Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 807: Long Zhantian's help!

"Ling Xiao, is there anything wrong with this heavenly chaotic monument?" The old goat asked curiously. He saw Ling Xiao urged the heavenly chaotic monument, and there were countless streamers on it that merged into Ling Xiao's body.

"There are nine complete destinies in this heavenly chaotic monument!" Ling Xiao told the old goat the news he had received.

"Nine Chapters of Destiny? It's just said that it can help the Tomb King City and the Fengshui family to change their lives against the sky, but it is also inaccurate! Ling Xiao, the Natural Election Conference will soon open, we must seize the time!"

When the old goat heard nine chapters of Destiny, he immediately lost interest and directly changed the subject.

"Are you going to participate in the election meeting?" Ling Xiao gave the old goat a look of surprise.

"Of course, do you think the Election Conference is presided over by the Temple of God of War? In fact, the Election Conference is a trial place where the Red Dragon God of War stays to find inheritors. There are endless creations in it, and even the Supreme can get great benefits. .

It is said that no one in the past days of the General Election Conference can come to the end! But you got the Wordless Book, maybe you can become the inheritor of the Red Dragon God of War, and you will be able to order these four tribes! "

The old goat said slowly.

"I also thought of this. The Temple of War has been holding a general election conference, and promised so many benefits. Of course, it would not be cheaper for others. I am afraid it will ultimately be for the inheritance of the Red Dragon God of War!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, a sharp edge appeared in her eyes.

It seems that sooner or later, we still have to face the Temple of War.

It is still a few months away from the opening of the Heavenly Election Conference. Although it is a few million miles away from the Temple of War, but with the strength of the title of Supreme, torn through the void, you can quickly reach the Temple of Time.

Therefore, Ling Xiao prepares to return to the city of the moon first, and will meet with the old goat, the phoenix girl, and the moon god, and then they will find the dragon battle days back together, and go to the temple of years and moon together.

After the old goat has dealt with the demon city, the three demon lords have integrated the remaining demon city powerhouses. This time the demon tribe can be said to have suffered heavy losses.

In addition to those who died in the hands of many genius strongmen and were cleared by the demon scepter, there are less than 10,000 remaining.

However, these less than 10,000 people are the elite of the demon city. There are thousands of people who are strong above the emperor realm alone!

The old goat instructed the three demon lords to integrate the powers of the demon city according to the situation of the secular army, and set up a super-gathering formation to practice.

According to the speculation of Ling Xiao and Lao Goat, if it is really in the Temple of the Years to choose the inheritor of the Red Dragon God of War, then in the end, I am afraid there will be a battle with the Temple of War!

Ling Xiao and the old goat returned to the Moon City.

In the city of the moon, Ling Xiao saw Yue Chongshan, but found that Long Aotian, Moon God and Feng Nu had all left.

"Ling Xiaoyou, I didn't expect them to leave the city of the moon. When I came back, they had already left and left you a handbook!"

Yue Chongshan said, handing Ling Xiao a handwriting left by Long Aotian.

Ling Xiao opened the handwriting and saw a few lines written on the handwriting: cousin, something urgent, I took the two sisters-in-law first! Brother, they found a Shenquan Pond. When they were practicing, they were attacked by the emperor's tombs and trapped there. The situation was very dangerous. I went to rescue my brother! This is the map my brother sent me. If you come back, come to us! This time I must kill the **** of Emperor Tomb Hill!

"This little **** is really more and more unpretentious! Dragon Battle days are trapped. The three of them have just survived the earth robbery. What role can they play?"

Ling Xiao's complexion instantly became somber, and his heart was irritated by Longao Tian's recklessness.

"Patriarch Yue, how long have they been away?" Ling Xiao pressed down the worry in her heart and asked quickly.

"Did something happen? They left three days ago. If there is anything that needs help, just say it!"

Yue Chongshan did not know what was written in the handwriting, and said to Ling Xiao.

"Thank you, Patriarch Yue, I can solve this matter myself! I have to take a step first and say goodbye!" Ling Xiao said to Yue Chongshan, and immediately left the city of the moon with the old goat.

"This place is more than 300,000 miles from the moon city. At the speed of Aotian, even if they are flying at full strength, it will take almost three days. I hope it will be within time!"

Ling Xiao said slowly.

The old goat said: "Don't worry! Long Aotian's kid elf is weird. There should be no danger. We will go now and we should be here soon!"


The demon holy scepter waved into the void, and suddenly the void broke open. Ling Xiao and the old goat stepped in together, and hurried away towards the location recorded on the map.

The speed of tearing the void and performing the technique of moving is hundreds of times and thousands of times faster than flying. In less than an hour, Ling Xiao and the old goat crossed 300,000 miles and came to a strange mountain range.

Ling Xiao and the old goat stood in the void, below which was a continuous mountain range.

Mountains are towering into the sky, but there is no grass and trees in the mountains, a bare piece, and exudes a hot breath.


There was a mountain in the distance, and a huge magma suddenly spewed out, suddenly the smoke was rolling, the world was shaking, and a very hot breath came to the face.

It turned out to be a volcanic mountain range.

"let's go!"

Together with the old goat, Ling Xiao masked his breath and turned into a streamer, and flew towards the direction of the Shenquan Pond.

In a huge valley.

Three huge volcanoes, with a height of thousands of feet, exude a brown light and a thin flame, forming a valley between the intersections of three valley is filled with Cabernet Sauvignon , Aura is extremely abundant, there is an ancient stone pool in the center.

The stone pond is square and full of gold. The pond is full of golden magic springs. It looks crystal clear and translucent.

Long Zhantian, Li Jingming and Lin Hui sat in the stone pool, and they all looked very embarrassed. They all looked very pale, and their mouths were covered with blood. Especially in Long Zhantian, a big hole appeared on his chest and suffered. It's time to hit hard.

Above the stone pond, a red ancient tripod floated, shining brightly throughout the body, exuding a brilliant light, and the inundated runes hung down into a powerful enchantment, which enveloped the three people.

Both Li Jingming and Lin Hui are infusing the body's power into Guding to maintain this enchantment.


Outside the stone pool, there is a group of powerful half-step supreme, with cold eyes, who are using powerful means to attack this enchantment.

(End of this chapter)

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