Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 809: Awesome!

"Brother, cousin didn't come, but I can save you myself, but with this bunch of scum, I can't help me!"

Long Aotian's eyes were full of arrogant looks.

"Humph! Since it's here, don't leave!"

A trace of indifference appeared in Ling Yu's eyes, facing the vast dragon above the void, which was also punched out, as if a mysterious world rose up, with a vast momentum, wanting to be The vast dragon was suppressed.


The two fist seals intersect, the Void Shock, like a round of Shenyang exploding!

The terrifying sound of the dragon chant was so unmatched that it shattered with that mysterious world at the same time, chaotic air rumbling, and the void roaring.

Both Long Aotian and Ling Yu were shocked and stepped back.


Not only the First Son and Nantianfang, but also the eyes of Long Zhantian, Lin Hui and Li Jingming are all incredible.

Long Aotian even split with Ling Yu?

You should know that Ling Yu is the strongest of the Sixth Realm of the Supreme Realm. It is simply not comparable to the average Supreme, and its strength is unmatched.

But the faces of the First Son and Nan Tianfang were extremely ugly.

Long Zhantian, Lin Hui and Li Jingming were all surprised.

"How is it possible?! That little **** boy, but only a year old, has already practiced to the point of a catastrophe, he... he... he could even share the punch with Lord Lingyu?" The First Son couldn't hide his eyes 'S horror, his face is extremely ugly.

He also knows that there is a peerless genius in the Crystal Palace of the East China Sea, possessing the true dragon blood, and his talent is unmatched, but he did not expect such horror.

I am afraid that this kind of talent, even the sages and arrogances of the ancient times, should be amazing.

"Aotian, this guy is incredible! But he is only a half-step supreme as a robbery. The gap between him and Lingyu is too great. I am afraid it is difficult to win!"

Although Long Zhantian was excited, his eyes were full of extremely worried expressions.

"Sir Lingyu, this person is the prince of the Dragon tribe, and has the real dragon blood. If he can draw his blood, it will be of great use to Lord Lingyu! Lord Lingyu must not let him go!"

Han Mang flashed in the eyes of the First Son, and yelled at Ling Yu quickly.

"True Dragon Blood? Boy, your strength is indeed good, but you are not qualified to be arrogant, die!"

Hearing the words of the First Son, Ling Yu suddenly showed a trace of greed in his eyes. After glancing at Long Aotian, he instantly rushed over.


Ling Yu splits his palm like a peerless heavenly sword, unmatched, and contains the power to destroy all.

"Hey, old guy, just because you dare to be arrogant in front of my Long Aotian? Seeing the young man will not kill you today!"

Long Aotian sneered, Yi Ran rushed toward Ling Yu without fear.


This violent little boy ran away completely.

He used the magic technique of Wanlong Tu, the power of blood and the law of heaven and earth merged into a real dragon, which provided him with terrifying power. He attacked the spirit feather only by the power of the flesh.

Before in the underground cave, Ling Xiao just got a trace of the dragon blood vein, and most of the power of the blood vein was swallowed by Long Aotian.

In his blood, a faint multicolored light has begun to radiate, as if it is a surging spring, endless, making his flesh incomparable terror, which can shake the supreme weapon.

It can be said that the power of Long Aotian's flesh at the moment is not much weaker than Ling Xiao.


The battle between Long Aotian and Ling Yu suddenly became extremely intense.

"Humph! Kill the three of them first!"

Nan Tianfang's eyes flashed with a sharp edge, and his whole body was filled with murderous opportunities, and he would rush towards the three people of Long Zhantian.


At this moment, the two brilliant lights were approaching to the extreme, and appeared directly in front of the three dragon warriors.

A moon-white robe, black as a waterfall, and the gorgeous Moon God holding the ancient sword of Taiyin, above the cold peerless face, full of coldness.

Feng Nu is wearing a black dress, her body is very hot, her skin is like jade, just like a peerless stunner, she exudes a breath of breath. She holds a Fengwei burning fan, and there is a black flame around her body.

"Everyone, I advise you not to shoot, otherwise don't blame us for being unkind!" Feng Nu said slowly.

"The Moon Divine Lady in Taiyin Palace and the Phoenix Fairy in Flame Mountain? Since you are all here, I am afraid that Ling Xiao will also appear! Let Ling Xiao come out, otherwise it will not stop us with you two! "

The first Saint Child's eyes flashed sharply, also recognizing the identities of Luna and Feng Nu, and looked around with caution.

After all, Ling Xiao is the tenth peerless player in the Qingyun List. He once beheaded the existence of the Supreme, even the first son has to be cautious.

"It's up to you, you don't deserve Ling Xiao to shoot! If you know you, hurry up!" Feng Nu said with cold eyes.

"Hahaha... So, Ling Xiao is no longer here? The half-step supreme of the two elephants, dare to stop us? Looking for death!" The first Shengzi sneered.

"His Highest First Son, I heard that both of them are Ling Xiao’s women. It’s not as good as one of us. I’ll teach them well. When I catch Ling Xiao, I will play with them in front of Ling Xiao. Is the best revenge on Ling Xiao!"

Nan Tianfang's eyes showed a cold color road.

"Very good! Elder Nantian's idea is good, then that's it, we are one by one, see who will solve them first! Luna is mine!"

The First Son also flashed his eyes and landed on Luna, sneering, and rushed up instantly.

"court death!"

Luna and Feng Nu's eyes are cold.


There was a very cold breath around the moon god, and the ancient sword in her hands was unmatched, and she fell towards the first son.

"Is the Taiyin Ancient Sword? Unfortunately, you can't wield the power of the Taiyin Ancient or give it to me!"

The First Saint sneered with a sneer. There was a black light in his palm, as if it had instantly turned into a black iron claw, and he grabbed the ancient sword of Taiyin.


The ancient sword of lunar lunar standing above the iron claws, even though Mars is shining, the iron claws in the palm of the First Son is also a powerful supreme weapon.

The iron claw in the hand of the First Son flashed, seizing the opportunity to catch the ancient sword of Taiyin, and the other hand was thrown across the sky, patting towards Luna.


The moon god's eyes flashed sharply, and he pointed like a sword. A sword-like gas like a moonlight was shot out in the air. The sharp edge was unmatched, and contained all the power to penetrate.

The first Saint Son's palm sprayed a thin black death air, and even formed an ancient tombstone, which directly broke that sword air, and continued to draw towards the moon god.

(End of this chapter)

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