have their chance!"

In the eyes of the descendants of the Temple of War, there was a hint of sharpness, and he glanced at the Buddha Kaye and said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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