Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 801: Causes and consequences!

Bai Ze sighed softly: "This is a long story! Our four tribes were originally seated by the gods of war, the descendants of the four gods, and my demon city has an ancient tree of repression of magic demon, waiting for less The heavy burden of the Lord’s return! Now, the ancient magic tree and young master are in the demon holy palace!"

"What?! The ancient magic tree is in the demon holy palace? Who is the young master you said?" Yue Chongshan was also shocked and asked quickly.

"Millions of years ago, before Lord Demon Saint was dying, a magic tree of ancient magic was sealed and suppressed in the Palace of Magic Saint! And he also told us that when the young master returned, it was the day when the ancient tree of magic magic was destroyed! But in the long years of millions of years, the demon tribe has reproduced countless generations, and the care of the ancient magic tree has become a bit lax!

Finally, 10,000 years ago, the ancient magic tree found an opportunity to take away a strong man in the demon city, so that in the next 10,000 years, most of the people in the demon city were all demonic ancient The tree has won!

We are controlled by the ancient magic tree, while gaining power from the ancient magic tree, so that the strength of the demon tribe skyrocketed, and began to attack the three major tribes! The ancient magic tree has given us the task of destroying the three tribes and breaking the temple of years!

Therefore, the changes of the three patriarchs, the city of monsters, over the past 10,000 years, is because they are controlled by the ancient magic tree! Before we were in the war, the illusion ancient tree suddenly encountered a fatal danger and recalled us, so we came back desperately and wanted to break the demon holy palace and rescue the illusion ancient tree!

But I did not expect that the ancient magic tree was still destroyed! When the ancient magic tree was destroyed, the trace of the Heavenly Demon Yuanling in the sea disappeared, and at the same time we also felt a trace of the young master!

Now, the young master is in the demon holy palace. I believe that it will not take long for the young master to appear! "

Bai Ze sighed softly, and his voice was very gentle, explaining the causes and consequences.

The reason why the three of them were able to restore their spiritual intelligence is because they had preached the supreme when they were controlled thousands of years ago.

Therefore, the ancient magic tree has no way to obliterate the spiritual wisdom of the three of them, but only suppresses their consciousness.

Others are not so lucky, even if they were not beheaded by Yue Chongshan, I am afraid they will die after the ancient magic tree is dead.

Rao Shiyue Chongshan, Lingzhi and Maha are all titles of supreme, and they are all stunned.

The demon city actually sealed an ancient magic tree? They have never heard of such a secret thing.

No wonder 10,000 years ago, the city of monsters suddenly changed and started to attack the three tribes.

The three big tribes once caught the strong man of the demon city, and after killing, they discovered the spirit of the heavenly demon, but they did not know why the strong man of the demon city was contaminated by the spirit of the demon.

I didn't expect there was an ancient magic tree!

"Are you talking about the young master, could it be the son of the demon saint?" Yue Chongshan's eyes shook and asked slowly.

"Yes, it is the son of the demon saint! My predecessors of the demon city passed down from generation to generation. When the young master came, it was the day when the ancient magic tree was destroyed. I didn’t expect that this time the young master appeared and killed the ancient magic monster. Tree, and it saved us!"

Bai Ze sighed softly.

"Huh! Who knows what you said is true or false? Brother Yue, don't listen to their confusion, I see that they are seeing nowhere to escape, and they just made up such incredible things!"

Ganoderma still said coldly.

She is full of resentment for the city of demon, because Lingzhi's father died in the hands of the strong in the city of demon.

So she harbored strong hostility in her heart.

"Lingzhi patriarch, if the three of us really want to leave, I am afraid that you can't stop us at all? If you still have questions about what I said, it is better to wait for the young master to get out, and everything will be known!" Bai Ze smiled slightly. Road.

Lingzhi's face was stagnant and she snorted and stopped talking. She also knew that Baize Yaozun was talking about facts. The strength of the three demon venoms was extremely strong, even beyond Yue Chongshan, Lingzhi and Maha. It is impossible for the three tribes to stop the three titles of supreme.

"Sister Lingzhi, please don't be restless! I think the words of Lord Baize are very true, but we can't believe it! Just wait, how?" Yue Chongshan glanced and persuaded Lingzhi. Road.

In the end, Yue Chongshan, Ganoderma lucidum and Maha all agreed after agreeing that they were ready to wait for the people in the demon holy palace to go out.

This war is temporarily over, and they waited half a year for this.

Inside the demon holy palace.

The ancient tree with millions of illusions has been completely transformed into a fly ash.

The Wushutianshu floats in the void, the light is shining, and it is devouring the remaining spirit of the heavenly demon!

Old goat and Ling Xiao were sitting in the void and practicing.

Engulfed the power of the ancient tree of illusion, and after these half-years of cultivation, the cultivation behavior of the old goat even broke through to the Triple Realm of Supreme Realm!

In the past six months of Ling Xiao, the swallowing innocence in the body has been completely completed, and even the power of Yuanshen has grown to the extreme, laying a very solid foundation.

Ling Xiaopan sat in the void, as if there was a black ocean in his body, roaring and vast, exuding a terrifying atmosphere of terror.

And in his eyebrows, Yuanshen is being wrapped in endless wind, as if suffering thousands of swords.

Blackwater robbery and skywind robbery!

Ling Xiao turned out to be going through both disasters at the same time.

The black water is completely condensed by the laws of heaven and Tao, wreaking havoc in the sky of Dantian in Lingxiao, as if to swallow the natural liquid into nothingness, eroding the power of the natural liquid.

The sky wind in the sea of ​​knowledge is like a sharp knife and a knife, falling toward the Xiaoshen Yuanshen with a knife, and the soul seems to be shredded.

That kind of extreme pain, I am afraid that most people have already gone crazy.

The robbery of the four elephants is more horrible than the robbery. Even if it is a genius disciple of the martial holy land, it is trembling and cautious when going through every disaster. Robbery?


The robbery of the black water and the robbery of the wind ~ ~ is completely transformed by the power of the law, even if Ling Xiao’s physical body is powerful, unmatched, and extremely strong, but there is no way at this moment. Can only insist.

A wave of black waves permeated, Ling Xiao had gone through the disaster of the earth before, and the body of the real dragon was condensed, and the flesh was already extremely strong.

But at this moment, there was another crack on his body, and even his eyebrows were cracked.

In Ling Xiao's Dantian Qihai, swallowing the true liquid began to dry up, and among the Yuanshen, the light began to dim.

Ling Xiaopan sat in the void, as if the whole person had died, without any vitality fluctuations.

"This guy, won't he die to himself?

The old goat stared at Ling Xiao, whispering in a whisper, he also felt that Ling Xiao's courage was too big, and he dared to go through the double robbery at the same time.

At this moment, Ling Xiao looks like a ruined return to the ruins.

(End of this chapter)

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